Christmas Cookie
Drunken fruit
Monkey Bread
Thai Spaghetti And Chicken Salad
Old Style Tamales
Tomato Florentine
Buche de Noel
Fruit Crumble
From: "Walker" >
Subject: Christmas Cookie Recipes
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 22:27:59 -0500
Does anyone have any good Christmas cookie recipes?
Given last year's chocolate chip muffin debacle, I am looking for holiday
cookies that are delicious but extremely *EASY* to make. I need cookies
that look good on their own without fancy decorations like icing,
tiny silver balls, and such. Someone suggested Rum Balls but I think I am
ready for something that requires baking. I have the use of a KitchenAid
power mixer this year so I am hoping I will be able to mix a few batches
no time.
From: "Retta" >
Subject: Drunken fruit
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 14:41:42 GMT
Someone gave me a recipe for drunken fruit along with a starter. I believe
it's also called friendship fruit. It can be used as a topping on desserts
or in cakes or other dishes. I remember that you don't put it in the frig
because that stops the process. I can't find the recipe and would like to
start a batch. Can anyone help me?
From: "Matthew Givens" >
Subject: Monkey Bread Request
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 06:06:33 -0600
Many years ago I had a recipe for Monkey bread, but I haven't made it
for years. I can't find the recipe, so I went looking online. All the
recipes I can find say you roll the bread balls in a mixture of sugar
and cinnamon, and then pour the brown sugar/butter sauce over top. My
original recipe is different, instead of rolling the balls in
sugar/cinnamon, the sauce was brown sugar/butter/cinnamon and the balls
were rolled in this sticky sauce, with the excess being poured over top.
Can anyone help me locate this version of the recipe? I think it tastes
better because each piece is coated with the cinnamon goo.
From: "Carmen Lackey" >
Subject: Thai Spaghetti And Chicken Salad
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 08:16:47 +0000
At a salad restaurant they have been making a Thai salad with spaghetti
and chicken. It has a spicy peanut sauce. I am looking for a recipe for
this so I can make it at home. Thanks
From: "Kelli N. Rowe" >
Subject: Old Style Tamales
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 14:39:54 +0400
Looking for some old fashioned Christmas tamales. Thank you
From: "Erma Coffman" >
Subject: Tomato Florentine
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 08:22:12 +0000
I read about tomato Florentine. It sounds like the tomatoes are stuffed
with spinach but I can.t be sure. A recipe, please!
From: "Mandy Bowers" >
Subject: Buche de Noel
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 03:29:11 +0000
I am looking for a Yule Log recipe. Thanks for your help.
From: "Clarence Eldridge" >
Subject: Fruit Crumble
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 03:22:18 +0000
Please send a recipe for fruit crumble. I particularly like apple or
cherry. Thanks
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