TGIF Green Bean Appetizer with dip
Amish Coleslaw
Pei Wei Teriyaki Chicken Bowl
Copeland's House Salad Dressing
quick and easy breakfast and snack ideas
Chili's White Gravy
Chuy's Creamy Jalapeno Dip
Outback Honey Wheat Bread
Chilies Rice
Subject: Appettizer
From: Jan >
TGIF Recipe for their Green Bean Appetizer with dip
Subject: Amish Coleslaw
From: Barb Lemons >
Amish Coleslaw
I want the recipe used at Dogwood.
Subject: Pei Wei Teriyaki Chicken Bowl
From: Fran >
Pei Wei Teriyaki Chicken Bowl
Pei Wei is owned by PF Changs, but it has it's own menu. The teriyaki
chicken is really sweet and tender!
Subject: Copeland's House Salad Dressing
From: Brian Askew >
Copeland's House Salad Dressing
The house salad dressing at Copeland's is parmesan-based and
wonderful!! Does anyone have the recipe? Thanks!
Subject: quick and easy breakfast and snack ideas
From: Roxanne >
quick and easy
I work at a daycare and am looking for quick and easy breakfast and snack
ideas. we have been serving the same things over and over I need a
Subject: Chili's White Gravy
From: Shannon C >
Chili's White Gravy
I love the gravy on chili's mashed potatoes. Is there anyone that has the
recipe for it?
Subject: Chuy's Creamy Jalapeno Dip
From: Susan Norris >
Chuy's Creamy Jalapeno Dip
Can anyone tell me the recipe for this dip? I love it and I can't find it
anywhere. Thank you
Subject: Outback Honey Wheat Bread
From: Grace >
I ate at Outback restaurant last Sunday. They had the most delicious wheat
bread. I think it was called "Honey Wheat Bread" Do you have the recipe. I
want to make it.
Subject: Chilies Rice
From: Deb >
I am looking for the receipe for the riceat Chilies that is served with
the Quesidillos and black beans
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