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  #121 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe!

She is just the party girl from the trailer park.

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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

Nancy Young > wrote:
>Yes, any number of times. Do you know the story of Paula Deen
>and her kids? And if you're referring to those little jokey pieces
>they do about them slacking off, that's a show. I've heard nothing
>other than they both work very hard at the restaurant.
>Are they mama's boys? Perhaps. Whatever that means.
>Spoiled? No. I believe you are barking up the wrong tree on

Maybe I'm just seeing their annoying qualities as
the result of being spoiled. Whatever their cause,
they're annoying. They look like they're spoiled.

I know of Paula Deen's story what is written on
the Internet. It's curiously monolithic in form, and
light on details. She got divorced, started a lunch-bag
"catering" business, and made her sons deliver the food
because she was agoraphobic. We don't know what their
economic conditions were before the divorce; it doesn't
say why she started the business - because she was broke or
because she was bored or because she was megalomaniacally

Is there more? And who's saying they work hard at the
restaurant? Them? Her? Their publicist?

  #123 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe!

curmudgeon wrote:
> She is just the party girl from the trailer park.

Cute, cute, cute.

How do I get wheels put on my house?

(Now if I can only get Oprah Winfrey to get her hands off her).

  #124 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

"Blair P. Houghton" > wrote

> Nancy Young > wrote:
>>Yes, any number of times. Do you know the story of Paula Deen
>>and her kids? And if you're referring to those little jokey pieces
>>they do about them slacking off, that's a show. I've heard nothing
>>other than they both work very hard at the restaurant.
>>Are they mama's boys? Perhaps. Whatever that means.
>>Spoiled? No. I believe you are barking up the wrong tree on

> Maybe I'm just seeing their annoying qualities as
> the result of being spoiled. Whatever their cause,
> they're annoying. They look like they're spoiled.

You're entitled to your opinion, of course.

> I know of Paula Deen's story what is written on
> the Internet. It's curiously monolithic in form, and
> light on details. She got divorced, started a lunch-bag
> "catering" business, and made her sons deliver the food

Made her sons hawk the food. Not deliver, sell. Pound
the pavement.

> because she was agoraphobic. We don't know what their
> economic conditions were before the divorce; it doesn't
> say why she started the business - because she was broke or
> because she was bored or because she was megalomaniacally
> entrepreneurial...

She couldn't work and she needed the money.

> Is there more? And who's saying they work hard at the
> restaurant? Them? Her? Their publicist?

Different places where I've heard of her restaurant, it's mentioned
about her sons always being there. If nothing else, how do you
suppose she opened restaurants all by herself without their help?
Not likely.

You seem like you want to believe they are spoiled, that's okay.
That's your right even though I see the opposite and have never
heard anything to change my mind.


  #125 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

Breitling Evolution wrote:

> >I think I can agree that some people will go out of their way to come
> >up with ridulous accusations.

> I've made some of her 30 min. meals. The best I could do is 45 mins. Most
> took about an hour.

Maybe you have to learn to jabber while you are cooking instead of stopping to
talk. :-)

  #126 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

> Can't we just get an all-Alton channel?

He's even more annoying than Rachel Ray.


  #127 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> I agree with Nancy on this one. Paula Deen, while not everyone's cup of
> tea, did come up from the bottom. I believe one if not both of her boys are
> trained as cooks and they are her partners in the restaurant business (both
> restaurant and books are called "the Lady and Sons").
> Gotta hand it to her. She was divorced when the boys were little, but
> you've never heard her speak of their father negatively on air as some tv
> personalities have. All I can gather is if the boys are indeed Momma's
> boys, that can be from feeling protective of her when their parents
> separated. She did for them when she had little to do with, so now they
> join the 'act' when she has made it big.
> I say 'go, Paula'......we big mouthed Southern girls gotta stick together.
> -ginny

I kinda see her as one of the more "real" TV chefs. I also like Ina
Garten. Both use too much fat and salt for me, though.


  #128 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

Breitling Evolution wrote:

> "Default User" > wrote:
> > Breitling Evolution wrote:
> >
> >
> >> I think we can agree that they aren't 30 minute meals. She has made
> >> her reputation on a false premise.

> >
> > I think I can agree that some people will go out of their way to
> > come up with ridulous accusations.

> I've made some of her 30 min. meals. The best I could do is 45 mins.
> Most took about an hour.

So? What are your qualifications as the ideal person for the test? It's
just silly. I doubt anyone could come up with a menu that every cook
could complete in a specified time frame.


If televison's a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who
won't shut up.
-- Dorothy Gambrell (
  #129 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

-L. wrote:

> I kinda see her as one of the more "real" TV chefs. I also like Ina
> Garten. Both use too much fat and salt for me, though.

Paula Deen grates on my nerves, particularly with her accent (And I'm IN
Georgia! LOL) but Ina Garten truly annoys me 'cause she seems to have
all these "rent-a-friends" whom she cooks for as if her life is one
dinner party after another. She seems so fake, y'know?

Conversely, I like Alton Brown a LOT (another Georgian, but with a much
nicer speaking manner than Paula)
  #130 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

-L. burbled to the world:
> wrote:
>> Can't we just get an all-Alton channel?

> He's even more annoying than Rachel Ray.

Blasphemer!!! Heretic!!! Die, infidel!!!


Seventy percent of success in life is showing up.
---Woody Allen

  #131 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> "Blair P. Houghton" > wrote
> > Nancy Young > wrote:
> >>"Blair P. Houghton" > wrote
> >>
> >>> And now Paula Deen's middle-aged-spoiled-brat children have
> >>> a show where they do the same thing in a retro convertible.
> >>
> >>I don't know why you called them that. I don't see spoiled and
> >>I don't see brats.

> >
> > You seen them on the show?
> >
> > I saw spoiled-brat mama's boys.

> Yes, any number of times. Do you know the story of Paula Deen
> and her kids? And if you're referring to those little jokey pieces
> they do about them slacking off, that's a show. I've heard nothing
> other than they both work very hard at the restaurant.
> Are they mama's boys? Perhaps. Whatever that means.
> Spoiled? No. I believe you are barking up the wrong tree on
> this.
> nancy

I agree with Nancy on this one. Paula Deen, while not everyone's cup of
tea, did come up from the bottom. I believe one if not both of her boys are
trained as cooks and they are her partners in the restaurant business (both
restaurant and books are called "the Lady and Sons").

Gotta hand it to her. She was divorced when the boys were little, but
you've never heard her speak of their father negatively on air as some tv
personalities have. All I can gather is if the boys are indeed Momma's
boys, that can be from feeling protective of her when their parents
separated. She did for them when she had little to do with, so now they
join the 'act' when she has made it big.

I say 'go, Paula'......we big mouthed Southern girls gotta stick together.

  #132 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:

> There IS only so much Southern pone one can handle i.e. Paula. And I
> agree, Ina Garten is what? A Contessa? by whose making, or did she
> name herself.....

It's a nickname she picked up after she purchased a business named "The
Barefoot Contessa".

If televison's a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who
won't shut up.
-- Dorothy Gambrell (
  #133 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

I agree, Alton is my favorite! I like knowing why things work the way they

Debbie in Indiana

"Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote in message
> "Goomba38" > wrote in message
> . ..
>> -L. wrote:
>> > I kinda see her as one of the more "real" TV chefs. I also like Ina
>> > Garten. Both use too much fat and salt for me, though.

>> Paula Deen grates on my nerves, particularly with her accent (And I'm IN
>> Georgia! LOL) but Ina Garten truly annoys me 'cause she seems to have
>> all these "rent-a-friends" whom she cooks for as if her life is one
>> dinner party after another. She seems so fake, y'know?
>> Conversely, I like Alton Brown a LOT (another Georgian, but with a much
>> nicer speaking manner than Paula)
>> Goomba

> There IS only so much Southern pone one can handle i.e. Paula. And I
> agree,
> Ina Garten is what? A Contessa? by whose making, or did she name
> herself.....I know it does seem like she just open the drawer to her phone
> list and dials 1-800- rent-a-friend. Who actually are those people and
> why
> do they want her to cook for them, unless they are getting paid to do
> this?
> I agree also that Alton is a class act. He explains why things do what
> they
> do in the pot/pan/oven. My all time fave is the 'mini-Alton' that he made
> Mac and cheese for...the kid had all his annoying quirks and was annoying
> the heck out of AB.
> -ginny

  #134 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

Goomba38 wrote:
> Paula Deen grates on my nerves, particularly with her accent (And I'm IN
> Georgia! LOL)

I'm in the PNW so I'm not around it at all. It doesn't seem to bother
me. But I don't watch food TV that much.

> but Ina Garten truly annoys me 'cause she seems to have
> all these "rent-a-friends" whom she cooks for as if her life is one
> dinner party after another. She seems so fake, y'know?

I guess I don't see Ina's "fake" friends schtick any more annoying then
Alton Brown's "scientist" schtick or his "let's make cookies to bail
out my poor sister" schtick or his "mini-me" schtick - the list goes on
and on. They all have schtick - which schtick is more or less annoying
is up to the individual.

> Conversely, I like Alton Brown a LOT (another Georgian, but with a much
> nicer speaking manner than Paula)

He has an affectation I can't tolerate. I want to beat him to death
with a ball-peen hammer.


  #135 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

"Goomba38" > wrote in message
. ..
> -L. wrote:
> > I kinda see her as one of the more "real" TV chefs. I also like Ina
> > Garten. Both use too much fat and salt for me, though.

> Paula Deen grates on my nerves, particularly with her accent (And I'm IN
> Georgia! LOL) but Ina Garten truly annoys me 'cause she seems to have
> all these "rent-a-friends" whom she cooks for as if her life is one
> dinner party after another. She seems so fake, y'know?
> Conversely, I like Alton Brown a LOT (another Georgian, but with a much
> nicer speaking manner than Paula)
> Goomba

There IS only so much Southern pone one can handle i.e. Paula. And I agree,
Ina Garten is what? A Contessa? by whose making, or did she name
herself.....I know it does seem like she just open the drawer to her phone
list and dials 1-800- rent-a-friend. Who actually are those people and why
do they want her to cook for them, unless they are getting paid to do this?

I agree also that Alton is a class act. He explains why things do what they
do in the pot/pan/oven. My all time fave is the 'mini-Alton' that he made
Mac and cheese for...the kid had all his annoying quirks and was annoying
the heck out of AB.

  #136 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

"-L." > wrote

> Goomba38 wrote:

>> Conversely, I like Alton Brown a LOT (another Georgian, but with a much
>> nicer speaking manner than Paula)

> He has an affectation I can't tolerate. I want to beat him to death
> with a ball-peen hammer.

That would make it a multi-tasking tool!


  #138 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

-L. wrote:
> Goomba38 wrote:
> >
> > Paula Deen grates on my nerves, particularly with her accent (And I'm IN
> > Georgia! LOL)

> I'm in the PNW so I'm not around it at all. It doesn't seem to bother
> me. But I don't watch food TV that much.
> > but Ina Garten truly annoys me 'cause she seems to have
> > all these "rent-a-friends" whom she cooks for as if her life is one
> > dinner party after another. She seems so fake, y'know?

> I guess I don't see Ina's "fake" friends schtick any more annoying then
> Alton Brown's "scientist" schtick or his "let's make cookies to bail
> out my poor sister" schtick or his "mini-me" schtick - the list goes on
> and on. They all have schtick - which schtick is more or less annoying
> is up to the individual.
> >
> > Conversely, I like Alton Brown a LOT (another Georgian, but with a much
> > nicer speaking manner than Paula)

> He has an affectation I can't tolerate. I want to beat him to death
> with a ball-peen hammer.

The ball end or the peen end?

  #139 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

For easy-going watchability, it's hard to beat Rob Rainford's "License
to Grill".

  #141 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

Peter A wrote:

> Just when I begin to feel hopeful about the future of humanity, a thread
> like this one comes along to dash my hopes. If there's anything more
> pitiful than dozens of people whining and arguing about a half-witted TV
> cook I have yet to encounter it.

Yes there is..... a person who posts to complain about a threat that he
doesn't like and doesn't have to read.

  #142 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

Dave Smith > wrote in

> Peter A wrote:
>> Just when I begin to feel hopeful about the future of humanity, a
>> thread like this one comes along to dash my hopes. If there's
>> anything more pitiful than dozens of people whining and arguing
>> about a half-witted TV cook I have yet to encounter it.

> Yes there is..... a person who posts to complain about a threat
> that he doesn't like and doesn't have to read.

And one that reads said complaint...yes yes...I know...


"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why
the poor have no food, they call me a communist."

Dom Helder Camara
  #143 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe!

Those images were photoshopped BY FHM.

> wrote in message
> Blair P. Houghton wrote:
>> Forge > wrote:
>> >In article . com>,
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> She's annoying but I'd really like to **** her...
>> >
>> >It's too bad it's so hard to find the photoshoot she did for FHM (or was
>> >it Stuff for Men?) a few years back. First-rate lingerie pics for sure.

>> Hard for you. Easy for google.

> you get even more images if you spell her first name correctly ;-)

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