Coconut Sauce for shrimp-like they serve at China Buffet
Panda Express Mushroom Chicken
Carnitas Cooked In Beef Broth & Salsa
Summer Vegetable Soup, Just like PizzaHut's
Subject: Coconut Sauce for shrimp-like they serve at China Buffet
From: Jennette >
Coconut Sauce for shrimp-like they serve at China Buffet
I love the coconut sauce they make and have little shrimp in our
local China Buffet, I looked on the net but I can't find the receipe, it
is a white creamy sweet sauce. I'm really only interested in the sauce
part, I'm not crazy about shrimp, but I think it would be good alone on
top of white rice or with chicken in it also. Thanks!
Subject: Panda Express Mushroom Chicken
From: Maria Bukiri >
Panda Express Mushroom Chicken
I am looking for the Panda Express Mushroom Chicken Recipe w/ zucchini.
Subject: Carnitas Cooked In Beef Broth & Salsa
From: Joan Sweeney >
Carnitas cooked in beef broth & salsa
This recipe is from the Napa Register in Napa, Ca or the San Francisco
Chronicle. Thank you
Subject: Summer Vegetable Soup, Just like PizzaHut's
From: Linda >
Summer Vegetable Soup, Just like PizzaHut's
I love Pizzahut's Summer Vegetable Soup and would really love to know the
recipe for the exact taste.
Much Thanks!
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