Antipasto salad
Sugar Cookie
Cajun Egg Benedict
turkey in orange juice and limon
sugar free brownie
Sugar Free dessert
Cardamom Bread
From: "ldyhrly2" >
Subject: Antipasto salad
I am looking for some recipes for Antipasto salad
Subject: Sugar Cookie
From: Trisha Gravila >
I am looking for a sugar cookie that uses powered sugar instead of flour
Subject: cajun egg benedict
From: Linda K >
Cajun Egg Benedict
this was served at Perkins in Easton, Pa. I moved to Australia but have no
Perkins here. Could you please send the recipe...its cajun steak with eggs
and hollandaise sauce.
Subject: cooking a turkey
From: stephanie >
cooking a turkey
My mom wants to cook a turkey in orange juice and limon. How can I dod
this and it taste good too?
From: "bob" >
Subject: REQ: Sugar Free dessert recipes especially BROWNIES
If you have ANY sugar free brownie recipes PLEASE I'M BEGGING HERE post
them. Ever since my doctor told me if I'd like to keep my legs and eye
I'm to cut the sugar like RFN I've been dying for a brownie. Any other
desserts would be cool too.
From: "fran Gravelle" >
Subject: Cardamom Bread
I've made sweet rolls with cardamom (using cardamom already ground), but
now I'd like to make some bread to give the neighbors for Christmas. I
wouldn't make them as big as a traditional size loaf of bread--maybe
something half that size. Anyone have any suggestions?
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