PF Cgang's Chengdu Spiced Lamb
cold vegetable soups
Bran Muffins
Rondele or Boursin type cheese spreads
From: "Judy Bolton" >
Subject: PF Cgang's Chengdu Spiced Lamb
This is a fairly new item on PF Chang's menu, and I would really like the
recipe for it if someone has seen it! Thanks!
From: "L Ross" >
Subject: cold vegetable soups
here in the Carolinas, the weather has moved straight from late winter =
to early summer! Any good recipes for cold vegetable soups would be =
much appreciated. (fans herself)
From: "Janet Bell" >
Subject: Bran Muffins
I am looking for a bran muffin recipe...The dense, dark, moist kind with
raisins and nuts...Thanks!
From: "Mark Finley" >
Subject: request
Anybody have recipes for Rondele or Boursin type cheese spreads?
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