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nancree 19-01-2006 11:47 PM

Barbercued Romaine??????????? Have you tried it?
A while ago I saw, on "the view", a barbecue segment. Along with the
meat that he was swabbing with a marinade, he had some romaine on the
grill that he continually swabbed with the same marinade as the meat.
About 2 minutes or so, on each side. The four women, each one of them,
approached tasting it with caution--and each one raised their eyebrows
in surprise, and they LOVED it. I haven't had a chance to try it. Has
anyone out there tried it??


Bubba 20-01-2006 12:01 AM

Barbercued Romaine??????????? Have you tried it?
nancree wrote:
> A while ago I saw, on "the view", a barbecue segment. Along with the
> meat that he was swabbing with a marinade, he had some romaine on the
> grill that he continually swabbed with the same marinade as the meat.
> About 2 minutes or so, on each side. The four women, each one of them,
> approached tasting it with caution--and each one raised their eyebrows
> in surprise, and they LOVED it. I haven't had a chance to try it. Has
> anyone out there tried it??
> Nancree

Yes...quite smacky. Endive works well, too.


You wanna measure or you wanna cook?

Peter Aitken 20-01-2006 12:02 AM

Barbercued Romaine??????????? Have you tried it?
"nancree" > wrote in message
>A while ago I saw, on "the view", a barbecue segment. Along with the
> meat that he was swabbing with a marinade, he had some romaine on the
> grill that he continually swabbed with the same marinade as the meat.
> About 2 minutes or so, on each side. The four women, each one of them,
> approached tasting it with caution--and each one raised their eyebrows
> in surprise, and they LOVED it. I haven't had a chance to try it. Has
> anyone out there tried it??
> Nancree

No, but I do like to grill endive, the whole heads, with a lot of olive oil
on them.

Peter Aitken
Visit my recipe and kitchen myths page at

sarah bennett 20-01-2006 01:14 AM

Barbercued Romaine??????????? Have you tried it?
Steve Wertz wrote:
> On 19 Jan 2006 14:47:46 -0800, "nancree" > wrote:
>>A while ago I saw, on "the view", a barbecue segment.

> Heh. That's enough info for me, thank you.
> -sw (male chauvinist)

you don't have to be a male chauvinist to hate 'the view'. you just have
to have taste.



"Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a
disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice."
-Baruch Spinoza

"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly
what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear
and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There
is another theory which states that this has already happened."
-Douglas Adams

Chris 20-01-2006 01:45 AM

Barbercued Romaine??????????? Have you tried it?

"nancree" > wrote in message
>A while ago I saw, on "the view", a barbecue segment. Along with the
> meat that he was swabbing with a marinade, he had some romaine on the
> grill that he continually swabbed with the same marinade as the meat.
> About 2 minutes or so, on each side. The four women, each one of them,
> approached tasting it with caution--and each one raised their eyebrows
> in surprise, and they LOVED it. I haven't had a chance to try it. Has
> anyone out there tried it??

Have never heard of such a thing. Were they hearts of romaine, or
indivudual leaves? Sounds interesting, and easy enough to try next time
we're grilling something.

Though I have to the people tasting stuff on these shows *ever*
not like a dish? Does anybody ever just spew the mouthful food? I saw a
show recently that had funny outtakes from news broadcasts, and there were a
few "blecccch"s after they had cut to commercial or whatever.
But I haven't seen a full-scale spew.


nancree 20-01-2006 05:02 AM

Barbercued Romaine??????????? Have you tried it?

sarah bennett wrote:
> you don't have to be a male chauvinist to hate 'the view'. you just have
> to have taste.
> --
> saerah

That's why I pre-tape most of what I watch on TV. A quick
run-through and you can pick and choose. Sometimes the guests are
interesting, sometimes not. Saves on the irritation quotient.

nancree 20-01-2006 05:05 AM

Barbercued Romaine??????????? Have you tried it?

Peter Aitken wrote:

> No, but I do like to grill endive, the whole heads, with a lot of olive oil
> on them.
> ==========================

Sounds like a winner, Peter. I'll try it. I love endive. Sometimes I
separate the leaves, spread cream cheese on each leaf, and then put a
nice strip of smoked salmon on it. Makes a great appetizer--or supper.


Nancy Young 20-01-2006 05:25 AM

Barbercued Romaine??????????? Have you tried it?

"sarah bennett" > wrote

> you don't have to be a male chauvinist to hate 'the view'. you just have
> to have taste.

Heh, I watched when it first came on ... one of them was just
stupid and another irritates the living cr** out of me. Other
than that it was good for a laugh or two. Haven't watched it
in years.


ensenadajim 20-01-2006 09:09 AM

Barbercued Romaine??????????? Have you tried it?
On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 00:45:27 GMT, "Chris" >

>"nancree" > wrote in message
>>A while ago I saw, on "the view", a barbecue segment. Along with the
>> meat that he was swabbing with a marinade, he had some romaine on the
>> grill that he continually swabbed with the same marinade as the meat.
>> About 2 minutes or so, on each side. The four women, each one of them,
>> approached tasting it with caution--and each one raised their eyebrows
>> in surprise, and they LOVED it. I haven't had a chance to try it. Has
>> anyone out there tried it??

>Have never heard of such a thing. Were they hearts of romaine, or
>indivudual leaves? Sounds interesting, and easy enough to try next time
>we're grilling something.
>Though I have to the people tasting stuff on these shows *ever*
>not like a dish? Does anybody ever just spew the mouthful food? I saw a
>show recently that had funny outtakes from news broadcasts, and there were a
>few "blecccch"s after they had cut to commercial or whatever.
>But I haven't seen a full-scale spew.

If you get a clear view of their face you go by the smile: mouth
only=forced, smiling eyes=genuine.


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