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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Habeneros (Graphic content read at your own risk)

About 12 years ago I had one too many cold ones at a favorite greasy
spoon called the Dirty Drummer in Phoenix. Sitting at the bar watching
the NBA playoffs I ordered their fantastic grilled wings.
These wings are deep fried like traditional buffalo wings and then they
sauce them but if you order them grilled they throw them on a flame
grill so they are deliciously charred.

I placed an order for these wings with the owner and asked him why they
didn't make them hotter. He said if I wanted them really hot he could
add some habenero oil. He went into the back room and brought out a
bottle and carefully poured about a teaspoon into a tiny plastic cup
like he was working with nitro glycerin. Sitting at the bar I did what
any red blooded American would do when someone pours a shot, I downed it.

The guy stared at me in horror as if I were about to be hit by a train.
He said something about calling the paramedics as the oil dropped into
my belly. About 5 seconds later I experienced the second most painful
episode in my life next to my burst appendix. My tongue felt like the
skin was coming off. Every pore on my face erupted with sweat as I
licked my mouth like a rabid dog. Drool was flowing out of my mouth, I
started to make pained noises as he looked for white bread, milk or what
ever else he had to put the fire out. The pain was intense for at least
a half hour and then shortly after that it had made its way through to
the other side. It was literally hours of agony.

Needless to say I stayed away from habenero products for the next few
years. A few years ago eating street tacos in Rocky Point with my
brother and dad the joint had a great big bowl of orange habenero sauce
that tasted delicious on those late night tacos. My brother and I were
having the munchies and we started spooning that stuff on heavier and
heavier as the cook looked at us in disbelief.

About 4 hours later I felt that boiling in my lower digestive track. We
were staying at an old motel in old town so I crawled out of bed at zero
dark hundred knowing very well that I would need to evacuate this before
going fishing at dawn in a small panga boat.

I got in at least an hour of seat time before my brother was banging at
the door. I told him I was busy and he threatened to break the door down
if I didn't get out.

I felt pretty good but could have stayed another hour. So I gained the
strength to get up and give little brother a turn. 5 min later my second
wave was coming and I asked my brother to give up his seat. He basically
told me to go do something unnatural with myself. I sort of swiveled out
the door of our room keeping the cheeks tight and closed thinking I
could use the john at the casino by the pool. It was 4 AM and it was
closed. I saw a young kid and asked "Donde es bano" in my limited
Spanish. He pointed to a small alcove I hadn't seen. As I rounded the
corner I found a small room with a seat and a hole. It looked like every
drunk in Mexico used their artistic abilities in there, I'll leave the
details to your imagination.

I remember saying a small prayer that if this was the way I was to go
just take me now lord. I sat in there for another hour and felt pretty
good and ready to go fishing. Unfortunately my brother didn't get that
second chance and felt his urge out on that panga boat costing him a
huge tip to the captain of the boat.

I went years after that second bout and avoided habeneros again. Then I
saw the Rick Bayless show in the Yucatan as he documented the production
of the sauce they make there. I bought some and absolutly love it. It
doesn't seem as hot as that home made stuff in Rocky Point but the
flavor is awesome. I don't have any trouble digesting it so they must
remove the veins or seeds. The label I have is called El Yucateco in
both Red and Green. The Red seems hotter than the Green.

My question to the group is do they have an orange sauce like I find in
Rocky Point? How do I make my own? Is it shelf stable in the fridge if I
make it from scratch? And what is the secret for making a hot and tasty
sauce without the lower digestive problems?
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Habeneros (Graphic content read at your own risk)

On May 17, 1:56?am, Sonoran Dude > wrote:

> My question to the group is do they have an orange sauce like I find in
> Rocky Point? How do I make my own?

Google up "xni pec" and make your own. Xni pec has been mentioned in
this group before.

> And what is the secret for making a hot and tasty
> sauce without the lower digestive problems?

Leave the habaneros out and use jalapenos instead. If you can't hack
the jalapenos use a milder chile.

The relative heat index of the various chiles has also been posted.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Habeneros (Graphic content read at your own risk)

Back in the early 80s I got a dozen or so habaneros from a friend who
had brought them back from the Yucatan. I proceeded to make a roast
tomato & habanero salsa that (I seem to recall) was form one of Diana
Kennedy's cookbooks. I brought a container of this to my folks place
for a bbq as a side...

My old man thought this was stewed tomatoes and served himself a
handsome portion. He said "what did you do to these stewed tomatos?"
after he took a bite. My mom knew it was a salsa.. he thought it was
stewed tomatos..


  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Habeneros (Graphic content read at your own risk)

On Thu, 17 May 2007 01:56:03 -0700, Sonoran Dude
> wrote:

>My question to the group is do they have an orange sauce like I find in
>Rocky Point? How do I make my own? Is it shelf stable in the fridge if I
>make it from scratch? And what is the secret for making a hot and tasty
>sauce without the lower digestive problems?

Hi Sonoran Dude,

I make an orange/red habanero sauce - sorry not like in Rocky Point,
but it's VERY good. I found this recipe on the web, and use it as a
base to make a sauce to suit my taste - I make it hotter.

It's supposed to be Jamaican style, but I've never been to Jamaica,
so I don't know how authentic it is. Nevertheless, it has a
fruity/mustard/curry flavor, and you can make it as hot as you want.
I made a batch one year with red savinas and it was brutally hot, but
not not immediately - the heat creeps up on you owing to the other
ingredients. Then you notice the sweat dripping from your scalp.

Because of the acidity, the bottled sauce will last for years - if you
change the recipe, just don't scrimp on the vinegar. I've been making
this for almost 10 years, and never had a problem with spoilage.


  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Habeneros (Graphic content read at your own risk)

chiaroscuro wrote:
> On Thu, 17 May 2007 01:56:03 -0700, Sonoran Dude
> > wrote:
>> My question to the group is do they have an orange sauce like I find in
>> Rocky Point? How do I make my own? Is it shelf stable in the fridge if I
>> make it from scratch? And what is the secret for making a hot and tasty
>> sauce without the lower digestive problems?

> Hi Sonoran Dude,
> I make an orange/red habanero sauce - sorry not like in Rocky Point,
> but it's VERY good. I found this recipe on the web, and use it as a
> base to make a sauce to suit my taste - I make it hotter.
> It's supposed to be Jamaican style, but I've never been to Jamaica,
> so I don't know how authentic it is. Nevertheless, it has a
> fruity/mustard/curry flavor, and you can make it as hot as you want.
> I made a batch one year with red savinas and it was brutally hot, but
> not not immediately - the heat creeps up on you owing to the other
> ingredients. Then you notice the sweat dripping from your scalp.
> Because of the acidity, the bottled sauce will last for years - if you
> change the recipe, just don't scrimp on the vinegar. I've been making
> this for almost 10 years, and never had a problem with spoilage.
> jim

This does look delicious. Sweeter than the traditional Yucatan recipe
but looks tasty. I'll see what I can pick up at the store. Thanks for

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Habeneros (Graphic content read at your own risk)

On Fri, 18 May 2007 09:17:08 -0700, Sonoran Dude
> wrote:

>This does look delicious. Sweeter than the traditional Yucatan recipe
>but looks tasty. I'll see what I can pick up at the store. Thanks for

Like I said, use the recipe as a base, and adjust it to your taste.

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Habeneros

"Sonoran Dude" > wrote in message
. ..

> My question to the group is do they have an orange sauce like I find in
> Rocky Point? How do I make my own? Is it shelf stable in the fridge if I
> make it from scratch? And what is the secret for making a hot and tasty
> sauce without the lower digestive problems?

how has your search to find a decent Hab sauce been so far? any luck? My
approach is use less peppers. I use 1 to 2 Habs in my sauces rather than
10-12, I also use another type of chile say a jalapeno or Serrano in combo
with a hab.

I'm sure you know but there has been a C. Chinense developed in Asia that is
over 1mil scovile units, about 2 times the Savina and 3-10 times our
Caribe Habs and Scotch Bonnets. Also there is a company that has developed
a standardized capsicum extract that is being marketed to bottlers for use
in developing a specific heat range in their sauces. I hate to see both of
these approaches because I think it stresses the macho approach to how hot
can you take it rather than taste. It is also too formula, too clinical
for my liking.

Here is one from Bayless' Book MEXICAN KITCHEN, Tomato and Habanero rno:
Here is Daisy's Pineapple vinegar which I like as well:

Another idea to use is make a Caribbean style sofrito or an South American
chimichurri and add heat to them with 1-2 Habs. just add more Habs to your
sauce until you have your heat range. Anymore than my 1-2 and reflux gets me
that night.


try this with a hab or 2 on wood grilled salmon! I also use key limes rather
than lemon.

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
Posts: 8
Default Habeneros (Graphic content read at your own risk)

Sonoran Dude wrote:

> I placed an order for these wings with the owner and asked him why
> they didn't make them hotter. He said if I wanted them really hot he
> could add some habenero oil. He went into the back room and brought
> out a bottle and carefully poured about a teaspoon into a tiny
> plastic cup like he was working with nitro glycerin. Sitting at the
> bar I did what any red blooded American would do when someone pours a
> shot, I downed it.

Sounds like a drink I was offered some 25 years ago (and bet a 2 litre boot
of beer that I wouldn't drink two!) in Hameln in Germany. The closest I
could get to pronouncing it was a Hindu Shrapnel... it consisted of some
kind of chilli sauce and neat Korn (German spirit...) served with a little
slice of bread of all things!

I downed the first one and waited... Hmmmm, mildly musty in flavour, nice
alcoholic finish with a hint of.... BAAAAMMMMM!!! Kicked in the face by a
donkey, intense pain, shock, sweats, had to sit down... Well, more like slid
down onto the floor. Realised what the bread was for... salivation like you
wouldn't believe, it was Victoria Falls mixed with third degree burns.

Then the endorphins and alcohol kicked in... You know, that was kinda nice,
warm with an adrenaline edge. The second was no way as bad as the first and
the English squadies in the bar did indeed buy me a 2 litre boot as

The things 15 year old kids do to try and be macho when on holiday....
taught me many lessons that night.. I've never, ever come across anything
quite so hot as a Hindu Shrapnel since...


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"These people believe the souls of fried space aliens inhabit their
bodies and hold soup cans to get rid of them. I should care what they
think?"...Valerie Emmanuel

Les Hemmings a.a #2251 SA

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