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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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is for LYN

nobody ilse touch it

I also felt led to share with Lyn, you will not find one suggestion in
the good book that instructs mankind to be cruel or less than
respectful to animals, nowhere.

neither will you find God instructing man to usurp and abuse the earth
in fact the Apostle Paul instructs early christains not to abuse the

That's fine if you don't believe in the Bible or a God above
but in the past you have shown contempt and proved that you have never
read the Bible about these things... just a little misconception I
wanted to clear up.

I could line this post with quotes on the subject of animals, but one
quick search at any Bible web-site would do the same.


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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bobmarley wrote:
> is for LYN
> nobody ilse touch it
> , noI also felt led to share with Lyn, you will not find one suggestion in
> the good book that instructs mankind to be cruel or less than
> respectful to animalswhere.
> neither will you find God instructing man to usurp and abuse the earth
> in fact the Apostle Paul instructs early christains not to abuse the
> earth.
> That's fine if you don't believe in the Bible or a God above
> but in the past you have shown contempt and proved that you have never
> read the Bible about these things... just a little misconception I
> wanted to clear up.
> I could line this post with quotes on the subject of animals, but one
> quick search at any Bible web-site would do the same.

Bob Marley just said:
" you will not find one suggestion in
> the good book that instructs mankind to be cruel or less than
> respectful to animalswhere.

Well, most of us consider sacrificing animals (goats, calves, etc. ) to
be cruel, I'm sure the animals would say so, if they could. There's
lots of that in the Bible, including the guy who was ready to sacrifice
his own son, until he was stopped at the last minute by a "holy voice".
You can look it up--I'm too busy.


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nancree wrote:

> Well, most of us consider sacrificing animals (goats, calves, etc. ) to
> be cruel, I'm sure the animals would say so, if they could.

you're right, goats calves bulls doves lambs and so on

in fact, they slaughtered so many the priest doing the slaughtering
would come out witih his robes drenched in blood and they would ROAST
the beast as a burnt offering.

Christianity is a bloody religion.

>. There's
> lots of that in the Bible, including the guy who was ready to sacrifice
> his own son, until he was stopped at the last minute by a "holy voice".
> You can look it up--I'm too busy.

what do you mean "was ready to sacrifice his own son".. he DID!

It is a picture of Love, God sent his only son to die for everyone. And
we mangled him good too, so much that he was unrecognizeable, he was a
bloody pulp.

"No purple robe he wore his bleeding wounds to hide, but stripes on his
back he wore with pride"

You must have never read your bible, or you been listening to, to many
nut jobs.

as Mahalia Jackson might say

"Somebody come and tell nancree that Jesus died on the cross for

"He wrote his love in the crimson red, and wore the thorns upon his

you olllll' sinner!

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bobmarley wrote:

Link doesn't work, ha-ha!

> is for LYN
> nobody ilse touch it

You have my email address. Why puke all over the group with this

Proselytization doesn't become you, Barry.

> I also felt led to share with Lyn, you will not find one suggestion in
> the good book that instructs mankind to be cruel or less than
> respectful to animals, nowhere.

"God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the
air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
-Genesis 1:26

Man's DOMINION over animals. In black and white. Putting man in
control over animals isn't any ethic I subscribe to.

> neither will you find God instructing man to usurp and abuse the earth
> in fact the Apostle Paul instructs early christains not to abuse the
> earth.
> That's fine if you don't believe in the Bible or a God above
> but in the past you have shown contempt

The only contemp I have shown is for self-proclaimed bible-thumping
idiots like yourself who wouldn't have an independant thought if it bit
you on the ass, but feel the need to run your mouth about your
religion, ad nauseum. If "Christians" - and I use that term lightly -
want respect, they need to keep their ****ing religion out of our
government. You want to tell me how great Christianity is? Fine. Go
ahead. Then you have to sit down and shut the **** up while I tell you
what's so ****ed up about it.

> and proved that you have never
> read the Bible about these things... just a little misconception I
> wanted to clear up.
> I could line this post with quotes on the subject of animals, but one
> quick search at any Bible web-site would do the same.

And you wonder why you are so hated...Thank God not all Christians are
obnoxious about it.


  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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-L. wrote:

i deleted the song from the server, over 170 downloads before 4pm
suckin up my bandwidth

I said, "nobody touch it but lyn".. but nooooo...

so I took it down ha-ha

you shoulda got while the gettin was good

for the rest of your acid reflux post

YOU brought up God
everybody knows you hate him

I never once mentioned his name till I replied to another one of your
heartburn posts
where you call christianity bullshit! you brought it up, you
volunteered it dumbass

why would I send you an email, when you lambast God in public?
for what? it's a tic for a tac

you got alot of growing up to do
has nothing to do with God, you just use christians cause you THINK
they are an easy target

but then you keep getting your ass spanked by one...

and im happy to oblige!

don't talk bad about Jesus or God or the Bible on here Lyn no-one is
interested in yiour hate, this is a cooking group, get with the
program... but I don't expect much more from you, your bout as
intelligent as my cat.

even IF someone was interested in you HATE, they have enough common
sense to post it in the right group

if you can't love people WE ALL KNOW FOR DAMN SURE that your claims to
care about animals is a crock of poopee

get a life, you don't need to be on usenet, you can't handle it

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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mob-barley wrote:
> -L. wrote:
> <snip>
> i deleted the song from the server, over 170 downloads before 4pm
> suckin up my bandwidth
> I said, "nobody touch it but lyn".. but nooooo...
> so I took it down ha-ha

No loss for me.

> you shoulda got while the gettin was good
> for the rest of your acid reflux post
> YOU brought up God
> everybody knows you hate him

First of all, I don't think "God" - if there is such an entity - is a
male - IT is probably genderless and sexless as IT isn't human. Second
of all I 'm not sure "god" exists so how could anyone hate something
they aren't sure exists?

> I never once mentioned his name till I replied to another one of your
> heartburn posts
> where you call christianity bullshit!

I have never called Christianity "bullshit". Post proof or shut the
**** up. What I probably did was called your incessant bible-thumping
and justification of animal use by humans "bullshit". The truth is
Barry, you wouldn't have an original thought in your head if someone
gave you a brain transplant.


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"mob-barley" > wrote

> i deleted the song from the server, over 170 downloads >before 4pm

It is a beautiful song.

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-L. wrote:

> No loss for me.

you're probably right Lyn

> First of all, I don't think "God" - if there is such an entity - is a
> male - IT is probably genderless and sexless as IT isn't human. Second
> of all I 'm not sure "god" exists so how could anyone hate something
> they aren't sure exists?

we've been over this when I had to slap another mouthpiece down
you want proof?
going outside and seeing a leaf fall to the ground, or hearing a new
born baby cry is all the proof I need, why are you so stiff necked?

> I have never called Christianity "bullshit". Post proof or shut the
> **** up.

will do motor mouth
but not right now, im not wasting my lunch break on this petty affair

> What I probably did was called your incessant bible-thumping
> and justification of animal use by humans "bullshit". The truth is
> Barry, you wouldn't have an original thought in your head if someone
> gave you a brain transplant.

I got my proof, will post afterwhile
but YOU... you're going to come up short fuzzy, I just don't know what
you're going to do.

you sound like a damn hoover vaccum cleaner salesman

you SOUND like a gospel preacher, do you hear yourself?

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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cybercat wrote:
> "mob-barley" > wrote
> > i deleted the song from the server, over 170 downloads >before 4pm

> It is a beautiful song.

It's really shame he doesn't sing Emo or contemporary Indie-type music.
He has the voice for it and could be extremely successful. He'd have
to move to LA to persue it, though.


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"-L." > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
> > "mob-barley" > wrote
> >
> > > i deleted the song from the server, over 170 downloads >before 4pm

> >
> >
> > It is a beautiful song.

> It's really shame he doesn't sing Emo or contemporary Indie-type music.
> He has the voice for it and could be extremely successful. He'd have
> to move to LA to persue it, though.
> -L.

It wasn't Mob singing. However, I believe he sings all sorts of things. He
does indeed have a beautiful voice. It is part of the whole Mob Barley
package, though. You don't get to just pluck that particular chocolate from
the box and eat it after you have stuck your thumb in others to see what's
inside that you don't like.

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cybercat wrote:

> It wasn't Mob singing. However, I believe he sings all sorts of things. He
> does indeed have a beautiful voice.

Thank you Cyber, no I wouldn't cast my pearls that easy
but sometimes I will jangle a little, and flash shiny things

> It is part of the whole Mob Barley
> package, though. You don't get to just pluck that particular chocolate from
> the box and eat it after you have stuck your thumb in others to see what's
> inside that you don't like.

speaking of chocolate, I have a concert coming up in a big black church
in richmond, (It's a black tie affair) i've been working on some of the
oldest black spirituals around... songs like, Lord mamma's tired,
Mamma the Lord's tired too, Can't nobody do me Jeus, and Nobody knows
the truffles I've seen.

Black is the color of obsession, not pink
My first experience in a black church, I sat down at the piano on the
platform, I was 16 years old. I started in with an old song... a big
ol' mamma stood up and shouted! "SANG IT WHITE BOY", she just smiled at
me. I bout fell out! They started moving about the isle's lifting their
hands, shouting... uh.. they really know how to have a good time. They
pulled me out of mediocre singing, into hot sweaty singing, the kind
that the keys on the piano get slippery, wouldn't trade it for nothing.

"I'm glad about it!" (that's also a song title im working on) we have
fun at football games, the pool halls and the clubs, why do we think we
should become God's frozen chosen when we get to chirch... the brothers
and sisters have what you call.."Throw down church", or "High Church".

One can't come to such rejoicing, unless there is an opposing end, and
black people have suffered, historically and even today endure harsh
I am fortunate somehow to find myself in the middle of it, not only
socially but in ministry.

It's not over till its over, it's an uphill journey, im coming up the
rough side of the mountain, I've lost some jobs, been through some
wives, dissapointments not a few! I should have been dead along time
ago, but I am still here! that is the thing I like the most about it!
If everything in my life was hunky dory, I would be concerned that I am
going nowhere, anytime you are doing something worth doing there is
going to be opposition.

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> And you wonder why you are so hated...Thank God not all Christians are
> obnoxious about it.
> -L

Now , wait a minute, I don't hate him, I find his posts much more
entertaining than yours, you seem to be mad about things a lot and rant
and rave. Yet, you have gentle... peace in your address.

Relax, try not to get so involved with hateful things.

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"mob-barley" > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
> > It wasn't Mob singing. However, I believe he sings all sorts of things.

> > does indeed have a beautiful voice.

> Thank you Cyber, no I wouldn't cast my pearls that easy
> but sometimes I will jangle a little, and flash shiny things
> > It is part of the whole Mob Barley
> > package, though. You don't get to just pluck that particular chocolate

> > the box and eat it after you have stuck your thumb in others to see

> > inside that you don't like.

> speaking of chocolate, I have a concert coming up in a big black church
> in richmond, (It's a black tie affair) i've been working on some of the
> oldest black spirituals around... songs like, Lord mamma's tired,
> Mamma the Lord's tired too, Can't nobody do me Jeus, and Nobody knows
> the truffles I've seen.


> Black is the color of obsession, not pink
> My first experience in a black church, I sat down at the piano on the
> platform, I was 16 years old. I started in with an old song... a big
> ol' mamma stood up and shouted! "SANG IT WHITE BOY", she just smiled at
> me. I bout fell out! They started moving about the isle's lifting their
> hands, shouting... uh.. they really know how to have a good time. They
> pulled me out of mediocre singing, into hot sweaty singing, the kind
> that the keys on the piano get slippery, wouldn't trade it for nothing.
> "I'm glad about it!" (that's also a song title im working on) we have
> fun at football games, the pool halls and the clubs, why do we think we
> should become God's frozen chosen when we get to chirch... the brothers
> and sisters have what you call.."Throw down church", or "High Church".
> One can't come to such rejoicing, unless there is an opposing end, and
> black people have suffered, historically and even today endure harsh
> racisms.
> I am fortunate somehow to find myself in the middle of it, not only
> socially but in ministry.
> It's not over till its over, it's an uphill journey, im coming up the
> rough side of the mountain, I've lost some jobs, been through some
> wives, dissapointments not a few! I should have been dead along time
> ago, but I am still here! that is the thing I like the most about it!
> If everything in my life was hunky dory, I would be concerned that I am
> going nowhere, anytime you are doing something worth doing there is
> going to be opposition.

I like this post so much I could not cut any of it out. Maybe I will come
see you sing in Richmond.

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rosie wrote:
> Now , wait a minute, I don't hate him, I find his posts much more
> entertaining than yours, you seem to be mad about things a lot and rant
> and rave. Yet, you have gentle... peace in your address.
> Relax, try not to get so involved with hateful things.
> Rosie

Oh Shaddup! This is an argument that started in another ng and the
asshole drug it here. If you don't like what I post, killfile me,


  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
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cybercat wrote:
> It wasn't Mob singing.

I didn't hear the link.

> However, I believe he sings all sorts of things. He
> does indeed have a beautiful voice. It is part of the whole Mob Barley
> package, though. You don't get to just pluck that particular chocolate from
> the box and eat it after you have stuck your thumb in others to see what's
> inside that you don't like.

It's the only redeeming quality I see right now. Oh, that and he has a
couple pretty cute cats.

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"-L." > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
> > It wasn't Mob singing.

> I didn't hear the link.
> > However, I believe he sings all sorts of things. He
> > does indeed have a beautiful voice. It is part of the whole Mob Barley
> > package, though. You don't get to just pluck that particular chocolate

> > the box and eat it after you have stuck your thumb in others to see

> > inside that you don't like.

> It's the only redeeming quality I see right now. Oh, that and he has a
> couple pretty cute cats.
> -L.

Charles Bukowski once said: "There are a lot of obnoxious characters working
their way into immortality. I'm working on it myself.

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-L. wrote:
> rosie wrote:
> >
> > Now , wait a minute, I don't hate him, I find his posts much more
> > Relax, try not to get so involved with hateful things.
> > Rosie

> Oh Shaddup! This is an argument that started in another ng and the
> asshole drug it here. If you don't like what I post, killfile me,
> twit!

I say oh really?

same as

I quote
"> >You sound like you have been
> > brainwashed by the Christian Right's - "Man's Dominion Over Animals"
> > bullshit."

why you tell lies, yule notice the inclusion of in the

I think you need to lay off the pop

what is your problem with having dominion?

do you feed your cats or do they feed you?
then you have dominion

do your cats claw your child? why not? cause you have dominion
why are our families safe from savage beasts? lions tigers and bears?
cause we have dominion

how come we don't sleep with SNAKES? cause we have dominion

and on down the line

like I say, you need to lay off the pop for a while

dominion has nothing to do with cruelty

think of it like this, there are internet domains etc...

a domain is your place

humans rule the earth not animals
we nuture and help animals

you are the one who keeps dredging up cruelty
and you make a dumbass association with dominion and order vs chaos
with cruelty



  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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-L. wrote:
> rosie wrote:
> >
> > Now , wait a minute, I don't hate him, I find his posts much more
> > entertaining than yours, you seem to be mad about things a lot and rant
> > and rave. Yet, you have gentle... peace in your address.
> >
> >
> > Relax, try not to get so involved with hateful things.
> > Rosie

> Oh Shaddup! This is an argument that started in another ng and the
> asshole drug it here. If you don't like what I post, killfile me,
> twit!
> -L.

I guess I can post what I want and where I want. , as for being a
twit..... nope sorry, Idon't think so.

See if you can post with out calling names, may give you something to

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"mob-barley" > wrote in message
> -L. wrote:
> > No loss for me.

> you're probably right Lyn
> > First of all, I don't think "God" - if there is such an entity - is a
> > male - IT is probably genderless and sexless as IT isn't human. Second
> > of all I 'm not sure "god" exists so how could anyone hate something
> > they aren't sure exists?

> we've been over this when I had to slap another mouthpiece down
> you want proof?
> going outside and seeing a leaf fall to the ground

The first strong suspicion I had that there was a supreme being/greater plan
(according to Emerson hee) was in biology class. All those very specific
functions for
all those organs, sophisticated mechanisms and processes by which life is
basic stuff like photosynthesis and the metamorphosis of butterflies.

The proof came when my prayers were answered not once but over and over
(You can argue all you want that this could be chance--but I knows what I
know, and
have never been the type to embrace cynical Pascal's wager.)

But you cannot argue matters of faith. I mean, you can, but it's pointless.

And God knows it is bad form to condescend to the faithless.

All that said, I believe religious belief is a private matter, between an
individual, God, Bob, or the Great Abyss. I have heard that there are
in the Bible that instruct the faithful to spread the word, but over the
religion has been so corrupted with politics and power I think missionary
movements serve human purposes more than divine more often than not.

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"-L." > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
> > It wasn't Mob singing.

> I didn't hear the link.
> > However, I believe he sings all sorts of things. He
> > does indeed have a beautiful voice. It is part of the whole Mob Barley
> > package, though. You don't get to just pluck that particular chocolate

> > the box and eat it after you have stuck your thumb in others to see

> > inside that you don't like.

> It's the only redeeming quality I see right now. Oh, that and he has a
> couple pretty cute cats.

You know he's funny as hell on a regular basis. You're just mad at him.

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cybercat wrote:
> You know he's funny as hell on a regular basis. You're just mad at him.

I'm not mad at him - I am disgusted with him.


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"-L." > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
> >
> > You know he's funny as hell on a regular basis. You're just mad at him.

> I'm not mad at him - I am disgusted with him.

I thought these were the same thing!

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cybercat wrote:

> The first strong suspicion ... was in biology class.

yeah, a black and white cow eats green grass and makes 32 flavors of
ice cream, simply marvelous!

> The proof came when my prayers were answered

I hear ya. I had a woman tell me once, be careful what you ask for,
don't ask too little of God.. yule get what you ask for.. don't ask too
little, don't settle, she said.

> But you cannot argue matters of faith. I mean, you can, but it's pointless.

amen, show me your faith, ill show you my works, faith without works is

If I told you I was going to give you a million dollars if you drove to
richmond for my concert.. and if you really believed it.. you would act
on that belief. That's faith.

> And God knows it is bad form to condescend to the faithless.

if you was laying on the ground and you reached up for me to help you
you're in a better position to pull me down,
you have much better leverage.
it's easier to pull someone down than it is to help someone up
so im always careful what I get into trying to help someone, I have to
help myself first you know.. charity starts at home?

if you was not very book smart, I would turn off my big words (if I had
if you was very eloquent, I would just say as little as possible (even
a fool when he's silent, people will think he's wise) or If I could
hang I would.

> All that said, I believe religious belief is a private matter...
> religion has been so corrupted..

in the black community, (and I can say this) everytime they experience
a move of God they turn it into a political movement.

Somehow your words remind me of the passage

it goes something like...

If I saw you naked and hungry but do nothing for those things (clothe
and feed you) how could I say "God loves you" I would get you some
clothes and fill your belly, then tell you God loves you, your warm
body and full belly would be the witness to that love.

You can tell a genuine group of believers if they have love for each

There's a whole lot of us that have a long ways to go, nobody will ever
be perfect, but I'd rather stand before God having loved my fellow
man.. (and have and admit to some faults) than consider myself
perfected (in a sense).. but had no love for my fellowman...

Nobody can hate his fellowman or fellow-woman and say he loves God,
that man is a liar, the love of God is not in him.

Love is how I tell'em apart; if they have love for each other.

I admit, it's easy to love someone that loves us, any old monkey can do
that, but to love the unluvable? <cough>.. that's another story! that's
an oppurtunity for one to "put another jewel in dey crown".

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"mob-barley" > wrote in message

> If I saw you naked and hungry but do nothing for those things (clothe
> and feed you) how could I say "God loves you" I would get you some
> clothes and fill your belly, then tell you God loves you, your warm
> body and full belly would be the witness to that love.
> You can tell a genuine group of believers if they have love for each
> other.
> There's a whole lot of us that have a long ways to go, nobody will ever
> be perfect, but I'd rather stand before God having loved my fellow
> man.. (and have and admit to some faults) than consider myself
> perfected (in a sense).. but had no love for my fellowman...
> Nobody can hate his fellowman or fellow-woman and say he loves God,
> that man is a liar, the love of God is not in him.
> Love is how I tell'em apart; if they have love for each other.
> I admit, it's easy to love someone that loves us, any old monkey can do
> that, but to love the unluvable? <cough>.. that's another story! that's
> an oppurtunity for one to "put another jewel in dey crown".

Works are an entirely different topic than faith.

And I wonder how you define "unlovable." I rarely think of people in
those terms.

Lastly, I don't think I love people who love me more than I love people
who do not. I don't think in those terms either. People who laugh at my
jokes and enjoy me are certainly very attractive to me. But that is not
love, is it? Just as PITY and condescension are not love. Love is a

It is a ****ing celebration within which some needs are answered and some
noses are bloodied; some hands are held and some are slapped; and I think
God sees the good in both.

The sin of pride has to be the most insidious. If you hold yourself above
others because you are a believer you sin worse than most people. It's
a misuse of faith, in my opinion.

Faith is not meant to be a status symbol, a way to elevate you above others.
It is meant to be something to bring you closer to good. Playing the "I am
than you" game is shallow and stupid and not even close to good.

It might be good to take a look at what you really mean when you say "love."

Love is not just the absence of brutality. It is not just the absence of
It is not maintaining a peaceful silence when good demands an honest voice

Love is not always gentle. It is seldom self-aggrandizing.

Ob food, I am making taco meat tomorrow. Yum.

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  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
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cybercat wrote:
> "-L." > wrote in message
> >
> > cybercat wrote:
> > >
> > > You know he's funny as hell on a regular basis. You're just mad at him.

> >
> > I'm not mad at him - I am disgusted with him.
> >

> I thought these were the same thing!

Not exactly. As I meant it:

Main Entry: 2disgust
1 : to provoke to loathing, repugnance, or aversion
2 : to cause (one) to lose an interest or intention

To me, "mad" means anger, resentment or wrath. That's different from
pure disgust.


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"-L." > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
> > "-L." > wrote in message
> >
> > >
> > > cybercat wrote:
> > > >
> > > > You know he's funny as hell on a regular basis. You're just mad at

> > >
> > > I'm not mad at him - I am disgusted with him.
> > >

> >
> > I thought these were the same thing!

> Not exactly. As I meant it:
> (
> Main Entry: 2disgust
> 1 : to provoke to loathing, repugnance, or aversion
> 2 : to cause (one) to lose an interest or intention
> To me, "mad" means anger, resentment or wrath. That's different from
> pure disgust.

This is a very strong reaction, Lyn.

I think I use "mad" to mean offended or injured. Hurt feelings, even.
Now "****ed" might mean resentment or wrath!

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cybercat wrote:
> Works are an entirely different topic than faith.

show me your faith, ill show you my works

> And I wonder how you define "unlovable." I rarely think of people in
> those terms.

like child molestors, of course everyone is loveable.. but lets be real
people murder one another everyday and hate is no different than murder

> Lastly, I don't think I love people who love me more than I love people
> who do not. I don't think in those terms either. People who laugh at my
> jokes and enjoy me are certainly very attractive to me. But that is not
> love, is it? Just as PITY and condescension are not love. Love is a
> celebration.

I say pity is a form of love

pity or from the greek.. חוּס or chûs or khoos

a primitive root; properly to cover, that is, (figuratively) to
compassionate: - pity, regard, spare.

love is... we all know what it is...


you can walk on water but if you don't have love, you don't have
nothing but a cheap magicians trick.

> It is a ****ing celebration within which some needs are answered and some
> noses are bloodied; some hands are held and some are slapped; and I think
> God sees the good in both.

"as long as laughter is good to hear and lips are good to kiss?" yes!

it's a living hell that we are going to be lucky to get out of alive
I dont fool myself... this world is always shifting always changing
it's the blind leading the blind.

we say, the russian bear has long since been tamed and we have
consolidated our nuclear war-heads, and we are trying to cause peace in
the middle east.. and the stock market seems to be doing.. well.. ok...

There is no peace or security in these things, history has proved this
world offers no security

> The sin of pride has to be the most insidious. If you hold yourself above
> others because you are a believer you sin worse than most people. It's
> a misuse of faith, in my opinion.

Pride is the number one killer around the world, pride was the original
sin, it's a snake of a sin. I agree there is no pride more wicked than
religious pride.

> Faith is not meant to be a status symbol, a way to elevate you above others.
> It is meant to be something to bring you closer to good. Playing the "I am
> better
> than you" game is shallow and stupid and not even close to good.

them kind of people, I just pat them on the head and say, "good for

> It might be good to take a look at what you really mean when you say "love."
> Love is not just the absence of brutality. It is not just the absence of
> rudeness.
> It is not maintaining a peaceful silence when good demands an honest voice
> be
> raised.

you covered alot of territory in that comment, are you talking about
war and love of country? then sure.. war is brutal. are you talking
about plain truth and not fencing our words? then sure.. real love is
sometimes a hard love, as in.. "faithful are the wounds of a friend".
Love is telling someone the truth even when you know they are not going
to like it.

> Love is not always gentle. It is seldom self-aggrandizing.

I agree that it doesn't seek it's own..
but flaunting what one has, has nothing to do with love

Nations have been gotten, wars have been won, by one flaunting what
they have.

far as condescending to men of low esteem? Some people's choices are
repulsive to me. I may or may not keep company with them... but as far
as anyone being better than someone because of faith? This is probably
the most devisive tool inside the real church (im not talking about a
building made with hands)...
but goes back to the thing you've already mentioned.. pride.

The most repulsive thing to me is religious pride and wickedness..
those are the folk I delight in not having time for. really.

> Ob food, I am making taco meat tomorrow. Yum.

don't forget the cheddar

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
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cybercat wrote:
> >

> This is a very strong reaction, Lyn.

Well, I have lost all respect for him, basically. I hate nothing worse
than proselytization.

> I think I use "mad" to mean offended or injured. Hurt feelings, even.
> Now "****ed" might mean resentment or wrath!

LOL...To me, mad and ****ed are the same. English is a funny language!


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bobmarley wrote:
> is for LYN
> nobody ilse touch it
> I also felt led to share with Lyn, you will not find one suggestion in
> the good book that instructs mankind to be cruel or less than
> respectful to animals, nowhere.
> neither will you find God instructing man to usurp and abuse the earth
> in fact the Apostle Paul instructs early christains not to abuse the
> earth.
> That's fine if you don't believe in the Bible or a God above
> but in the past you have shown contempt and proved that you have never
> read the Bible about these things... just a little misconception I
> wanted to clear up.
> I could line this post with quotes on the subject of animals, but one
> quick search at any Bible web-site would do the same.

How about the zygotes/embryos/fetuses that are so loved by so many?
Read Hosea 13:16

16 Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her
God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in
pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.


Or 1 Samuel 15:3

3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and
spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox
and sheep, camel and ass.

KILL THE BABIES! Hey, and there are your dear animals. KILL THE BABY

The hunter tells his child, "Daddy only kills the *bad* animals."

God only kills the bad babies, right? Bad ox. Bad sheep. Bad camels
and asses.

Or in Egypt:

Exodus 12:12
For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite
all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against
all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.


Kill animals and burn them because I like the smell. It doesn't matter
which of the three Abrahamic faiths. They all have their roots in
animal sacrifice.


  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
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-L. wrote:

> Well, I have lost all respect for him, basically. I hate nothing worse
> than proselytization.

Whoa! Got me! Damn! Yea!....Come on! Step on up Lyn! Come on that's
good! Yea, you got to hold on to that anger, you got to HOLD ON TO THAT
FURY. That's the last thing to go, that's the final hiding place, IT'S

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
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mob-barley wrote:
> nancree wrote:
> > Well, most of us consider sacrificing animals (goats, calves, etc. ) to
> > be cruel, I'm sure the animals would say so, if they could.

> you're right, goats calves bulls doves lambs and so on
> in fact, they slaughtered so many the priest doing the slaughtering
> would come out witih his robes drenched in blood and they would ROAST
> the beast as a burnt offering.
> Christianity is a bloody religion.
> >. There's
> > lots of that in the Bible, including the guy who was ready to sacrifice
> > his own son, until he was stopped at the last minute by a "holy voice".
> > You can look it up--I'm too busy.

> what do you mean "was ready to sacrifice his own son".. he DID!

He's talking about Abraham being willing to sacrifice Isaac. God
stopped that because males are to valuable. When the sacrifice is a
girl, God lets it go forward:

Judges 11

30And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou shalt
without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands,

31Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my
house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon,
shall surely be the LORD's, and I will offer it up for a burnt

32So Jephthah passed over unto the children of Ammon to fight against
them; and the LORD delivered them into his hands.

33And he smote them from Aroer, even till thou come to Minnith, even
twenty cities, and unto the plain of the vineyards, with a very great
slaughter. Thus the children of Ammon were subdued before the children
of Israel.

34And Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto his house, and, behold, his
daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances: and she
was his only child; beside her he had neither son nor daughter.

35And it came to pass, when he saw her, that he rent his clothes, and
said, Alas, my daughter! thou hast brought me very low, and thou art
one of them that trouble me: for I have opened my mouth unto the LORD,
and I cannot go back.

36And she said unto him, My father, if thou hast opened thy mouth unto
the LORD, do to me according to that which hath proceeded out of thy
mouth; forasmuch as the LORD hath taken vengeance for thee of thine
enemies, even of the children of Ammon.

37And she said unto her father, Let this thing be done for me: let me
alone two months, that I may go up and down upon the mountains, and
bewail my virginity, I and my fellows.

38And he said, Go. And he sent her away for two months: and she went
with her companions, and bewailed her virginity upon the mountains.

39And it came to pass at the end of two months, that she returned unto
her father, who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed:
and she knew no man. And it was a custom in Israel,

40That the daughters of Israel went yearly to lament the daughter of
Jephthah the Gileadite four days in a year.

This is the same culture that featured this "righteous man": Genesis 19
8Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I
pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your
eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the
shadow of my roof.

Women are "merely property."*
> It is a picture of Love, God sent his only son to die for everyone. And
> we mangled him good too, so much that he was unrecognizeable, he was a
> bloody pulp.

Did you get that from the Bible or that Mel Gibson movie?
> "No purple robe he wore his bleeding wounds to hide, but stripes on his
> back he wore with pride"
> You must have never read your bible, or you been listening to, to many
> nut jobs.
> as Mahalia Jackson might say
> "Somebody come and tell nancree that Jesus died on the cross for
> everyone"
> ----
> "He wrote his love in the crimson red, and wore the thorns upon his
> head"
> --
> you olllll' sinner!



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Food Snob wrote:
> God only kills the bad babies, right? Bad ox. Bad sheep. Bad camels
> and asses.

ok, you asked

here's the deal

im just going to lay it out... without qualifying anything

there was a time when any non-jewish human... meant nothing to God.

nothing... just pawns...

the only reason the gentiles ever had any value in God's eyes was to
provoke Israel to jealousy

Israel? yes, they were the apple of his eye, he chose them for his own

as for the rest? we were dogs.

someone can disagree all they want, but I don't sugar coat nothing

dumb gentile dogs we were

God would often through Israel run slam through the dogs by the edge of
the sword
none were left alive, they all had to go..

children, cattle, pets.. everything and burn what is left

people cannot understand this side of God, but you have to take into
and this is key... listen..

EVERYMAN none excluded has knowledge of God...

it's different today, we are on the winning side of calvary, the
winning side of Jesus death burial and ressurection..

we are no longer gentile heathen dogs, but we are sons and daughters

Christ is our brother

every man has the knowledge of God in him.. God made us that way.

it is undeniable and a self evident truth that God exists... he made us
that way.
one can conjure clever arguments, but deep down we know he exists.

so for the trail of blood God left behind? I find no fault in him for
I don't question his decisions...

WHO HAS A RIGHT TO LIFE? When God himself robed his glory in human
flesh, walked among us and died a cruel painful death.. who has a right
to life?"

Not me!

don't forget, God destroyed the entire earth with a flood...

why? because our pride and arrogance had reached the heavens, our
immorality had back built a stinch so bad that God actually regreted
having created us.


A gift had backfired on God

The gift of choice, free moral agents, free will agents

Yes! God regreted making man, He wishes that we was never born

but how can anyone consider God cruel when it was GOD (and Jesus was
God in the flesh) when God... himself became a man, he was born to die.
And blessed is the womb of her that bore that man child Jesus, who had
to also! let him go.. but he appeared to her after his death, Thank
God, for that was one greiving mother

God became man so that he would know first hand what it felt like to be
a man, He is a God that is touched with the feelings of our
infirmities.. we can ignore it all we want but the world is raging
right now. murder, child prostitution, tortures, famine, disease,
pestilence, earthquakes

ALL CREATION GROANS.. we suffer together...
America is so full of homeless and abused.

The gospel was mystery that even the angels did not even understand
(The part how God became a man)

Now for the fix we are in.. for the age we find ourselves in

there is a remedy, there is a solution
The blood of Jesus

some folk got what you call, fig leaf religion, it's one that does not
require any blood

do what you will, Im staying on a winning team..
he's proven himself when he died for me
I will understand it all better, by and by

and for the gentile dogs that he slaughtered?

I don't know.. maybe they are with him now
maybe he taught them the truth
and discovered wether they would choose him or not

but the thing you have to remember is.. and this is important

Man fell in the garden, we were severed from God

it had to be that God had to die for us..

The blood and fire of the old testament..? this is just a historical
of the prophecy of Christ coming to fruition, a child will be born and
he will
save his people from their sins.. I was not his people.. but he used me
to provoke Israel to jealousy

When our genealogist study the bloodlines of Christ, they find...
murderers, liars, theives, adulters, and so forth..
terrible crimes against humanity, incest.. and so on..

all hell tried to stop the plan of God towards man

it was never about man, it was about the plan of God to save men.

by whatever means neccessary, nothing must stop Christ from going to
the cross
otherwise.. what other plan was there?

you would have still been born, but you would have been subject to the
for he lives here too! and without Christ, we wouldn't stand a chance.

don't you know how wicked the heart of man is? we would have tried to
murder the devil even.. only that you can't quite get your hands on

it took the blood of Jesus to do away with an evil conscience and a
wicked heart

the devil is not to blame for murder.. WE DO MURDER murder is in the
heart of a man to do..

the devil rarely imposes his will on a human. rarely I say..

we steal, we lie, we fornicate, we cheat, we murder, we do witchcraft
it's in our heart to do these things.. we were born in it.

we oppress the poor.. not the devil...
we devour widows properties, not the devil
men rape and murder children.. not the devil
it's awful the things men will do..

so when we put the blame where blame is due, we can see ourselves for
who we really are, one can never get straightened out until they figure
out which way north is.

WHO HAS A RIGHT TO LIFE when ONE died for all.

My hat is off to God, he walked the walk, he paid the price, I would
have never died for someone like myself. Never.

He died for me when I was still shaking my fist in his face.

"I was there when they crucified our Lord
I held the scabbard as the soldier drew his sword
I threw the dice when they peirced his side
but I seen love conquer the great divide"

He answers to no man, he owes me nothing

I am guilty, but to whom much is forgiven there is much love.

You HAVE to ask yourself... WHO ARE YOU that he would die for you.

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"mob-barley" > wrote in message
> -L. wrote:
> > Well, I have lost all respect for him, basically. I hate nothing worse
> > than proselytization.

> Whoa! Got me! Damn! Yea!....Come on! Step on up Lyn! Come on that's
> good! Yea, you got to hold on to that anger, you got to HOLD ON TO THAT
> FURY. That's the last thing to go, that's the final hiding place, IT'S

You know no more than anyone else. Less if you think this is the way you
are supposed to promote your religious beliefs. Do you hear yourself?

  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"mob-barley" > wrote in message

cybercat wrote:
> Works are an entirely different topic than faith.

show me your faith, ill show you my works

Who are you than anyone should rend their breast asunder and bare their
faith to you?

Go back to your Bible and read about humility before you take it upon
yourself to preach to decent people who don't use their relationship with
God to elevate themselves above others as though that relationship were a
cheap bauble.

  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
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cybercat wrote:
> "mob-barley" > wrote in message
> >
> > -L. wrote:
> >
> > > Well, I have lost all respect for him, basically. I hate nothing worse
> > > than proselytization.

> >
> > Whoa! Got me! Damn! Yea!....Come on! Step on up Lyn! Come on that's
> > good! Yea, you got to hold on to that anger, you got to HOLD ON TO THAT
> > FURY. That's the last thing to go, that's the final hiding place, IT'S
> >

> You know no more than anyone else. Less if you think this is the way you
> are supposed to promote your religious beliefs. Do you hear yourself?

don't lose your backbone cybie

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cybercat wrote:
> "mob-barley" > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
> > Works are an entirely different topic than faith.

> show me your faith, ill show you my works
> Who are you than anyone should rend their breast asunder and bare their
> faith to you?
> Go back to your Bible and read about humility before you take it upon
> yourself to preach to decent people who don't use their relationship with
> God to elevate themselves above others as though that relationship were a
> cheap bauble.

dont lose your backbone cybie

  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
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-L. wrote:
> rosie wrote:
> >
> > Now , wait a minute, I don't hate him, I find his posts much more
> > entertaining than yours, you seem to be mad about things a lot and rant
> > and rave. Yet, you have gentle... peace in your address.

Lyn, don't take me so hard

I want to apologize, I poked you for helping an earthworm across the
i got to thinking about you being a biologist, so it all made sense

I dont know what im trying to say.

i just feel bad. that's all.

maybe I should..

you know I dont know what im talking about dont you.
well i dont

you kept saying, you dont' have to explain yourself to me

that's the whole point aint it
i mean, we're not really going to swap recipes when our bellies are
full are we
so in the meantime we play doctor on each other

please dont comment here
ive put you on the spot

but.. I feel bad, I think it's to be cherished that you are so
sensitive to living things..
it's childlike... in a sense...

im going to get my tail kicked for talking to you anyway...

i got yelled at for linking you a song

I won't take the gloves off no more, ill play fair..

maybe we bump into each other at this party...

I can't believe I would actually hit the send button right now

i can't believe im posting this

  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"mob-barley" > wrote in message
> -L. wrote:
> > rosie wrote:
> > >
> > > Now , wait a minute, I don't hate him, I find his posts much more
> > > entertaining than yours, you seem to be mad about things a lot and

> > > and rave. Yet, you have gentle... peace in your address.

> Lyn, don't take me so hard
> I want to apologize, I poked you for helping an earthworm across the
> street
> i got to thinking about you being a biologist, so it all made sense
> I dont know what im trying to say.
> i just feel bad. that's all.
> maybe I should..
> you know I dont know what im talking about dont you.
> well i dont
> you kept saying, you dont' have to explain yourself to me
> that's the whole point aint it
> i mean, we're not really going to swap recipes when our bellies are
> full are we
> so in the meantime we play doctor on each other
> please dont comment here
> ive put you on the spot
> but.. I feel bad, I think it's to be cherished that you are so
> sensitive to living things..
> it's childlike... in a sense...
> im going to get my tail kicked for talking to you anyway...
> i got yelled at for linking you a song
> I won't take the gloves off no more, ill play fair..
> maybe we bump into each other at this party...
> I can't believe I would actually hit the send button right now
> i can't believe im posting this

Especially since at least part of it is not true.

When you sent me the link to your server with ANOTHER song
that you wanted me to hear, I said "what is lyn.mp3?" I was curious.
That amounts to "yelling" at you? I don't care who you talk to.
Jesus. JAYSUS. Hep me JAYSUS.

What is WRONG with you??

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cybercat wrote:
> What is WRONG with you??

He's just High on Jaysus.

Funny anecdote: When I lived in San Jose my MIL and niece were coming
to visit. Both are devote Christians (in the real sense of the word).
I volunteered to take them to a Christian church, and found what I
thought was a fairly open, non-denominational Christian church, based
on the website and other literature. Well, when we got there, one of
the greeters was incredibly glassy-eyed and looked *stoned* out of his
mind - like more stoned than
I later commented about it to my brother and he simply replied: "High
on Jesus". I really think that was it! Between that and the lady in
front of us gyrating in the spirit, my company was a bit freaked
out...Come to find out it was an extemely evangelical and charismatic
church. What the hell did I know...?


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-L. wrote:
> cybercat wrote:
> >
> > What is WRONG with you??

> He's just High on Jaysus.
> -L.

I laid hands on a lady one time
she had come to my house

when she left my house she drove around the city
for 12 hours speaking in tongues

this woman had lost 4 children (all of her children)
inside of 5 years (then)

I think what the Lord was doing for her was healing up her brokeness
I also think she was greaving for the first time, she drove around
crying laughing.. what a release!

oh! she had also lost her husband and her dad both in a car wreck
and then her babies later.. I think she was in emotional shock

I think the Lord just put us in each others paths.. she was the one who
showed me I can run my own business.. I"ve been self employed since,
that was 1995 I think

what I like is how people come together and each one brings something
to the table
what I lack you have, what you lack I have,put them together and happy
we go

i see you in what some call a small cell group
doing bible study and prayer and just talking
with people of like minded faith, like minded
issues and interests

you hang out at the barber shop long enough you're going to get a

keep on foolin around Lyn

I don't know nothing about it
aint' nobody hearing me

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