Zatarains French Market Rice
Lemon Chicken
Romano's Macaroni Grill Italian Nachos
Cornish Game Hens in Crock Pot
PA Dutch-style ham loaf
spicy jalapeno shrimp
Subject: Zatarains French Market Rice
From: Talitha >
I love this spicy rice dish but my little girl has become allewrgic to
garlic so
i cant buy the boxed version any more im new at cooking so i need to know
how to make it and the ingredients Thanx
From: biig >
Subject: Lemon Chicken
I saw a recipe for this dish on the group today, but my computer
gliched and I lost it. It used chicken thighs, lemonade concentrate,
balsamic vinegar among other things. Can you help? Thanks...Sharon
Subject: Romano 's Macaroni Grill Italian Nachos
From: Peggy Klein >
Romano's Macaroni Grill Italian Nachos
Macaroni Grill used to have this as an appetizer, but they do not make it
anymore. The "nacho" chips were made with pasta, and I would love to
duplicate them.
Subject: Cornish Game Hens in Crock Pot
From: Connie >
Cornish Game Hens in Crock Pot
I am in need of a recipie for the crock pot
From: Sidney Seal >
Subject: Ham Loaf
I am looking for a recipe for a PA Dutch-style ham loaf, preferably with
all ground ham and not ground regular pork. Thanks in advance!
Subject: spicy jalapeno shrimp
From: nora >
spicy jalapeno shrimp
i had this dish at china star restarant in lubbock. the shrimp is not
breaded, it looks like it may have been sauted or fried. it was shimp with
sliced jalapenos and onions.
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