Sweet Tomatoes Yam/Sweet Potato Bisque
Fruit Soups
Libby's quick pumpkin pudding
Potato Soup
Chicken And Dumplings
Subject: Soup
From: Marie Potter >
I would like recipe for Sweet Tomatoes Yam/Sweet Potato Bisqe.
From: "Kathie" >
We just came back from a Royal Carribean cruise and I fell in love with the
fruit bisques/soups. We had strawberry, forest berry, melon/peach and apple. I
know there was buttermilk in at least one - does anyone know how to make
these? They were delicious.
Subject: Libby's quick pumpkin pudding
From: Lisa >
Libby's quick pumpkin pudding
Subject: Potato Soup
From: tamesen goyette >
Potato Soup
My grandmother used to make a potato soup that had onions butter and thick
chunks of potatoes in it. She also used seasonings but she never told me what
they were. I cant find any potatoe soup recipe anywhere. Please help me.
Subject: Chicken And Dumplings
From: tamesen goyette >
Chicken And Dumplings
im looking for a chicken and dumplings recipe that includes bisquick and egg
noodles without celery.i dont know what else is in it. all i know is that my
grandmother used to cook it stove top and not in a crock pot.
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