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nutNhoney 02-07-2004 07:44 PM

I've been thinking about smoking as a method of preserving. Does anyone
here use this method? If so, do you have any tips?

Gary S. 02-07-2004 08:06 PM

On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 13:44:47 -0400, nutNhoney >

>I've been thinking about smoking as a method of preserving. Does anyone
>here use this method? If so, do you have any tips?

See the FAQ for at:

That newsgroup would have all sorts of info on various forms of
smoking foods, not to mention some recipes.

Happy trails,
Gary (net.yogi.bear)
at the 51st percentile of ursine intelligence

Gary D. Schwartz, Needham, MA, USA
Please reply to: garyDOTschwartzATpoboxDOTcom

KenCo 02-07-2004 10:23 PM

nutNhoney wrote:

> I've been thinking about smoking as a method of preserving. Does anyone
> here use this method? If so, do you have any tips?

go to and get their book,
gives you all the basics of proper curing and
how to use the salts that you will need.

-- Ken Arnold,
401-831-5739 cell 401-225-0556
Importer/Exporter of Goldfish,Koi,rare Predators
Shipping to legal states/countries only!
Permalon liners, Oase & Supreme Pondmaster pumps

Linux (SuSE 8.2) user #329121
Please Note: No trees or animals were harmed in the
sending of this contaminant free message We do concede
that a signicant number of electrons may have been
inconvenienced ;)

Reg 03-07-2004 12:47 AM

nutNhoney wrote:

> I've been thinking about smoking as a method of preserving. Does anyone
> here use this method? If so, do you have any tips?

Smoking by itself is actually not a very good method of preserving.
What type of food are you interesting in? Meat, fish, fowl?
They're cured in several different ways, depending. I do cured meats
like bresaola, cappocola, etc, also dry cured salami.

Here's a good place to learn about cured meats.

Reg email: RegForte (at) (that free MS email service) (dot) com

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