Preserving ( Devoted to the discussion of recipes, equipment, and techniques of food preservation. Techniques that should be discussed in this forum include canning, freezing, dehydration, pickling, smoking, salting, and distilling.

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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a
Default Dude, where's my ping ?

Nearly two hours and no "ping" from my jars. Is this normal ? What's the
expected ping time (if there is such a thing) or does it depend on what
method is used in canning and what is canned ?
What if I don't hear one ?

The lids look concave already, fwiw.


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote in message >...
> Nearly two hours and no "ping" from my jars. Is this normal ? What's the
> expected ping time (if there is such a thing) or does it depend on what
> method is used in canning and what is canned ?
> What if I don't hear one ?
> The lids look concave already, fwiw.
> Rachael

just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen (altho
you missed out on part of the fun!). Press in the middle of the lids
- if they don't give (pop back up), they're sealed

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote in message >...
> Nearly two hours and no "ping" from my jars. Is this normal ? What's the
> expected ping time (if there is such a thing) or does it depend on what
> method is used in canning and what is canned ?
> What if I don't hear one ?
> The lids look concave already, fwiw.
> Rachael

just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen (altho
you missed out on part of the fun!). Press in the middle of the lids
- if they don't give (pop back up), they're sealed

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a

"Kathi" > wrote in message
> "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote in message

> > Nearly two hours and no "ping" from my jars. Is this normal ? What's the
> > expected ping time (if there is such a thing) or does it depend on what
> > method is used in canning and what is canned ?
> > What if I don't hear one ?
> >
> > The lids look concave already, fwiw.

> just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen (altho
> you missed out on part of the fun!).

I was thinking that too - I feel I've been cheated ! Next time I'm going to
sit on a stool and watch them, and listen intently. But then I suppose a
watched jar never pings. ;-)

Press in the middle of the lids
> - if they don't give (pop back up), they're sealed

Them's is sealed alright then ! I could see that they were convex when they
came out of the bath and then became concave minutes later. Maybe that was
my ping window and I missed it.

Thanks for the reassurance !


  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a

"Kathi" > wrote in message
> "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote in message

> > Nearly two hours and no "ping" from my jars. Is this normal ? What's the
> > expected ping time (if there is such a thing) or does it depend on what
> > method is used in canning and what is canned ?
> > What if I don't hear one ?
> >
> > The lids look concave already, fwiw.

> just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen (altho
> you missed out on part of the fun!).

I was thinking that too - I feel I've been cheated ! Next time I'm going to
sit on a stool and watch them, and listen intently. But then I suppose a
watched jar never pings. ;-)

Press in the middle of the lids
> - if they don't give (pop back up), they're sealed

Them's is sealed alright then ! I could see that they were convex when they
came out of the bath and then became concave minutes later. Maybe that was
my ping window and I missed it.

Thanks for the reassurance !


  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:

> Nearly two hours and no "ping" from my jars. Is this normal ?

That's a pretty long time. Sometimes if the stuff inside is boiling,
it'll take longer for the vacuum to form and create the Music To Our

>What's the expected ping time (if there is such a thing) or does it
>depend on what method is used in canning and what is canned ?

If I don't hear all my jars seal within a half hour, I'm wondering why
not! Dangit. Mostly, they've played the music within about 5 minutes,

It'll be louder if there's less in the jar. Say 1/8" vs. 1/4" -- the
1/4" ping will be louder.

> What if I don't hear one ?

Might've happened in the BWB. Might've happened when you weren't around.

> The lids look concave already, fwiw.

That's your clue. If you push down in the middle and it pops back up
(even after a minute or so, you don't have a good seal).

> Rachael

Hang in there, Kiddo! Sounds like you're doing fine.
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:

> Nearly two hours and no "ping" from my jars. Is this normal ?

That's a pretty long time. Sometimes if the stuff inside is boiling,
it'll take longer for the vacuum to form and create the Music To Our

>What's the expected ping time (if there is such a thing) or does it
>depend on what method is used in canning and what is canned ?

If I don't hear all my jars seal within a half hour, I'm wondering why
not! Dangit. Mostly, they've played the music within about 5 minutes,

It'll be louder if there's less in the jar. Say 1/8" vs. 1/4" -- the
1/4" ping will be louder.

> What if I don't hear one ?

Might've happened in the BWB. Might've happened when you weren't around.

> The lids look concave already, fwiw.

That's your clue. If you push down in the middle and it pops back up
(even after a minute or so, you don't have a good seal).

> Rachael

Hang in there, Kiddo! Sounds like you're doing fine.
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
> Rat" > wrote:
> > Nearly two hours and no "ping" from my jars. Is this normal ?

> That's a pretty long time. Sometimes if the stuff inside is boiling,
> it'll take longer for the vacuum to form and create the Music To Our
> Ears.

It looked like it was as it came out of the bath, - the jelly was still
sloppy and jumping around.
> >What's the expected ping time (if there is such a thing) or does it
> >depend on what method is used in canning and what is canned ?

> If I don't hear all my jars seal within a half hour, I'm wondering why
> not! Dangit. Mostly, they've played the music within about 5 minutes,
> IME.

Whaaa ! I want my ping ! ;-)

> It'll be louder if there's less in the jar. Say 1/8" vs. 1/4" -- the
> 1/4" ping will be louder.

Interesting. It makes sense now that I think about it.

> > What if I don't hear one ?

> Might've happened in the BWB. Might've happened when you weren't around.

This is most likely. Also, I am making a mental note to turn the radio off
(as opposed to just lowering the volume like I did yesterday) in future when
bringing the jars out of the bath, to allow for the maximum ping detection.

> >
> > The lids look concave already, fwiw.

> That's your clue. If you push down in the middle and it pops back up
> (even after a minute or so, you don't have a good seal).

They are rock hard stuck down - I am most impressed with these one piece lid
jars. You can't push them down at all.

> Hang in there, Kiddo! Sounds like you're doing fine.

Ta. ;-) It's all new to me, this canning stuff. But boy, does it feel good.
I keep looking at the jars (and at my boyfriend scoffing bits of bread and
jelly from the jar I put in the fridge for eating now) and thinking "I did
that !"

I've been reading this group as a lurker for a while and was persuaded that
BWB canning wasn't as scary or expensive as it could be by some bods on the
rec.gardens.edible group. I had a couple of big pans already (and I made a
jar rack / holder out of a wire chip frying pan - I just bent the handle up
straight and it went into the pan a treat !), and was able to source some
jars after abit of messing about. It seems we don't do so much heat or
pressure based canning (or bottling as it seems to be called round here) in
the UK so if you mention boiling water bath canning in jar supply shops they
just look at you like you've come from another planet. I am afraid to say
that, by and large, the "slap a waxed paper disc on it, lid it and call it
good" technique seems to be still the norm here. In fact, the book I was
recommended to read by a lady in the jar shop purported to reveal the "best
kept secrets of the W.I." (the W.I. is the Women's Institute for those who
don't know - queens of the jamming and preserving ranks - amongst other
things - over here for many years) and advised jam makers to use just that
method !
Don't fancy a case of the possible food heebie jeebies myself, though, so
I'll stick to doing it this way if the local Women's Institute isn't looking
over my shoulder.

I can't wait for my tomatoes to ripen so I can do some sauce for pasta. I
eat it by the truckload it seems so it makes sense to can my own.

Life is indeed good.


  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
> Rat" > wrote:
> > Nearly two hours and no "ping" from my jars. Is this normal ?

> That's a pretty long time. Sometimes if the stuff inside is boiling,
> it'll take longer for the vacuum to form and create the Music To Our
> Ears.

It looked like it was as it came out of the bath, - the jelly was still
sloppy and jumping around.
> >What's the expected ping time (if there is such a thing) or does it
> >depend on what method is used in canning and what is canned ?

> If I don't hear all my jars seal within a half hour, I'm wondering why
> not! Dangit. Mostly, they've played the music within about 5 minutes,
> IME.

Whaaa ! I want my ping ! ;-)

> It'll be louder if there's less in the jar. Say 1/8" vs. 1/4" -- the
> 1/4" ping will be louder.

Interesting. It makes sense now that I think about it.

> > What if I don't hear one ?

> Might've happened in the BWB. Might've happened when you weren't around.

This is most likely. Also, I am making a mental note to turn the radio off
(as opposed to just lowering the volume like I did yesterday) in future when
bringing the jars out of the bath, to allow for the maximum ping detection.

> >
> > The lids look concave already, fwiw.

> That's your clue. If you push down in the middle and it pops back up
> (even after a minute or so, you don't have a good seal).

They are rock hard stuck down - I am most impressed with these one piece lid
jars. You can't push them down at all.

> Hang in there, Kiddo! Sounds like you're doing fine.

Ta. ;-) It's all new to me, this canning stuff. But boy, does it feel good.
I keep looking at the jars (and at my boyfriend scoffing bits of bread and
jelly from the jar I put in the fridge for eating now) and thinking "I did
that !"

I've been reading this group as a lurker for a while and was persuaded that
BWB canning wasn't as scary or expensive as it could be by some bods on the
rec.gardens.edible group. I had a couple of big pans already (and I made a
jar rack / holder out of a wire chip frying pan - I just bent the handle up
straight and it went into the pan a treat !), and was able to source some
jars after abit of messing about. It seems we don't do so much heat or
pressure based canning (or bottling as it seems to be called round here) in
the UK so if you mention boiling water bath canning in jar supply shops they
just look at you like you've come from another planet. I am afraid to say
that, by and large, the "slap a waxed paper disc on it, lid it and call it
good" technique seems to be still the norm here. In fact, the book I was
recommended to read by a lady in the jar shop purported to reveal the "best
kept secrets of the W.I." (the W.I. is the Women's Institute for those who
don't know - queens of the jamming and preserving ranks - amongst other
things - over here for many years) and advised jam makers to use just that
method !
Don't fancy a case of the possible food heebie jeebies myself, though, so
I'll stick to doing it this way if the local Women's Institute isn't looking
over my shoulder.

I can't wait for my tomatoes to ripen so I can do some sauce for pasta. I
eat it by the truckload it seems so it makes sense to can my own.

Life is indeed good.


  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Sean Elkins
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:


> I can't wait for my tomatoes to ripen so I can do some sauce for pasta. I
> eat it by the truckload it seems so it makes sense to can my own.
> Life is indeed good.
> Rachael

Indeed. I started canning (meat) this year out of necessity when my
freezer died and I had to do something to save this year's venison. That's
pressure canning, BTW, using a canner that was my late grandmother's.

Now I can't stop! I'm putting away salsa, beans and spaghetti sauce like a
madman. I have some cucumbers I overlooked that are gigantic and yellow,
so I'm going to try to make dill pickle relish from them. Somebody stop

Fortunately for me jars are quite easy to find here in rural Kentucky.
Almost every hardware stores sells canning supplies and my Dad's basement
is full of jars he and both of my grandmothers once used for puttng away
all the stuff their gardens produced.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to double the size of my garden next year
just to satisfy my canning addiction!

I'm glad you're having fun.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Sean Elkins
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:


> I can't wait for my tomatoes to ripen so I can do some sauce for pasta. I
> eat it by the truckload it seems so it makes sense to can my own.
> Life is indeed good.
> Rachael

Indeed. I started canning (meat) this year out of necessity when my
freezer died and I had to do something to save this year's venison. That's
pressure canning, BTW, using a canner that was my late grandmother's.

Now I can't stop! I'm putting away salsa, beans and spaghetti sauce like a
madman. I have some cucumbers I overlooked that are gigantic and yellow,
so I'm going to try to make dill pickle relish from them. Somebody stop

Fortunately for me jars are quite easy to find here in rural Kentucky.
Almost every hardware stores sells canning supplies and my Dad's basement
is full of jars he and both of my grandmothers once used for puttng away
all the stuff their gardens produced.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to double the size of my garden next year
just to satisfy my canning addiction!

I'm glad you're having fun.
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a

"Sean Elkins" > wrote in message

> I'm afraid I'm going to have to double the size of my garden next year
> just to satisfy my canning addiction!

Ah-ha, another victim to the "get rid of those flowers cos you can't eat
them" bug maybe ? ;-)

I've got food plants one side and flowers the other - small garden, and I do
mean small - and I'm seriously considering having away with the flowerbeds
next year.
However, some of the flowerbed is in shade and I'm not sure what to grow
food wise in shade.
I wonder, is it possible to grow tomatoes all year round on the kitchen
windowsill ? I think I've become addicted to the smell of tomato plants !

> I'm glad you're having fun.

Oh yes ! And I'm feeling very pleased with myself too. Almost smug. ;-)


  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a

"Sean Elkins" > wrote in message

> I'm afraid I'm going to have to double the size of my garden next year
> just to satisfy my canning addiction!

Ah-ha, another victim to the "get rid of those flowers cos you can't eat
them" bug maybe ? ;-)

I've got food plants one side and flowers the other - small garden, and I do
mean small - and I'm seriously considering having away with the flowerbeds
next year.
However, some of the flowerbed is in shade and I'm not sure what to grow
food wise in shade.
I wonder, is it possible to grow tomatoes all year round on the kitchen
windowsill ? I think I've become addicted to the smell of tomato plants !

> I'm glad you're having fun.

Oh yes ! And I'm feeling very pleased with myself too. Almost smug. ;-)


  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Blanche Nonken
Posts: n/a

"Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote:

> However, some of the flowerbed is in shade and I'm not sure what to grow
> food wise in shade.

I have a shady area - it's from trees. I grow lettuce and peas there -
put them in and by the time the tree's fully leafed, it's hot enough
summer that the shade gives the lettuce and peas a couple-three weeks
more productive time.
  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Blanche Nonken
Posts: n/a

"Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote:

> However, some of the flowerbed is in shade and I'm not sure what to grow
> food wise in shade.

I have a shady area - it's from trees. I grow lettuce and peas there -
put them in and by the time the tree's fully leafed, it's hot enough
summer that the shade gives the lettuce and peas a couple-three weeks
more productive time.

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Blanche Nonken
Posts: n/a

"Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote:

> However, some of the flowerbed is in shade and I'm not sure what to grow
> food wise in shade.

I have a shady area - it's from trees. I grow lettuce and peas there -
put them in and by the time the tree's fully leafed, it's hot enough
summer that the shade gives the lettuce and peas a couple-three weeks
more productive time.
  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a

"Blanche Nonken" > wrote in message
> "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote:
> > However, some of the flowerbed is in shade and I'm not sure what to grow
> > food wise in shade.

> I have a shady area - it's from trees. I grow lettuce and peas there -
> put them in and by the time the tree's fully leafed, it's hot enough
> summer that the shade gives the lettuce and peas a couple-three weeks
> more productive time.

Interesting. I'll bear that in mind next year, thanks. I love lettuce and
the bf loves his peas (though I prefer them in the form of what we Brits
call "Mushy Peas".)


  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a

"Blanche Nonken" > wrote in message
> "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote:
> > However, some of the flowerbed is in shade and I'm not sure what to grow
> > food wise in shade.

> I have a shady area - it's from trees. I grow lettuce and peas there -
> put them in and by the time the tree's fully leafed, it's hot enough
> summer that the shade gives the lettuce and peas a couple-three weeks
> more productive time.

Interesting. I'll bear that in mind next year, thanks. I love lettuce and
the bf loves his peas (though I prefer them in the form of what we Brits
call "Mushy Peas".)


  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote > I was thinking
that too - I feel I've been cheated ! Next time I'm going to
> sit on a stool and watch them, and listen intently. But then I suppose a
> watched jar never pings. ;-)

Keep canning, and you will eventually have the *ping* experience....after
all, such ectsasy takes a bit of practice :-)
blessed be
Annie in BC

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote > I was thinking
that too - I feel I've been cheated ! Next time I'm going to
> sit on a stool and watch them, and listen intently. But then I suppose a
> watched jar never pings. ;-)

Keep canning, and you will eventually have the *ping* experience....after
all, such ectsasy takes a bit of practice :-)
blessed be
Annie in BC

  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:

> Ta. ;-) It's all new to me, this canning stuff. But boy, does it feel
> good. I keep looking at the jars (and at my boyfriend scoffing bits
> of bread and jelly from the jar I put in the fridge for eating now)
> and thinking "I did that !"

(hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:

> Ta. ;-) It's all new to me, this canning stuff. But boy, does it feel
> good. I keep looking at the jars (and at my boyfriend scoffing bits
> of bread and jelly from the jar I put in the fridge for eating now)
> and thinking "I did that !"

(hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:

> Ta. ;-) It's all new to me, this canning stuff. But boy, does it feel
> good. I keep looking at the jars (and at my boyfriend scoffing bits
> of bread and jelly from the jar I put in the fridge for eating now)
> and thinking "I did that !"

(hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:

>(snipped)I am afraid to
> say that, by and large, the "slap a waxed paper disc on it, lid it
> and call it good" technique seems to be still the norm here. In fact,
> the book I was recommended to read by a lady in the jar shop
> purported to reveal the "best kept secrets of the W.I." (the W.I. is
> the Women's Institute for those who don't know - queens of the
> jamming and preserving ranks - amongst other things - over here for
> many years) and advised jam makers to use just that method ! Don't
> fancy a case of the possible food heebie jeebies myself, though, so
> I'll stick to doing it this way if the local Women's Institute isn't
> looking over my shoulder.

You also have to understand that our government agencies are freaky
about some things, Rachael. And there's some research that says mold
isn't good for a person - and that you can't just scrape it off and
figure you're home free. And our companies are big on CYA -- 'tis a
seriously litigious society we've become: I'll do something stupid and
then I'll sue you for everything you've got and hope to have because you
didn't TELL ME NOT TO DO IT. Our much-touted boiling water bath is
easily done and does the job of killing mold spores in jams and jellies.
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:

>(snipped)I am afraid to
> say that, by and large, the "slap a waxed paper disc on it, lid it
> and call it good" technique seems to be still the norm here. In fact,
> the book I was recommended to read by a lady in the jar shop
> purported to reveal the "best kept secrets of the W.I." (the W.I. is
> the Women's Institute for those who don't know - queens of the
> jamming and preserving ranks - amongst other things - over here for
> many years) and advised jam makers to use just that method ! Don't
> fancy a case of the possible food heebie jeebies myself, though, so
> I'll stick to doing it this way if the local Women's Institute isn't
> looking over my shoulder.

You also have to understand that our government agencies are freaky
about some things, Rachael. And there's some research that says mold
isn't good for a person - and that you can't just scrape it off and
figure you're home free. And our companies are big on CYA -- 'tis a
seriously litigious society we've become: I'll do something stupid and
then I'll sue you for everything you've got and hope to have because you
didn't TELL ME NOT TO DO IT. Our much-touted boiling water bath is
easily done and does the job of killing mold spores in jams and jellies.
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:

>(snipped)I am afraid to
> say that, by and large, the "slap a waxed paper disc on it, lid it
> and call it good" technique seems to be still the norm here. In fact,
> the book I was recommended to read by a lady in the jar shop
> purported to reveal the "best kept secrets of the W.I." (the W.I. is
> the Women's Institute for those who don't know - queens of the
> jamming and preserving ranks - amongst other things - over here for
> many years) and advised jam makers to use just that method ! Don't
> fancy a case of the possible food heebie jeebies myself, though, so
> I'll stick to doing it this way if the local Women's Institute isn't
> looking over my shoulder.

You also have to understand that our government agencies are freaky
about some things, Rachael. And there's some research that says mold
isn't good for a person - and that you can't just scrape it off and
figure you're home free. And our companies are big on CYA -- 'tis a
seriously litigious society we've become: I'll do something stupid and
then I'll sue you for everything you've got and hope to have because you
didn't TELL ME NOT TO DO IT. Our much-touted boiling water bath is
easily done and does the job of killing mold spores in jams and jellies.
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Blanche Nonken
Posts: n/a

Melba's Jammin' > wrote:

> In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
> Rat" > wrote:
> > Ta. ;-) It's all new to me, this canning stuff. But boy, does it feel
> > good. I keep looking at the jars (and at my boyfriend scoffing bits
> > of bread and jelly from the jar I put in the fridge for eating now)
> > and thinking "I did that !"

> (hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)

Awesome. She can have my seat.

In the next few weeks I'll be going offline for a bit - moving across
country, spending some time living with the inlaws - no idea where or
when I'll be canning again, hopefully not very long. No canning at this
point, we've been using stuff up for the last couple months. I'm sure
we'll still have a few jars of relish and jam and jelly coming across
with us. My mother-in-law grew up with her mother canning; I'm hoping
she wants to reminisce more actively once I'm there.
  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
Blanche Nonken
Posts: n/a

Melba's Jammin' > wrote:

> In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
> Rat" > wrote:
> > Ta. ;-) It's all new to me, this canning stuff. But boy, does it feel
> > good. I keep looking at the jars (and at my boyfriend scoffing bits
> > of bread and jelly from the jar I put in the fridge for eating now)
> > and thinking "I did that !"

> (hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)

Awesome. She can have my seat.

In the next few weeks I'll be going offline for a bit - moving across
country, spending some time living with the inlaws - no idea where or
when I'll be canning again, hopefully not very long. No canning at this
point, we've been using stuff up for the last couple months. I'm sure
we'll still have a few jars of relish and jam and jelly coming across
with us. My mother-in-law grew up with her mother canning; I'm hoping
she wants to reminisce more actively once I'm there.
  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:

> "Sean Elkins" > wrote in message
> ...
> <snippy>
> >
> > I'm afraid I'm going to have to double the size of my garden next
> > year just to satisfy my canning addiction!

> Ah-ha, another victim to the "get rid of those flowers cos you can't
> eat them" bug maybe ? ;-)

(snipped) I wonder, is it
> possible to grow tomatoes all year round on the kitchen windowsill ?
> I think I've become addicted to the smell of tomato plants !

It would be pretty tough. It's hard enough to grow them in a big pot on
the patio. I'd think you'd have better luck with them under gro-lights.
In big pots.

> > I'm glad you're having fun.

> Oh yes ! And I'm feeling very pleased with myself too. Almost smug. ;-)

You're allowed smug. Cocky, OTOH, can get you into trouble. "-)

> Rachael

-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a

"GeoGoddess" > wrote in message
> "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote > I was

> that too - I feel I've been cheated ! Next time I'm going to
> > sit on a stool and watch them, and listen intently. But then I suppose a
> > watched jar never pings. ;-)
> >

> (((((((((((Rachel)))))))))))))
> Keep canning, and you will eventually have the *ping* experience....after
> all, such ectsasy takes a bit of practice :-)
> blessed be

Heh heh - they do say that the first time isn't always what you thought it
would be, afterall. LOL. ;-)


  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a

"GeoGoddess" > wrote in message
> "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" > wrote > I was

> that too - I feel I've been cheated ! Next time I'm going to
> > sit on a stool and watch them, and listen intently. But then I suppose a
> > watched jar never pings. ;-)
> >

> (((((((((((Rachel)))))))))))))
> Keep canning, and you will eventually have the *ping* experience....after
> all, such ectsasy takes a bit of practice :-)
> blessed be

Heh heh - they do say that the first time isn't always what you thought it
would be, afterall. LOL. ;-)


  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
> Rat" > wrote:
> > Ta. ;-) It's all new to me, this canning stuff. But boy, does it feel
> > good. I keep looking at the jars (and at my boyfriend scoffing bits
> > of bread and jelly from the jar I put in the fridge for eating now)
> > and thinking "I did that !"

> (hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)

And I nearly hooked one myself today - was explaining the basics of BWB
canning to my neighbor, who just about would kill for tomato sauce in large
quantities on hand day and night because she's pregnant and it's her craving
atm. ;-) Her dad has lots of tomatoes growing that he keeps sending her home
with so you never know ... she might visit those web addresses I gave her
and we'll have another one !


  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat
Posts: n/a

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
> Rat" > wrote:
> > Ta. ;-) It's all new to me, this canning stuff. But boy, does it feel
> > good. I keep looking at the jars (and at my boyfriend scoffing bits
> > of bread and jelly from the jar I put in the fridge for eating now)
> > and thinking "I did that !"

> (hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)

And I nearly hooked one myself today - was explaining the basics of BWB
canning to my neighbor, who just about would kill for tomato sauce in large
quantities on hand day and night because she's pregnant and it's her craving
atm. ;-) Her dad has lots of tomatoes growing that he keeps sending her home
with so you never know ... she might visit those web addresses I gave her
and we'll have another one !


  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:
> > (hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)

> And I nearly hooked one myself today - was explaining the basics of
> BWB canning to my neighbor, who just about would kill for tomato
> sauce in large quantities on hand day and night because she's
> pregnant and it's her craving atm. ;-) Her dad has lots of tomatoes
> growing that he keeps sending her home with so you never know ... she
> might visit those web addresses I gave her and we'll have another one
> !

> Rachael

You can put in for a "finder's fee" and I'll have the Father Inquisitor
review it for payment. Don't hold your breath.
(Remind your friend to add some acid to the tomatoes if she's going to
do the boiling water bath thang.)
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #39 (permalink)   Report Post  
Melba's Jammin'
Posts: n/a

In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
Rat" > wrote:
> > (hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)

> And I nearly hooked one myself today - was explaining the basics of
> BWB canning to my neighbor, who just about would kill for tomato
> sauce in large quantities on hand day and night because she's
> pregnant and it's her craving atm. ;-) Her dad has lots of tomatoes
> growing that he keeps sending her home with so you never know ... she
> might visit those web addresses I gave her and we'll have another one
> !

> Rachael

You can put in for a "finder's fee" and I'll have the Father Inquisitor
review it for payment. Don't hold your breath.
(Remind your friend to add some acid to the tomatoes if she's going to
do the boiling water bath thang.)
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
The Joneses
Posts: n/a

Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
> Rat" > wrote:
> (snip)
> > > (hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)

> >
> > And I nearly hooked one myself today - was explaining the basics of
> > BWB canning to my neighbor, who just about would kill for tomato
> > growing that he keeps sending her home with so you never know ... she
> > might visit those web addresses I gave her and we'll have another one

> ! > Rachael
> You can put in for a "finder's fee" and I'll have the Father Inquisitor
> review it for payment. Don't hold your breath. Barb

Sheesh, I've been handing out our newsgroup site for weeks ... I oughta
never get limp pickles fer this.
Edrena, back in the loop, presently hypopicklosis

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