alicenettle |
31-01-2011 06:54 PM |
As Seen in The Ladies Home Journal!
As Seen in The Ladies Home Journal!
I recently read about the very popular savings system that is being offered at According to the article in The Ladies Home Journal the system is currently being used in over 4,000,000 homes throughout the USA. I signed up last week and my husband Jim and I used the grocery part of this sampler kit last night for the first time. We did our usual weekly shopping which always costs us in the $ 180 - $ 200 range. We purchased what we always do but because of this program the bill was only $ 28.86! We were absolutely stunned at the savings. So we went back home unpacked the groceries and decided to try out the restaurant part of the program. We were able to eat at one of the chain restaurants and saved 50% off the entire bill. All I can say is this is a Great Program!