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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,,alt.atheism,
external usenet poster
Posts: 987
Default Where That Day Begins

Frank wrote:
> In that day the LORD will punish
> the powers in the HEAVENS above
> and the kings on the earth below.
> (Isaiah 24:21 NIV)
> My sword has drunk its fill in the HEAVENS;
> see, it descends in judgment on Edom,
> the people I have totally destroyed.
> (Isaiah 34:5)
> Therefore rejoice, you HEAVENS
> and you who dwell in them!
> But woe to the earth and the sea,
> because the devil has gone down to you!
> (Revelation 12:12)
> --

Amen and amen !

May GOD continue to bless the writing of HIS Word in these USENET
newsgroups, in Jesus' most precious and holy name.

Amen ! ! !

"Prepare the way for the LORD, make straight paths for HIM." (Matthew
3:3 and Isaiah 40:3)

"Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the
rough ground shall become level, and the rugged places a plain."
(Isaiah 40:4)

Dear Friend,

Through many days of prayer seeking the LORD's guidance on how to
effectively call out as one of HIS lowly watchmen regarding a "great
earthquake" (Revelation 6:12) that may possibly happen sometime between
now and around 1-2 hrs, the above verses which are from both the OT and
the NT came to mind.

This electronic message will be a feeble solitary voice calling out
into the desert that is the Internet ever hopeful that it will be heard
by all so that "the glory of the LORD will be revealed." (Isaiah 40:5)
Please help by conveying this message to everyone you know. It will be
my fervent prayer, in Jesus' most precious and holy name, that all who
understand the essence of this message will be protected from all harm
in this time that may possibly be leading to "the great tribulation"
referenced in the 14th verse of Revelation 7. Please join me in our
collectively praying for GOD's protection, HIS continued mercy and HIS
infinite grace for all those who are blessed by an understanding of
this message.

At 7:00 AM Eastern Standard Time today (03/29/06), an unusual total
solar eclipse will happen in Turkey at 2:00 PM (their time) that will
darken the skies of the ancient cities where the 7 Churches of Christ
reside in the same order as given **twice** in Revelation (1:11 and
then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar eclipse apparently
happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which is the year that
Jerusalem was destroyed. This upcoming total solar eclipse today could
very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in the prophetic
vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in the 12th verse
of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" is linked to this solar eclipse
visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12.

For more details including a link that has descriptions of recent
observed events that may possibly represent the elements in Revelation
6 that precede the "great earthquake" heralded by the 12th verse,
please visit the following online article:

You are invited to sign up for being notified about the next on-line chat to ask questions and confirm the authenticity of
this message and its author:

In the continued interest of making this message "on-topic" for the
USENET newsgroups ACC, SMC, AA, and RFC that are its initial
recipients, would be glad to also chat about LORD Jesus Christ,
cardiology, atheism, and/or cooking food.

Prayerfully in Christ's amazing love,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist and Foundation Advisor

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,,alt.atheism,
external usenet poster
Posts: 23
Default Where That Day Begins

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:

> At 7:00 AM Eastern Standard Time today (03/29/06), an unusual total
> solar eclipse will happen in Turkey at 2:00 PM (their time) that will
> darken the skies of the ancient cities where the 7 Churches of Christ
> reside in the same order as given **twice** in Revelation (1:11 and
> then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar eclipse apparently
> happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which is the year that
> Jerusalem was destroyed. This upcoming total solar eclipse today could
> very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in the prophetic
> vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in the 12th verse
> of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" is linked to this solar eclipse
> visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12.

Chung. You have a very worrying ignorance of some very simple, basic
science for somebody that claims they are a qualified medical

Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just exposed
yourself as a fraud and a liar.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,,alt.atheism,
external usenet poster
Posts: 10
Default Where That Day Begins

On 29 Mar 2006 03:51:59 -0800, "Pastor Kutchie"
> wrote:
- Refer: .com>
>Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
>> At 7:00 AM Eastern Standard Time today (03/29/06), an unusual total
>> solar eclipse will happen in Turkey at 2:00 PM (their time) that will
>> darken the skies of the ancient cities where the 7 Churches of Christ
>> reside in the same order as given **twice** in Revelation (1:11 and
>> then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar eclipse apparently
>> happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which is the year that
>> Jerusalem was destroyed. This upcoming total solar eclipse today could
>> very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in the prophetic
>> vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in the 12th verse
>> of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" is linked to this solar eclipse
>> visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12.

>Chung. You have a very worrying ignorance of some very simple, basic
>science for somebody that claims they are a qualified medical
>Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just exposed
>yourself as a fraud and a liar.

For the 412th time...
His florid delusions are getting truly tedious.
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,,alt.atheism,
external usenet poster
Posts: 62
Default Where That Day Begins

Once upon a time in alt.christnet.christianlife, dear sweet Andrew B.
Chung, MD/PhD ) made the light shine upon us with

>> Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just exposed
>> yourself as a fraud and a liar.

> Sorry my understanding of Revelation of 6:12 bothers you so terribly.
> Please forgive all my iniquities.

So, you're just going to try to ignore the fact that you and your "god"
incorrectly predicted a WORLD EARTHQUAKE for today, are you? Do you think
we're just going to forget?

We're laughing at you Chunks. We're laughing at your prayers, we're
laughing at your beliefs, and we're laughing at your LORD.

May the Force be with you.


Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department

It is fair to say the bible has equal amounts of fact, history, and pizza.
-Penn Jillette
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,,alt.atheism,
external usenet poster
Posts: 18
Default Where That Day Begins

> At 7:00 AM Eastern Standard Time today (03/29/06), an unusual total
> solar eclipse will happen in Turkey at 2:00 PM (their time) that will
> darken the skies of the ancient cities where the 7 Churches of Christ
> reside in the same order as given **twice** in Revelation (1:11 and
> then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar eclipse apparently
> happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which is the year that
> Jerusalem was destroyed. This upcoming total solar eclipse today could
> very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in the prophetic
> vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in the 12th verse
> of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" is linked to this solar eclipse
> visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12.

I still don't see the science behind how a lack of sunlight would cause

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 987
Default Where That Day Begins

Uncle Vic wrote:
> Once upon a time in alt.christnet.christianlife, dear sweet Andrew B.
> Chung, MD/PhD ) made the light shine upon us with
> this:
> >> Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just exposed
> >> yourself as a fraud and a liar.

> >
> > Sorry my understanding of Revelation of 6:12 bothers you so terribly.
> > Please forgive all my iniquities.

> So, you're just going to try to ignore the fact that you and your "god"
> incorrectly predicted a WORLD EARTHQUAKE for today, are you?

No. An advisory is not a prediction.

> Do you think we're just going to forget?

No. Your attempts to forget the truth seem to be failing.

> We're laughing at you Chunks. We're laughing at your prayers, we're
> laughing at your beliefs, and we're laughing at your LORD.

That is not what I discern.

> May the Force be with you.

Many thanks to GOD for your expression of kind thoughts.


"Written laughter is silent despair."

For this, you will remain in my prayers dear Vic whom I love, in Jesus'
most precious and holy name.

May GOD continue to draw you closer to HIM so that some day you will
know that HE is "KING of kings and LORD of lords."


Will be available to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
cardiology, diabetes, Bird Flu, the Lamb's opening of the 6th seal,
cooking and nutrition that interest those following this thread here
during the next on-line chat (03/30/06) from 5 to 6 pm EST, if the LORD
is willing:

For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for
how the LORD has reshaped me:

Prayerfully in Christ's love,


  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 41
Default Where That Day Begins

Previously, on alt.atheism, Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD in episode

> Uncle Vic wrote:
>> Once upon a time in alt.christnet.christianlife, dear sweet Andrew B.
>> Chung, MD/PhD ) made the light shine upon us with
>> this:
>> >> Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just exposed
>> >> yourself as a fraud and a liar.
>> >
>> > Sorry my understanding of Revelation of 6:12 bothers you so terribly.
>> > Please forgive all my iniquities.

>> So, you're just going to try to ignore the fact that you and your "god"
>> incorrectly predicted a WORLD EARTHQUAKE for today, are you?

> No. An advisory is not a prediction.
>> Do you think we're just going to forget?

> No. Your attempts to forget the truth seem to be failing.

You mean the truth that nothing's happening?

Mark K. Bilbo

"As hip as it is for outsiders to blame New Orleans
for everything bad that happened during and after
Hurricane Katrina, the truth is that the people
who lived here were much more prepared for a big
storm than the federal government that promised
us flood protection."

I just love this one...

"For those of us who grew up in Louisiana,
'The Wizard of Oz' was like a documentary.
Dorothy left Kansas and simply went to Mardi Gras."

"Everything New Orleans"

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 18
Default Where That Day Begins

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> Uncle Vic wrote:
> > Once upon a time in alt.christnet.christianlife, dear sweet Andrew B.
> > Chung, MD/PhD ) made the light shine upon us with
> > this:
> >
> > >> Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just exposed
> > >> yourself as a fraud and a liar.
> > >
> > > Sorry my understanding of Revelation of 6:12 bothers you so terribly.
> > > Please forgive all my iniquities.

> >
> > So, you're just going to try to ignore the fact that you and your "god"
> > incorrectly predicted a WORLD EARTHQUAKE for today, are you?

> No. An advisory is not a prediction.

So what's your next advisory?

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 41
Default Where That Day Begins

Previously, on alt.atheism, Neil Kelsey in episode

> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
>> Uncle Vic wrote:
>> > Once upon a time in alt.christnet.christianlife, dear sweet Andrew B.
>> > Chung, MD/PhD ) made the light shine upon us
>> > with this:
>> >
>> > >> Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just exposed
>> > >> yourself as a fraud and a liar.
>> > >
>> > > Sorry my understanding of Revelation of 6:12 bothers you so
>> > > terribly. Please forgive all my iniquities.
>> >
>> > So, you're just going to try to ignore the fact that you and your
>> > "god" incorrectly predicted a WORLD EARTHQUAKE for today, are you?

>> No. An advisory is not a prediction.

> So what's your next advisory?

Well, it *should be...

"Don't listen to me, I'm insane"

Mark K. Bilbo

"As hip as it is for outsiders to blame New Orleans
for everything bad that happened during and after
Hurricane Katrina, the truth is that the people
who lived here were much more prepared for a big
storm than the federal government that promised
us flood protection."

I just love this one...

"For those of us who grew up in Louisiana,
'The Wizard of Oz' was like a documentary.
Dorothy left Kansas and simply went to Mardi Gras."

"Everything New Orleans"

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 62
Default Where That Day Begins

Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
) made the light shine upon us with this:

> "Written laughter is silent despair."

Unwritten laughter on Usenet is... silence.

Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department

It is fair to say the bible has equal amounts of fact, history, and pizza.
-Penn Jillette

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 18
Default Where That Day Begins

Mark K. Bilbo wrote:
> Previously, on alt.atheism, Neil Kelsey in episode
> .com>...
> >
> > Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> >> Uncle Vic wrote:
> >> > Once upon a time in alt.christnet.christianlife, dear sweet Andrew B.
> >> > Chung, MD/PhD ) made the light shine upon us
> >> > with this:
> >> >
> >> > >> Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just exposed
> >> > >> yourself as a fraud and a liar.
> >> > >
> >> > > Sorry my understanding of Revelation of 6:12 bothers you so
> >> > > terribly. Please forgive all my iniquities.
> >> >
> >> > So, you're just going to try to ignore the fact that you and your
> >> > "god" incorrectly predicted a WORLD EARTHQUAKE for today, are you?
> >>
> >> No. An advisory is not a prediction.

> >
> > So what's your next advisory?

> Well, it *should be...
> "Don't listen to me, I'm insane"

That caused an earthquake.

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 70
Default Where That Day Begins

"Mark K. Bilbo" > writes:
> Previously, on alt.atheism, Neil Kelsey in episode
> .com>...
> >
> > Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> >> Uncle Vic wrote:
> >> > Once upon a time in alt.christnet.christianlife, dear sweet Andrew B.
> >> > Chung, MD/PhD ) made the light shine upon us
> >> > with this:
> >> >
> >> > >> Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just exposed
> >> > >> yourself as a fraud and a liar.
> >> > >
> >> > > Sorry my understanding of Revelation of 6:12 bothers you so
> >> > > terribly. Please forgive all my iniquities.
> >> >
> >> > So, you're just going to try to ignore the fact that you and your
> >> > "god" incorrectly predicted a WORLD EARTHQUAKE for today, are you?
> >>
> >> No. An advisory is not a prediction.

> > So what's your next advisory?

> Well, it *should be...
> "Don't listen to me, I'm insane"

No, that's a "disclaimer".

An advisory would be more like, say:

L O O K O U T !! B E H I N D Y O U !!!!

-- cary
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 987
Default Where That Day Begins

Mark K. Bilbo wrote:
> Previously, on alt.atheism, Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD in episode
> .com>...
> > Uncle Vic wrote:
> >> Once upon a time in alt.christnet.christianlife, dear sweet Andrew B.
> >> Chung, MD/PhD ) made the light shine upon us with
> >> this:
> >>
> >> >> Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just exposed
> >> >> yourself as a fraud and a liar.
> >> >
> >> > Sorry my understanding of Revelation of 6:12 bothers you so terribly.
> >> > Please forgive all my iniquities.
> >>
> >> So, you're just going to try to ignore the fact that you and your "god"
> >> incorrectly predicted a WORLD EARTHQUAKE for today, are you?

> >
> > No. An advisory is not a prediction.
> >
> >> Do you think we're just going to forget?

> >
> > No. Your attempts to forget the truth seem to be failing.

> You mean the truth that nothing's happening?

No. The truth that all things are possible with GOD.

Will be available to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
cardiology, diabetes, Bird Flu, the Lamb's opening of the 6th seal
(Rev. 6:12), cooking and nutrition that interest those following this
thread here during the next on-line chat (03/30/06) from 6 to 7 pm EST
if the LORD is willing:

For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for
how the LORD has reshaped me:

Prayerfully in Christ's love,


  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 62
Default Where That Day Begins

Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
) made the light shine upon us with this:

>> > No. Your attempts to forget the truth seem to be failing.

>> You mean the truth that nothing's happening?

> No. The truth that all things are possible with GOD.

Except worldwide earthquakes, of course.

Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department

It is fair to say the bible has equal amounts of fact, history, and pizza.
-Penn Jillette
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 10
Default Where That Day Begins

On 29 Mar 2006 14:54:45 -0800, "Neil Kelsey" >
- Refer: .com>
>Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
>> Uncle Vic wrote:
>> > Once upon a time in alt.christnet.christianlife, dear sweet Andrew B.
>> > Chung, MD/PhD ) made the light shine upon us with
>> > this:
>> >
>> > >> Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just exposed
>> > >> yourself as a fraud and a liar.
>> > >
>> > > Sorry my understanding of Revelation of 6:12 bothers you so terribly.
>> > > Please forgive all my iniquities.
>> >
>> > So, you're just going to try to ignore the fact that you and your "god"
>> > incorrectly predicted a WORLD EARTHQUAKE for today, are you?

>> No. An advisory is not a prediction.

>So what's your next advisory?

See Hosea 3:3 for a sports update.

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,,alt.atheism,
external usenet poster
Posts: 10
Default Where That Day Begins

On 29 Mar 2006 09:29:27 -0800, "Neil Kelsey" >
- Refer: .com>
>> At 7:00 AM Eastern Standard Time today (03/29/06), an unusual total
>> solar eclipse will happen in Turkey at 2:00 PM (their time) that will
>> darken the skies of the ancient cities where the 7 Churches of Christ
>> reside in the same order as given **twice** in Revelation (1:11 and
>> then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar eclipse apparently
>> happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which is the year that
>> Jerusalem was destroyed. This upcoming total solar eclipse today could
>> very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in the prophetic
>> vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in the 12th verse
>> of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" is linked to this solar eclipse
>> visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12.

>I still don't see the science behind how a lack of sunlight would cause

It's not a lack of sunlight, it's a lack of insight that cause the
illusion of Quakes.
And Dooms.
And Wolfenstiens.
  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 987
Default Where That Day Begins

Uncle Vic wrote:
> Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
> ) made the light shine upon us with this:
> >> > No. Your attempts to forget the truth seem to be failing.
> >>
> >> You mean the truth that nothing's happening?

> >
> > No. The truth that all things are possible with GOD.

> Except worldwide earthquakes, of course.

No exceptions.

"Prepare the way for the LORD, make straight paths for HIM." (Matthew
3:3 and Isaiah 40:3)

"Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the
rough ground shall become level, and the rugged places a plain." (Isaiah

Dear Friend,

Through many days of prayer seeking the LORD's guidance on how to
effectively call out as one of HIS lowly watchmen regarding the
catastrophic event (Revelation 6:14) that may possibly happen sometime
between now and the end of the year, the above verses which are from
both the OT and the NT came to mind.

This electronic message will be a feeble solitary voice calling out into
the desert that is the Internet ever hopeful that it will be heard by
all so that "the glory of the LORD will be revealed." (Isaiah 40:5)
Please help by conveying this message to everyone you know. It will be
my fervent prayer, in Jesus' most precious and holy name, that all who
understand the essence of this message will be protected from all harm
in this time that may possibly be leading to "the great tribulation"
referenced in the 14th verse of Revelation 7. Please join me in our
collectively praying for GOD's protection, HIS continued mercy and HIS
infinite grace for all those who are blessed by an understanding of this

At 10:33 PM (Toyko time) on 03/28/06, there was a strong earthquake that
impacted Tokyo:

Then on 03/29/06, an unusual total solar eclipse happened in Turkey at
2:00 PM (LT) that darkened the skies of the ancient cities where the 7
Churches of Christ reside in the same order as given **twice** in
Revelation (1:11 and then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar
eclipse apparently happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which
is the year that Jerusalem was destroyed. This total solar eclipse could
very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in the prophetic
vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in the 12th verse
of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" is linked to this solar eclipse
visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12.

For more details including a link that has descriptions of recent
observed events that may possibly represent the elements in Revelation 6
that precede the catastrophic event heralded by the 14th verse, please
visit the following online article:

You are invited to sign up for being notified about the next on-line chat to ask questions and confirm the authenticity of
this message and its author:

In the continued interest of making this message "on-topic" for the
USENET newsgroups ACC, SMC, AA, and RFC that are its initial recipients,
would be glad to also chat about LORD Jesus Christ, cardiology, atheism,
and/or cooking food.

Prayerfully in Christ's amazing love,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist and Foundation Advisor

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,,alt.atheism,
external usenet poster
Posts: 12
Default Where That Day Begins

Michael Gray wrote:
> On 29 Mar 2006 09:29:27 -0800, "Neil Kelsey" >
> wrote:
> - Refer: .com>
>>> At 7:00 AM Eastern Standard Time today (03/29/06), an unusual total
>>> solar eclipse will happen in Turkey at 2:00 PM (their time) that will
>>> darken the skies of the ancient cities where the 7 Churches of Christ
>>> reside in the same order as given **twice** in Revelation (1:11 and
>>> then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar eclipse apparently
>>> happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which is the year that
>>> Jerusalem was destroyed. This upcoming total solar eclipse today could
>>> very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in the prophetic
>>> vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in the 12th verse
>>> of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" is linked to this solar eclipse
>>> visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12.

>> I still don't see the science behind how a lack of sunlight would cause
>> earthquakes.

> It's not a lack of sunlight, it's a lack of insight that cause the
> illusion of Quakes.
> And Dooms.
> And Wolfenstiens.

And the Rise of the Triad.
  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 22
Default Where That Day Begins

"Cary Kittrell" > wrote in message
> "Mark K. Bilbo" > writes:
>> Previously, on alt.atheism, Neil Kelsey in episode
>> .com>...
>> >
>> > Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
>> >> Uncle Vic wrote:
>> >> > Once upon a time in alt.christnet.christianlife, dear sweet Andrew
>> >> > B.
>> >> > Chung, MD/PhD ) made the light shine upon us
>> >> > with this:
>> >> >
>> >> > >> Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just
>> >> > >> exposed
>> >> > >> yourself as a fraud and a liar.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Sorry my understanding of Revelation of 6:12 bothers you so
>> >> > > terribly. Please forgive all my iniquities.
>> >> >
>> >> > So, you're just going to try to ignore the fact that you and your
>> >> > "god" incorrectly predicted a WORLD EARTHQUAKE for today, are you?
>> >>
>> >> No. An advisory is not a prediction.

>> > So what's your next advisory?

>> Well, it *should be...
>> "Don't listen to me, I'm insane"

> No, that's a "disclaimer".
> An advisory would be more like, say:
> L O O K O U T !! B E H I N D Y O U !!!!


Sheesh, don't DO that!
Resident Witchypoo
Atheist ******* Extraordinaire

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
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Posts: 62
Default Where That Day Begins

Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
) made the light shine upon us with this:

>> >> > No. Your attempts to forget the truth seem to be failing.
>> >>
>> >> You mean the truth that nothing's happening?
>> >
>> > No. The truth that all things are possible with GOD.

>> Except worldwide earthquakes, of course.

> No exceptions.

You failed, smartypants. You can't predict earthquakes any better than
seismologists can. And you can't predict the second coming any better than
the ****ing bible.

Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department

It is fair to say the bible has equal amounts of fact, history, and pizza.
-Penn Jillette

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 987
Default Where That Day Begins

Uncle Vic wrote:
> Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
> ) made the light shine upon us with this:
> >> >> > No. Your attempts to forget the truth seem to be failing.
> >> >>
> >> >> You mean the truth that nothing's happening?
> >> >
> >> > No. The truth that all things are possible with GOD.
> >>
> >> Except worldwide earthquakes, of course.

> >
> > No exceptions.

> You failed, smartypants. You can't predict earthquakes any better than
> seismologists can.

Did not attempt to predict any earthquakes. Simply informed folks about
the possibility of a "great earthquake" happening before the 03/29/2006
total solar eclipse which seems to be the same eclipse that John saw in
his prophetic vision of the future from LORD Jesus Christ as written
down in Revelation.

It was always up to the LORD how "great" the earthquake would be. It
was simply my choice to inform people that I would not be surprised if
this "great earthquake" was global levelling everything.

> And you can't predict the second coming any better than
> the ****ing bible.

The LORD's purpose for me here is to inform and not predict...

.... and so it would be my choice to continue serving HIM as a watchman
and not a prophet.

"Prepare the way for the LORD, make straight paths for HIM." (Matthew
3:3 and Isaiah 40:3)

"Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the
rough ground shall become level, and the rugged places a plain." (Isaiah

Dear Friend,

Through many days of prayer seeking the LORD's guidance on how to
effectively call out as one of HIS lowly watchmen regarding the
catastrophic event (Revelation 6:14) that may possibly happen sometime
between now and the end of the year, the above verses which are from
both the OT and the NT came to mind.

This electronic message will be a feeble solitary voice calling out into
the desert that is the Internet ever hopeful that it will be heard by
all so that "the glory of the LORD will be revealed." (Isaiah 40:5)
Please help by conveying this message to everyone you know. It will be
my fervent prayer, in Jesus' most precious and holy name, that all who
understand the essence of this message will be protected from all harm
in this time that may possibly be leading to "the great tribulation"
referenced in the 14th verse of Revelation 7. Please join me in our
collectively praying for GOD's protection, HIS continued mercy and HIS
infinite grace for all those who are blessed by an understanding of this

At 10:33 PM (Tokyo time) on 03/28/06, there was a strong earthquake that
impacted Tokyo:

Then on 03/29/06, an unusual total solar eclipse happened in Turkey at
2:00 PM (LT) that darkened the skies of the ancient cities where the 7
Churches of Christ reside in the same order as given **twice** in
Revelation (1:11 and then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar
eclipse apparently happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which
is the year that Jerusalem was destroyed. This total solar eclipse could
very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in the prophetic
vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in the 12th verse
of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" did precede the solar eclipse
visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12. And now we face a
possible nuclear showdown with Iran that may result in the fulfillment
of the rest of the elements seen by John for the opening of the 6th seal
(Revelation 6:12-17):

For more details including a link that has descriptions of recent
observed events that may possibly represent the elements in Revelation 6
that precede the catastrophic event heralded by the 14th verse, please
visit the following online article:

You are invited to sign up for being notified about the next on-line chat to ask questions and confirm the authenticity of
this message and its author:

In the continued interest of making this message "on-topic" for the
USENET newsgroups ACC, SMC, AA, and RFC that are its initial recipients,
would be glad to also chat about LORD Jesus Christ, cardiology, atheism,
and/or cooking food.

Prayerfully in Christ's amazing love,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist and Foundation Advisor

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,,alt.atheism,
external usenet poster
Posts: 10
Default Where That Day Begins

On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 13:50:14 +0100, Sanity's Little Helper
> wrote:
- Refer: >
>Michael Gray wrote:
>> On 29 Mar 2006 09:29:27 -0800, "Neil Kelsey" >
>> wrote:
>> - Refer: .com>
>>>> At 7:00 AM Eastern Standard Time today (03/29/06), an unusual total
>>>> solar eclipse will happen in Turkey at 2:00 PM (their time) that will
>>>> darken the skies of the ancient cities where the 7 Churches of Christ
>>>> reside in the same order as given **twice** in Revelation (1:11 and
>>>> then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar eclipse apparently
>>>> happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which is the year that
>>>> Jerusalem was destroyed. This upcoming total solar eclipse today could
>>>> very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in the prophetic
>>>> vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in the 12th verse
>>>> of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" is linked to this solar eclipse
>>>> visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12.
>>> I still don't see the science behind how a lack of sunlight would cause
>>> earthquakes.

>> It's not a lack of sunlight, it's a lack of insight that cause the
>> illusion of Quakes.
>> And Dooms.
>> And Wolfenstiens.

>And the Rise of the Triad.

And the Fall of the Chung.
  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default Where That Day Begins

On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 20:12:19 -0500, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD"
> wrote:

>Uncle Vic wrote:
>> Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
>> ) made the light shine upon us with this:
>> >> >> > No. Your attempts to forget the truth seem to be failing.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> You mean the truth that nothing's happening?
>> >> >
>> >> > No. The truth that all things are possible with GOD.
>> >>
>> >> Except worldwide earthquakes, of course.
>> >
>> > No exceptions.

>> You failed, smartypants. You can't predict earthquakes any better than
>> seismologists can.

>Did not attempt to predict any earthquakes. Simply informed folks about
>the possibility of a "great earthquake" happening before the 03/29/2006
>total solar eclipse which seems to be the same eclipse that John saw in
>his prophetic vision of the future from LORD Jesus Christ as written
>down in Revelation.
>It was always up to the LORD how "great" the earthquake would be. It
>was simply my choice to inform people that I would not be surprised if
>this "great earthquake" was global levelling everything.
>> And you can't predict the second coming any better than
>> the ****ing bible.

>The LORD's purpose for me here is to inform and not predict...
>... and so it would be my choice to continue serving HIM as a watchman
>and not a prophet.
>"Prepare the way for the LORD, make straight paths for HIM." (Matthew
>3:3 and Isaiah 40:3)
>"Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the
>rough ground shall become level, and the rugged places a plain." (Isaiah
>Dear Friend,
>Through many days of prayer seeking the LORD's guidance on how to
>effectively call out as one of HIS lowly watchmen regarding the
>catastrophic event (Revelation 6:14) that may possibly happen sometime
>between now and the end of the year, the above verses which are from
>both the OT and the NT came to mind.
>This electronic message will be a feeble solitary voice calling out into
>the desert that is the Internet ever hopeful that it will be heard by
>all so that "the glory of the LORD will be revealed." (Isaiah 40:5)
>Please help by conveying this message to everyone you know. It will be
>my fervent prayer, in Jesus' most precious and holy name, that all who
>understand the essence of this message will be protected from all harm
>in this time that may possibly be leading to "the great tribulation"
>referenced in the 14th verse of Revelation 7. Please join me in our
>collectively praying for GOD's protection, HIS continued mercy and HIS
>infinite grace for all those who are blessed by an understanding of this
>At 10:33 PM (Tokyo time) on 03/28/06, there was a strong earthquake that
>impacted Tokyo:
>Then on 03/29/06, an unusual total solar eclipse happened in Turkey at
>2:00 PM (LT) that darkened the skies of the ancient cities where the 7
>Churches of Christ reside in the same order as given **twice** in
>Revelation (1:11 and then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar
>eclipse apparently happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which
>is the year that Jerusalem was destroyed. This total solar eclipse could
>very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in the prophetic
>vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in the 12th verse
>of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" did precede the solar eclipse
>visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12. And now we face a
>possible nuclear showdown with Iran that may result in the fulfillment
>of the rest of the elements seen by John for the opening of the 6th seal
>(Revelation 6:12-17):
>For more details including a link that has descriptions of recent
>observed events that may possibly represent the elements in Revelation 6
>that precede the catastrophic event heralded by the 14th verse, please
>visit the following online article:
>You are invited to sign up for being notified about the next on-line
> chat to ask questions and confirm the authenticity of
>this message and its author:
>In the continued interest of making this message "on-topic" for the
>USENET newsgroups ACC, SMC, AA, and RFC that are its initial recipients,
>would be glad to also chat about LORD Jesus Christ, cardiology, atheism,
>and/or cooking food.
>Prayerfully in Christ's amazing love,

You could not discern your ass from a hole in the ground.

Seriously, take some meds.

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 987
Default Where That Day Begins

Paul Erickson wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 20:12:19 -0500, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD"
> > wrote:
> >Uncle Vic wrote:
> >>
> >> Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
> >> ) made the light shine upon us with this:
> >>
> >> >> >> > No. Your attempts to forget the truth seem to be failing.
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> You mean the truth that nothing's happening?
> >> >> >
> >> >> > No. The truth that all things are possible with GOD.
> >> >>
> >> >> Except worldwide earthquakes, of course.
> >> >
> >> > No exceptions.
> >>
> >> You failed, smartypants. You can't predict earthquakes any better than
> >> seismologists can.

> >
> >Did not attempt to predict any earthquakes. Simply informed folks about
> >the possibility of a "great earthquake" happening before the 03/29/2006
> >total solar eclipse which seems to be the same eclipse that John saw in
> >his prophetic vision of the future from LORD Jesus Christ as written
> >down in Revelation.
> >
> >It was always up to the LORD how "great" the earthquake would be. It
> >was simply my choice to inform people that I would not be surprised if
> >this "great earthquake" was global levelling everything.
> >
> >> And you can't predict the second coming any better than
> >> the ****ing bible.

> >
> >The LORD's purpose for me here is to inform and not predict...
> >
> >... and so it would be my choice to continue serving HIM as a watchman
> >and not a prophet.
> >
> >"Prepare the way for the LORD, make straight paths for HIM." (Matthew
> >3:3 and Isaiah 40:3)
> >
> >"Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the
> >rough ground shall become level, and the rugged places a plain." (Isaiah
> >40:4)
> >
> >Dear Friend,
> >
> >Through many days of prayer seeking the LORD's guidance on how to
> >effectively call out as one of HIS lowly watchmen regarding the
> >catastrophic event (Revelation 6:14) that may possibly happen sometime
> >between now and the end of the year, the above verses which are from
> >both the OT and the NT came to mind.
> >
> >This electronic message will be a feeble solitary voice calling out into
> >the desert that is the Internet ever hopeful that it will be heard by
> >all so that "the glory of the LORD will be revealed." (Isaiah 40:5)
> >Please help by conveying this message to everyone you know. It will be
> >my fervent prayer, in Jesus' most precious and holy name, that all who
> >understand the essence of this message will be protected from all harm
> >in this time that may possibly be leading to "the great tribulation"
> >referenced in the 14th verse of Revelation 7. Please join me in our
> >collectively praying for GOD's protection, HIS continued mercy and HIS
> >infinite grace for all those who are blessed by an understanding of this
> >message.
> >
> >At 10:33 PM (Tokyo time) on 03/28/06, there was a strong earthquake that
> >impacted Tokyo:
> >
> >
> >
> >Then on 03/29/06, an unusual total solar eclipse happened in Turkey at
> >2:00 PM (LT) that darkened the skies of the ancient cities where the 7
> >Churches of Christ reside in the same order as given **twice** in
> >Revelation (1:11 and then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar
> >eclipse apparently happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which
> >is the year that Jerusalem was destroyed. This total solar eclipse could
> >very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in the prophetic
> >vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in the 12th verse
> >of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" did precede the solar eclipse
> >visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12. And now we face a
> >possible nuclear showdown with Iran that may result in the fulfillment
> >of the rest of the elements seen by John for the opening of the 6th seal
> >(Revelation 6:12-17):
> >
> >
> >
> >For more details including a link that has descriptions of recent
> >observed events that may possibly represent the elements in Revelation 6
> >that precede the catastrophic event heralded by the 14th verse, please
> >visit the following online article:
> >
> >
> >
> >You are invited to sign up for being notified about the next on-line
> > chat to ask questions and confirm the authenticity of
> >this message and its author:
> >
> >
> >
> >In the continued interest of making this message "on-topic" for the
> >USENET newsgroups ACC, SMC, AA, and RFC that are its initial recipients,
> >would be glad to also chat about LORD Jesus Christ, cardiology, atheism,
> >and/or cooking food.
> >
> >Prayerfully in Christ's amazing love,
> >
> >Andrew

> You could not discern your ass from a hole in the ground.
> Seriously, take some meds.

Sorry this advisory bothers you so terribly. Please forgive all my

You will be in my prayers, dear Paul whom I love in Jesus' most awesome
and holy name.

"My LORD **and** my GOD!" -- Archetypal Atheist "Doubting" Thomas upon
seeing the risen Jesus Christ.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life... " -- LORD Jesus Christ

In truth, I most assuredly know the LORD to be kind, just and right.

Will be available to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
cardiology, diabetes, Bird Flu, the Lamb's opening of the 6th seal (Rev.
6:12), cooking and nutrition that interest those following this thread
here during the next on-line chat(05/04/06) from 5 to 6 pm EST, LORD

For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for how
the LORD has reshaped me:

Prayerfully in Christ's love,


  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 62
Default Where That Day Begins

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> Paul Erickson wrote:

>> You could not discern your ass from a hole in the ground.
>> Seriously, take some meds.

> Sorry this advisory bothers you so terribly. Please forgive all my
> iniquities.
> You will be in my prayers, dear Paul whom I love in Jesus' most awesome
> and holy name.

You forgot to stamp 666 on his forehead. C'mon Earthquack, you're
losing it.

Uncle Vic
Member, Earthquack's 666 club

Supervisor, EAC department of little adhesive-backed shiny plastic
L-shaped doo-dads to add feet to Jesus Fish department

It is safe to say that the bible contains equal amounts of fact, history
and pizza.
-Penn Jillette

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 62
Default Where That Day Begins

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> Uncle Vic wrote:
>> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
>>> Paul Erickson wrote:
>>>> You could not discern your ass from a hole in the ground.
>>>> Seriously, take some meds.
>>> Sorry this advisory bothers you so terribly. Please forgive all my
>>> iniquities.
>>> You will be in my prayers, dear Paul whom I love in Jesus' most awesome
>>> and holy name.

>> You forgot to stamp 666 on his forehead.

> The LORD's purpose for me here remains to inform where the purpose of
> the beast is to place satan's mark of the foreheads of those who have
> chosen to reject GOD.
>> C'mon Earthquack, you're losing it.

> Namecalling remains a tell for those who have satan's mark on their
> foreheads.

What is that bit about throwing your pearls before swine? Was your god
referring to non-believers? Yes, I think he was.

"Namecalling remains a tell for those who have satan's mark on their

By this, it is obvious to all that you believe your god has satan's mark
on his forehead.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall on Judgment Day.

Uncle Vic
Member, Earthquack's 666 club

Supervisor, EAC department of little adhesive-backed shiny plastic
L-shaped doo-dads to add feet to Jesus Fish department

It is safe to say that the bible contains equal amounts of fact, history
and pizza.
-Penn Jillette
  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 987
Default Where That Day Begins

Uncle Vic wrote:
> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> > Paul Erickson wrote:

> >> You could not discern your ass from a hole in the ground.
> >>
> >> Seriously, take some meds.

> >
> > Sorry this advisory bothers you so terribly. Please forgive all my
> > iniquities.
> >
> > You will be in my prayers, dear Paul whom I love in Jesus' most awesome
> > and holy name.

> You forgot to stamp 666 on his forehead.

The LORD's purpose for me here remains to inform where the purpose of
the beast is to place satan's mark of the foreheads of those who have
chosen to reject GOD.

> C'mon Earthquack, you're losing it.

Namecalling remains a tell for those who have satan's mark on their

Still praying for you, dear Vic whom I love in Jesus' most awesome and
holy name.

"My LORD **and** my GOD!" -- Archetypal Atheist "Doubting" Thomas upon
seeing the risen Jesus Christ.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life... " -- LORD Jesus Christ

In truth, I most assuredly know the LORD to be kind, just and right.

Will be available to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
cardiology, diabetes, Bird Flu, the Lamb's opening of the 6th seal (Rev.
6:12), cooking and nutrition that interest those following this thread
here during the next on-line chat(05/04/06) from 5 to 6 pm EST, LORD

For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for how
the LORD has reshaped me:

Prayerfully in Christ's love,


  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 62
Default Where That Day Begins

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> Uncle Vic wrote:
>> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
>>> Uncle Vic wrote:
>>>> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
>>>>> Paul Erickson wrote:
>>>>>> You could not discern your ass from a hole in the ground.
>>>>>> Seriously, take some meds.
>>>>> Sorry this advisory bothers you so terribly. Please forgive all my
>>>>> iniquities.
>>>>> You will be in my prayers, dear Paul whom I love in Jesus' most awesome
>>>>> and holy name.
>>>> You forgot to stamp 666 on his forehead.
>>> The LORD's purpose for me here remains to inform where the purpose of
>>> the beast is to place satan's mark of the foreheads of those who have
>>> chosen to reject GOD.
>>>> C'mon Earthquack, you're losing it.
>>> Namecalling remains a tell for those who have satan's mark on their
>>> foreheads.

>> What is that bit about throwing your pearls before swine?

> Asked and answered already in a parallel thread.

Baloney, your answers mean nothing to the LORD of Ecclesiastes. Not
since you stamped the mark of Satan on His forehead!

Uncle Vic
Member, Earthquack's 666 club

Supervisor, EAC department of little adhesive-backed shiny plastic
L-shaped doo-dads to add feet to Jesus Fish department

It is safe to say that the bible contains equal amounts of fact, history
and pizza.
-Penn Jillette
  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 987
Default Where That Day Begins

Uncle Vic wrote:
> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> > Uncle Vic wrote:
> >> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> >>> Paul Erickson wrote:
> >>>> You could not discern your ass from a hole in the ground.
> >>>>
> >>>> Seriously, take some meds.
> >>> Sorry this advisory bothers you so terribly. Please forgive all my
> >>> iniquities.
> >>>
> >>> You will be in my prayers, dear Paul whom I love in Jesus' most awesome
> >>> and holy name.
> >> You forgot to stamp 666 on his forehead.

> >
> > The LORD's purpose for me here remains to inform where the purpose of
> > the beast is to place satan's mark of the foreheads of those who have
> > chosen to reject GOD.
> >
> >> C'mon Earthquack, you're losing it.

> >
> > Namecalling remains a tell for those who have satan's mark on their
> > foreheads.

> What is that bit about throwing your pearls before swine?

Asked and answered already in a parallel thread.

Still praying for you, dear Vic whom I love in Jesus' most awesome and
holy name.

"My LORD **and** my GOD!" -- Archetypal Atheist "Doubting" Thomas upon
seeing the risen Jesus Christ.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life... " -- LORD Jesus Christ

In truth, I most assuredly know the LORD to be kind, just and right.

Will be available to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
cardiology, diabetes, Bird Flu, the Lamb's opening of the 6th seal (Rev.
6:12), cooking and nutrition that interest those following this thread
here during the next on-line chat(05/04/06) from 5 to 6 pm EST, LORD

For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for how
the LORD has reshaped me:

Prayerfully in Christ's love,


  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 987
Default Where That Day Begins

Uncle Vic wrote:
> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> > Uncle Vic wrote:
> >> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> >>> Uncle Vic wrote:
> >>>> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> >>>>> Paul Erickson wrote:
> >>>>>> You could not discern your ass from a hole in the ground.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Seriously, take some meds.
> >>>>> Sorry this advisory bothers you so terribly. Please forgive all my
> >>>>> iniquities.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> You will be in my prayers, dear Paul whom I love in Jesus' most awesome
> >>>>> and holy name.
> >>>> You forgot to stamp 666 on his forehead.
> >>> The LORD's purpose for me here remains to inform where the purpose of
> >>> the beast is to place satan's mark of the foreheads of those who have
> >>> chosen to reject GOD.
> >>>
> >>>> C'mon Earthquack, you're losing it.
> >>> Namecalling remains a tell for those who have satan's mark on their
> >>> foreheads.
> >> What is that bit about throwing your pearls before swine?

> >
> > Asked and answered already in a parallel thread.

> Baloney

Sorry you do not like my answers. Please forgive all my iniquities.

Still praying for you, dear Vic whom I love in Jesus' invincible,
infinitely powerful, and most holy name.

"My LORD **and** my GOD!" -- Archetypal Atheist "Doubting" Thomas upon
seeing the risen Jesus Christ.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life... " -- LORD Jesus Christ

In truth, I most assuredly know the LORD to be kind, just and right.

Will be available to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
cardiology, diabetes, Bird Flu, the Lamb's opening of the 6th seal (Rev.
6:12), cooking and nutrition that interest those following this thread
here during the next on-line chat(05/04/06) from 5 to 6 pm EST, LORD

For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for how
the LORD has reshaped me:

Prayerfully in Christ's love,


  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to alt.christnet.christianlife,alt.atheism,,
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default Where That Day Begins

Paul Erickson wrote:

Are you the "Paul Erickson" that used to live in south Brevard County
that was known as the "Blonde Stud"?

Mike Stith

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