Off Topic (sort of) REQ Recipes that include beer as ingredient
Two years ago I was considering opening a new business! Upon informing my
parents of the plans for my new eatery, my mother barked out, "NOT EVERYBODY
COOKS WITH BEER!" So as a little in family joke I have decided to compile a
bunch of "beer cooked" recipes as a gag Christmas present for her! Along
with the gag gift I am going to include a Bayou Classic ChickCan Rack that
that allows you to roast a chicken with a beer can inside it! LOL! This of
course is all thanks to my ex wife who has my family believing I am a
hopless drunk!! (Bigger part of the whole gag!)
My request is for recipes that use beer as an ingredient as I have been
finding over the past few months! Thank you for your help!
Sincerely, E5