Camilles sidewalk cafe chicken salad
Red Lobster Outer Banks Sampler
Arby's Horsey Sauce
Outback's Cabernet Sauce
Shrimp Stew with Artichoke Hearts
Chicken, grape salad for 300 to 350
Subject: Camilles sidewalk cafe
From: Krystal >
Camilles sidewalk cafe
yes I would love to have there chicken salad recipe
Subject: Red Lobster Outer Banks Sampler recipe and Arby's Horsey Sauce
From: sylvia >
red lobster outer banks sampler recipe and arby's horsey sauce recipe
hi, i'm looking for copycat recipes for these . any help is greatly
appreciated! thaanks, sylvia
Subject: Outback's Cabernet Sauce
From: doyle Waughtel >
Outback's Cabernet Sauce
How can I get the recipe for Outback's Cabernat Sauce?
Subject: Shrimp Stew with Artichoke Hearts
From: Stefanie Smith >
Shrimp Stew with Artichoke Hearts
I am searching for a copycat recipe for shrimp stew with artichoke hearts
that was served at the Bistro Restaurant inside the Gulfport Grand
Hotel/Casino in Gulfport, MS prior to Hurrican Katrina. My dad lived there
prior to HK and now is on hospice and cannot go back. He ate their shrimp
stew two to three times a week. We are wanting to host a casino party for
him and found their bread pudding in Bon Appetit, but I have not been able
to find their shrimp stew. Any help?
Subject: Chicken, grape salad
From: Karen McLeod >
Chicken, Grape Salad
I have the recipe, I just need to know amounts to make 300 to 350 small
croissant sandwiches. I am buying the 20 to a package croissants from
Sam's Club and I need to know how much canned chicken I will need and how
many pounds of grapes, and celery.
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