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George Shirley[_2_] 04-12-2010 10:15 PM

Kumquats again
Half of one good sized laundry detergent bucket equals six cups of
kumquat puree. We just put them in the freezer in vacuum bags, clearly
marked "KQ 1-cup 12/4/10". Stacked flat they take up a space about 1.5
inches thick by six inches square. Once I get one of the wee baskets in
the freezer empty I will stack them in that.

Miz Anne is getting ready to deseed and slice another half-bucket,
should be pretty close to six cups again. I see lots of kumquat bread,
pudding, cookies, cakes, pies, waffles, and pancakes in our future.

The helluva it is, the trees are still loaded.

gloria.p 05-12-2010 01:27 AM

Kumquats again
George Shirley wrote:
> Half of one good sized laundry detergent bucket equals six cups of
> kumquat puree. We just put them in the freezer in vacuum bags, clearly
> marked "KQ 1-cup 12/4/10". Stacked flat they take up a space about 1.5
> inches thick by six inches square. Once I get one of the wee baskets in
> the freezer empty I will stack them in that.
> Miz Anne is getting ready to deseed and slice another half-bucket,
> should be pretty close to six cups again. I see lots of kumquat bread,
> pudding, cookies, cakes, pies, waffles, and pancakes in our future.
> The helluva it is, the trees are still loaded.

Give them away or sell them to a local grocer (unless everyone in town
also has a glut of them.)

gloria p

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