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Posts: 492
Default My Special BBQ Sauce


> BBQ Sauce

> Combine ingredients and bring to a boil. Simmer slowly several days to
> thicken. When the desired consistency is reached, pour into containers
> suitable for the fridge. This is a very nice sauce that is great for
> leg of human.

........ ~patches~ in her own words..........

I'm 5'1" and about 110 lb. I'm not near the fifties yet.

I have the cholesterol problem, I'm also lactose intolerant. I tore my
hamstring last Wed. Along with the pain, crutches, and tensor bandage,
I have a good amount of bruising. I'm allergic to sulfites which is why
I avoid salad bars and most wines. I detest chocolate and have never
understood chocolate cravings. I take milk thistle because I'm on two
medications that can affect your liver. For that reason, I seldom
drink alcohol because there is no point adding extra strain to my
liver. I cannot take aspirin because of allergic reaction. I'm not on
Kumadin but am currently on high dosage MSM (methylsulfonymethane) for
at least a couple of months. MSM has blood thinning qualities. I have
melasma so am do the retin-A along with hydroquinone. My dermatologist
recommended the laser and I've had two successful treatments to the
point the melasma has faded and lessened significantly. For those of us
who detest chocoloate due to allergic reaction, carob is a good
alternative. I as well as a couple of our kids are very, very sensitive
to sulfites. I had an accident almost a year ago so there was some
neurological damage. I'm classified as brittle asthmatic meaning I can
be fine one minute and very bad the next with very little warning.

DH is 6'7" and about 240 lb. DH is in his mid 40's.

DH detests beer of any kind. Me I'm kinda partial to anything with
alcohol in it.

DH does the payroll for his company.

Back when we were teens and just after we got married - am I dating
myself? - fondues were all the rage.

We've had a water bed since the early 80's.

DH's dad (GRHS) came to Canada from Holland when he was 19.

MIL wasn't Dutch but got the recipe from DH's grandmother who came from
Holland in the early 1950's. dMIL was very much traditional that way
but she was Lebonanese.

I'm not vegetarian and I eat beef.

I'm growing French tarragon here in Canada. We go to the U.S. a lot.

No, we don't live on the coasts. We live in southwestern Ontario.

We are a rather close knit family. I keep my feet planted firmly on
Canadian soil too unless of course I'm travelling.

We have 4 kids now all adults (sons and daughters).

DD just got back from a week in Cuba Nov 13, 2005.

DD has 2 cats, first one a stray, second one a farm critter.

DS had a red maple leaf tattooed between his shoulder blades.

DD has a small tattoo just at the top of buttocks.

Another DS had his eyebrow pierced but quickly lost it in order to
secure the job he really wanted.

I don't think there is a real national soup for Canada although having
grown up in a town with a canning factory, tomato soup would be my

We don't have dogs and there is a pretty strict leash law here.

We take a couple of extended vacations and several long weekend
vacations each year.

Major home gardener here for both cooking and canning. I have a

Last year we put in a natural gas grill that feeds directly off our
natural gas line.

My mom was quite old but used to be a good cook until she got diabetes.

One thing I use in my cooking that mom never would have is alcohol. It
wasn't allowed in our house ever.

We are under a water ever other day depending on the weather in our
township, so I collect rain water .

I have 3 freezers - an 18 cf, 8 cf, and the freezer compartment of the
side-by-side fridge.

I'm not Om but can tell you I have a Jasi 6 qt cooker, Fagor 4 qt
cooker, and Mirro 22 at

canner/cooker. I have the 22 qt canner/cooker as well as a 6 qt and
4.5 qt.

We now have a Kenmore, bigger & better 1100 watt microwave, also with
the carousel.

I've had a Mr. Coffee dehydrator for years.

I'd drop Bell in a flash if we could. We live in an area with no cable
or high speed, dial-up only.

I've never understood Devil's Night (Oct 31, 2005) & the vandalism
thing. In the closest town arson claimed huge old buildings that years
& years ago used to be a lumber yard. All that history up in flames!
The fire was so intense it melted the siding on four houses across the supplement.

I really enjoy browsing through US grocery stores like Farmer Jack.

We've been to the Waterloo (Ontario) and Kitchener farmer's markets
quite a few times.

To the point that all personal info short of it's SSN has been posted.
Even simple googling will reveal it's entire life story.

Reposting your words along with complete reference to *you* of course,
giving credit where credit is due, is by no means blackmail.

After tonight, I will more than likely unsubscribe from this newsgroup.

I'm going into lurk mode for a variety of reasons.

If anyone knows where in Canada or Michigan that I could find another
set could you please let me know?

........ ~patches~ in her own words..........

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