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  #81 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Steve Wertz wrote:

> On Tue, 04 Apr 2006 09:56:21 -0700, sf
> > wrote:
>>Oh, man.... I missed way too much stuff! I tuned in *after* the sh*t
>>hit the fan and valiently tried to catch up, but even managed to miss
>>myself being accused of something I didn't do. Damn this flu bug.

> I wouldn't go so far as saying I "accused" you. I just said that
> I thought you were the one who pointed out the original, offending
> post to whatsherface since the troll went unnoticed by her.
> Anyway, I'm wondering if you can really copyright anything under a
> (non-registered) fictitious name. I can just see the civil
> lawsuit now:
> Patches vs. James Smith.
> -sw

Steve, please leave sf out of this. The informant was another poster
here who knows my identity and how to contact me. I'd trust this poster
with my life. There won't be a civil lawsuit but it could hinder some
posters once identified of getting better emplyoment. Theft is not
something to be taken lightly and once a thief always a thief. Don't
worry your pretty little head. I've got things all under control. And
there might even be a couple of surprises for the two thieves! Not that
I would ever steal someone else's pics. It is well beyond my value
system. Theft of any kind is wrong! You know this whole thing has been
rather good in some ways. It shows you that people online can and in
many cases aren't what they portrait. Many are two faced then there is
Sarah who just blatantly steals. Oh and FTR, tinypic logs your IP.
Whether or not I use a fictitious name to post is moot and I can prove
when I posted through my isp. I can prove that pic is mine. Now if you
are quite done I'd rather get back to posting about cooking.

ObFoood: roasted Sarah

Theft of someone's digital images is copyright infringement contrary to
DMCA of 1998. A two faced thief in rfc steals others digital images for
harassment. Sarah Bennett, another rfc thief is worse. She steals pics
then tries to sell them as her own. Some here condone this behaviour.
Shame on you!
  #82 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
"Dee Randall" > wrote:

> > Sadly, I spent the first 22 years of my life living within 150 miles of
> > Canada and never went there once.

> Dan, I assume you were close to Bellingham and Vancouver, B.C.

Nope. I was born and raised in Spokane, WA, which I think is 150 miles
or so from Canada. I went to college in Seattle, which I think is also
about 150 miles from Canada.

I have been to Canada three times. We went to Lake Louise and the
Canadian Rockies shortly after we were married. We went to Victoria by
ship some years later. We went back to Lake Louise and the Rockies
about two years ago.

Dan Abel

Petaluma, California, USA
  #83 (permalink)   Report Post  
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The Ranger wrote:
> On Tue, 04 Apr 2006 15:29:33 GMT, "Bob Myers"
> > wrote:
> > "Dan Abel" > wrote in message ...
> >> As mentioned before (but maybe you didn't see it yet),
> >> Patches neither lives nor posts in the US.
> >>

> >No, you're right, I didn't see that mentioned until after
> >I'd posted. I guess I'd simply assumed she was a fellow USA-ian
> >from the apparent case of let's-get-really-bent-out-of-shape-over
> >-meaningless-stuff-and-threaten-to-sue-itis, which at least until
> >recently seemed to be a disease confined to the U.S. of A. It
> >saddens me to think that this malady may be afflicting those in
> >other countries now.
> >
> >> People
> >> in Canada are *very* aware that we in the US have a lot of trouble
> >> remembering that Canada even exists.

> >
> >Granted, but please don't assume I have that problem. I'm very
> >aware of the existence of Canada. It's that big thing on the map
> >just north of us, isn't it? :-)

> No, no, no. They're currently Territories (like Puerto Rico and Guam)
> of the US of A. We'll grant them statehood as soon as they learn which
> spelling system is correct.
> The Ranger

Oy!!! Watchit......Sharon Canuck (laugh)
  #84 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dee Randall wrote:
> > Sadly, I spent the first 22 years of my life living within 150 miles of
> > Canada and never went there once.
> >
> > --
> > Dan Abel

> Dan, I assume you were close to Bellingham and Vancouver, B.C.
> Vancouver never impressed me much, although many people love it. I remember
> going out in the city-burbs in Vancouver to supposedly the best dim sum ever
> and where the business men drove there to eat. We went there and the food
> was one big greasy spoon. But some of the down-town places were really
> excellent. This was in the late 80's, early 90's.
> I sure like eastern Canada much better than B.C., although one of the
> prettiest places in B.C. I'll never forget is a town called Hope. Does
> anyone here know of it?
> In my next life,
> Dee Dee

We spent a couple of days in Hope BC a couple of years ago. We
stayed at a campground that had some amazing flower gardens.....Sharon
  #85 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sheldon wrote:

> Nancy Young wrote:
> > "Jens Arne Maennig" > wrote
> >
> > > ~patches~ wrote:
> > >
> > >> Here is the TOS for tinypics. If you have a problem with anyone
> > >> stealing your copyright protected pics as per DMCA [...]
> > >
> > > Please consider different regulations in the 191 other nations of the
> > > world. The Internet is not necessarily subject to US laws.

> >
> > Patches isn't from the US, if that's what you mean.
> >
> > nancy

> There are International Copyright Laws and most of the free world
> abides by them... but there is no legal recourse for posting another's
> picture to usenet that has been posted previously, we would then all be
> guilty of a crime everytime we quote a post with the link... you see no
> one posted a pic, only a link.. There is absolutely no infringement of
> copyright law by reposting a link previously posted, especially when
> there was no accompaning admonishment not to by the original poster...
> by posting the link the OP gave permission for anyone to post said
> link, and for any purpose whatsoever.

So you won't be angry then if I tell you that I copied a couple of your cat
pix to my "My Pictures" folder so I'd see Jilly's sweet face on my screen
saver (my screen saver consists of pix from this folder that constantly
"rotate" through)...???


> ~patches~ is not only mentally ill (subpolar), she is very stupid...
> and naturally she's a big fat liar and a troublemaker... any
> recognition she can get, even if negative recognition.

That about sums it up very nicely :-)

Greg (a sucker for cat pictures...)

  #86 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
> ~patches~ wrote:
>> Mark Thorson wrote:
>> > Good thing he didn't do a really serious crime,
>> > like stealing a paperclip. :-)

>> I'd have to threaten physical violence for that one.

> You STOLE my words! I have copyright ownership over
> those words. You had no right to include them in
> your posting, even though you did attribute them
> to me. I shall be making a complaint to the proper
> authorities as well as contemplating legal action.

I think a lot of you people need to *grow up*. It's a shame there isn't a
drug to treat immaturity and bullying.

  #87 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Mike H" > wrote in message
> ~patches~ > wrote in news:1233hgs8vi970c1
>> Nice try bubba. You're right up there with a couple of the others
>> defending that it's ok to steal someone's pics and pass them off as your
>> own. No cookie for you.

> Granted I haven't read all of the responses to your little tirade, but the
> ones I have, a good number, aren't defending what he did, but rather
> telling you to get a life and worry about something that really matters.

No the majority of responses are being cruel and egging her on - not helpful
at all.


  #88 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Jen wrote:

> No the majority of responses are being cruel and egging her on - not helpful
> at all.
> Jen

Jen, you're a very kind person. Nice to see that some people have their
values straight. You've got a good heart. Mad props to you for doing
the right thing.

  #89 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Jen wrote:
> I think a lot of you people need to *grow up*. It's a shame
> there isn't a drug to treat immaturity and bullying.

So, you're siding with ~patches~, is that it?

You do realize what the consequences will be,
don't you? We're going to cut off your supply
of Prozac, that's what we'll do! :-)
  #90 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
> Jen wrote:
>> I think a lot of you people need to *grow up*. It's a shame
>> there isn't a drug to treat immaturity and bullying.

> So, you're siding with ~patches~, is that it?
> You do realize what the consequences will be,
> don't you? We're going to cut off your supply
> of Prozac, that's what we'll do! :-)

Oh No!! Please!! Anything but that!!!!


  #91 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"biig" > wrote in message ...
> Dee Randall wrote:
>> > Sadly, I spent the first 22 years of my life living within 150 miles of
>> > Canada and never went there once.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Dan Abel

>> Dan, I assume you were close to Bellingham and Vancouver, B.C.
>> Vancouver never impressed me much, although many people love it. I
>> remember
>> going out in the city-burbs in Vancouver to supposedly the best dim sum
>> ever
>> and where the business men drove there to eat. We went there and the
>> food
>> was one big greasy spoon. But some of the down-town places were really
>> excellent. This was in the late 80's, early 90's.
>> I sure like eastern Canada much better than B.C., although one of the
>> prettiest places in B.C. I'll never forget is a town called Hope. Does
>> anyone here know of it?
>> In my next life,
>> Dee Dee

> We spent a couple of days in Hope BC a couple of years ago. We
> stayed at a campground that had some amazing flower gardens.....Sharon

That's so nice for you to write and say that you've been there. You're the
onliest one person that I know that ever has been there.
Dee Dee

  #92 (permalink)   Report Post  
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So much turmoil.... I have been a lurker in several groups in the past,
a hot pepper group, a Barbie group, some Sims groups, all kinds of
groups and sooner or later it's nothing but turmoil, no matter what the
group is about. We all know the trouble makers. We went to school with
them, we worked with them, and now they are on the internet being their
trouble making selves. We never win by fighting with them. We can try
to move on and try to find a pleasant place without them, but sure
enough, they or somebody just like them turns up and starts stirring it
up. I love being a lurker, but I foolishly get sucked into reading
about this stuff and it gets me mad and I don't even know what the real
problem is. Some people thrive on turmoil... but it just upsets me. And
don't worry, I am not talking about the majority of you here, I am
talking about the "seed". I should start my own group, called Whiners
Anonymous. Yes indeed, now you got me whining too. Dang turmoil!!!!!!
There isn't enough trouble in the world or in our own personal lives,
we have to share in the histrionics of other people. And I've just
exposed myself to abuse, I am well aware of that, but this was a once
in a lifetime thing for me, coming out of the lurker's shadow and
commenting on the madness. I just looked at the top of this page and it
says Food? Cooking? My message here doesn't even hint
about that. I wonder why?

  #93 (permalink)   Report Post  
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~patches~ wrote:

> with my life. There won't be a civil lawsuit but it could hinder some
> posters once identified of getting better emplyoment. Theft is not
> something to be taken lightly and once a thief always a thief.

Most people are guilty of copyright infringement, and on a regular
basis. And most of it is worse than just spoofing a photo.

For example, people copy music and movies all the time, and don't feel
guilty about it at all, and that does take away sales from the artists.
And people copy photos all the time. Believe me, I am a professional
photographer, and I have had my work stolen on a regular basis. I see
my photos advertising $20,000 horses, and my proof stamp is across
them. They didn't even bother to buy a 4x6 print let alone pay for
permission to use the photos. Those are cases of theft, and when
discussed, most people don't see anything wrong with it. I also find my
photos being used by teenagers for sim sites, and the most I can do is
get the webhost to remove it. They won't even tell me the email address
of the offender.

Your complaint of a photo being used as a joke is pretty lame. Nobody
was hurt. Nobody made any money or cost you anything. The most you can
do is have it removed from the website.

And while you are correct that your images are copyrighted instantly,
you can only sue for money you prove you lost via the infringement. So,
if the thief makes $20 from the photo, that's all you can sue for. And
you have to prove they made that money. I doubt anybody is making any
money at all off your pizza photo, nor are they even trying. If you
want to sue for the big bucks, you have to have it legally registered
with the copyright office, and that takes a few months, some paperwork,
and a fee. And you have to get a jury to agree with you. Keep in mind
that many of those jurors have made copies at walmart of their kid's
school photos or other professional photos. And they've made copies of
their friend's CDs. They would laugh you out of court.

I can assure you that most people have no problem with stealing photos
from people who make their living at it. They certainly don't care
about somebody using a photo to make fun of somebody. And it doesn't
look like theft to me. It looks like a parody which falls under fair

Get over it. Let the group get back to the subject of food. If you
don't want your photos used, put your name on them or don't post them
at all. People are just laughing at you.

You accused me of being bitter in another thread. I backed off, took a
break, and I let it go. I came back, and I see that you have started 4
threads in the past week complaining about being mistreated by this
group. Your newsgroup rant had a lot of whining. Your lurk mode thread
was a joke. Supposedly you are so busy in real life that you have to go
to lurk mode (when really you are just announcing that you are upset
with the group), and then you don't even lurk (almost 200 posts in 5
days), but start more threads complaining about the group.

Take your own advice. You sound very bitter. Take a break and calm
down. Find something that makes you happy. Start your own mailing list,
or join a local club. Or learn to put up with some jokes and insults.
I've been partcipating in newsgroups for 13 years. This is nothing
compared to stuff I have seen over the years. You just have to get used
to it, or find something else.

As it is, you are working yourself up about something very minor, and
it's going to affect your health. Do you really want to be bitter and
angry every day?

  #94 (permalink)   Report Post  
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jmcquown wrote:
> ~patches~ wrote:
> > Here is the TOS for tinypics. If you have a problem with anyone
> > stealing your copyright protected pics as per DMCA

> You must be very, very new to usenet and the internet in general to think we
> all need a tutorial about copyright infringement. Really, honey, you said
> you are so busy with real life. As a copyrighted author with the Library of
> Congress, I fail to see what you are so worried about. You're talking about
> pictures of food. Who cares?!
> And if you don't like tiny pics, don't use it! Hello! It's not a law!
> Most of us know how to click a link that isn't "tiny". I'm really getting
> tired of your histrionics. Maybe you should go can something, or cook
> something.

Better yet, if she doesn't want her photos stolen and used by someone
else, she shouldn't post them on the Internet. She can always sell
her photos of food on any number of online microstock photography sites
where she will be paid for their use by others. Problem solved.


  #95 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dee Randall wrote:
> "biig" > wrote in message ...
> >
> >
> > Dee Randall wrote:
> >>
> >> > Sadly, I spent the first 22 years of my life living within 150 miles of
> >> > Canada and never went there once.
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > Dan Abel
> >>
> >> Dan, I assume you were close to Bellingham and Vancouver, B.C.
> >>
> >> Vancouver never impressed me much, although many people love it. I
> >> remember
> >> going out in the city-burbs in Vancouver to supposedly the best dim sum
> >> ever
> >> and where the business men drove there to eat. We went there and the
> >> food
> >> was one big greasy spoon. But some of the down-town places were really
> >> excellent. This was in the late 80's, early 90's.
> >>
> >> I sure like eastern Canada much better than B.C., although one of the
> >> prettiest places in B.C. I'll never forget is a town called Hope. Does
> >> anyone here know of it?
> >> In my next life,
> >> Dee Dee

> >
> > We spent a couple of days in Hope BC a couple of years ago. We
> > stayed at a campground that had some amazing flower gardens.....Sharon

> That's so nice for you to write and say that you've been there. You're the
> onliest one person that I know that ever has been there.
> Dee Dee

Of all our travels (even in the south) I've never seen such lush
foliage and gardens. Their hanging flower baskets are an amazing size.
The campsite was backed up to the mountain and very lush vegetation....

  #96 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Wed, 05 Apr 2006 12:50:20 GMT, "Michael \"Dog3\" Lonergan"
> wrote:

>"Jen" > hitched up their panties and posted
>> "Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> ~patches~ wrote:
>>>> Mark Thorson wrote:
>>>> > Good thing he didn't do a really serious crime,
>>>> > like stealing a paperclip. :-)
>>>> I'd have to threaten physical violence for that one.
>>> You STOLE my words! I have copyright ownership over
>>> those words. You had no right to include them in
>>> your posting, even though you did attribute them
>>> to me. I shall be making a complaint to the proper
>>> authorities as well as contemplating legal action.

>> I think a lot of you people need to *grow up*. It's a shame there
>> isn't a drug to treat immaturity and bullying.

>Get off it already. Let the ****ing thread just die off. All of the
>"critics" of the "critics" just perpetuate the subject.

My irony meter just broke.

  #99 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article .com>,
" > wrote:

> You accused me of being bitter in another thread. I backed off, took a
> break, and I let it go. I came back

Glad to see that you are back, Meghan. You *did* sound very bitter, but
I enjoyed many of your other posts.

Life is a bitch...and then you die.

As you posted, you can be bitter and mad at life, or you can laugh at
it. Life doesn't care either way.

Dan Abel

Petaluma, California, USA
  #100 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Jen" > writes:

>I think a lot of you people need to *grow up*. It's a shame there isn't a
>drug to treat immaturity and bullying.

There's two sides to this situation. Yes, I agree with you that some
people are bullying patches, and I've said so before. At least a few of
them recently have admitted as much, saying that they wouldn't treat
patches this way except she irritates them.
Now, admittedly patches is a spaz. (Yes, honey, you are a spaz.)
That doesn't mean it's right or wrong, but it can be irritating. My
half-sister is a spaz and she's freakin' intolerable in real life. But
the mature thing isn't to egg her on and make fun of her, it's to just
let her go on and be a spaz to her heart's content because, hey, it is
what she is.
And I think RFC can be amazingly tolerant. They tolerate racists,
homophobes, kooks, tools, knobs, and weiners. So I wish they would
either avoid those who upset them or tolerate them, and stop picking on

tool, knob, and weiner - the trifecta

  #101 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dan Abel wrote:

> Sorry, Michael, I'm having too much fun here. I like patches, I like
> reading her posts (except the "I've been robbed" ones are getting to be
> too much), and I don't want to make fun of her or hurt her feelings.

My sediments exactly.

  #102 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dan Abel wrote:

> and I don't want to make fun of her or hurt her feelings.

But making fun of people and hurting their feelings is one of the *best*
things to enjoy about Usenet, Dan....


  #104 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article t>,
"Gregory Morrow"

> Dan Abel wrote:
> > and I don't want to make fun of her or hurt her feelings.

> But making fun of people and hurting their feelings is one of the *best*
> things to enjoy about Usenet, Dan....

I'll remember that, Greg! I think you have a pretty thick skin, so I
wouldn't feel too bad about it. However, I don't want to get carried
away, because my skin isn't nearly so thick!

Dan Abel

Petaluma, California, USA
  #106 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
Dan Abel > wrote:

> Life is a bitch...and then you die.
> --
> Dan Abel

Life is a joy, and then you ascend...... :-)
Peace, Om.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson
  #108 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Gregory Morrow wrote:

> Dan Abel wrote:
> > and I don't want to make fun of her or hurt her feelings.

> But making fun of people and hurting their feelings is one of the *best*
> things to enjoy about Usenet, Dan....

It's so exhilarating pointing out the shortcomings of others. :-)

  #109 (permalink)   Report Post  
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How do we *know* YOU took the picture? Do you have documentation? Video
of yourself taking the picture?

HURRY UP! The fate of the free world hinges on this!!

  #110 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
Dave Smith > wrote:

> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> > Dan Abel wrote:
> >
> > > and I don't want to make fun of her or hurt her feelings.

> >
> > But making fun of people and hurting their feelings is one of the *best*
> > things to enjoy about Usenet, Dan....

> It's so exhilarating pointing out the shortcomings of others. :-)

[hangs his head in shame]

I know I'm a failure as an rfc poster. I *do* like to make fun of
people, but I don't want to hurt their feelings. So I mostly poke fun
at people who:

1) are poking fun at somebody else already
2) have proven that they have really thick skins and actually enjoy it

Dan Abel

Petaluma, California, USA

  #111 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dan Abel wrote:

> In article >,
> Dave Smith > wrote:
> > Gregory Morrow wrote:
> >
> > > Dan Abel wrote:
> > >
> > > > and I don't want to make fun of her or hurt her feelings.
> > >
> > > But making fun of people and hurting their feelings is one of the

> > > things to enjoy about Usenet, Dan....

> >
> > It's so exhilarating pointing out the shortcomings of others. :-)

> [hangs his head in shame]
> I know I'm a failure as an rfc poster. I *do* like to make fun of
> people, but I don't want to hurt their feelings. So I mostly poke fun
> at people who:
> 1) are poking fun at somebody else already
> 2) have proven that they have really thick skins and actually enjoy it

What!? Why that's no fun, you seek out someone's *weak* points and then
grind 'em down ;-)


  #112 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dave Smith wrote:

> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> > Dan Abel wrote:
> >
> > > and I don't want to make fun of her or hurt her feelings.

> >
> > But making fun of people and hurting their feelings is one of the *best*
> > things to enjoy about Usenet, Dan....

> It's so exhilarating pointing out the shortcomings of others. :-)

Yep, it beats running down bicyclists weaving in and out of traffic or
shooting those who are especially gabby on their cellphones...

Seriously, there are lots of wack - a - doodles on Usenet, toying with them
is more fun than a furious game of pinball... }8-)>

[although this froup has been largely absent of those types as of late...]

Greg "perfectly normal"

  #113 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article t>,
"Gregory Morrow"

> Seriously, there are lots of wack - a - doodles on Usenet, toying with them
> is more fun than a furious game of pinball... }8-)>
> [although this froup has been largely absent of those types as of late...]

I won't comment on this, since I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings.


Dan Abel

Petaluma, California, USA
  #114 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dan Abel wrote:

> In article t>,
> "Gregory Morrow"
> > Seriously, there are lots of wack - a - doodles on Usenet, toying with

> > is more fun than a furious game of pinball... }8-)>
> >
> > [although this froup has been largely absent of those types as of

> I won't comment on this, since I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings.
> :-)

Our "characters" here are fairly tame as Usenet goes. Heck, we don't even
have the equivalent here of a Tim May like y'all do over on


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