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Anthony 29-09-2003 04:39 PM

Help! Blender veg drink
We've recently acquired a blender so I thought I'd make a vegetable drink,
kinda like V8 but without the sugar and mystery chemicals. I put in a large
can of tomatoes and some celery, spinach, carrot, bell pepper, jalapeno,
basil, garlic, lemon juice salt and pepper and hit Puree. Well, the result
tastes fine but has a nasty frothy consistency, like something that's
fermenting, not what I want at all. Where did I go wrong?
TIA for any suggestions/recipes.

Jack Schidt® 29-09-2003 04:51 PM

Help! Blender veg drink

"Anthony" > wrote in message
> We've recently acquired a blender so I thought I'd make a vegetable drink,
> kinda like V8 but without the sugar and mystery chemicals. I put in a

> can of tomatoes and some celery, spinach, carrot, bell pepper, jalapeno,
> basil, garlic, lemon juice salt and pepper and hit Puree. Well, the

> tastes fine but has a nasty frothy consistency, like something that's
> fermenting, not what I want at all. Where did I go wrong?
> TIA for any suggestions/recipes.

If you want a juice consistency you need to do some filtering of the puree,
like through cloth. Blenders are great for blending but to make juice you
really need a good juicer that filters out all but the juice.

Jack LaLanne (not an endorsement)

Nancy Young 29-09-2003 04:52 PM

Help! Blender veg drink
Anthony wrote:
> We've recently acquired a blender so I thought I'd make a vegetable drink,
> kinda like V8 but without the sugar and mystery chemicals. I put in a large
> can of tomatoes and some celery, spinach, carrot, bell pepper, jalapeno,
> basil, garlic, lemon juice salt and pepper and hit Puree. Well, the result
> tastes fine but has a nasty frothy consistency, like something that's
> fermenting, not what I want at all. Where did I go wrong?
> TIA for any suggestions/recipes.

You just blended a lot of air into it. Let it sit?


Nina 29-09-2003 04:53 PM

Help! Blender veg drink

"Anthony" > wrote in message
> We've recently acquired a blender so I thought I'd make a vegetable drink,
> kinda like V8 but without the sugar and mystery chemicals. I put in a

> can of tomatoes and some celery, spinach, carrot, bell pepper, jalapeno,
> basil, garlic, lemon juice salt and pepper and hit Puree. Well, the

> tastes fine but has a nasty frothy consistency, like something that's
> fermenting, not what I want at all. Where did I go wrong?
> TIA for any suggestions/recipes.

Bell pepper and celery ( i think) tend to froth. Try doing them
individually, then mixing.

Anthony 29-09-2003 05:25 PM

This is the ..........

"Nina" > wrote in message
> >

> Bell pepper and celery ( i think) tend to froth. Try doing them
> individually, then mixing.

Rapid response group! Thanks for all the helpful replies. Jack I want to
try to keep the fibre in the drink, (also not buy another machine!) so I'll
try the "let it sit" approach and if that doesn't work, next time I'll add
the pepper and celery after blending. Maybe I'd be better having gazpacho
with a side of water!

PENMART01 29-09-2003 05:32 PM

Help! Blender veg drink
"Anthony" > writes:

>We've recently acquired a blender so I thought I'd make a vegetable drink,
>kinda like V8 but without the sugar and mystery chemicals. I put in a large
>can of tomatoes and some celery, spinach, carrot, bell pepper, jalapeno,
>basil, garlic, lemon juice salt and pepper and hit Puree. Well, the result
>tastes fine but has a nasty frothy consistency, like something that's
>fermenting, not what I want at all. Where did I go wrong?
>TIA for any suggestions/recipes.

To replicate V-8 Vegetable Juice Cocktail you'd do better with a juice
extractor than a blender... actually is best accomplished with a food mill but
is a lot more labor intensive. Perhaps you can salvage your blender concoction
by putting it through a food mill, extracting just enough pulp until the
resultant texture satisfies your taste. Next batch chunk and cook your
vegetables for a few minutes (V-8 is not a raw product), just to tenderize,
then place through a food mill. Make a large batch; this freezes well.

Here's a basic 'canning' recipe, doctor to your taste:,163,1...247199,00.html

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

Rick & Cyndi 29-09-2003 06:21 PM

This is the ..........
"Anthony" > wrote in message
: "Nina" > wrote in message
: t...
: > >
: > Bell pepper and celery ( i think) tend to froth. Try doing
: > individually, then mixing.
: >
: Rapid response group! Thanks for all the helpful replies.
Jack I want to
: try to keep the fibre in the drink, (also not buy another
machine!) so I'll
: try the "let it sit" approach and if that doesn't work, next
time I'll add
: the pepper and celery after blending. Maybe I'd be better
having gazpacho
: with a side of water!
: ===========

If you did use a juicer you could take some of the fiber/pulp
that was separated and stir it back into your juice... Just a

<Remove a "b" to reply>

jammer 30-09-2003 06:29 AM

Help! Blender veg drink
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 10:39:34 -0400, "Anthony" >

>We've recently acquired a blender so I thought I'd make a vegetable drink,
>kinda like V8 but without the sugar and mystery chemicals. I put in a large
>can of tomatoes and some celery, spinach, carrot, bell pepper, jalapeno,
>basil, garlic, lemon juice salt and pepper and hit Puree. Well, the result
>tastes fine but has a nasty frothy consistency, like something that's
>fermenting, not what I want at all. Where did I go wrong?
>TIA for any suggestions/recipes.

You need a juicer or try letting the froth go down and stir gently
with a spoon. ?

Anthony 30-09-2003 02:50 PM

Help! Blender veg drink

"jammer" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 10:39:34 -0400, "Anthony" >
> wrote:
> You need a juicer or try letting the froth go down and stir gently
> with a spoon. ?

Letting it sit worked fine, the froth subsided. Of course I don't really
have a drink, more a gazpacho without the olive oil. It's good, though, and
keeps me away from less virtuous drinks, at least some of the time.

PENMART01 30-09-2003 05:02 PM

Help! Blender veg drink
"Anthony" writes:

>"jammer" wrote:
>> You need a juicer or try letting the froth go down and stir gently
>> with a spoon. ?

>Letting it sit worked fine, the froth subsided.

And it also separated, watery juice on top, sludgey pulp at the bottom, and
probably a head of frothy scum... if you stirred it the resulting concoction
would be much thicker than V-8, gaggingly so. What you need is a food mill;
one sized for home use is very inexpensive (perhaps $20), they are typically
very well made (will last 2-3 lifetimes), an indispensable kitchen tool with
many uses. My Foley (Model 101) is used often, over more years than I care to
recount (but well over 40), and still looks and operates like brand new. No
other tool can take it's place.

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

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