Outback Steakhouse clam chowder
Outback Steakhouse Mango Sangria
Hungarian Liver & Rice Sausage
Disneys Breakfast Lasagne
Dry Rub BBQ Recipes for Pulled Pork, Baby Back Ribs, & Beef Brisket
Fruited couscous summer salad
Plum Jelly
jicama slaw/salad at the Rainforest Cafe
Stewed Tomatoes
Subject: Outback Steakhouse
From: Jo >
Outback Steakhouse
Looking for Mango Sangria recipe & clam chowder recipe.
Subject: Hungarian Liver & Rice Sausage
From: jim mandish >
Hungarian Liver & Rice Sausage
I'm trying ti find a recipe for a Hungarian sausage that has pork liver,
lean pork and rice as the main ingredients. I know the name as either
"hurka" or hurdka.
Subject: Disneys Breakfast Lasagne
From: Dean >
Disneys Breakfast Lasagne
I'm desperate to find the receipe for the Breafast lasagne as found at the
Crystal Palace restaurant at disneys Magic Kingdom Orlando.
Subject: Dry Rub BBQ Recipes for Pulled Pork, Baby Back Ribs, & Beef
From: Monte >
Dry Rub BBQ Recipes for Pulled Pork, Baby Back Ribs, & Beef Brisket
I have tried many types of dry rubs, and I am not satisfied with my
results. Some say the heat of my rub stays too long leaving an after
taste. I want something simple that will appeal to the masses. The best
pulled pork bbq I ever tasted came from Dukes BBQ in Walterborro &
Hollywood, SC. Since I am a diabetic, can I cut back on sugar and use
something like concentrated orange juice for a sweetner? Thank you for
your help.
Subject: Fruited couscous summer salad
From: Teri >
Fruited couscous summer salad
Recipe I'm looking for is a fruit salad made with couscous. I remember it
having peaches, strawberries and blueberries and the sauce was made of
vanilla yogurt and orange juice - simply tasty but lost my recipe.
Subject: Plum Jelly
From: Pam >
Plum Jelly
my grandma use to make jelly out of red plums & it was very good on
buttered bread....I can not find a recipe for Plum Jelly & she passed away
years ago & I don't know what happened to her recipes...if someone knows a
quick easy way to make Plum Jelly Please post it!!! thank you!!
Subject: jicama slaw/salad at the Rainforest Cafe
From: Lisa >
copy cat request I have fallen in love with the jicama slaw/salad at the
Rainforest Cafe. It's the side dish served with the rice on the shrimp
platter. I can't even come close to approximating it. Please help -
addicted and a long way from the nearest restaurant!
Subject: Stewed Tomatoes
From: Brenda >
Stewed Tomatoes
My grandmother made stewed tomatoes that were served on vegetables.
Tomatoes were cooked down with sugar but I do not know what other
ingredients were used. Can you help me?
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Lead Moderator Patricia Hill
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