cucumber pickles and /or relish
Famous Barr's Bagged Chocolate Chip Cookies
Cararba's Chicken Maria
Iguana Mia Sour Cream Chicken Chimichanga
KFC Teriyaki Boneless Wings
Using Oranges
Subject: cucumber pickles and /or relish
From: Evelyn >
cucumber pickles and /or relish A friend has given me a BIG bunch of
cucumbers, (Twice) Need to make pickles and/or relish with them QUICK
Subject: Famous Barr's Bagged Chocolate Chip Cookies sold in their
department store years ago
From: Gayle >
Famous Barr's Bagged Chocolate Chip Cookies sold in their department
store years ago
Years ago Famous Barr (now Macy's) had a candy/chocolates, cookies
department in their store - they sold chocolate chip cookies which you
could buy in a bag. They seemed to have a very good malted flavor or
cocoa - not sure, but they were delicious and I would like to find the
recipe - I have never tasted another like them.
Subject: Cararba's Chicken Maria
From: Russ >
Cararba's Chicken Maria
Looking for the copy cat recipe for Cararba's Chicken Maria, does anyone
have it?
Subject: Iguana Mia Sour Cream Chicken Chimichanga
From: Shanna >
Iguana Mia Sour Cream Chicken Chimichanga
There's an awesome sauce that comes on this chimichanga. I'd love to
know how to make this dish!
Subject: KFC Teriyaki Boneless Wings
From: Mona Coffel >
KFC Teriyaki Boneless Wings
I would like to find a recipe similar to the new KFC Teriyaki Boneless
Wings. Just the sauce would be great too.
Subject: Houlihan's Tuscan Salad
From: Susan >
Houlihan's Tuscan Salad
Does anyone have a copy cat recipe for Houlihan's Tuscan Salad?
From: "John&Zita" >
Subject: oranges
I wonder if anybody knows any recipes using lots of oranges.
At present we have 3 Orange trees in fruit.
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