Cheese Bread
Microwave Pumpkin Fudge
Newmann's Own Dressing
Shrimp Dip
BBQ Sauce
Applebee's Tuscan Cheese Spread
Gluten-free Tortelline
Apple, Date, Caramel Pound Cake
Au Bon Pain Oatmeal Cookies
Subject: Shrimp Dip Recipe
From: lisa >
Shrimp Dip Recipe
I need a shrimp dip recipe like the one at o'charlies to serve @ my sons'
beach wedding in march, I'm the "caterer" LOL. wish me luck and help me if
you can. Thanks
Subject: BBQ Sauce
From: Michael House >
BBQ Sauce
I used to make a bbq sauce using Black pepper, instant coffee, tomato
sauce, who was there sauce, Have you ever heard of a bbq sauce like that?
Subject: Recipe request
From: Heidi >
Recipe request
I would very much like to have the recipe for Applebee's Tuscan Cheese
Subject: Tortelline
From: ipm >
My Grandaughter is gluten intalrent. I need a recipe for tortellini made
with rice flour or something like that. Thanks IPM
Subject: Apple, Date, Caramel Pound Cake
From: Brenda >
Apple, Date, Caramel Pound Cake
I saw a cake named the above and it sounds interesting and would like to
make it.
Subject: copy cat recipe -Au Bon Pain Oatmeal Cookies
From: "Anna E." >
copy cat recipe -Au Bon Pain Oatmeal Cookies
I'd like to know how to make the Au Bon Pain Oatmeal Cookie that they sell
in the Washington DC area
Subject: Cheese Bread
From: M Smith >
Cheese Bread
I looking for a recipe for cheese bread that used Parmesan cheese,
French/Russian salad dressing and crescent rolls.
Subject: Puffins
From: Jane >
I am looking for a recipe for this no-bake cookie that has peanut butter,
honey and Rice Krispies. Does anyone have this? I would really appreciate
any help.
Subject: Microwave Pumpkin Fudge
From: firefly >
Microwave Pumpkin Fudge
Is it even possible to make a good pumpkin fudge in the microwave?
Subject: Newmann's Own Dressing
From: Greg >
Newmann's Own Dressing
I am looking for the recipe for Newman's Own Italian dressing.
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Lead Moderator Patricia D. Hill
Recipes, requests, questions and comments: