GongBao Chicken
Main Ingredient: Chicken Breast (250 g)
Secondary Ingredient: Groundnut kernels (fry)
Flavouring: Chili (10 g) soy sauce (15 g) vinegar (8 g) sugar(5 g) green onion (10 g) ginger (5 g) garlic( 5 g) salt (2 g) monosodium (1 g) cooking wine(15 g) starch(15 g) peanut oil (30 g)
GongBao Chicken cookery: Cut chicken Breast into small pieces.
Wash the green onion,ginger and garlic and cut them into small pieces.
Put the soy source,sugar,salt,monosodium,cooking wine into a bowl ,let it be sauce.
Put the small pieces chicken breast into the sauce what have been made.
Put your pan on the fire, pour the oil ,cook it until it is about sixty percent done. Pour the chili, after the chili is getting to redbrown, pour the chicken breast with the sauce together, pour a little cooking wine, then add the green onion,ginger,garlic into your pan.To saute until delicious smells were emanating from the pan. Then put into the groundnut kernel, pour the sauce , to saute a few minute , then you complete , put your GongBao Chicken into your plate.
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