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  #201 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rabbits are dumb!

-L. wrote:

> ~patches~ wrote:
>>You are pretending and don't think otherwise. You think you are eating
>>meat that was humanely killed.

> I know I am. What is your point?
>>You pass judgement against the fox
>>bounties without even knowing why they are in place.

> I am sure they are in place because some asshole chicken farmer or
> other human is suffering "economic loss". People invade natural
> habitats, and then think it is their "right" to eradicate all of the
> native species. They're wrong. It's an idea that, at its root, is
> based in the Christian principle of "dominion over animals", which is a
> completely ****ed up idea.
>>You tell me you
>>would leave a wild animal alone even at the risk of your kid.

> I said the chicken - we were talking specifically about a chicken -
> could be scared away.
>>Lady, you
>>are either pretending or just as dumb as this rabbit. It has been given
>>ample opportunity to move on but just like you it keeps coming back.
>>That means it is too dumb to learn its lesson.

> What "lesson" do you expect the rabbit to learn? It is you who are
> "dumb" if you actually think you can shoo away a tame rabbit. You're
> an idiot.
>>I'm not going to
>>sacrifice all my hard work and food for a rabbit.

> Then trap the rabbit and take it to the humane society or put up a
> ****ing fence. It's not neuroscience. In the days you have been
> bitching about this rabbit on the internet, I would have had it trapped
> and rehomed by now.
>> I think you will find
>>a lot more agree with me than you whether you think I'm an asshole or not.

> I don't give a shit if they agree or not. AFAIC, they're assholes,
> too.
> -L.

Again with the name calling I've found people on unsteady grounds
when questioned about their beliefs often resort to name calling. Those
who can present their point without such antics will get my attention
quicker. Now, if you would like to send me the gas money to drive that
rabbit into the animal shelter and the gas money to get home as well as
the fees the animal shelter charges to take the rabbit, perhaps I might
listen. You are in no position to tell me what to do. When you can
properly present your argument without the name calling a derrogatory
comments, I'll listen. In the meantime, I'm going to be searching the
web for rabbit stew recipes.
  #202 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Gardens was (Rabbits are Dumb)

Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:

> Bart (little darling that she isn't) dragged, into the garage, a rabbit
> and left it on top of my Jeep hood once. She ate it's head leaving a
> beheaded rabbit on the hood of my Jeep, blood and guts everywhere. I was
> mortified. I puked and made Steven get up to clean it. He sees enough
> blood and guts. He can take it... I can't.
> There were bird feathers all over the garage this afternoon. I didn't see
> a carcass. Both of these instances ticked me off. Especially since I

> the birds. However, the absolute worst is the dead mice she leaves on the
> patios and driveway and front porch. She just mangles them up and drops
> them. She doesn't even eat them. Maybe I'm just stupid about outdoor
> animals. She has a ton of fresh food in her bowl and lots of fresh water.
> I've got an Igloo dog house with a light bulb in it to keep her warm with
> her fave blanky in a nice corner. She stays in there almost all winter.
> What am I doing wrong?

Nothing, cats are *wired* to hunt, it's what they do. Even if they have
plenty of Fancy Feast in their bowls...

> Michael <- wants to get Bart back inside if he can

Good luck! Bart has the best of both worlds: a caring master who feeds her
well and provides a cosy abode and the "run" of your yard outdoors...would
*you* go back to stay inside...??? She's in Kitty Paradise...


  #203 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Gardens was (Rabbits are Dumb)

"Gregory Morrow"
> Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
>> Bart (little darling that she isn't) dragged, into the garage, a rabbit
>> and left it on top of my Jeep hood once. She ate it's head leaving a
>> beheaded rabbit on the hood of my Jeep, blood and guts everywhere. I was
>> mortified. I puked and made Steven get up to clean it. He sees enough
>> blood and guts. He can take it... I can't.
>> There were bird feathers all over the garage this afternoon. I didn't
>> see
>> a carcass. Both of these instances ticked me off. Especially since I

> feed
>> the birds. However, the absolute worst is the dead mice she leaves on
>> the
>> patios and driveway and front porch. She just mangles them up and drops
>> them. She doesn't even eat them. Maybe I'm just stupid about outdoor
>> animals. She has a ton of fresh food in her bowl and lots of fresh
>> water.
>> I've got an Igloo dog house with a light bulb in it to keep her warm with
>> her fave blanky in a nice corner. She stays in there almost all winter.
>> What am I doing wrong?

> Nothing, cats are *wired* to hunt, it's what they do. Even if they have
> plenty of Fancy Feast in their bowls...
>> Michael <- wants to get Bart back inside if he can

> Good luck! Bart has the best of both worlds: a caring master who feeds
> her
> well and provides a cosy abode and the "run" of your yard outdoors...would
> *you* go back to stay inside...??? She's in Kitty Paradise...
> --
> Best
> Greg

Yeah...that's how cats like to live. Mine will hunt ANYTHING, even dry
leaves blowing across the yard. She'll come in the house for a moment, yell
something which I take to mean either "just checking to make sure you're
still here", or "come out & play", and then out she goes again.

  #204 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Gardens was (Rabbits are Dumb)

OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:

> In article >,
> "Michael \"Dog3\" Lonergan" > wrote:
>>There were bird feathers all over the garage this afternoon. I didn't see
>>a carcass. Both of these instances ticked me off. Especially since I feed
>>the birds. However, the absolute worst is the dead mice she leaves on the
>>patios and driveway and front porch. She just mangles them up and drops
>>them. She doesn't even eat them. Maybe I'm just stupid about outdoor
>>animals. She has a ton of fresh food in her bowl and lots of fresh water.
>>I've got an Igloo dog house with a light bulb in it to keep her warm with
>>her fave blanky in a nice corner. She stays in there almost all winter.
>>What am I doing wrong?
>>Michael <- wants to get Bart back inside if he can

> Hunting is instinctive in cats... :-)

Not all cats only some. Some are hunters others aren't. We had a tom
cat that was a hunter. He could catch anything. One of our kids has 2
cats, both indoor cats. The one is a hunter to the point they had to
get rid of their aquarium. The other is a non-hunter. It can't be
bothered trying to catch anything. Total opposits.

> I'd praise Bart for the mice IMHO but if you want it to stop,
> Bart will just have to be trained to become an indoor cat.
> With care, it can be done. ALL of my cats are indoor cats now.
> I never let any of them out and they stopped making a dash for
> the door years ago.

Ours was an outdoor cat and I doubt we could have kept him indoors if we
tried. Someone saw fit to drop this poor little thing on our doorstep.
His eyes were just barely open and we nursed him back to health. Of
course they were smart enough to do it at a household with kids so the
cat stayed. We had him almost 19 years and boy did it ever bother me
when we had to have him put down. A couple of my kids have cats and all
of them are indoor cats. If I were to get another cat which I won't
because of allergies, it would be strictly an indoor cat.
> They will still go out tho' if a door gets negligently left open,
> then I have to chase them all down to get them back inside. :-(

  #205 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Gardens was (Rabbits are Dumb)

On Mon 20 Mar 2006 03:03:06p, Thus Spake Zarathustra, or was it

> In article >,
> "Michael \"Dog3\" Lonergan" > wrote:
>> There were bird feathers all over the garage this afternoon. I didn't
>> see a carcass. Both of these instances ticked me off. Especially
>> since I feed the birds. However, the absolute worst is the dead mice
>> she leaves on the patios and driveway and front porch. She just mangles
>> them up and drops them. She doesn't even eat them. Maybe I'm just
>> stupid about outdoor animals. She has a ton of fresh food in her bowl
>> and lots of fresh water. I've got an Igloo dog house with a light bulb
>> in it to keep her warm with her fave blanky in a nice corner. She
>> stays in there almost all winter.
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Michael <- wants to get Bart back inside if he can

> Hunting is instinctive in cats... :-)
> I'd praise Bart for the mice IMHO but if you want it to stop,
> Bart will just have to be trained to become an indoor cat.
> With care, it can be done. ALL of my cats are indoor cats now.
> I never let any of them out and they stopped making a dash for
> the door years ago.
> They will still go out tho' if a door gets negligently left open,
> then I have to chase them all down to get them back inside. :-(

Our cats have always been indoor cats. About a year and a half ago I came
home from work and found the front door standing wide open. I was in a
state of absolute panic fearing that the two cats we had then had run off.
I flew into the house and searched every possible spot. Not finding either
of them, I went back outside to begin looking for them. I didn't have to
go far... Both of them were curled up on a lounge chair on the patio.

Now that we have a total of five, I do have a legitimate fear of the newest
three wandering away if they got outside by themselves. They're much
younger, and I don't trust them yet.

Wayne Boatwright Õ¿Õ¬

Okay, okay, I take it back! UnScrew you!

  #206 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Gardens was (Rabbits are Dumb)

"~patches~" > wrote in message

> Not all cats only some. Some are hunters others aren't. We had a tom cat
> that was a hunter. He could catch anything. One of our kids has 2 cats,
> both indoor cats. The one is a hunter to the point they had to get rid of
> their aquarium. The other is a non-hunter. It can't be bothered trying
> to catch anything. Total opposits.

Maybe the non-hunters are the ones who would not survive outdoors. But, I
also wonder about their upbringing. They're not so different from people. I
got my cat when she was 8 weeks old. From day one, she had 3 or 4 people who
played with her any time she wasn't asleep. With cats, the only games
they're interested in involve hunting, stalking and pouncing. So, we were
like multiple mothers. Now, I can't walk down the hall without her waiting
around a corner to attack my leg. 99% of the time, she just sort of boxes
with her paws, with claws NOT extended. If I push it, she makes with the
claws. It's an amazing thing to see, really, such a beautifully evolved
animal. :-)

  #207 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Dogs in a Roman butcher shop (was Rabbits are dumb!)

Doug Kanter > wrote:

> When I was in Rome in the late 1960s, I saw dogs hanging in a butcher shop.

Sorry, but I just plain don't believe this. You must have been
mistaken, drunk, whatever... I've been in Italy quite a few times and
even lived there (Rome and suburbs) for a short while in the early 70s,
but I've never seen such a thing. There is no history of dog-eating in
Italy, except during medieval famines when people ate anything at all to
survive. The pretty comprehensive _Italian Cuisine: A Cultural History_
by Alberto Caparati & Massimo Montanari doesn't mention dogs. Korea or
China, on the other hand...


  #208 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Dogs in a Roman butcher shop (was Rabbits are dumb!)

"Victor Sack" > wrote in message
.. .
> Doug Kanter > wrote:
>> When I was in Rome in the late 1960s, I saw dogs hanging in a butcher
>> shop.

> Sorry, but I just plain don't believe this. You must have been
> mistaken, drunk, whatever... I've been in Italy quite a few times and
> even lived there (Rome and suburbs) for a short while in the early 70s,
> but I've never seen such a thing. There is no history of dog-eating in
> Italy, except during medieval famines when people ate anything at all to
> survive. The pretty comprehensive _Italian Cuisine: A Cultural History_
> by Alberto Caparati & Massimo Montanari doesn't mention dogs. Korea or
> China, on the other hand...
> Victor

I was 18, with my parents, and sober, asshole. Maybe they were goats with
dog masks on for ****ing Halloween. Our host in the country, a family friend
who lived in Italy for his entire life, walked into one shop and asked what
we were looking at. Dogs.

  #209 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rabbits are dumb!

-L. wrote:

> ~patches~ wrote:
>>You are pretending and don't think otherwise. You think you are eating
>>meat that was humanely killed.

> I know I am. What is your point?

Oh -L this is a side thought and not really meant to be part of the
discussion at large. Back some time ago you make a couple of comments
about your kid. Now I know for a fact you likely didn't mean them to
come out that way but they did. Seems to me you have just a few issues
yourself. So you are judging me and being holier than thou when you
actually put down the kid you adopted. If you can't figure out what I'm
talking about do a google. I've been consisently kid pro, human pro and
for just about everything nature pro yet you still want to mud sling and
call me names. So you just stay up there on that high horse of yours
and when your kid figures out how you really feel or you finally figure
out animals are not humanely killed, you get back to me.
  #210 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Gardens was (Rabbits are Dumb)

"Michael "Dog3" Lonergan" > wrote in message
> "Gregory Morrow"
> <gregorymorrowEMERGENCYCANCELLATIONARCHIMEDES@eart> hitched up
> their panties and posted
>> Nothing, cats are *wired* to hunt, it's what they do. Even if they
>> have plenty of Fancy Feast in their bowls...
>>> Michael <- wants to get Bart back inside if he can

>> Good luck! Bart has the best of both worlds: a caring master who
>> feeds her well and provides a cosy abode and the "run" of your yard
>> outdoors...would *you* go back to stay inside...??? She's in Kitty
>> Paradise...

> You might be right. Maybe I just need to let it alone. I think we've
> done
> everything we can for her. She just wants to be outdoors. Perhaps I'm
> just paranoid.
> Michael

Before I moved and it became inconvenient, I used to take my previous cat to
a vet who only dealt with cats, because, as everyone knows, dogs suck.
Anyway...I diverge. Last time I was there, the vet asked if Rosie was an
outdoor cat. I told her yes...she spends 80% of her time outdoors, except in
winter. The vet said "That's why she's so healthy". (Rosie's got the body of
an olympic wrestler). The vet said she'd changed her attitude after 25 years
of seeing cats. She said that except for the possibility of being hit by a
car, outdoor cats are, without a doubt, in much better shape.

Rosie is now 12, by the way, and as spry & energetic as when she was 2.

  #211 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Gardens was (Rabbits are Dumb)

"Michael "Dog3" Lonergan" > wrote in message
> "Doug Kanter" > hitched up their panties and
> posted :
>> "~patches~" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Not all cats only some. Some are hunters others aren't. We had a
>>> tom cat that was a hunter. He could catch anything. One of our kids
>>> has 2 cats, both indoor cats. The one is a hunter to the point they
>>> had to get rid of their aquarium. The other is a non-hunter. It
>>> can't be bothered trying to catch anything. Total opposits.

>> Maybe the non-hunters are the ones who would not survive outdoors.
>> But, I also wonder about their upbringing. They're not so different
>> from people. I got my cat when she was 8 weeks old. From day one, she
>> had 3 or 4 people who played with her any time she wasn't asleep. With
>> cats, the only games they're interested in involve hunting, stalking
>> and pouncing. So, we were like multiple mothers. Now, I can't walk
>> down the hall without her waiting around a corner to attack my leg.
>> 99% of the time, she just sort of boxes with her paws, with claws NOT
>> extended. If I push it, she makes with the claws. It's an amazing
>> thing to see, really, such a beautifully evolved animal. :-)

> Ramsey is the same way. I've never had such a fun animal. He is a brat
> but so cool. He doesn't seem to like Steven so much. Our Hoot had no
> kittenhood and I think she's species challenged. She might think she is a
> Chow dog. She was so sick as a kitten her first year was pretty much in
> surgery.
> Michael

Michael, I'm not homophobic, but those cat names are too ***. Could you name
the next one Bruno or something, just for balance?

  #212 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Gardens was (Rabbits are Dumb)

"Michael "Dog3" Lonergan" > wrote in message
> "Doug Kanter" > hitched up their panties and
> posted :
>> "Michael "Dog3" Lonergan" > wrote in message
>> ...

>> Michael, I'm not homophobic, but those cat names are too ***. Could
>> you name the next one Bruno or something, just for balance?

> I did not name Bart and Ramsey. I did name Hoot. She had a huge head and
> tiny body. Got her when she was 6 weeks old. She looks like a Hoot Owl
> when nodding off. That's what I named her. Our next cat we'll name Butch
> if you would like
> Michael

How about Clint Eastwood? :-)

  #213 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rabbits are dumb!

-L. wrote:

<snip immature name calling rant>
> Go **** yourself you stupid ****. Taking pot shots at a baby makes you
> the lowest scum of the earth.

I'm not taking pot shots at your child. I think he is just adorable.
Obviously you can't remember your words and since you insist on name
calling, do a google and find the post. If you can't find the post and
decide to talk to me without name calling, I will gladly point you to it.

Have a nice day.
> -L.

  #214 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rabbits are dumb!

~patches~ wrote:
> -L. wrote:
> > ~patches~ wrote:
> >
> >>You are pretending and don't think otherwise. You think you are eating
> >>meat that was humanely killed.

> >
> >
> > I know I am. What is your point?

> Oh -L this is a side thought and not really meant to be part of the
> discussion at large. Back some time ago you make a couple of comments
> about your kid. Now I know for a fact you likely didn't mean them to
> come out that way but they did. Seems to me you have just a few issues
> yourself. So you are judging me and being holier than thou when you
> actually put down the kid you adopted.

You are so ****ing full of shit you stink. I have NEVER said anything
REMOTELY negative about my son. You're treading on thin ice here, and
either prove whatever it is you are saying or shut the **** up.

If you can't figure out what I'm
> talking about do a google. I've been consisently kid pro, human pro and
> for just about everything nature pro yet you still want to mud sling and
> call me names. So you just stay up there on that high horse of yours
> and when your kid figures out how you really feel or you finally figure
> out animals are not humanely killed, you get back to me.

Go **** yourself you stupid ****. Taking pot shots at a baby makes you
the lowest scum of the earth.


  #215 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rabbits are dumb!

"-L." > wrote in message

> Go **** yourself you stupid ****. Taking pot shots at a baby makes you
> the lowest scum of the earth.

Y'all have a nice day, ya hear? :-)

  #216 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rabbits are dumb!

On Tue, 21 Mar 2006, -L. wrote:

> ~patches~ wrote:
>> -L. wrote:

> If you can't figure out what I'm
>> talking about do a google. I've been consisently kid pro, human pro and
>> for just about everything nature pro yet you still want to mud sling and
>> call me names. So you just stay up there on that high horse of yours
>> and when your kid figures out how you really feel or you finally figure
>> out animals are not humanely killed, you get back to me.

> Go **** yourself you stupid ****. Taking pot shots at a baby makes you
> the lowest scum of the earth.

worse than me, who was suggesting eating the baby, earlier in this thread?

  #217 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rabbits are dumb!

Lena B Katz wrote:

> On Tue, 21 Mar 2006, -L. wrote:
>> ~patches~ wrote:
>>> -L. wrote:

>> If you can't figure out what I'm
>>> talking about do a google. I've been consisently kid pro, human pro and
>>> for just about everything nature pro yet you still want to mud sling and
>>> call me names. So you just stay up there on that high horse of yours
>>> and when your kid figures out how you really feel or you finally figure
>>> out animals are not humanely killed, you get back to me.

>> Go **** yourself you stupid ****. Taking pot shots at a baby makes you
>> the lowest scum of the earth.

> worse than me, who was suggesting eating the baby, earlier in this thread?
> Lena

Lena, -L doesn't like my decision to kill a rabbit raiding my garden.
She was quite vocal and very judgemental about it then resorted to name
calling. After a couple of her comments, I recalled a post she made
awhile ago regarding her son, went onto google and found it to be sure
she actually said what I thought she said. Then I called her up on
this judgemental attitude while reminding her about her post. She
didn't like it so so far has resorted to a lot more name calling. The
thing is I'm right regarding what she said and she's forgotten to the
point she has accused me to taking pot shots at her kid when I'm taking
pot shots at her and her alone. At no time have I ever or would I ever
consider taking pot shots at that child other than the way she portraits
herself here, I really feel sorry for him. I can't believe a mother
would say something like that about their own kid adopted or not but it
takes all kinds.

Rabbit update - I called animal control regarding the rabbit. It was
the third call thay got regarding the same animal. They are different
than the human society. We've had no luck trapping it. Animal control
will destroy the animal unless one of my neighbours does it first and
one is certainly trying. They don't have the resources to keep rogue
animals so when they come out the animal is always destroyed. They have
been back and forth here all day so I suspect by tomorrow the story will
be finished. I didn't ask them if they were going to use a humane
method to destroy the rabbit but something about their guns told me no.
They will take the carcass to be tested for rabbies and other
diseases. We tried, now it is time for those who can get results to
step in.
  #218 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rabbits are dumb!

Lena wrote:

> who was suggesting eating the baby, earlier in this thread?

Jonathan Swift participates in RFC?


  #219 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rabbits are dumb!

~patches~ wrote:
> -L. wrote:
> <snip immature name calling rant>
> >
> > Go **** yourself you stupid ****. Taking pot shots at a baby makes you
> > the lowest scum of the earth.

> I'm not taking pot shots at your child. I think he is just adorable.
> Obviously you can't remember your words and since you insist on name
> calling, do a google and find the post. If you can't find the post and
> decide to talk to me without name calling, I will gladly point you to it.

You're a ****ing liar. You goddamned lucky you are posting from an
anonymous remailer or I'd hunt you down and bash your ****ing teeth in.


  #220 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rabbits are dumb!

~patches~ wrote:
> Lena, -L doesn't like my decision to kill a rabbit raiding my garden.
> She was quite vocal and very judgemental about it

Goddamned right, you asshole.

> then resorted to name
> calling. After a couple of her comments, I recalled a post she made
> awhile ago regarding her son, went onto google and found it to be sure
> she actually said what I thought she said. Then I called her up on
> this judgemental attitude while reminding her about her post. She
> didn't like it so so far has resorted to a lot more name calling. The
> thing is I'm right regarding what she said and she's forgotten to the
> point she has accused me to taking pot shots at her kid when I'm taking
> pot shots at her and her alone. At no time have I ever or would I ever
> consider taking pot shots at that child other than the way she portraits
> herself here, I really feel sorry for him. I can't believe a mother
> would say something like that about their own kid adopted or not

First of all you stupid ****ing ****, it doesn't matter if my son is
adopted, he is still my son just as if I had birthed him. Second of
all I have NEVER said anything remotely negative about him. You're
just making this shit up because you know it will **** me off. You
know I am right about the rabbit, you have nothing else to attack me
with, so you make up this stupid bullshit. What a ****ing scumbag you
are - dragging my kid into this. What you are doing is committing

Like I said before, you're goddamned lucky I can't hunt you down
because if I could you can be damn sure my treatment of you would not
be humane. ****ing bitch.


  #221 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rabbits are dumb!

-L. wrote:
> ~patches~ wrote:
>>Lena, -L doesn't like my decision to kill a rabbit raiding my garden.
>>She was quite vocal and very judgemental about it

> Goddamned right, you asshole.
>>then resorted to name
>>calling. After a couple of her comments, I recalled a post she made
>>awhile ago regarding her son, went onto google and found it to be sure
>>she actually said what I thought she said. Then I called her up on
>>this judgemental attitude while reminding her about her post. She
>>didn't like it so so far has resorted to a lot more name calling. The
>>thing is I'm right regarding what she said and she's forgotten to the
>>point she has accused me to taking pot shots at her kid when I'm taking
>>pot shots at her and her alone. At no time have I ever or would I ever
>>consider taking pot shots at that child other than the way she portraits
>>herself here, I really feel sorry for him. I can't believe a mother
>>would say something like that about their own kid adopted or not

> First of all you stupid ****ing ****, it doesn't matter if my son is
> adopted, he is still my son just as if I had birthed him. Second of
> all I have NEVER said anything remotely negative about him. You're
> just making this shit up because you know it will **** me off. You
> know I am right about the rabbit, you have nothing else to attack me
> with, so you make up this stupid bullshit. What a ****ing scumbag you
> are - dragging my kid into this. What you are doing is committing
> libel.
> Like I said before, you're goddamned lucky I can't hunt you down
> because if I could you can be damn sure my treatment of you would not
> be humane. ****ing bitch.
> -L.

This is the first message I've read in this thread in a few days. Nice
to see people getting along so well.



anisaerah at s b c

Adam Bowman wrote:
>I always wonder when someone brings up a point about Bush, and you
> then bring up something that Clinton did, are you saying they are both
> wrong? Because that's all it points out to me, places where they both
> messed up. It doesn't negate the fact that Bush did wrong; was that
> your intention?
> That type of argument is like
> "Bob shot someone"
> "Yeah, but don't you remember when Don hit that guy with a bat?"

  #222 (permalink)   Report Post  
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-L. wrote:

> ~patches~ wrote:
>>-L. wrote:
>><snip immature name calling rant>
>>>Go **** yourself you stupid ****. Taking pot shots at a baby makes you
>>>the lowest scum of the earth.

>>I'm not taking pot shots at your child. I think he is just adorable.
>>Obviously you can't remember your words and since you insist on name
>>calling, do a google and find the post. If you can't find the post and
>>decide to talk to me without name calling, I will gladly point you to it.

> You're a ****ing liar. You goddamned lucky you are posting from an
> anonymous remailer or I'd hunt you down and bash your ****ing teeth in.
> -L.

I'm not posting from an anonymous remailer. I post from my internet
provider and always have. I've told you where I live and have never hid
the fact that I live in Ontario, Canada. Now, lady, I do have a copy of
the post I am referring to. I have no problem posting it in full but
I'm pretty sure you just might not want me to do that. You sound like
you have an anger management problem and I certainly hope you are not
going to teach your adopted son that language. He deserves better than
that. Here's a clue - "I own" - think really carefully and you should
be able to pin point the message. FTR, you do not own your son, you
were given a gift. He is yours to love, cherish, and protect until he
is an adult. You don't own him. Want me to go on because there were a
couple more comments made in the same post that I took offense to let
let go. In hind sight and given your attitude, I should have called you
up on them right then and there. You try to judge me yet IMO you don't
even deserve to be a parent and yes, I've lived and am well aware of
what abuse is. Your words speak volumes! And I politely asked you to
quite calling me names. I'm assumeing either you don't have the ability
which does put your son at risk or you are being nieve. Either way it
is unbecoming to you. You want to play with fire, you are going to get
it right back!
  #223 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Dogs in a Roman butcher shop

Doug Kanter > wrote:

> "Victor Sack" > wrote
> > Doug Kanter > wrote:
> >
> >> When I was in Rome in the late 1960s, I saw dogs hanging in a butcher
> >> shop.

> >
> > Sorry, but I just plain don't believe this. You must have been
> > mistaken, drunk, whatever... I've been in Italy quite a few times and
> > even lived there (Rome and suburbs) for a short while in the early 70s,
> > but I've never seen such a thing. There is no history of dog-eating in
> > Italy, except during medieval famines when people ate anything at all to
> > survive. The pretty comprehensive _Italian Cuisine: A Cultural History_
> > by Alberto Caparati & Massimo Montanari doesn't mention dogs. Korea or
> > China, on the other hand...

> I was 18, with my parents, and sober, asshole.

I won't call you or your parents assholes in return because that would
be clearly a compliment now. I really thought you were honestly
mistaken for some reason. Now I no longer think so and would call you a
bold-faced liar instead. If you need to know why this is so obvious,
just read your own message below. Read it carefully.

> Maybe they were goats with
> dog masks on for ****ing Halloween. Our host in the country, a family friend
> who lived in Italy for his entire life, walked into one shop and asked what
> we were looking at. Dogs.

Replace "Roman butcher shop" with "NYC supermarket" and it would be just
as preposterous. I wonder how many of some 70(!) messages you posted to
rfc in the past 24 hours are like that, too.

  #224 (permalink)   Report Post  
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-L. wrote:

> Like I said before, you're goddamned lucky I can't hunt you down
> because if I could you can be damn sure my treatment of you would not
> be humane. ****ing bitch.

Sorry, but:


If televison's a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who
won't shut up.
-- Dorothy Gambrell (
  #225 (permalink)   Report Post  
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sarah bennett wrote:

> -L. wrote:
> > ~patches~ wrote:
> >
> >>Lena, -L doesn't like my decision to kill a rabbit raiding my garden.
> >>She was quite vocal and very judgemental about it

> >
> >
> > Goddamned right, you asshole.
> >
> >
> >>then resorted to name
> >>calling. After a couple of her comments, I recalled a post she made
> >>awhile ago regarding her son, went onto google and found it to be sure
> >>she actually said what I thought she said. Then I called her up on
> >>this judgemental attitude while reminding her about her post. She
> >>didn't like it so so far has resorted to a lot more name calling. The
> >>thing is I'm right regarding what she said and she's forgotten to the
> >>point she has accused me to taking pot shots at her kid when I'm taking
> >>pot shots at her and her alone. At no time have I ever or would I ever
> >>consider taking pot shots at that child other than the way she portraits
> >>herself here, I really feel sorry for him. I can't believe a mother
> >>would say something like that about their own kid adopted or not

> >
> >
> > First of all you stupid ****ing ****, it doesn't matter if my son is
> > adopted, he is still my son just as if I had birthed him. Second of
> > all I have NEVER said anything remotely negative about him. You're
> > just making this shit up because you know it will **** me off. You
> > know I am right about the rabbit, you have nothing else to attack me
> > with, so you make up this stupid bullshit. What a ****ing scumbag you
> > are - dragging my kid into this. What you are doing is committing
> > libel.
> >
> > Like I said before, you're goddamned lucky I can't hunt you down
> > because if I could you can be damn sure my treatment of you would not
> > be humane. ****ing bitch.
> >
> > -L.
> >

> This is the first message I've read in this thread in a few days. Nice
> to see people getting along so well.

Yeah, and it's all because of some dumb ;-)


  #226 (permalink)   Report Post  
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-L. wrote:

Lets see posting through google using comcast and how long do you think
it will take to pin point exactly where you live, toots. Knock it off
or you might get an education you really don't want.
  #227 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default User wrote:

> -L. wrote:
> > Like I said before, you're goddamned lucky I can't hunt you down
> > because if I could you can be damn sure my treatment of you would not
> > be humane. ****ing bitch.

> Sorry, but:
> *plonk*

Oh now Brian, it's fun entertainment...


  #228 (permalink)   Report Post  
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~patches~ wrote:
> -L. wrote:
> Lets see posting through google using comcast and how long do you think
> it will take to pin point exactly where you live, toots. Knock it off
> or you might get an education you really don't want.

Knock what off, you stupid asshole? Threatening an anonymous poster?
Tell me where you live, I'll make it real.


  #229 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Gregory Morrow wrote:

> Default User wrote:

> > Sorry, but:
> >
> >
> > plonk

> Oh now Brian, it's fun entertainment...

I'm just not able to appreciate that sort of humor, I guess.


If televison's a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who
won't shut up.
-- Dorothy Gambrell (
  #230 (permalink)   Report Post  
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~patches~ wrote:
> I'm not posting from an anonymous remailer. I post from my internet
> provider and always have. I've told you where I live and have never hid
> the fact that I live in Ontario, Canada. Now, lady, I do have a copy of
> the post I am referring to. I have no problem posting it in full but
> I'm pretty sure you just might not want me to do that. You sound like
> you have an anger management problem and I certainly hope you are not
> going to teach your adopted son that language. He deserves better than
> that.

Go **** yourself. You have no concern for me or my son and you know
goddamned well you don't.

>Here's a clue - "I own" - think really carefully and you should
> be able to pin point the message. FTR, you do not own your son, you
> were given a gift. He is yours to love, cherish, and protect until he
> is an adult. You don't own him.

Well no shit, Sherlock. It was a comment referring to the photo to
differentiate him from the other child in the photo. I said "I own..."
as in "I claim..." Only an asshole like you would think something
negative about it in the context it was posted.

>Want me to go on because there were a
> couple more comments made in the same post that I took offense to let
> let go.

Do I really give a shit what you think about *any* comment I have made
about my son? Let me give you a clue: NO Now that I know what it is
you supposedly think is so "negative" I know you're just an idiot. I
should have figured as much.

> In hind sight and given your attitude, I should have called you
> up on them right then and there. You try to judge me yet IMO you don't
> even deserve to be a parent

Well, the state I live in as well as two social workers and two
adoption agencies disagree with you, and seeing how you are far from an
expert in the field, I don't think I will be crying in my beer any time

>and yes, I've lived and am well aware of
> what abuse is. Your words speak volumes! And I politely asked you to
> quite calling me names.

I will call you whatever the **** I want. You are nothing but a
manipulative, hateful ****. You get off on telling people you are
going to kill and eat a pet rabbit. You couldn't be more of an asshole
if you tried.

> I'm assumeing either you don't have the ability
> which does put your son at risk or you are being nieve. Either way it
> is unbecoming to you. You want to play with fire, you are going to get
> it right back!

Ooooh! I'm sooooo scared! Some dimwit asshole who can't even trap a
rabbit is threatening me!!!

Why don't you do us all a favor, go stick your head in the oven, turn
on the gas and take a DEEP breath?


  #231 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Gregory Morrow wrote:

> >
> > This is the first message I've read in this thread in a few days. Nice
> > to see people getting along so well.

> Yeah, and it's all because of some dumb ;-)

Silly wabbit :-)

  #232 (permalink)   Report Post  
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-L. wrote:

> ~patches~ wrote:
>>-L. wrote:
>>Lets see posting through google using comcast and how long do you think
>>it will take to pin point exactly where you live, toots. Knock it off
>>or you might get an education you really don't want.

> Knock what off, you stupid asshole? Threatening an anonymous poster?
> Tell me where you live, I'll make it real.
> -L.

**** off! Want me post pics of your kid, your home, your address. I
can post your home addy, got it just a few minutes ago. I have a
description of your vehicle as well. You are an abusive person with a
real nasty attitude so I wouldn't have a problem revealing your real
identity and let others judge. Think *very* carefully if this is a
fight you want to start. Not a threat, it is a promise! All over
because you eat humanely killed meat and don't like my choices. Well
that rabbit will be destroyed anyway.
  #233 (permalink)   Report Post  
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~ looks to me like someone here is DUMBER than the rabbit LOL

  #234 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"-L." wrote:

> > Lets see posting through google using comcast and how long do you think
> > it will take to pin point exactly where you live, toots. Knock it off
> > or you might get an education you really don't want.

> Knock what off, you stupid asshole? Threatening an anonymous poster?
> Tell me where you live, I'll make it real.

Another asshole to Plonk

  #235 (permalink)   Report Post  
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~patches~ wrote:
> >

> **** off! Want me post pics of your kid,

If you have a photo of my son, you downloaded it off Yahoo. There are
currently no photos of my son publicly posted. If you downloaded a
photo of my son for any reason, you have a ****ing screw loose.

>your home, your address. I
> can post your home addy, got it just a few minutes ago.

Go ahead, Stalker. I can guarantee it isn't the house where I live.

> I have a
> description of your vehicle as well.

Big deal. I drive a 2003 Toyota Rav4 - pearl gray. I have discussed
it many times on Usenet.

>You are an abusive person with a
> real nasty attitude

Toward you - yes I am. I hate people like you. You're an animal
abuser and an asshole.

> so I wouldn't have a problem revealing your real
> identity and let others judge.

If you post my real name and address, and I track your identity, I can
sue you for libel and harassment. They recently passed laws against
this here, and I can guarantee you, being Canadian will not serve you

> Think *very* carefully if this is a
> fight you want to start. Not a threat, it is a promise! All over
> because you eat humanely killed meat and don't like my choices. Well
> that rabbit will be destroyed anyway.

No asshole, all beacause you insisted in dragging my kid into this.
**** with the cub, you get Momma Bear. Get it?


  #236 (permalink)   Report Post  
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~patches~ wrote:

> All over
> because you eat humanely killed meat and don't like my choices. Well
> that rabbit will be destroyed anyway.

And another thing...look how pathetic you are... First, you claim no
meat is humanely raised and killed. When I point out that yes, it is
possible to do so, you deny it...but now you let the truth slip...that
meat can be humanely killed. You knew so all along and threw that up
as a strawman argument. What a twit.

Secondly, the last thing you throw out is: "Well the rabbit will be
destroyed anyway." It's obvious you get off on telling people you are
killing the rabbit. How insecure and emotionally unstable you must
be....a pathetic, insecure little twit getting her jollies off on
upsetting people who DO care about animals. That speaks volumes about
you - I pity you. I really do.


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Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Lena wrote:
> > who was suggesting eating the baby, earlier in this thread?

> Jonathan Swift participates in RFC?

LOL...ok, thanks for the laugh!

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Dave Smith wrote:

> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>>>This is the first message I've read in this thread in a few days. Nice
>>>to see people getting along so well.

>>Yeah, and it's all because of some dumb ;-)

> Silly wabbit :-)

Silly dumb wabbit. Animal control destroyed the rabbit about 20 minutes
ago and took the carcass with them.
  #239 (permalink)   Report Post  
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~patches~ wrote:
> Silly dumb wabbit. Animal control destroyed the rabbit about 20 minutes
> ago and took the carcass with them.

As if anybody believes you now...

  #240 (permalink)   Report Post  
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-L wrote:

> First of all you stupid ****ing ****, it doesn't matter if my son is
> adopted, he is still my son just as if I had birthed him. Second of
> all I have NEVER said anything remotely negative about him. You're
> just making this shit up because you know it will **** me off. You
> know I am right about the rabbit, you have nothing else to attack me
> with, so you make up this stupid bullshit. What a ****ing scumbag you
> are - dragging my kid into this. What you are doing is committing
> libel.
> Like I said before, you're goddamned lucky I can't hunt you down
> because if I could you can be damn sure my treatment of you would not
> be humane. ****ing bitch.

Do you have big bouncy breasts? Because you just might be Sheldon's dream


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