Tony Romanos Chicken Soup
Tuna Casserole
Seafood Soup
Sakura Sauce
Farfalle (Maggianos Restaurant)
7up Cake
Subject: Tony Romanos Chicken Soup
From: Babs Hernandez >
Tony Romanos Chicken Soup
Does anyone have the soup recipe from Macoroni Grill? I forget the exact name but it is creamy with chicken and spinach.
Subject: Tuna Casserole
From: Loretta Martin >
Tuna Casserole
Looking for a recipe that was popular in the 60's or 70's with tuna, mushroom soup, celery, onions, cashew nuts, potato chips -- and perhaps chow mein noodles??
Subject: Seafood Soup
From: Michael Howard >
Seafood Soup
I just would like to make a pot of soup full of my favorite seafood. Crabs( snow,king, & dungeness), shrimps,clams, scalions, etc. Can you please help me?
From: "Sherry D. Stoneman" >
Subject: Sakura Sauce
One of my favorite things to eat is chicken with sakura sauce at the
Japanese Steak House. I would like a recipe for this sauce.
Subject: Farfalle (Maggianos Restaurant)
From: Sue Melton >
Farfalle (Maggianos Restaurant)
Love the Farfalle at Maggianos and would love to know how to copy it.
Subject: 7up Cake
From: "Teresa M. Berning" >
Message-Id: >
7up Cake
This receipe has a cooked cocunut frosting which I beleive also has 7 up in it as well
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