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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not know
the chemistry of it)

the peroxide would react with various proteins etc in the meats and give
off very small bubbles of oxygen--i suspect that hundreds of pounds of
pressure would be created disrupting fibres cells etc--the phosphoric
acid would be neutralized by various calcium etc products and there
should be no taste

i plan on trying it as soon as theis ny snowstore lets up
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

"ilaboo" > wrote in message
> anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
> it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not know
> the chemistry of it)
> the peroxide would react with various proteins etc in the meats and give
> off very small bubbles of oxygen--i suspect that hundreds of pounds of
> pressure would be created disrupting fibres cells etc--the phosphoric acid
> would be neutralized by various calcium etc products and there should be
> no taste
> i plan on trying it as soon as theis ny snowstore lets up

Hydrogen perOXIDE is a powerful oxidising agent. This means that it gives
off oxygen which binds to other molecules. In other words, it 'burns'
things. You can tenderise the tougfhest cut by burning it to charcoal dust,
but you wouldn't really want to eat it would you? I think even dilute it
would produce some rather nasty off-tastes. This in mind - go ahead and try
it - you've not much to lose except a cut of meat, some peroxide, and lack
of a nasty taste in the mouth ',;~}~

Shaun aRe

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hey, Shaun! (was hydrogen peroxide as brine)

Talk of the Devil....

I was just wondering how you are doing? Okay, I hope?


  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

In article .net>,
ilaboo > wrote:

> anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
> it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not know
> the chemistry of it)
> the peroxide would react with various proteins etc in the meats and give
> off very small bubbles of oxygen--i suspect that hundreds of pounds of
> pressure would be created disrupting fibres cells etc--the phosphoric
> acid would be neutralized by various calcium etc products and there
> should be no taste
> i plan on trying it as soon as theis ny snowstore lets up

That's disgusting! :-P

I'm sure this has GOT to be a troll post!!!!!!
Peace, Om.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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rrb rrb is offline
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

ilaboo wrote:
> anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
> it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not know
> the chemistry of it)
> the peroxide would react with various proteins etc in the meats and give
> off very small bubbles of oxygen--i suspect that hundreds of pounds of
> pressure would be created disrupting fibres cells etc--the phosphoric
> acid would be neutralized by various calcium etc products and there
> should be no taste
> i plan on trying it as soon as theis ny snowstore lets up

One other point of concern. On bottles of Hydrogen peroxide there is a
warning to NOT swallow it. Some of this might depend on how much you
dilute it of course. But personally I wouldn't do it. If if does as you
said with the meat imagine what it would do to your stomach/throat if
you swallowed enough of it.

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

"rrb" > wrote in message
> ilaboo wrote:
> > anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
> > it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not know
> > the chemistry of it)
> >
> > the peroxide would react with various proteins etc in the meats and give
> > off very small bubbles of oxygen--i suspect that hundreds of pounds of
> > pressure would be created disrupting fibres cells etc--the phosphoric
> > acid would be neutralized by various calcium etc products and there
> > should be no taste
> >
> > i plan on trying it as soon as theis ny snowstore lets up

> One other point of concern. On bottles of Hydrogen peroxide there is a
> warning to NOT swallow it.

HP is a potent carcinogen.

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  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

uz051235198 wrote:
> "rrb" > wrote in message
> news:%SLHf.57609$V.2218@fed1read04...
>>ilaboo wrote:
>>>anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
>>>it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not know
>>>the chemistry of it)
>>>the peroxide would react with various proteins etc in the meats and give
>>>off very small bubbles of oxygen--i suspect that hundreds of pounds of
>>>pressure would be created disrupting fibres cells etc--the phosphoric
>>>acid would be neutralized by various calcium etc products and there
>>>should be no taste
>>>i plan on trying it as soon as theis ny snowstore lets up

>>One other point of concern. On bottles of Hydrogen peroxide there is a
>>warning to NOT swallow it.

> HP is a potent carcinogen.

No it's not. The body has enzymes (I'm not sure enzyme is the right
word -- peroxidase) that quickly neutralize hydrogen peroxide. That's
why it bubbles on contact with blood.

Fat-soluble organic peroxides are a different matter.

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> uz051235198 wrote:
> > "rrb" > wrote in message
> > news:%SLHf.57609$V.2218@fed1read04...
> >
> >>ilaboo wrote:
> >>
> >>>anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
> >>>it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not

> >>>the chemistry of it)
> >>>
> >>>the peroxide would react with various proteins etc in the meats and

> >>>off very small bubbles of oxygen--i suspect that hundreds of pounds of
> >>>pressure would be created disrupting fibres cells etc--the phosphoric
> >>>acid would be neutralized by various calcium etc products and there
> >>>should be no taste
> >>>
> >>>i plan on trying it as soon as theis ny snowstore lets up
> >>
> >>One other point of concern. On bottles of Hydrogen peroxide there is a
> >>warning to NOT swallow it.

> >
> >
> >
> > HP is a potent carcinogen.
> >

> No it's not. The body has enzymes (I'm not sure enzyme is the right
> word -- peroxidase) that quickly neutralize hydrogen peroxide. That's
> why it bubbles on contact with blood.
> Fat-soluble organic peroxides are a different matter.

My bad for listening to a mere dental hygienist on this point. She also said
it destroys gum tissue and not to use it as a rinse, even diluted. Is that
wrong too?

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  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

In article >,
"uz051235198" > wrote:

> My bad for listening to a mere dental hygienist on this point. She also said
> it destroys gum tissue and not to use it as a rinse, even diluted. Is that
> wrong too?

No, not wrong.

Peroxide is great as an initial disinfectant, but will also destroy
healthy tissue.

It's a very, very bad idea to use it all the time as a rinse. It should
also only be used ONCE on wounds for initial cleaning.
Peace, Om.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

uz051235198 wrote:
> "zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> ...
>>uz051235198 wrote:
>>>"rrb" > wrote in message
>>>>ilaboo wrote:
>>>>>anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
>>>>>it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not

> know
>>>>>the chemistry of it)
>>>>>the peroxide would react with various proteins etc in the meats and

> give
>>>>>off very small bubbles of oxygen--i suspect that hundreds of pounds of
>>>>>pressure would be created disrupting fibres cells etc--the phosphoric
>>>>>acid would be neutralized by various calcium etc products and there
>>>>>should be no taste
>>>>>i plan on trying it as soon as theis ny snowstore lets up
>>>>One other point of concern. On bottles of Hydrogen peroxide there is a
>>>>warning to NOT swallow it.
>>>HP is a potent carcinogen.

>>No it's not. The body has enzymes (I'm not sure enzyme is the right
>>word -- peroxidase) that quickly neutralize hydrogen peroxide. That's
>>why it bubbles on contact with blood.
>>Fat-soluble organic peroxides are a different matter.

> My bad for listening to a mere dental hygienist on this point. She also said
> it destroys gum tissue and not to use it as a rinse, even diluted. Is that
> wrong too?

Yes, she is wrong about that too. But just to make sure, I looked it up
at the National Institute of Health:

Best regards,

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

the physics and chemistry of teh product seem ideal as a
tendrizer--incidently teh body produces hydrogen peroxide--it is no
longer reccomended as a wound cleaner as it is toxic to fibroblasts--a
cell in healing

the problem i see is that it will work really good but i will wind up
with mush--probably a good idea to dilute it--will see

it should not be ingested not becasue it is a poisen but it will reach
with all sorts of thinks in the stomach and create all sorts of foam
causing vomiting

i incidently use it to clean slow drains--pour hot water in it--a bottle
of peroxide (3%) a squirt of dish washer detergnet--pour in sodiam
hydroxide based drain cleaner--wear eye protection

it incidently is the basis of teh 2 part drain cleaners

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

ilaboo wrote:

> anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
> it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not know
> the chemistry of it)
> the peroxide would react with various proteins etc in the meats and give
> off very small bubbles of oxygen--i suspect that hundreds of pounds of
> pressure would be created disrupting fibres cells etc--the phosphoric
> acid would be neutralized by various calcium etc products and there
> should be no taste
> i plan on trying it as soon as theis ny snowstore lets up

IIRC, once exposed to air or light, peroxide breaks down into oxygen and
water within an hour. Not sure how that wouls be useful as a brine.
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine


yes it does, but in the mean time it should work wonders

  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

ilaboo wrote:
> yes it does, but in the mean time it should work wonders

Well, yes, it might as a tenderizer but not as a brine.

<brines are a different thing altogether>

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine


hydrogen peroxide will actually sterilize the mouth for 30 minutes


  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

Peter Huebner wrote:
> I use Hydrogen Peroxide in my waterpik from time to time to give some of those
> plaque bacteria an unpleasant wakeup call.
> It lends a distinctly unpleasant burnt-plastic sort of taste to the water.

Good point. OP should use a glass casserole dish
for the marination experiments.

Even if H2O2 has toxic or carcinogenic side
effects, I encourage him to do the experiment.
After all, without such adventurous souls,
we wouldn't know that oysters are wonderful food.
Or that Amanita mushrooms are poisonous. :-)
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

"Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
> Peter Huebner wrote:
> >
> > I use Hydrogen Peroxide in my waterpik from time to time to give some of

> > plaque bacteria an unpleasant wakeup call.
> > It lends a distinctly unpleasant burnt-plastic sort of taste to the

> Good point. OP should use a glass casserole dish
> for the marination experiments.
> Even if H2O2 has toxic or carcinogenic side
> effects, I encourage him to do the experiment.
> After all, without such adventurous souls,
> we wouldn't know that oysters are wonderful food.
> Or that Amanita mushrooms are poisonous. :-)

good point! hahaa

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  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

ilaboo wrote:
> anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
> it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not know
> the chemistry of it)

Are you bored by the snow? do you have a better excuse for this troll?

Hydrogen peroxide is a carcinogen, I believe. You're not supposed to
ingest it, and although unaware people do put it on open sore spots on
their pets, for example, it actually keeps them from healing.


  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

In article > ,
"Sandy" > wrote:

> "Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Peter Huebner wrote:
> > >
> > > I use Hydrogen Peroxide in my waterpik from time to time to give some of

> those
> > > plaque bacteria an unpleasant wakeup call.
> > > It lends a distinctly unpleasant burnt-plastic sort of taste to the

> water.
> >
> > Good point. OP should use a glass casserole dish
> > for the marination experiments.
> >
> > Even if H2O2 has toxic or carcinogenic side
> > effects, I encourage him to do the experiment.
> > After all, without such adventurous souls,
> > we wouldn't know that oysters are wonderful food.
> > Or that Amanita mushrooms are poisonous. :-)

> good point! hahaa

Except that there is one species of Amanita that is not poisonous...
A. muscaria

Peace, Om.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

"OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote in message
> Except that there is one species of Amanita that is not poisonous...
> A. muscaria

A. muscaria is indeed poisonous, you should not be spreading such uninformed
notions! While it is rarely fatal it causes severe and violent illness.

Peter Aitken
Visit my recipe and kitchen myths page at

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

On 13 Feb 2006 09:33:22 -0800, Nancy1 wrote:
> ilaboo wrote:
> > anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
> > it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not know
> > the chemistry of it)

> Are you bored by the snow?

Thank you!

Practice safe eating. Always use condiments.
  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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rrb rrb is offline
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

Nancy1 wrote:
> ilaboo wrote:
>> anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
>> it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not know
>> the chemistry of it)

> Are you bored by the snow? do you have a better excuse for this troll?
> Hydrogen peroxide is a carcinogen, I believe. You're not supposed to
> ingest it, and although unaware people do put it on open sore spots on
> their pets, for example, it actually keeps them from healing.
> N.

Actually it is recommended only for the initial cleaning of a wound.
After that it should not be used as it can stop the wound from healing
as you said. An antiseptic cream or antibiotic along with a bandage
should be used after the wound is cleaned.
  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hey, Shaun! (was hydrogen peroxide as brine)

"cathyxyz" > wrote in message
> Talk of the Devil....

<Poof!> >',;~}~

> I was just wondering how you are doing? Okay, I hope?
> Cheers
> Cathy(xyz)

Yes, OK thanks Cathy - still broke and jobless but my head is in a better
place than it was! ',;~}~

Shaun aRe

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

"rrb" > wrote in message
> ilaboo wrote:
>> anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
>> it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not know
>> the chemistry of it)
>> the peroxide would react with various proteins etc in the meats and give
>> off very small bubbles of oxygen--i suspect that hundreds of pounds of
>> pressure would be created disrupting fibres cells etc--the phosphoric
>> acid would be neutralized by various calcium etc products and there
>> should be no taste
>> i plan on trying it as soon as theis ny snowstore lets up

> One other point of concern. On bottles of Hydrogen peroxide there is a
> warning to NOT swallow it. Some of this might depend on how much you
> dilute it of course. But personally I wouldn't do it. If if does as you
> said with the meat imagine what it would do to your stomach/throat if you
> swallowed enough of it.

Hydrogen peroxide breaks down quite quickly into water, giving off the extra
oxygen as as. If you heat it this speeds the process up, as does letting it
come into contact with organic matter.

Shaun aRe

  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

"uz051235198" > wrote in message
> "zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> ...
>> uz051235198 wrote:
>> > "rrb" > wrote in message
>> > news:%SLHf.57609$V.2218@fed1read04...
>> >
>> >>ilaboo wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>anyone ever thaught of using usp hydrogen peroide as brine/tenderizor?
>> >>>it contains very dilute phosphoric acid to stabilize it ( i d o not

> know
>> >>>the chemistry of it)
>> >>>
>> >>>the peroxide would react with various proteins etc in the meats and

> give
>> >>>off very small bubbles of oxygen--i suspect that hundreds of pounds of
>> >>>pressure would be created disrupting fibres cells etc--the phosphoric
>> >>>acid would be neutralized by various calcium etc products and there
>> >>>should be no taste
>> >>>
>> >>>i plan on trying it as soon as theis ny snowstore lets up
>> >>
>> >>One other point of concern. On bottles of Hydrogen peroxide there is a
>> >>warning to NOT swallow it.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > HP is a potent carcinogen.
>> >

>> No it's not. The body has enzymes (I'm not sure enzyme is the right
>> word -- peroxidase) that quickly neutralize hydrogen peroxide. That's
>> why it bubbles on contact with blood.
>> Fat-soluble organic peroxides are a different matter.

> My bad for listening to a mere dental hygienist on this point. She also
> said
> it destroys gum tissue and not to use it as a rinse, even diluted. Is that
> wrong too?

No - it can and does damage animal tissue - it's an oxidising agent, IOW it
literally 'burns' things. Hydrogen Peroxide is H2O2, water with an extra
oxygen tagged onto the molecule, by force, if you will - the molecule is
inherantly unstable, and sunlight, contact with organics/reducing agents,
platinum metal (as a catalyst), or even just good exposure to air see it
quickly give off that extra oxygen and leave just water.

Used in low concentrations, it can be useful as a topical dissinfectant as
it destroys bacteria very readily. Over do it in strength or frequency
though and you will damage your tissue, much as if it had been burned by

Shaun aRe

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hey, Shaun! (was hydrogen peroxide as brine)

"Shaun aRe" .com>
wrote in message
> "cathyxyz" > wrote in message
>> Talk of the Devil....

> <Poof!> >',;~}~
>> I was just wondering how you are doing? Okay, I hope?
>> Cheers
>> Cathy(xyz)

> Yes, OK thanks Cathy - still broke and jobless but my head is in a
> better place than it was! ',;~}~

I am very pleased to hear it. I was thinking I would need to climb over
those Pennines and find you)

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default hydrogen peroxide as brine

"Peter Aitken" > wrote in message
> "OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote in message
> ->
>> Except that there is one species of Amanita that is not poisonous...
>> A. muscaria

> A. muscaria is indeed poisonous, you should not be spreading such
> uninformed notions! While it is rarely fatal

Show me one cited, recorded, and proven incidence of death due to A.
muscaria consumption. PLEASE! I believe there is in fact one known case but
as per the newer thread, I cannot for the life of me find the details, and I
have looked well, believe me. All I ever find is statements that it is a
deadly/poisonous mushroom, citing other unsubstantiated statements as the
source - all misinformation.

> it causes severe and violent illness.

I have used this mushroom many, MANY times as an entheogen without issue,
have done quite extensive research on it too.
It can and often will case a lot of discomfort, usually when incorrectly
prepared - eaten raw for instance - gastric distress (vomitting/diarrhoea
mostly), profuse sweating and salivation, halucinations/disturbed
psychological activity - that ends after around 4 to 6 hours leaving the
ingester feeling a little off colour but really none the worse for wear.
Peyote cactus would have very similar effects in fact, would you call it
poisonous (well in fact it is much more so weight/weight - mescaline OD is a

The worst I have had from ingestion of this mushroom (quite a large dose in
fact, and raw/fresh), was vommiting (once), the shits the day after, some
sweating and salivation but not too bad, but the pretty colours, warm,
somewhat drunken feeling, and all the rest of it was really quite
interesting indeed, in fact ',;~}~

Shaun aRe - As are the inner visions and dreams, phew...

  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 3,284
Default Hey, Shaun! (was hydrogen peroxide as brine)

In article >,
"Ophelia" > wrote:

> "Shaun aRe" .com>
> wrote in message
> ...
> >
> > "cathyxyz" > wrote in message
> >
> >>
> >> Talk of the Devil....

> >
> > <Poof!> >',;~}~
> >
> >> I was just wondering how you are doing? Okay, I hope?
> >>
> >> Cheers
> >> Cathy(xyz)

> >
> > Yes, OK thanks Cathy - still broke and jobless but my head is in a
> > better place than it was! ',;~}~

> I am very pleased to hear it. I was thinking I would need to climb over
> those Pennines and find you)

I've got his phone number. ;-)

Neener neener!
Peace, Om.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson
  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hey, Shaun! (was hydrogen peroxide as brine)

"OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "Ophelia" > wrote:
>> "Shaun aRe" .com>
>> wrote in message
>> ...
>> >
>> > "cathyxyz" > wrote in message
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Talk of the Devil....
>> >
>> > <Poof!> >',;~}~
>> >
>> >> I was just wondering how you are doing? Okay, I hope?
>> >>
>> >> Cheers
>> >> Cathy(xyz)
>> >
>> > Yes, OK thanks Cathy - still broke and jobless but my head is in a
>> > better place than it was! ',;~}~

>> I am very pleased to hear it. I was thinking I would need to climb
>> over
>> those Pennines and find you)

> I've got his phone number. ;-)
> Neener neener!

I don't think I can reach it from here)

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