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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 853
Default warning to those posting pics here

Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's pics and
pass them off as their own. It is a form of intimidation when you tick
off this person. I have reported this person to their isp and intend to
take matters further. This is a warning if you post pics here, do not
post anything personally identifying and do not post anything you
wouldn't want stolen. This type of nonsense ruins it for a lot of
people posting pics here through tinypics or other links. People in
case anyone is wondering, pics of food even if uploaded to tinypic
remain the property of the person who took the pic, period. Anyone who
would stoop as low as to steal a pic is worse than dog sh*t on a shoe!

PS. I hope the offender loves my new sig. That should give this piece
of crap all the attention it craves!

A two faced piece of crap posting on steals other
posters' pics posing them as their own. The same two faced piece of
crap likes to harass other posters and is an internet stalker. This
gutless wonder tries to use intimidation to get those not conforming to standards to quit posting.
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 737
Default warning to those posting pics here

~patches~ wrote:
> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
> remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's pics and
> pass them off as their own. It is a form of intimidation when you tick
> off this person. I have reported this person to their isp and intend to
> take matters further. This is a warning if you post pics here, do not
> post anything personally identifying and do not post anything you
> wouldn't want stolen. This type of nonsense ruins it for a lot of
> people posting pics here through tinypics or other links. People in
> case anyone is wondering, pics of food even if uploaded to tinypic
> remain the property of the person who took the pic, period. Anyone who
> would stoop as low as to steal a pic is worse than dog sh*t on a shoe!
> PS. I hope the offender loves my new sig. That should give this piece
> of crap all the attention it craves!

Danger, Will Robinson!

Someone's craving attention on usenet!



anisaerah at s b c

Adam Bowman wrote:
>I always wonder when someone brings up a point about Bush, and you
> then bring up something that Clinton did, are you saying they are both
> wrong? Because that's all it points out to me, places where they both
> messed up. It doesn't negate the fact that Bush did wrong; was that
> your intention?
> That type of argument is like
> "Bob shot someone"
> "Yeah, but don't you remember when Don hit that guy with a bat?"

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default warning to those posting pics here

On Mon, 03 Apr 2006 00:43:37 -0400, ~patches~
> wrote:

>Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
>remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's pics and
>pass them off as their own. It is a form of intimidation when you tick
>off this person. I have reported this person to their isp and intend to
>take matters further. This is a warning if you post pics here, do not
>post anything personally identifying and do not post anything you
>wouldn't want stolen.

Eh. I don't care. It doesn't hurt me if someone pretends my picture is
theirs. But thanks for the warning nonetheless.

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 468
Default warning to those posting pics here

~patches~ wrote:
> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
> remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's pics and
> pass them off as their own.


Huh? What did I miss? (Haven't had too much time to read rfc this
weekend and have over 900 posts to go thru....)

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 58
Default warning to those posting pics here

On Sun, 02 Apr 2006 23:54:19 -0500, Steve Wertz
> wrote:

>On Mon, 03 Apr 2006 00:43:37 -0400, ~patches~
> wrote:
>>Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
>>remain nameless at the moment...

>>A two faced piece of crap posting on steals other
>>posters' pics posing them as their own. The same two faced piece of
>>crap likes to harass other posters and is an internet stalker. This
>>gutless wonder tries to use intimidation to get those not conforming to
>> standards to quit posting.

>In case anyone's wondering, It's *ME*. *I* did it. She didn't
>mention how I used them though. I'll let her fill in the gaps,
>when she's ready.

You are welcome to "steal" any pics I post. I'll take it as a


  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default warning to those posting pics here

~patches~ wrote:
> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who
> shall remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's
> pics and pass them off as their own.

I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but... are you nuts?! Is your
photography of food so noteworthy that someone has to steal it? Good lord!


  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default warning to those posting pics here

Steve Wertz wrote:

> On Mon, 03 Apr 2006 00:43:37 -0400, ~patches~
> > wrote:
>>Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
>>remain nameless at the moment...

>>A two faced piece of crap posting on steals other
>>posters' pics posing them as their own. The same two faced piece of
>>crap likes to harass other posters and is an internet stalker. This
>>gutless wonder tries to use intimidation to get those not conforming to
>> standards to quit posting.

> In case anyone's wondering, It's *ME*. *I* did it. She didn't
> mention how I used them though. I'll let her fill in the gaps,
> when she's ready.
> -sw

Bullsh*t! Nice try at a coverup but no dice.

A two faced piece of crap posting on steals other
posters' pics posing them as their own. The same two faced piece of
crap likes to harass other posters and is an internet stalker. This
gutless wonder tries to use intimidation to get those not conforming to standards to quit posting.
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 853
Default warning to those posting pics here

cathyxyz wrote:

> ~patches~ wrote:
>> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who
>> shall remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's pics
>> and pass them off as their own.

> <snip>
> Huh? What did I miss? (Haven't had too much time to read rfc this
> weekend and have over 900 posts to go thru....)
> Cheers
> Cathy(xyz)

Some low life two faced piece of crap reposted my pizza pic as their
own. I received a tip to check out the pic posted and sure enough it is
my pic! Talk about a sorry excuse for a person.

A two faced piece of crap posting on steals other
posters' pics posing them as their own. The same two faced piece of
crap likes to harass other posters and is an internet stalker. This
gutless wonder tries to use intimidation to get those not conforming to standards to quit posting.
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default warning to those posting pics here

jmcquown wrote:

> ~patches~ wrote:
>>Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who
>>shall remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's
>>pics and pass them off as their own.

> I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but... are you nuts?! Is your
> photography of food so noteworthy that someone has to steal it? Good lord!
> Jill

I'm not saying it is noteworthy or even good but it is mine. I can
prove it is my pic. That idiot reposted it as theirs likely as a way to
intimidate me or poke fun. Either way stealing someone else's pic then
claiming it is theirs is just plain wrong! Some people really will
stoop so low. And no I'm not nuts but thanks for your concern.

A two faced piece of crap posting on steals other
posters' pics posing them as their own. The same two faced piece of
crap likes to harass other posters and is an internet stalker. This
gutless wonder tries to use intimidation to get those not conforming to standards to quit posting.
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,130
Default warning to those posting pics here

"~patches~" > wrote in message
> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
> remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's pics and pass
> them off as their own. It is a form of intimidation when you tick off
> this person. I have reported this person to their isp and intend to take
> matters further. This is a warning if you post pics here, do not post
> anything personally identifying and do not post anything you wouldn't want
> stolen. This type of nonsense ruins it for a lot of people posting pics
> here through tinypics or other links. People in case anyone is wondering,
> pics of food even if uploaded to tinypic remain the property of the person
> who took the pic, period. Anyone who would stoop as low as to steal a pic
> is worse than dog sh*t on a shoe!
> PS. I hope the offender loves my new sig. That should give this piece of
> crap all the attention it craves!
> --
> A two faced piece of crap posting on steals other
> posters' pics posing them as their own. The same two faced piece of crap
> likes to harass other posters and is an internet stalker. This gutless
> wonder tries to use intimidation to get those not conforming to
> standards to quit posting.

Is this really such a major problem???

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 853
Default warning to those posting pics here

Steve Wertz wrote:

> On Sun, 02 Apr 2006 23:59:55 -0500, Damsel in dis Dress
> > wrote:
>>On Sun, 02 Apr 2006 23:54:19 -0500, Steve Wertz
> wrote:

>>>In case anyone's wondering, It's *ME*. *I* did it. She didn't
>>>mention how I used them though. I'll let her fill in the gaps,
>>>when she's ready.

>>Holy cow! I've never known you to be two-faced, harrassing, stalking,
>>or intimidating. What have I been missing all these years?

> I'm two-faced when I'm drinking... err, no - that's shit-faced.
> I really don't have a clue WTF she's talking about. I just didn't
> want to be left out of anything that may contribute to a online,
> mental breakdown.

Go back to the "I made pizza" post that was posted under a couple of
nyms. That is my pic. I got a tip to check it out.

> My guess is we won't be seeing her here again anytime soon. If
> she really did have any dirt, I'm sure she thinks we (the Cabal)
> would side with this other Cabal member.
> -sw

Oh you'll be seeing plenty of me around here. That piece of crap is
going to be seeing even more!

A two faced, low-life, sorry excuse for a person, posting on steals other posters' pics posing them as their own.
The same two faced piece of crap likes to harass other posters and is an
internet stalker. This gutless wonder tries to use intimidation to
harass other posters on
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 40
Default warning to those posting pics here

Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> ~patches~ > hitched up their panties and posted
> :
>> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
>> remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's pics and
>> pass them off as their own.

> So where do they pass them off at? I doubt their ISP will do much of
> anything unless you copyright your pics.

Such things are copyrighted automatically as soon as they are fixed in
permanent media. As soon as she saved the pictures on film/disk, they
were copyrighted. However, she'll be required to prove that the pictures
are indeed hers, created by her from start to finish, before anything
else can be done.
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 4,555
Default warning to those posting pics here

Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> ~patches~ > hitched up their panties and posted
> :
>> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
>> remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's pics and
>> pass them off as their own.

> So where do they pass them off at? I doubt their ISP will do much of
> anything unless you copyright your pics.
> Michael

Actually, the pic is copyrighted automatically. The ISP will do
something, (they will shut down the website, probably before they even
investigate) but only if the copyright holder frames it as a DMCA
violation -- and doesn't act like a nutcase when she contacts them (this
last part is why I haven't suggested it yet)

Best regards,
  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,130
Default warning to those posting pics here

"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
>> ~patches~ > hitched up their panties and
>> posted :
>>> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
>>> remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's pics and
>>> pass them off as their own.

>> So where do they pass them off at? I doubt their ISP will do much of
>> anything unless you copyright your pics.
>> Michael

> Actually, the pic is copyrighted automatically. The ISP will do
> something, (they will shut down the website, probably before they even
> investigate) but only if the copyright holder frames it as a DMCA
> violation -- and doesn't act like a nutcase when she contacts them (this
> last part is why I haven't suggested it yet)
> Best regards,
> Bob

Delicately worded. Nice. :-)

  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 1,130
Default warning to those posting pics here

"~patches~" > wrote in message
> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
> remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's pics and pass
> them off as their own. It is a form of intimidation when you tick off
> this person. I have reported this person to their isp and intend to take
> matters further. This is a warning if you post pics here, do not post
> anything personally identifying and do not post anything you wouldn't want
> stolen. This type of nonsense ruins it for a lot of people posting pics
> here through tinypics or other links. People in case anyone is wondering,
> pics of food even if uploaded to tinypic remain the property of the person
> who took the pic, period. Anyone who would stoop as low as to steal a pic
> is worse than dog sh*t on a shoe!
> PS. I hope the offender loves my new sig. That should give this piece of
> crap all the attention it craves!
> --
> A two faced piece of crap posting on steals other
> posters' pics posing them as their own. The same two faced piece of crap
> likes to harass other posters and is an internet stalker. This gutless
> wonder tries to use intimidation to get those not conforming to
> standards to quit posting.

Calm down right this minute, you.

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 131
Default warning to those posting pics here

Pennyaline wrote:
> Such things are copyrighted automatically as soon as they are fixed in
> permanent media. As soon as she saved the pictures on film/disk, they

^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
No need for backups, files can not be deleted from our hard-disks, and
they never crash

> were copyrighted. However, she'll be required to prove that the pictures
> are indeed hers, created by her from start to finish, before anything
> else can be done.

  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 468
Default warning to those posting pics here

Doug Kanter wrote:


Was thinking the same thing. I have noticed that some of the guys on
a.b.f. use this sorta thing. But... as I am too mean to purchase some
decent "photo-imaging" software, I will have to takes my chances. Mind
you, I don't have too much to worry about... don't think anyone would
bother trying to pass off my cooking pix as their own

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 853
Default warning to those posting pics here

Pennyaline wrote:

> Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
>> ~patches~ > hitched up their panties and
>> posted :
>>> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who
>>> shall remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's
>>> pics and pass them off as their own.

>> So where do they pass them off at? I doubt their ISP will do much of
>> anything unless you copyright your pics.

> Such things are copyrighted automatically as soon as they are fixed in
> permanent media. As soon as she saved the pictures on film/disk, they
> were copyrighted. However, she'll be required to prove that the pictures
> are indeed hers, created by her from start to finish, before anything
> else can be done.

I have no problem proving the pic is mine. I have the date it was
created on my camera to the date it was uploaded to my computer as well
as the date it was uploaded to tinypic. Tinypic tracks isps so knows
who uploads what. It was theft of intellectual property, plain and
simple. It takes a nasty piece of work to do that.

A two faced, low-life, sorry excuse for a person, posting on steals other posters' pics posing them as their own.
The same two faced piece of crap likes to harass other posters and is an
internet stalker. This gutless wonder tries to use intimidation to
harass other posters on rfc.
  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 1,130
Default warning to those posting pics here

"~patches~" > wrote in message
> Pennyaline wrote:
>> Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
>>> ~patches~ > hitched up their panties and
>>> posted :
>>>> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
>>>> remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's pics and
>>>> pass them off as their own.
>>> So where do they pass them off at? I doubt their ISP will do much of
>>> anything unless you copyright your pics.

>> Such things are copyrighted automatically as soon as they are fixed in
>> permanent media. As soon as she saved the pictures on film/disk, they
>> were copyrighted. However, she'll be required to prove that the pictures
>> are indeed hers, created by her from start to finish, before anything
>> else can be done.

> I have no problem proving the pic is mine. I have the date it was created
> on my camera to the date it was uploaded to my computer as well as the
> date it was uploaded to tinypic. Tinypic tracks isps so knows who uploads
> what. It was theft of intellectual property, plain and simple. It takes
> a nasty piece of work to do that.
> --
> A two faced, low-life, sorry excuse for a person, posting on
> steals other posters' pics posing them as their own. The
> same two faced piece of crap likes to harass other posters and is an
> internet stalker. This gutless wonder tries to use intimidation to harass
> other posters on rfc.

What's interesting about all this is that most of the pictures posted here
are of such awful technical quality that nobody should be taking credit for
them. What's the fuss all about?

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 853
Default warning to those posting pics here

zxcvbob wrote:

> Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
>> ~patches~ > hitched up their panties and
>> posted :
>>> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who
>>> shall remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's
>>> pics and pass them off as their own.

>> So where do they pass them off at? I doubt their ISP will do much of
>> anything unless you copyright your pics.
>> Michael

> Actually, the pic is copyrighted automatically. The ISP will do
> something, (they will shut down the website, probably before they even
> investigate) but only if the copyright holder frames it as a DMCA
> violation -- and doesn't act like a nutcase when she contacts them (this
> last part is why I haven't suggested it yet)
> Best regards,
> Bob

Directly quoted from Tinypics TOS

"Terms of Service: TinyPic is not responsible, nor holds copyright on
the content uploaded. All pictures maintain the copyright of the
respective owners. TinyPic reserves the right to remove any picture at
any time if it is found offensive, pornographic, violates copyright or
trade laws, or is consuming large amounts of system resources. As a user
of TinyPic you agree that TinyPic is not liable for your images or any
lost business due to the unavailability or loss of the website. TinyPic
reserves the right to modify the Terms of Service at any time and
without prior notice to its users. Pictures can be publically viewed and
we do not guarantee picture privacy. TinyPic owned and operated by, a Free Image Hosting company."

I hold copyright on that picture, pure and simple. I took it and can
prove it. No one has the right to use it without my permission. The
low life that posted it as their own likely thought it was pretty funny.
Let's see how funny they think it is now. Note to the idiot who
thought they could get away with it, tinypic does log your isp. You are
caught stealing someone else's pic.

A two faced, low-life, sorry excuse for a person, posting on steals other posters' pics posing them as their own.
The same two faced piece of crap likes to harass other posters and is an
internet stalker. This gutless wonder tries to use intimidation to
harass other posters on rfc.

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 1,130
Default warning to those posting pics here

"cathyxyz" > wrote in message
> Doug Kanter wrote:

> Was thinking the same thing. I have noticed that some of the guys on
> a.b.f. use this sorta thing. But... as I am too mean to purchase some
> decent "photo-imaging" software, I will have to takes my chances. Mind
> you, I don't have too much to worry about... don't think anyone would
> bother trying to pass off my cooking pix as their own
> --
> Cheers
> Cathy(xyz)

There are links to some free software on that page.

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 853
Default warning to those posting pics here

cathyxyz wrote:

> Doug Kanter wrote:

> Was thinking the same thing. I have noticed that some of the guys on
> a.b.f. use this sorta thing. But... as I am too mean to purchase some
> decent "photo-imaging" software, I will have to takes my chances. Mind
> you, I don't have too much to worry about... don't think anyone would
> bother trying to pass off my cooking pix as their own

I have Adobe Photoshop so could have added digital watermarking. I just
didn't think anyone would be so low to steal one of my pics. It's not
that it is great or even good, it is the principal that it was theft,
pure and simple! I hold copyright on that pic and no one has the right
to use it for any reason. I intend to follow this one through for theft
of intellectual property and copyright infringement. Heck, it even
shows my counter top and things on it. When I first posted the pizza
pic, I explained how I made it and how it was a family event. That
piece of scum even turned my words against me in their mock post meant
to intimidate. BTW, a few here really jumped all over me when I posted
the pic because according to them that wasn't a true pizza so even they
know I posted the tiny link to the pic. At least one poster was honest
enough to acknowledge the pic had been posted before. To that poster

A two faced, low-life, sorry excuse for a person, posting on steals other posters' pics posing them as their own.
The same two faced piece of crap likes to harass other posters and is an
internet stalker. This gutless wonder tries to use intimidation to
harass other posters on rfc.
  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 4,555
Default warning to those posting pics here

~patches~ wrote:
> zxcvbob wrote:
>> Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
>>> ~patches~ > hitched up their panties and
>>> posted :
>>>> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who
>>>> shall remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's
>>>> pics and pass them off as their own.
>>> So where do they pass them off at? I doubt their ISP will do much of
>>> anything unless you copyright your pics.
>>> Michael

>> Actually, the pic is copyrighted automatically. The ISP will do
>> something, (they will shut down the website, probably before they even
>> investigate) but only if the copyright holder frames it as a DMCA
>> violation -- and doesn't act like a nutcase when she contacts them
>> (this last part is why I haven't suggested it yet)
>> Best regards,
>> Bob

> Directly quoted from Tinypics TOS
> "Terms of Service: TinyPic is not responsible, nor holds copyright on
> the content uploaded. All pictures maintain the copyright of the
> respective owners. TinyPic reserves the right to remove any picture at
> any time if it is found offensive, pornographic, violates copyright or
> trade laws, or is consuming large amounts of system resources. As a user
> of TinyPic you agree that TinyPic is not liable for your images or any
> lost business due to the unavailability or loss of the website. TinyPic
> reserves the right to modify the Terms of Service at any time and
> without prior notice to its users. Pictures can be publically viewed and
> we do not guarantee picture privacy. TinyPic owned and operated by
>, a Free Image Hosting company."
> I hold copyright on that picture, pure and simple. I took it and can
> prove it. No one has the right to use it without my permission. The
> low life that posted it as their own likely thought it was pretty funny.
> Let's see how funny they think it is now. Note to the idiot who
> thought they could get away with it, tinypic does log your isp. You are
> caught stealing someone else's pic.

I've given you the secret code-word to get your complaint taken
seriously by the offender's ISP (it's "DMCA", in case you weren't paying
attention.) What you do with it is up to you. Try not to act like a
jackass; the ISP is not the one at fault.

Good luck, and best regards,
  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Posts: 468
Default warning to those posting pics here

Doug Kanter wrote:

> There are links to some free software on that page.

OK. Will give it a closer look-see. Thanks.

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 853
Default warning to those posting pics here

zxcvbob wrote:

> ~patches~ wrote:
>> zxcvbob wrote:
>>> Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
>>>> ~patches~ > hitched up their panties and
>>>> posted :
>>>>> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who
>>>>> shall remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's
>>>>> pics and pass them off as their own.
>>>> So where do they pass them off at? I doubt their ISP will do much
>>>> of anything unless you copyright your pics.
>>>> Michael
>>> Actually, the pic is copyrighted automatically. The ISP will do
>>> something, (they will shut down the website, probably before they
>>> even investigate) but only if the copyright holder frames it as a
>>> DMCA violation -- and doesn't act like a nutcase when she contacts
>>> them (this last part is why I haven't suggested it yet)
>>> Best regards,
>>> Bob

>> Directly quoted from Tinypics TOS
>> "Terms of Service: TinyPic is not responsible, nor holds copyright on
>> the content uploaded. All pictures maintain the copyright of the
>> respective owners. TinyPic reserves the right to remove any picture at
>> any time if it is found offensive, pornographic, violates copyright or
>> trade laws, or is consuming large amounts of system resources. As a
>> user of TinyPic you agree that TinyPic is not liable for your images
>> or any lost business due to the unavailability or loss of the website.
>> TinyPic reserves the right to modify the Terms of Service at any time
>> and without prior notice to its users. Pictures can be publically
>> viewed and we do not guarantee picture privacy. TinyPic owned and
>> operated by, a Free Image Hosting company."
>> I hold copyright on that picture, pure and simple. I took it and can
>> prove it. No one has the right to use it without my permission. The
>> low life that posted it as their own likely thought it was pretty
>> funny. Let's see how funny they think it is now. Note to the idiot
>> who thought they could get away with it, tinypic does log your isp.
>> You are caught stealing someone else's pic.

> I've given you the secret code-word to get your complaint taken
> seriously by the offender's ISP (it's "DMCA", in case you weren't paying
> attention.) What you do with it is up to you. Try not to act like a
> jackass; the ISP is not the one at fault.
> Good luck, and best regards,
> Bob

Yes Bob and I do thank-you greatly. I know it isn't the isp's fault so
have not taken a heavy hand in that regard. I've had DH check over all
complaint letters too. He tends to have the cooler head something that
is needed when filing complaints. The isp is actually quite friendly
and more than willing to act. I've provided the necessay proof
including all dates from when the pic was taken to when it was posted to
tinypic to when it was stolen. I'm in the process now of having all my
pics removed from tinypic.

A two faced, low-life, sorry excuse for a person, posting on steals other posters' pics posing them as their own.
The same two faced piece of crap likes to harass other posters and is an
internet stalker. This gutless wonder tries to use intimidation to
harass other posters on rfc.

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Nothing anyone puts out on the Internet is safe from misuse, be it pics,
personal info, lies, etc. But that doesn't make it any fairer to pass
other people's work off as one's own

I am sorry this has happened to you.
  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Doug Kanter" wrote >
> Calm down right this minute, you.

I just hope the long sig is soon dropped. It loses impact when it's
repeated over and over, to say nothing of the bandwidth space. Maybe
patches is furious but she has made her point. Nuff said.


  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"limey" > wrote

> I just hope the long sig is soon dropped.

I just can't imagine who the two faced person is.


  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
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DING DING put on tha boxing gloves lol

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Kathy in NZ wrote:
> You are welcome to "steal" any pics I post. I'll take it as a
> compliment.

Me too. I post pictures partly with the intent that some may like them
enough to make framed copies to hang on their walls, use as wallpaer on
their PC, give as gifts. I haven't seen any, not a one, from ~patches~
that anyone would want, not even for TP.


  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
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sarah bennett wrote:
> ~patches~ wrote:
> > Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who shall
> > remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's pics and
> > pass them off as their own. It is a form of intimidation when you tick
> > off this person. I have reported this person to their isp and intend to
> > take matters further. This is a warning if you post pics here, do not
> > post anything personally identifying and do not post anything you
> > wouldn't want stolen. This type of nonsense ruins it for a lot of
> > people posting pics here through tinypics or other links. People in
> > case anyone is wondering, pics of food even if uploaded to tinypic
> > remain the property of the person who took the pic, period. Anyone who
> > would stoop as low as to steal a pic is worse than dog sh*t on a shoe!
> >
> > PS. I hope the offender loves my new sig. That should give this piece
> > of crap all the attention it craves!
> >

> Danger, Will Robinson!
> Someone's craving attention on usenet!



  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
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~patches~ wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> ~patches~ wrote:
>>> Do not post any pic that you don't want stolen here! Someone who
>>> shall remain nameless at the moment likes to steal other people's
>>> pics and pass them off as their own.

>> I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but... are you nuts?!
>> Is your photography of food so noteworthy that someone has to steal
>> it? Good lord!
>> Jill

> I'm not saying it is noteworthy or even good but it is mine. I can
> prove it is my pic. That idiot reposted it as theirs likely as a way
> to intimidate me or poke fun. Either way stealing someone else's pic
> then claiming it is theirs is just plain wrong! Some people really
> will
> stoop so low. And no I'm not nuts but thanks for your concern.

Okay, honey, let me tell you a little story about something that happened to
me oh, about nine years ago now. I posted some recipes on another usenet
group. And this guy posted them here on RFC, claiming them as his own. The
funny thing was, he posted them with exactly the same typos as I had made so
it was obvious he just copy/pasted them. I was outraged, of course. And I
posted a reply to HIS post that he had copied my post down to the last
letter. What happened? He disappeared. Poof. This "clique" banded
together to tell him to get lost. Which I suspect will happen in any case
where someone actually plagerizes or truly harrasses someone. I doubt there
will be a war about photographs since this ng isn't about taking pictures of
food. Some folks like to; I have better things to do with my time.


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jake wrote:

> Nothing anyone puts out on the Internet is safe from misuse, be it pics,
> personal info, lies, etc. But that doesn't make it any fairer to pass
> other people's work off as one's own
> I am sorry this has happened to you.

Thanks Jake. I'm pursuing this issue through tinypics, the offenders
and legally. It's become a principal thing now. The offender thought
is was a funny way to either mock or harass me. Let's see how funny the
offender thinks it is now.

There is a thief amongst us who likes to steal other posters pics and
post them as their own. This constitutes copyright infringement and
theft of intellectual property. This is contrary to DMCA of 1998
punishable by law. The same thief likes to harass other posters and is
an internet stalker. This thief likes to use intimidation to harass
other posters on rfc.
  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
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limey wrote:

> "Doug Kanter" wrote >
>>Calm down right this minute, you.

> I just hope the long sig is soon dropped. It loses impact when it's
> repeated over and over, to say nothing of the bandwidth space. Maybe
> patches is furious but she has made her point. Nuff said.
> Dora

Sorry Dora, the sig will be changed often enough to hopefully not get
boring. It's a lot shorter than some sigs and within acceptable sig
length. I'm not even furious anymore. Now I'm going after the offender
legally and I'm doing so in a very calm and rational manner. The
offender thought it was a funny thing to do. I think the offender will
have a change of attitude very shortly

There is a thief amongst us who likes to steal other posters pics and
post them as their own. This constitutes copyright infringement and
theft of intellectual property. This is contrary to DMCA of 1998
punishable by law. The same thief likes to harass other posters and is
an internet stalker. This thief likes to use intimidation to harass
other posters on rfc.
  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
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~patches~ wrote:
> jake wrote:
>> Nothing anyone puts out on the Internet is safe from misuse, be it
>> pics, personal info, lies, etc. But that doesn't make it any fairer to
>> pass other people's work off as one's own
>> I am sorry this has happened to you.

> Thanks Jake. I'm pursuing this issue through tinypics, the offenders
> and legally. It's become a principal thing now. The offender thought
> is was a funny way to either mock or harass me. Let's see how funny the
> offender thinks it is now.

Speaking of funny, did you know that if the thief claims that their use
of your picture is a derivative work that constitutes a *parody*, their
use is protected? In other words, if they took your picture
specifically to mock you (rather than to use it as their own work),
there may not be much you can do about it. HTH :-)

Bob <-- not a lawyer

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Nancy Young wrote:

> "limey" > wrote
>>I just hope the long sig is soon dropped.

> I just can't imagine who the two faced person is.
> nancy

Oh I'm pretty sure you can figure out who the person is Sorry excuse
of a person if you ask me. If you're low enough to steal someone's pic
there is nothing you will stop at. Absolutely no moral values at all
and now in a deep load of sh*t. Yep, pretty funny thing to try to
intimidat just not the most brillant but then the poster doesn't have a
huge amount of smarts.

There is a thief amongst us who likes to steal other posters pics and
post them as their own. This constitutes copyright infringement and
theft of intellectual property. This is contrary to DMCA of 1998
punishable by law. The same thief likes to harass other posters and is
an internet stalker. This thief likes to use intimidation to harass
other posters on rfc.
  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"~patches~" > wrote

> Nancy Young wrote:

>> I just can't imagine who the two faced person is.

> Oh I'm pretty sure you can figure out who the person is Sorry excuse
> of a person if you ask me.

I don't know. Two-faced meaning nice to your face and
stab you in the back when you turn around. I don't know
who that would be.


  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
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~patches~ wrote:

> I have Adobe Photoshop so could have added digital watermarking. I just
> didn't think anyone would be so low to steal one of my pics.


patches, you are obviously very p*ssed off about this. We understand. If
I may make a suggestion? Use Photoshop to watermark your pix next time
and then you don't have to worry. I, for one, enjoy looking at food pix,
so don't let it stop you.

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cathyxyz wrote:
> Doug Kanter wrote:

> Was thinking the same thing. I have noticed that some of the guys on
> a.b.f. use this sorta thing. But... as I am too mean to purchase some
> decent "photo-imaging" software, I will have to takes my chances. Mind
> you, I don't have too much to worry about... don't think anyone would
> bother trying to pass off my cooking pix as their own

None of my photos are so precious, valuable, worth money, etc. that I would
care if someone using "tiny pics" stole them. Honestly, it's all
histrionics about nothing. Unless you are a professional food photographer
for magazines, who gives a rip?


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