Soup for a crowd
Sad Cake
recipe ideas for baby shower
Cornbread from Blackeyed Pea Restaurant
Meat Loaf Recipe from celebration restaurant dallas,texas
Subject: Soup for a crowd
From: Geanie >
Soup For A Crowd We are having a Soup fund raiser at church. Will be
selling quarts of soup. Need good recipes for large quantities of soup.
Thank you
Subject: Sad Cake
From: Diane Hubler >
Sad Cake
Like a spice cake with cream cheese frosting possible made with bisquick.
Subject: recipe ideas for baby shower
From: Beverly >
recipe ideas for baby shower
Looking for ideas for a baby shower with a Valentine theme, preferable
ones that can be made a day or two ahead, not too complicated, I'll be
stressed enough decorating for this.
Subject: Cornbread
From: Judy Crowe >
Looking for recipe for cornbread from Blackeyed Pea Restaurant
Subject: celebration restaurant dallas,texas
From: mary donaldson >
The Meat Loaf Recipe from celebration restaurant dallas,texas
~~~~~~~~~ is a moderated newsgroup; only recipes and requests for
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submission to appear.
Lead Moderator Patricia D. Hill
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