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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.asian.american,nyc.general,
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Posts: 92
Default Hitler's Pizza

No, what would be offensive is if they served chicken soup!

I mean, the guy was a vegetarian -- LOLOLOLOLOL!!! DEFAULT


Those objecting to the restaurant plan to ask the local government to
force a name change, said Daniel Zonshine, Israel's consul general in

"Instead of Hitler's name being an example of extreme evil, this is
like giving legitimacy to Hitler. It's not right to advertise his name
in public," Zonshine said.


"Hitler was a bad man, but what's wrong with having food here?" said
Ashwini Phadnis, 22, a microbiology student as she tucked away a piece
of chocolate cake.

Engineering student Anand Dhillon sat with friends, sipping soft
drinks. "I think the name is quite interesting. Tomorrow if someone
keeps a name like Saddam Mutton Shop or George Bush Footwear, there's
nothing wrong with that, is there?" he shrugged.

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hitler's Pizza

By Walter Ruthard

I myself was brought up in a small village in the southwest of
Germany. In 1939, when the war broke out, we left for the less exposed
Odenwald area until the possible danger of a French invasion had
passed. Shortly after that my father was transferred to the Ruhr
region. He as requested work as a foreman for the Mauser arms factory.
The government, true to their claims to be national and socialist,
took their promises seriously and provided young people starting a
family, as well as those who already had children, with affordable
housing. The first child brought a reduction of the mortgage by 25
percent, and when the fourth child arrived the mortgage was no more.
My parents already had four children then and thus were eligible for a
free newly built house from the government.

This was but one of the many programs the government established in
order to improve the quality of life for its citizens…

Then there was the "Kinderlandverschickung" program. It was started
before the war and enabled mothers in need of recreation to spend some
time in rural settings together with their children…

Another very popular social program of the government was "Fraft
durch Freude" (strength through joy). Here deserving workers could
take all-inclusive tours on luxury liners that were built especially
for this purpose. On these ships there was only one class and
everybody was treated the same. They visited the Azores and
Spitsbergen among other places. Those ships were not allowed to dock
in and English port however. The reason was that the British
government did not want it's citizens to see what it also could have
done for them…

The most misinterpreted program in Germany was the so-called
"Lebensborn". It was the exact opposite of what people are made to
believe it was, or should I say, of what people like to believe… The
Lebensborn was the institution to help unwed mothers who did not know
where to turn for help. They were taken care of during their
pregnancies and afterward as well. This was the Lebensborn, and any
other interpretation is plain hogwash…

My father was able to buy not one but three guns plus two pistols,
together with plenty of ammunition. All it took him was proof that he
was indeed a German citizen without a criminal record. Then in 1945,
when the French "liberated" us, they disarmed him. I know that he was
not the only one to have guns at home, because I saw the many, many
arms that were handed over to the French, and this was in a very small

Then, after the war was over, we had our first experience with a real
democracy. The French introduced it and gave us some shining examples;
one was that the lived off the country and stole everything which
wasn't nailed down…

It was not until many years later that I learned that Hitler held at
least five plebiscites during the first half of his rule. In
democratic Germany, from 1945 until today there has never been a

There were foreign workers employed in Germany during WWII. I knew
one of them. He worked on a farm and was treated exactly like the son
who was in the army. After the war he stayed on and married the
daughter of the house. He was a prisoner of war from Poland and I
never saw him guarded by any policeman. This is how foreigners were
treated in Germany. They earned the same wages as the Germans, they
took part in the social insurance program, had paid-for holidays
including free train fares, and many came back with friends who also
wanted to work for these "horrible" Germans. Today they are called
slave laborer.

Not everyone was entitled to go on to a university. Only good marks
and above-average performance in schools qualified. But good
performers were promoted with all means available. Today we are much
more democratic; everyone is entitled to a university education and if
the parents are wealthy enough, the son or daughter can study until
they are 35…

Germany was also the country to introduce, in 1933, the first-ever
comprehensive animal protection law. Farm animals had to be kept in
strictly natural environments and no animal factories were allowed. Of
course, no testing of products on animals was permitted, and no kosher

If new industrial facilities were built they had to conform to the
highest standards with adequate lighting and air inside, canteens
where the workers were served nutritious meals at affordable prices,
and beautiful lawns outside: all for the benefit of the workers…In
national socialist Germany, no child labor was allowed as it still was
in other European countries.

And finally, although I could still go on for a while, I would like to
mention that on express orders from Hitler himself, it was strictly
forbidden to use corporal punishment in the army. He was of the
opinion that in was incompatible with the honor of a German to be
punished by such degrading means.

That was the Germany I grew up in, and I am glad that I did.
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.asian.american,nyc.general,
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Posts: 92
Default Hitler's Pizza

Yes, the Nazis were weird like that. Too bad for their anti-Semitism
and racism; as totiltarian ideals go, they had some class. The
Volkswagen epitomizes that most clearly (though I think bureaucrats
wound up embezzling the funds, anyway), as well the Autobahn...also
cruise holidays for the masses before capitalism caught up with it and
overtook it to bring us the package deals we now have today...animal
protection laws, as you mentioned...etc.

Yeah, Adolf was a funny dude. He was a vegetarian and thought dueling
and boxing barbaric, but believed war to be the highest biological
function of a real man.

I complain about the state of affairs in this city and country, but,
truth to tell, I hardly forget that it's still good to be in America,
and even NYC, for that matter! No mass rallies to attend day and
night, no government permission required to move here or's a
work in progress, but mighty impressive all the same!

Topaz wrote:
> By Walter Ruthard
> I myself was brought up in a small village in the southwest of
> Germany. In 1939, when the war broke out, we left for the less exposed
> Odenwald area until the possible danger of a French invasion had
> passed. Shortly after that my father was transferred to the Ruhr
> region. He as requested work as a foreman for the Mauser arms factory.
> The government, true to their claims to be national and socialist,
> took their promises seriously and provided young people starting a
> family, as well as those who already had children, with affordable
> housing. The first child brought a reduction of the mortgage by 25
> percent, and when the fourth child arrived the mortgage was no more.
> My parents already had four children then and thus were eligible for a
> free newly built house from the government.
> This was but one of the many programs the government established in
> order to improve the quality of life for its citizens...
> Then there was the "Kinderlandverschickung" program. It was started
> before the war and enabled mothers in need of recreation to spend some
> time in rural settings together with their children...
> Another very popular social program of the government was "Fraft
> durch Freude" (strength through joy). Here deserving workers could
> take all-inclusive tours on luxury liners that were built especially
> for this purpose. On these ships there was only one class and
> everybody was treated the same. They visited the Azores and
> Spitsbergen among other places. Those ships were not allowed to dock
> in and English port however. The reason was that the British
> government did not want it's citizens to see what it also could have
> done for them...
> The most misinterpreted program in Germany was the so-called
> "Lebensborn". It was the exact opposite of what people are made to
> believe it was, or should I say, of what people like to believe... The
> Lebensborn was the institution to help unwed mothers who did not know
> where to turn for help. They were taken care of during their
> pregnancies and afterward as well. This was the Lebensborn, and any
> other interpretation is plain hogwash...
> My father was able to buy not one but three guns plus two pistols,
> together with plenty of ammunition. All it took him was proof that he
> was indeed a German citizen without a criminal record. Then in 1945,
> when the French "liberated" us, they disarmed him. I know that he was
> not the only one to have guns at home, because I saw the many, many
> arms that were handed over to the French, and this was in a very small
> village...
> Then, after the war was over, we had our first experience with a real
> democracy. The French introduced it and gave us some shining examples;
> one was that the lived off the country and stole everything which
> wasn't nailed down...
> It was not until many years later that I learned that Hitler held at
> least five plebiscites during the first half of his rule. In
> democratic Germany, from 1945 until today there has never been a
> plebiscite.
> There were foreign workers employed in Germany during WWII. I knew
> one of them. He worked on a farm and was treated exactly like the son
> who was in the army. After the war he stayed on and married the
> daughter of the house. He was a prisoner of war from Poland and I
> never saw him guarded by any policeman. This is how foreigners were
> treated in Germany. They earned the same wages as the Germans, they
> took part in the social insurance program, had paid-for holidays
> including free train fares, and many came back with friends who also
> wanted to work for these "horrible" Germans. Today they are called
> slave laborer.
> Not everyone was entitled to go on to a university. Only good marks
> and above-average performance in schools qualified. But good
> performers were promoted with all means available. Today we are much
> more democratic; everyone is entitled to a university education and if
> the parents are wealthy enough, the son or daughter can study until
> they are 35...
> Germany was also the country to introduce, in 1933, the first-ever
> comprehensive animal protection law. Farm animals had to be kept in
> strictly natural environments and no animal factories were allowed. Of
> course, no testing of products on animals was permitted, and no kosher
> slaughter.
> If new industrial facilities were built they had to conform to the
> highest standards with adequate lighting and air inside, canteens
> where the workers were served nutritious meals at affordable prices,
> and beautiful lawns outside: all for the benefit of the workers...In
> national socialist Germany, no child labor was allowed as it still was
> in other European countries.
> And finally, although I could still go on for a while, I would like to
> mention that on express orders from Hitler himself, it was strictly
> forbidden to use corporal punishment in the army. He was of the
> opinion that in was incompatible with the honor of a German to be
> punished by such degrading means.
> That was the Germany I grew up in, and I am glad that I did.

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.asian.american,nyc.general,
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Posts: 1
Default Hitler's Pizza

Speaking of Hitler, did you hear the comments of Kevan Barlow? Where
he compared the 49ers coach Nolan to Hitler? Of course, Barlow was
traded from the Niners to the Jets, and had some "parting shots" on the
way out.

Nonetheless, unless NFL training camp is anything like a concentration
camp, then those are some of the most ridiculous comments uttered by an
athlete this year. And that's saying something!

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hitler's Pizza

On 25 Aug 2006 09:19:38 -0700, "NYC XYZ" >

>Yes, the Nazis were weird like that. Too bad for their anti-Semitism

Jews say that being "anti-Semitic" is a terrible crime. Do they say
being "anti-Arab" is a terrible crime? What about "anti-Christian", or
"anti-German"? Of course the Jews think
they are special. Any other group could be our enemy, but not the
Jews, they say. The Jews tell us the Arabs are our enemies. The
Jewish controlled media tells us that the Jews are America's only
friend in the Middle East. The truth is that before the Jews America
didn't have any enemies in the Middle East.

Americans had a revolution when they were ruled by the British. If
the British accused
them of being "anti-British" would the Americans throw down their guns
and apologize?
Now that America is ruled by the Jews it is no insult to be called
"anti-Semite". The insult is that they think we care about their self
serving verbiage.

The Jewish controlled media said the French were "cheese eating
surrender monkeys". Why can't the French howl "anti-French" like the
Jews howl "anti-Semite"? Because the French don't control the media,
Jews do.

This is what President Nixon said:

"There may be some truth in that if the Arabs have some complaints
about my policy towards Israel, they have to realize that the Jews in
the U.S. control the entire information and propaganda machine, the
large newspapers, the motion pictures, radio and television, and the
big companies. And there is a force that we have to take into

>and racism;

Portugal was once a great nation. It might have been the greatest
nation on earth at one time. But now it is almost like a third world
country. What happened? Race-mixing is what happened. They let a lot
of Black people in and of course the result was racial inter-marriage.
Now the Portuguese people are not as White as they were. We need to
preserve the White race. Here are some quotes from Mein Kampf:

"All that we admire in the world to-day, its science, its art, its
technical developments and discoveries, are the products of the
creative activities of a few peoples, and it may be true that their
first beginnings must be attributed to one race. The maintenance of
civilization is wholly dependant on such peoples. Should they perish,
all that makes this earth beautiful will descend with them into the
"All the great civilizations of the past became decadent because the
originally creative race died out, as a result of the contamination on
the blood."
"Every manifestation of human culture, every product of art, science
and technical skill, which we see before our eyes to-day, is almost
exclusively the product of the Aryan creative power. This very fact
fully justifies the conclusion that it was the Aryan alone who founded
a superior type of humanity"
"The foundations of actual life in Japan to-day are not those of the
native Japanese culture, although this characterizes the external
features of the country, which features strike the eye of European
observers on account of their fundamental difference from us; but the
real foundations of contemporary Japanese life are the enormous
scientific and technical achievements of Europe and America, that is
to say, of Aryan peoples."
"A people that fails to preserve the purity of its racial blood
thereby destroys the unity of the soul of the nation in all its
manifestations. A disintegrated national character is the inevitable
consequence of the process of disintegration in the blood. And the
change which takes place in the spiritual and creative faculties of a
people is only an effect of the change that had modified its racial
"For in a world which would be composed of mongrels and Negroid all
ideals of human beauty and nobility and all hopes of an idealized
future for our humanity would be lost forever."
"It is especially the cultural creativeness which disappears when a
superior race inter-mixes with an inferior one."
"There may be hundreds of excellent States in this earth, and yet if
the Aryan, who is the creator and custodian of civilization, should
disappear, all culture that is on an adequate level with the spiritual
needs of the superior nations to-day would also disappear."
"We National Socialists know that in holding these views we take up a
revolutionary stand in the world to-day and that we are branded as
revolutionaries. But our views and our conduct will not be determined
by the approbation or disapprobation of our contemporaries, but only
by our duty to follow a truth which we have acknowledged. In doing
this we have reason to believe that posterity will have a clearer
"Thus for the first time a high inner purpose is accredited to the
State. In face of the ridiculous phrase that the State should do no
more than act as the guardian of public order and tranquility, so that
everybody can peacefully dupe everybody else, it is given a very high
mission indeed to preserve and encourage the highest type of humanity
which a beneficent Creator has bestowed on this earth."

>as totiltarian ideals go,

Here are some quotes from Mein Kampf:

"Human progress and human cultures are not founded by the
multitude. They are exclusively the work of personal genius and
personal efficiency."

"Does anybody honestly believe that human progress originates in
the composite brain of the majority and not in the brain of the
individual personality?"

"The devastating influence of the parliamentary institution might
not easily be recognized by those who read the Jewish Press, unless
the reader has learned how to think independently and examine the
facts for himself. This institution is primarily responsible for the
crowded inrush of mediocre people into the field of politics.
Confronted with such a phenomenon, a man who is endowed with real
qualities of leadership will be tempted to refrain from taking part in
political life; because under these circumstances the situation does
not call for a man who has a capacity for constructive statesmanship
but rather for a man who is capable of bargaining for the favour of
the majority. Thus the situation will appeal to small minds and will
attract them accordingly."

"One truth which must always be borne in mind is that the majority
can never replace the man. The majority represents not only ignorance
but also cowardice. And just as a hundred blockheads do not equal one
man of wisdom, so a hundred poltroons are incapable of any political
line of action that requires moral strength and fortitude."

"It is not the aim of our modern democratic parliamentary system
to bring together an assembly of intelligent and well-informed
deputies. Not at all. The aim rather is to bring together a group of
nonentities who are dependant on others for their views and who can
be all the more easily led, the narrower the mental outlook of each
individual is. That is the only way in which a party policy, according
the the evil meaning it has to-day, can be put into effect. And by
this method alone is it possible for the wirepuller, who exercises the
real control, to remain in the dark, so that personally he can never
be brought to account for his actions."

"Such people would raise an outcry, if, for instance, anyone
should attempt to set up a dictatorship, even though the man
responsible for it were Frederick the Great and even though the
politicians for the time being, who constituted the parlimentary
majority, were small and incompetent men or maybe even on a lower
grade of inferiority; because to such sticklers for abstract
principles the law of democracy is more sacred than the welfare of the

"the best form of government is that which makes it quite natural for
the best brains to reach a position of dominant importance and
influence in the community."

> they had some class. The
>Volkswagen epitomizes that most clearly (though I think bureaucrats
>wound up embezzling the funds, anyway),

Here are some quotes from the German pamphlet "How they Lie" from
1940. The pamphlet has many pictures but the words alone are
interesting enough:
"For example, what would you say if a colleague of yours, whom you
regarded as a rival and who disliked you, were to spread the rumor
that your household is in disorder, that you murder small children and
rape defenseless women? Rest assured that in our country such a person
would soon be behind bars.
But the international politicians and journalists who slander entire
peoples in a shameless manner not only run around freely, they
impudently put on airs as the saviors of human culture. No lie is too
crude for them, no slander too vulgar-they understand their craft.
Even in World War I they knew how to incite hate with the help of
atrocity propaganda. We all recall those daily lies of the "German
barbarian" who, "like a wild beast rages over the earth and destroys
everything in hate and the fury of annihilation, who tortures children
and delights in the tears of mothers," as a foreign paper once wrote.
In war, man stands against man. Each serves the Fatherland in his own
way, and no soldier will deny the knightly convictions of a noble
opponent. Today, however, a cowardly gang of professional agitators
daily invents new lies and pictures from the safety of their desks.
How was the German soldier once depicted by enemy atrocity propaganda?
We all know them, for we had fathers, brothers, sons, and men out
there. For instance, on 20 March 1915, the newspaper "Le Rire Rouge"
published the following picture of the good German soldier:
A bloodthirsty murderer of women and children, a robber and plunderer,
who nourishes himself with sausages made from human flesh-that was how
it saw the brave and loyal German soldier.
Each of us knows what a crude and baseless lie this is. Every decent
person in the world should have known this. And yet: "Some of it will
always be believed, the stupid and gullible will never see through it
all" - so hope the political liars and slanderers.
We know what to think about this flood of slander flowing over the
German people. We heard the same things between 1914 and 1918. Then as
now, they are attempting to drive a wedge between leaders and people.
The goal of this propaganda is always the annihilation of Germany.
We are also familiar with the old lie about the desecration of
churches and shrines, which are once again in fashion with our
This is the undamaged cathedral of Tschenstochau.
The picture of the Polish shrine of the Black Madonna, with the German
soldiers in the foreground, was taken after its alleged destruction by
German bombers.
While the lying and yellow press of the entire world and the enemy
transmitters were inventing hypocritical stories about the presumed
destruction of the holy shrine, the Prior of Tschenstochau wrote the
above letter to the German military authorities that clearly testifies
that the monastery and holy shrine were untouched.
Thus the lie regarding supposed German attack could be immediately
exposed. The English Ministry of Advertising has had nothing to say
In reality, these lies are ancient. Our enemies always babble about
violated sanctuaries, persecuted priests, murdered children and
tortured women in order to prejudice the world against Germany and to
arouse the impression that the world must be defended against "the
barbarians who are threatening human culture."
The picture above is taken from a leafet dated 19 August 1914. The
same lie was used back then. Supposedly the Germans had attacked the
monastery at Jasno-Gora.
They always lied, they lie today, they lie, they lie.
There were countless numbers of these malicious pictures in World War
I. Today we see the new versions of this crude charge. Enemy radio
reports reports of drugged candy and poison gas-filled children's
balloons, with which German troops allegedly killed Polish children.
And our enemies decided to spread this vile slander in the exact
moment that the world heard from neutral journalists about the
unimaginable crimes perpetrated by the Polish on fellow German
countrymen. All of these neutral independent reporters saw and
corroborated the terrible atrocities against Germans with their own
eyes. In light of these proven facts, the shameless enemy presumes to
turn the tables and pin these murders on the Germans, declaring that
the murdered, whose names and addresses are known, are Poles.
They hate the Führer, because he exposes their lies and crimes.
They hate him, because he rescued the hard-working German people from
eploitation. How happy they would be to see the Führer and the entire
German people delivered into the dark machinations of the world
Jewry! It shows the impotence of the Jews, since all they can do is
drag a straw man through the streets and burn it.
What do these subhumans know about the joy of a genuine national
community? These warmongers are hard at work rousing the world against
Germany. How little they know about the indisoluble bond between
Führer and people that is so overwhelmingly clear in this pictu
The Führer speaks with German workers.
He knows that he can trust them, and they know that our cause is in
his good hands.
The enemy countries, who are so worried about the fate of the German
people, also worry about the S. A.
We have often seen them; we know how these men look. They are our
comrades, our colleagues in the workplace, our fathers, brothers, sons
and men.
Do they look like this? Since when are these imagined daggers the true
symbol of the S. A.? Once again some professional liar has taken his
pen in his hand.
They lie, they lie....
German men from all regions and occupations use their free time and
energy in regular practice, so they can be ready to serve the
community. When in the summer of 1939 the agricultural labor force was
too small to bring in the rich harvest, these men freely joined in to
help with the harvest, serving the homeland on peaceful fields. Why
does the enemy press, which loves to speak of its objective reporting,
never carry such pictures of Germany?
The more one examines their endless scribbling and radio news, the
clearer one sees that these expert liars have never spoken the truth,
not even once.
This time a newspaper really outdid itself. Here we see how a German
holiday is libeled.
Christmas and Nazi Winter Relief
We all know this picture. It is the Christmas celebration of a German
family that did not have the means by itself to celebrate this holiday
of love in the way the Führer wishes, in the way that every German
family should experience.
The NSV got involved.
Helpers, men and women, walked upstairs and downstairs, heard the
wishes of the needy, and provided gifts.
We all know the results. In any case, the 80 million people of the
greater German Reich know that the liar who drew the picture on the
previous page of an alleged German Christmas is not only a liar but
also an idiot. If the gentlemen wanted to lie, they should have at
least started out more intelligently, so that they were not found out
What National Socialist Germany has done and continues to do for
working people is unique in the entire world.
The foreign plutocratic countries that are dominated by high finance
viewed this new and happy life with envy and ill-will. They never
ceased in their endeavor to compel this new Germany into war, to keep
it in the same miserable state it was in after the Treaty of
But Germany knows what it has to lose. And because it is stronger than
the rest of the world, it will end this struggle victoriously.
Mr. Churchill, English warmonger, First Lord of the Admiralty,
architect of the encirclement campaign had it easy in the fall of
When he decided to wage war against Germany, he selected four English
passenger ships that were sailing to America. Then he sent the above
telegram, dated 28 August 1939, to Cunard White Star Lines, compelling
them to turn German passengers away from these ships, as they would be
uncomfortable eyewitnesses. See the accompanying letter from the
shipping company, dated 29 August 1939. Churchill then sent suitable
"rescue ships" to be "coincidentally" on the course of these ships,
which were now loaded with Americans. The Athenia was torpedoed and
sunk. If the affair with the "Athenia" not worked, then one of the
other three ships would have been sunk,so that Mr. Churchill would
have more stories for the English Ministry of Lies.
We know the rest. The yellow press of the world blows Churchill's
lying horn obediently: a German submarine allegedly sank the
But the evil, criminal escapade failed. Germany got hold of the
documents and exposed the criminals.
Once again, one of the vilest and most base of the English lies is
The following story is perhaps the best way of showing the reality of
moneybags journalism, and how decent foreign journalists are forced to
invent lie afer lie.
A couple of months ago, a foreign journalist whose name we must hide
in order to protect his job, came to Germany. He wanted to see the
alleged "Nazi hell" with his own eyes, in order to give an eyewitness
He saw workers who had jobs. He saw workers taking vacations with the
KdF. And he saw workers going to the theater. He saw the NSV's charity
for the poor. He saw and was amazed.
He had not expected to see that! How could he, knowing the truth,
continue to write lies and false atrocity stories about Germany, like
the financiers of his newspaper want it?...
In German camps, criminals and misfits live in clean and orderly
accommodations, receive sufficient nourishment and have enough time
for both work and play.
The foreign press reporter visited one of these camps.
The officials of the German concentration camp were outraged when they
later read his article.
The article talked about piles of corpses over which the poor reporter
had to climb, of moaning people in dark dungeons, of caning orgies and
other such imaginary atrocities.
The man had seemed so honest. How could he lie like that? What had
happened? The journalist wrote a letter to explain. He had written a
truthful account of what he had seen at the concentration camp.
But the owner of the newspaper switched everything around. Naturally
there are decent foreign papers that would never falsify the facts
like that, but we are not talking about them here.
The newspaperman begged the Germans not to take action against his
paper or the publisher who falsified the report, because then he would
lose his job.
That is how freedom of the press looks like in other countries; that
is how the lies and fairy tales come to be.
The Führer spoke about the criminal newspaper Jews and the war
profiteers, in his speech on 6 October. They order the journalists and
radio reporters around like schoolboys. These "servants of public
opinion" are not allowed to have convictions or express their true
opinions, and only a very few exceptions prove this rule. They must
lie and slander and blacken Germany and its Führer to keep the
gentlemen behind the plutocratic, moneybag policies in business.
But why do these newspaper moneybags lie so crudely, so stupidly, so
impudently? Why do they spread their slander all over Germany of all
They lie because they are weak and Germany is strong. They lie because
they want to make money by going to war against Germany, even though
the people do not want to go to war and are scared to go to war
against a strong Germany...
Things are a thousand times better here. Things are more honest and
fair here than anywhere in the entire world.
Here we recognize the honor of the worker.
Here there is a right to work.
Here the moneybags are not in control...
In conclusion:
We will not be confused by the lies of the foreign countries! We know
what we are fighting for!

> as well the Autobahn...also
>cruise holidays for the masses before capitalism caught up with it and
>overtook it

More and more tech jobs head overseas
Last modified: December 24, 2003, 6:59 AM PST
By Reuters

U.S. corporations are picking up the pace in shifting well-paid
technology jobs to India, China and other low-cost centers, but they
are keeping quiet for fear of a backlash, industry professionals said.

Morgan Stanley estimates the number of U.S. jobs outsourced to India
will double to about 150,000 in the next three years. Analysts predict
as many as 2 million U.S. white-collar jobs such as those filled by
programmers, software engineers and applications designers will shift
to low- cost centers by 2014.

But the biggest companies looking to "offshoring" to cut costs, such
as Microsoft, IBM and AT&T Wireless, are reluctant to attract
attention for political reasons, observers said this week.

"The problem is that companies aren't sure if it's politically correct
to talk about it," said Jack Trout, a principal of Trout & Partners, a
marketing and strategy firm. "Nobody has come up with a way to spin it
in a positive way."

This causes a problem for publicly traded companies, which would
ordinarily brag about cost savings to investors. Instead, they send
vague signals that they are opening up operations in India and China,
but often decline to elaborate.

Moreover, on the threshold of a U.S. presidential election year, job
losses are a hot-button issue. A company that highlighted a major job
transfer could wind up in the campaign debate.

Multinationals find that when they trumpet expansion overseas, they
cause problems at home. When Accenture executives in India this month
announced plans to double their staff to 10,000 next year, they
triggered a flood of calls to the company's U.S. offices about U.S.
job losses.

Offshoring companies "are paying Chinese wages and selling at U.S.
prices," said Alan Tonelson, of the U.S. Business and Industrial
Council, a trade group for small business. "They're not creating
better living standards for America."...

>to bring us the package deals we now have today...animal
>protection laws, as you mentioned...etc.
>Yeah, Adolf was a funny dude. He was a vegetarian and thought dueling
>and boxing barbaric,

No he brought back the duel and the Germans cheered when a German
beat the Black American. They were not against boxing.

> but believed war to be the highest biological
>function of a real man.

Totally false

Hitler said on 19 July 1940: "My intention was never to wage war, but
to build a new social state with the highest level of culture. Each
year of war keeps me from this work."

>I complain about the state of affairs in this city and country, but,
>truth to tell, I hardly forget that it's still good to be in America,

"We National Socialists have grown accustomed since our takeover in
1933 to the particular attention of the leading politicians of the
U.S.A. and of the international Jews who stand behind them. Our
defensive measures against international Jewry have aroused increasing
tirades against Germany in America. Sometimes it seemed as if it would
be impossible to increase the flood of hatred and lies...
After leading politicians such as the American Secretary of the
Interior Harold Ickes and Senator Pittman attacked the German
government in the foulest manner, President Roosevelt did even more in
his New Year address. He tried to persuade the American people that
world peace was not assured, and that it was the duty of the American
people to defend three vital principles: those of religion, democracy
and international good will. Roosevelt did not believe these
principles were threatened by Soviet Russia or Soviet Spain, rather by
authoritarian Germany and Italy.
Millions are dead in Soviet Russia and Spanish priests estimate that a
half million people have been murdered there only because of their
faith, but that is not important and proves nothing. The dead do not
trouble the American President's conscience, indeed they did not stop
him from being the single world statesman to congratulate the Soviet
Russian government on the anniversary of the Bolshevist Revolution. No
other statesman did this, which explains why no other statesman
received such praise from the Soviet press. The Soviet press praised
the "noble efforts of the great American statesman."
Roosevelt also ignored the murder of millions of people when it was
called to his attention by a letter from the former Spanish ambassador
in Great Britain, the Marquis de Merry del Wal. The ambassador told
Mr. Roosevelt the following:
Your country's press tells the world of Your Excellency's protests
against the "persecution of the Jews" in Germany. According to the
press, you are deeply distressed by these events. How is it then that
the murder and massacre of 400,000 defenseless men, women and children
in Spain has not resulted in the slightest distress on your part?
These unfortunate people did not die on the battlefields of a civil
war. They were torn from their homes and murdered in public not only
because of their political, but also their religious, beliefs. Their
murderers openly declared their goal of destroying the very
civilization that Your Excellency defends. They have intentionally
destroyed thousands of churches and monuments along with uncounted
works of art and private homes. They have torn the clothes from nuns
and revealed them to everyone's eyes. They raped women and looted to a
degree unknown in the annals of the Christian era.
Your own ambassador, Your Excellency, against all the laws, norms and
customs of international law, has been forced to live away from the
government to which he is accredited, since as he said his personal
security would otherwise be in danger. I further know, Your
Excellency, that you have received certain proof of my assertions, for
I have made efforts to ensure that you have received reports that
support what I have said. Despite that, Your Excellency, you complain
about events in Germany, events that cannot be compared with what is
happening in Spain-and you have not given even the slightest sign of
disapproval at the death of hundreds of thousands of people who have
18 million fellow believers who are among the best citizens of your
country, far more than the two million Jews.
These people have been murdered solely because of their beliefs. Mr.
Roosevelt however has never spoken of a threat to faith or religion.
But they were only believers in a Christian church, after all. Mr.
Roosevelt is conducting a crusade against the authoritarian states
under the banner of religion only because the religious compatriots of
his closest friends have been put in their place in the authoritarian
If President Roosevelt believes that he has to take the field to
defend democracy, we may ask where and when we have ever threatened or
attacked democracy. In the past years Germany has done nothing more
than to partially undo the injustices inflicted on it by the
predecessor of the current president of the U.S.A. Germany has not
arbitrarily altered the map of Europe as he did, creating states
against the will of their peoples only for purposes of power politics.
It has only reclaimed its citizens who suffered a decade long under
governments foreign or hostile to Germany...
In a closed session, he told the Defense Committee of the Senate that
the United States must be ready to support England and France in the
event of a European war. The President reportedly even suggested that
definite agreements already existed to this effect. He further
proposed the unrestricted sale of war materials to Western Europe. The
only restriction was that they had to be able to pay for it. When a
member of the American Senate asked how this policy could be squared
with the law demanding strict neutrality over against Europe,
Roosevelt replied: "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
These revelations naturally were a sensation throughout the world. The
impact was greater than the master of the White House in Washington
wanted. He therefore denied the reports. The force of his denial was
somewhat weakened by excited reports in the American press in which
various members of Congress refused to be called liars, and
furthermore suggested that Roosevelt had said even more during the
session than has been reported. The force of the denial was also
weakened by a cynical article in a French newspaper that noted that
"the strength of the claim has not been weakened, for it is not a
matter of the letter of the law, but of the spirit."...
Roosevelt is acting as the mouthpiece and puppet of international
Jewry when he attacks the authoritarian states. They want to use every
means to destroy the newly awakened nations...
The leaders of the Soviet Union tried to persuade their people that
true communism could only develop after all the other states of the
world were allies of the powers in Moscow, and the Red rulers in
Soviet Spain tried and tried to conceal their governmental
incompetence by unleashing a world conflict. We are not surprised to
see the American President in such company. The real rulers of the
Soviet Union are the same as in the United States: international
The truth of this claim is confirmed by the behavior of the wife of
the American President. Mrs. Roosevelt, as a sign of her support for
the Spanish Bolshevist rulers, accepted a gift of stolen etchings by
Spanish masters. Mrs. Roosevelt chaired an exhibition of busts of
Spanish Communist leaders, made by the Jew Josef Davidson. She also
invited the well-known top Bolshevist Toller to lunch. She surrounds
herself with wounded bigwigs of Soviet Spain under whose orders
500,000 Spaniards were killed only because they were faithful to their
beliefs and their religion...
America today is not governed by men like Roosevelt, Ickes, etc.,
rather its fate is determined by the Jews who stand behind them, Jews
like Baruch, Frankfurter, Morgenthau, etc. They are the real rulers of
America, and Roosevelt, Ickes, etc., are only their tools. The fact
that this is known in America is evident from a variety of newspaper
articles. The "New York Daily News," for example, wrote that "the wave
of anti-Semitism in America has increased significantly in recent
weeks and months." The fact that the Jew Bernard Baruch, the
President's closest adviser, is called the unofficial president of the
United States is proof of this fact.
But enough of that. We refuse to interfere in the affairs of other
nations. We think that every country gets the Jews that it deserves.
But we demand the same principle be extended to us. Let Mr. Roosevelt
carry out his reforms and crusades in his own country. He will not
live long enough to do it all. We do not think we have yet seen
anything on the other side of the ocean that is worth imitating. We
think it not a sign of ability, rather of incompetence, that a nation
with such enormous resources and space, with all modern methods, finds
itself in such mass misery and is unable to do anything to alleviate
that misery.
Where would Roosevelt be if he had had to deal with the situation the
Führer faced when he took power in Germany? Mr. Roosevelt has
agricultural resources more than sufficient to feed the country, yet
his people are starving. His country has enormous resources, yet
millions are unemployed. There is only one conclusion to be drawn."

>and even NYC, for that matter! No mass rallies to attend day and
>night, no government permission required to move here or's a
>work in progress, but mighty impressive all the same!

Here is a typical example of what Jews do:


Richmond, Virginia, February 19, 2003 E.U.R.O. National President
David Duke was scheduled to speak this Saturday, February 22nd
on the dangers of our pro-Israeli foreign policy and the coming war
against Iraq. Due to threats from Jewish terrorist promising
violence, and from what the hotel representative Sabrina Young
described as pressure from almost every Rabbi in town, the
Sheraton Richmond West Hotel (6624 West Broad Street)
canceled Saturday's event.

One of the groups applying pressure is the Jewish Defense
Organization, an organization with ties to domestic terrorism.

This is un-American and shows how the Israeli lobby and their
fanatical supporters will use any means to silence critics, said
Virginia EURO President Ron Doggett. America's foreign policy
is controlled by the powerful and ruthless Israeli lobby. They
want this war and are not going to let anyone stand in their

One reason for the choice of Saturday's meeting was that the
location is in the Seventh Congressional District. Jewish
Congressman Eric Cantor, described by major publications
as a leading pro-Israeli advocate, represents this district.

EURO is working hard to find an alternative location for this
important event. The Virginia branch of the European-American
Unity and Rights Organization denounces any attempts by
Jewish supremacists to silence debate on this most important

For more information contact Virginia EURO President Ron
Doggett at (804) 357-5453 or at (804) 285-3917.

The European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO)
is the leading organization fighting against discrimination and
for the rights and heritage of European-Americans. Learn more
at <>.

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.asian.american,nyc.general,
external usenet poster
Posts: 82
Default Hitler's Pizza

the collary to Godwin's law always applies.'s_law

ya all have fun now ... with this crossposted troll

I'd suggest a ****

NYC XYZ wasted bandwidth in arranging electrons in soc.culture.indian,
soc.culture.asian.american, nyc.general,,
> No, what would be offensive is if they served chicken soup!
> I mean, the guy was a vegetarian -- LOLOLOLOLOL!!!
> Those objecting to the restaurant plan to ask the local government to
> force a name change, said Daniel Zonshine, Israel's consul general in
> Bombay.
> "Instead of Hitler's name being an example of extreme evil, this is
> like giving legitimacy to Hitler. It's not right to advertise his name
> in public," Zonshine said.
> ...
> "Hitler was a bad man, but what's wrong with having food here?" said
> Ashwini Phadnis, 22, a microbiology student as she tucked away a piece
> of chocolate cake.
> Engineering student Anand Dhillon sat with friends, sipping soft
> drinks. "I think the name is quite interesting. Tomorrow if someone
> keeps a name like Saddam Mutton Shop or George Bush Footwear, there's
> nothing wrong with that, is there?" he shrugged.

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hitler's Pizza

Dude, get over it, Hitler was Jewish, as were many top Nazis like
Milch, Heydrich, etc. -- see "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers."

As for Hitler's Cross restaurant, I wish it success. It's always nice
to offend the rich and powerful!

Topaz wrote:
> <SNIP>

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hitler's Pizza

The question of Mr Hitler's ancestry is dealt with at the beginning of
Ian Kershaw's 840+ page book entitled Hitler (Harmondsworth, Penguin:

<begin quote at p. 7>
The third possibility is that Adolf Hitler's grandfather was Jewish.
Rumours to that effect circulated in Munich cafes in the early 1920s,
and were fostered by sensationalist journalism of the foreign press
during the 1930s. It was suggested that the name Huttler was Jewish,
'revealed' that he could be traced to a Jewish family called Hitler in
Bucharest, and even claimed that his father had been sired by Baron
Rothschild, in whose house in Vienna his grandmother had allegedly
some time as a servant. But the most serious speculation about
Hitler's supposed Jewish background has occurred since the Second
World War and is directly traceable to the memoirs of the leading Nazi
lawyer and Governor General of Poland, Hans Frank, dictated in his
Nuremburg cell while awaiting the hangman...

Allegedly commissioned by Hitler to look into his family history,
Frank reportedly discovered that Maria Anna Shicklgruber had given
birth to her child while serving as a cook in the home of a Jewish
family called Grankenberger in Graz...

Frank's story gained wide circulation in the 1950s. But it simply does
not stand up. There was no Jewish family called Frankenberger in Graz
during the 1880s. In fact, there were no Jews at all in the whole of
Styria at that time, since Jews were not permitted in that part of
Austria until the 1860s. A family named Frankenreiter did live there,
but was not Jewish . . . Hans Frank's memoirs, dictated at a time of
when he was waiting for the hangman and plainly undergoing a
psychological crisis, are full of inaccuracies and have to be used
with caution. With regard to the story of Hitler's grandfather,
whoever he was, he was not a Jew from Graz.

The only serious contenders for the paternity of Hitler's father
remain, therefore, Johann Georg Hiedler and Johann Nepomuk Hiedler (or

<end quote>
  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hitler's Pizza

Dürkheimerstrasse 14,
August 7th, 1933.
Dear Ken:
Dont think that I am going to be taken to an insane asylum nor that
the world is coming to an end. This is not so, and I must object very
sincerely if the fact of my sitting down again after only several
months write a letter to you gives you such impressions. The reason
for this outstanding event is much rather the hotheaded criticism
about Hitler and his Government which you gave us in your recent
letter to Ruth, and which indeed surprised me very much. However,
before giving you my point of view on the new turn that has taken
place in Germany I should like to ask you to in the first place do me
the favour of keeping your shirt on, otherwise it is you who is making
"an ass of himself". One should never speak the language of a
truckdriver, no matter how much one likes it. Now, don't be mad, but
calm down. You did not hurt Ruths or my feelings at all, but there are
two reasons why I feel I should answer you. The first reason is that
your remarks are very unfair to Hitler and his new Government, and the
other is that I intend to do my share in preventing the American
generation to which you belong to be equally as ignorant as the
generation of the whole world was which tumbled into the last war.
What makes you believe and in such a definite way state that we are
unable to see the things as they are, since, as you write, we are
hypnotized by Hitler. It is not true, that you and all those of your
friends who you claim take the same viewpoint as you are taking are
basing your opinion upon reports and comments of American newspapers
and perhaps upon interviews of American visitors who recently have
been in Germany, and while you are willing to disregard certain
exaggerations you readily accept the rest as the truth? Is it not
possible that thus you are receiving but one side of the story? You
know that the American Press endeavouring to please the so called
taste for sensational news of the American Public is working according
to the countrywide newspaper principal: All the news thats fit to
print, and be it even lies. I do not belong to those who claim that it
is the American people who have such taste, but instead it is the
American Press which in order to obtain the attention of the reader
considers any means good enough to beat competition. You will never
find such crookedness among decent business. Such business spirit is
identified all over the world with the jewish business spirit. You
must not misunderstand me. Such spirit can be found among Christian
Jews as well as among Jewish Christians, if you get what I mean.
Nevertheless it is all over the world condemned as the jewish spirit.
You will not doubt this, I suppose? Perhaps in this connection you
will find it interesting to recall that the inventor of the most
unchivalrous means to fight the enemy, namely the father of all
newspaper liars, Lord Northcliffe was a Jew. When comparing the basis
of your knowledge about present day Germany with the basis of our
knowledge, dont you think that ours at least is a broader basis? Don't
you think that the possibility of witnessing present developments in
Germany combined with the ability of reading and understanding
American newspapers can represent an ideal basis of knowledge for such
person who - and this is the important thing - is free of all feelings
of hatred against either one of the two countries? The Berlin
Correspondents of the American newspapers are not such persons. Many
of them are jews and many have taken a hostile attitude towards
Germany long before Hitler ever appeared on the stage of German Public
Life. This includes also Mr. Mowrer of the Chicago Herald Tribune who,
as I saw from the New York Times received this years Putlitzer Prise
of Journalism for his "excellent" articles on the German development.
A year ago a German Democrat, mind you, not a Nazi, expressed
astonishment that I should like to call upon Mr. Mowrer, since this
"excellent" American reporter has long enjoyed the reputation even
among German Democrats of being a German hater. This hostility towards
Germany on the part of American Correspondents in Berlin indeed could
much more entitle me to claim that it is you who is hypnotized namely
by the American Press in general.
Dear Kenneth, not until today in August 23rd could I find time to
continue this letter. When rereading what I so far have said above I
doubt if it is of any use to speak to you the way I did. I know you
are not anti-German, and yet while having received your school
education at a time of outright hostility towards Germany your mind is
only to readily inclined to accept any piece of news about Germany as
true and the correct version as long as this piece of news is
presented in such form which is free from obvious sensational
exaggeration. Since, however no piece of news published in the
American papers is reporting favourably on the German National
Socialistic Revolution your mind is systematically kept from turning
pro-German. This is the work of jewish influence in the American
Press. In face of such mental attitude of yours you naturally hesitate
to accept as the correct version anything which is told you by someone
who on one hand is not even a 100% American Citizen and on the other
hand is, as you know pro-German. For this reason I doubt if I can
change anything of your attitude towards Hitlerite Germany and of the
attitude of those of our friends who, as you claim take the same
viewpoint as you are taking. When, however, after reconsideration I
continue this letter it is, because even if I should not convince you
I wish to do my share in trying to destroy this hostile spirit of the
American People towards Germany and especially to contribute to making
the young Americans a more broadminded generation.
In the following I am going to copy part of my last letter to Mr.
Houston. The article I sent him months ago intersted him very much.
Unfortunately he told me it was not written in good enough English. I
naturally am rather disappointed that my English still is too poor.
But even if my English had been correct there would have been no
possibility to place my article, Mr. Houston wrote, not saying of
course that any favourable viewpoint is prevented from publication in
the American Press. Here is what I answered him.
" --- Wheras the American papers beyond doubt are carrying a
tremendous amount of material about Germany from their regular
correspondents, and no number of interviews from all kinds of people
who recently have been in Germany, all this material, and be it even
just a report, is skillfully presented in such form which seemingly
intentially aims at being equally offensive for Hitler and his new
Government through ridiculing his deads as giving nourishment to
anti-German sentiment. Most of the recent American visitors in Germany
seem to be of the type of jews whose hatred towards Hitlerite Germany
is a fanatical one. They of course are not in a position to give a
true picture to their countrymen of what they have seen or heard. Mr.
Michael Williams, editor of The Commonweal, president of the Calvert
Association, and a member of the Committee appointed by the American
Committee on Religious Reports and Minorities to go to Germany and
investigate conditions published a report (New York Times of June
14th) of his own private visit, since the committees visit was
postponed. He claimed to have spent "nearly" two weeks in Berlin
interviewing members of the Hitler Government, leading business and
professional men, both German and American, as well as Protestant,
Catholic, and Jewish leaders. Not one single name is mentioned in his
report. "One of the most prominent German political leaders"(?) told
him that the outlawing of the Jews was a mistake comparable only to
the invasion of Belgium at the outbreak of the World War. It is plain
that such a remark, if it really was made, could be made only by a
person equally hostile towards Germany as Mr. Williams himself. Maybe
this interview took place at a concentration camp. When returning to
America these people cry: Democracy is at an end in Germany. But they
are anxiously concealing the truth that before Hitler came jewish
democratic corruption has brought Germany on the verge of Communism.
Such "Democracy" indeed is at an end now in Germany. All this
excitement about democracy being at an end and about "persecutions"
and outlawing of the German Jews who amount to but 1% of the total
German population seems very strange indeed when compared with the
calmness with which the world took the cruelty and terrorism of the
Russian Revolution which, as everyone knows, was prepared and created
by Jews and by jewish money. Too bad that Mr. James G. McDonald,
chairman of the Foreign Policy Association, can find nothing better
for him to do than to call upon all American Christians to step into
line with Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, as I see from the New York Times of
June 15th and July 11th. He too has recently been in Germany, and on
July 11th the New York Times published his address in Chautauqua, N.Y.
dealing with his visit in Germany and with the situation there as it
existed more than three months ago, namely on April 1st, at the time
of the (24 hours) anti-Jews boycott. The report in the paper was
headed by the remark: Statements that Jews are not being cruelly
treated in Germany were termed "an insult to the intelligence" by
James G. McDonald. Thus the American Public is made to believe that
Mr. McDonald is furnishing an up-to-date denial for all new reports
about improving conditions in Germany. Such is the way matters about
Germany are twisted in the American Press. Senator Wagner too has
stepped into line with Rabbi Wise as I have noticed. I regret it, but
I am convinced that many people have done so because of absolute
misinformation about present day Germany. People trying to argue in
favour of Hitlerite Germany, as Mr. Bernard Ridder tried to do, are
quickly being ridiculed as one may see from the New York Times comment
of June 14th, and I doubt if the well known Radio announcer Douglas
Brinkley who during his visit in Germany in Berlin Talkies expressed
his admiration for Hitler and this new Germany ever again will be
allowed to broadcast in America. The Berlin correspondents of the
American Press fall in line with the above mentioned general attitude
towards Germany. I suppose they have to in order to keep their jobs.
This might be easy for them, since many of them are Jews and some are
known to be hostile towards Germany long before Hitler ever appeared
in front of German Public Life. Under such circumstances it seems
plain to me that any viewpoint favourable for Germany would today not
be considered by the big American papers, since jewish influence in
the American Press is much too strong.
Dear Mr. Houston, when in the above I have given you my opinion about
American Public Opinion it was done, because I feel confident that you
will not misunderstand me. When I am arguing for Hitler and in favour
of present day Germany it is not only because of the many great deeds
of Hitler (uniting the German people, crushing Communism, successfully
fighting unemployment) but also because I positively know that the
only way to serve the purpose of German American friendship is to
bring about mutual respect between the people of the two countries. To
accomplish this one must fight for mutual respect between Opinion in
America and in Germany. German Public Opinion and the German People
are showing this respect for America. Everyone here is speaking of the
courage and leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt in terms of
admiration. It is up to American Public Opinion to give honour where
honour is due.
So much about my letter to Mr. Houston. Now I shall give you part of
my article which I sent to Mr. Houston and which he showed to Dr.
Wilbur Thomas, the Director of the Carl Schurz Foundation, and to Dr.
Carl Ackerman, the Dean of the School of Journalism at Columbia
University. Although, as I said above it is not written in good
English, Mr. Houston as well as the two other gentlemen found the
article very interesting. Here is what I said back in May 1933.
After a short introduction I wrote: "The world war was won not with
the sword but with the pen. This is a German opinion which is shared
also by a good many Americans. Apart from now one might think on this
subject nobody today would deny the fact that the pen, if used as a
weapon, can proove to be a mightly deadly sword. If now we wish to
liquidate the world war, if we seriously endeavour to promote world
peace, to promote good relationship between the nations of the world
it seems to be absolutely essential that we should stop using war
weapons and stop tolerating warlike propaganda. In other words, we
should do all we can to prevent endangering good relationship between
countries. Claiming to be well acquainted with German political
troubles of past years as well as with the mentality of the German
People I feel that the American newspaper reader is not at all put in
a position to get a clear and true conception about Germany. Above all
it is to my mind equally silly as it is preventing the education of
the American people if the American newspaper reader is left to
believe that the Germans are a barbaric nation. The absurdity of such
statements does not make them less dangerous to good relationship
between the American and the German people. If in the following I am
dealing with the fundamental achievement and the fundamental aim of
the German national socialistic revolution I am doing it for the
benefit of a better understanding between the American and the German
people. This better understanding is the more necessary the more we
wish to prevent that a few years of animosity between the two
countries should be permitted to destroy a century old friendship
between the American and the German people. Contrary to political
custom Hitler said in his address to the masses on the Tempelhof field
on May 1st that he is not going to tell the workman how important for
the Nation the labourman and his work are, and turn around and speak
to the intelligent class of people as if to the cream of the Nation,
and turn around again and speak to the peasant telling him how
valuable he is. On the contrary he is going to demonstrate to one
class of people the importance and the value of the other. This
attitude is not only wise, but it also reveals the mystery of this
sudden sense of unity that has come over the German people. When I am
going to apply the same methods while writing to America about
Germany, it is because making one people understand and respect
another people might equally well proove to be the best method to
bring about the much longed for mutual understanding between the
nations of the world.
The German national socialistic revolution beginning on January 30th,
still in full swing today, and going to be carried out furthermore for
an indefinite time to come is a revolution of mind. It is a revolution
of the national mind as well as of the social mind of the people. Only
a short time ago American Correspondents and travelling newspapermen
used to report from Germany that the growing of the Hitlerite Party
was the outcome of general dissatisfaction and hardship. If this had
been the case, if Hitler had gained support merely on the ground of
promising the same bread and work with all of his
(page missing)
possibility of such development before taking place in Germany, Hitler
succeeded in changing the minds of his followers from the Communist
rank and file. They no more are Communists, but Nationalsocialists.
They have killed in themselves that hatred they felt towards the rich
and towards the white-collar-man, in general to an equal extent as
this white-collar-man and this rich man have been made to no more look
down upon the workman or anybody doing manual labour. It is true, not
all of Germany has turned to nationalsocialism. However while for this
very reason Hitlers revolution still is in full swing, and will be
carried out furthermore until such time when this final aim is
reached, a new election, if held today, might well show an increase of
the nationalsocialsit vote from 17.5 million on March 5th to close to
30 million out of a total electorate of about 44 million votes.
Hitlers revolution of mind, as I have tried to explain it, in no way
is representing a danger to world peace, and again it seems strange
that Hitlers assurances to keep peace frequently are ignored in
reports printed in the foreign Press. As impressive as this German
revolution of mind might be to the foreign observer who knows Germany
and the German people it is only reasonable that it cannot be equally
impressive to those Americans who not yet have had a chance to visit
and get acquainted with Germany. After all, this new German spirit is
nothing new to us in America. Republicans and Democrats, both call it
the true democratic spirit. The workman in America always has been as
much respected as the white-collar-man, and our boys have long been
working their way through College through manual labour. However, for
this very reason it seems to me that no people is better equipped
mentally to understand this new Germany and its leader than the
American people.
If when writing about the Germany nationalsocialistic revolution I
would fail to touch the jewish problem in Germany the reader indeed
would miss an important explanation to a new German attitude which has
created worldwide interest and partly even new animosity. Endeavouring
to from and impartial point of view seek an explanation for this
change in Germany one must realize two outstanding facts. One is that
the percentage of Jews in Germany indeed is exceptionally small and
the other is that this small percentage in postwar years has enjoyed
an undue large share of public influence. While moreover a great many
Jewish names are connected with all kinds of affairs of administrative
corruption of postwar Germany thus making it all the easier for Hitler
and his followers to gain countrywide support when calling for a
radical reduction of the Jewish influence, it is wrong to regard this
attitude as an affront to the Jewish religion. This it is not. Instead
this attitude is directed against a postwar political system which has
discredited the marxistic parties in Germany and the Jews, since many
of them have played such prominent part in cooperation with those
parties and the many cases of illoyalty and dishonesty they have been
connected with. When I said above that the small percentage of Jews in
Germany in postwar years so far have enjoyed an undue large share of
public influence, this was possible because of their close cooperation
with the marxistic parties. In other words it was not superior ability
which entitled them to such share but political pull. Until recently
conditions in Germany indeed were of such kind that many a Christian
student would cease studying, since he had to realize that his road of
future was blocked by political interests, whereas the jewish student
would keep on studying knowing perfectly well that his father,
although perhaps a businessman and not a politician, nevertheless had
sufficient political pull to pave his way. In such development the new
Germany sees a controlling increase of the Jewish element in the field
of education which the Jewish population percentage in Germany does
not justify. Hand in hand with this development the possibility of
marrying has thus been made so much easier for the young Jewish
generation, which fact in turning no doubt is contributing to
increasing the population percentage of the German Jews to the
disadvantage of the other confessions. Such developments are of no
little importance for Germany, and while today under the Hitler
Government a radical change is being made this radicalism is not
directed against each single Jewish citizen. On the contrary the form
in which the new laws are being applied show a liberal spirit and
reveal the truth that the attitude of Hitler Germany towards this
Jewish problem ought to correctly be regarded as directed against a
political system of corruption with which the German Jews
unfortunately so impressively have identified themselves."
So much from my article. I hope I have put it clear enough to realize
that the Jewish problem in Germany is a question of life or death of
the German race. If such development as was tolerated before Hitler
came should be permitted to continue it should be obvious for everyone
that in the course of time the face of the German population would
change considerably. Germany, as you know, has a population of 66
million people. Among these 66 million are but about 600,000 Jewish
citizen. Under those circumstances as described above this small
percentage in the course of time could increase rapidly because of
conditions of life being more protected against all hardship,
marriages being made easier because of professional and business
protection which safeguard in turn enables the Jewish woman to give
birth to children. Moreover it should be easy to realize that
favouring the Jewish element to such an extent as was done before
Hitler came necessarily leads to giving away the top positions in
Government, industry, and education to Jews, while on the other hand
the German race of Protestant and Catholic confession is being pushed
back into positions of no influence which in turn in the course of
time will make them unable to lead their own country because of being
deprived the necessary educational training in matters of
administration, big business, and education. At the same time their
population percentage of now 99% is rapidly decreasing because of the
German woman through hardship of life and uncertainty because of the
German woman through hardship of life and uncertainty of the husbands
future being unable to give birth to children.
Dear Kenneth, my English might be very poor, but I hope you get what I
am trying to explain. I hope you see that Hitlers anti-Semitism is not
directed against the Jewish religion nor against each single Jew. No
Jewish citizen here is being molested. News to the contrary are lies
and nonsense. Such news naturally are being spread by Jews, since the
Jews realize very well, as the newspaper "Jewish Chronicle" published
in South Afrika recently admitted, that the Jewish fight for world
control through the Hitler Revolution in Germany has received a
setback of 100 years of strenuous work. The Jewish citizen in Germany
shall continue to enjoy a peaceful living as he did before Hitler came
with the only exception that he shall enjoy no influence beyond the
frame of his own population percentage. In the interest of the German
race I do not hesitate to call such attitude, as queer as it might
seem to you, a "democratic persecution" and I regard it as very sound.
The Jewish citizen who does not like such democratic persecution might
leave the country and immigrate somewhere else. And when I say
immigrate somewhere else you perhaps will realize how harmful it was
and still is that the USA for such a long time had kept its doors open
especially at times of business prosperity. In America the Jew saw a
vast country with tremendous resources and no end of business
possibilities. But he had no intention to go out and work. You will
find no Jew being busy as farmer. No, such common work is good enough
for the children and grandchildren of the Christian pilgrims of
German, French and English birth who alone have built up the country
which is called the United States. The Jew was doing the business of
his own race, namely lending out money and waiting in his armchair for
the return. Thus he gradually got hold of this and that business
undertaking, thus he gradually got hold of the entire country. There
is today no country in the whole world with a more powerful influence
of the Jewish element except perhaps England, than the USA. The fact
that such a powerful Christian businessman as Henry Fold is flatly
denying everything he said in his book against the Jews speaks for
itself. The German element among the American population used to have
a great influence in the country. And when I recall the name of
Steuben do you doubt that such influence was for the benefit of the
country? Where are the Steubens of today? Dont tell me there are none.
That is not correct. But it is true that in the course of time the
German American element has been degraded to the influence of a
butcher and grooceryshopowner. Where there are exceptions you will
possibly find that the exception is a Jew. The USA was not governed by
Washington but by Wall Street. Franklin D. Roosevelt is the first
President to challenge this. It remains to be seen if the power he has
been given is sufficient for the success. You may be absolutely sure
that Washington and Berlin are in perfect accord although this
sometimes does not seem so. Washington is not fighting against Hitler,
but instead is watching Hitlers experiment with the Jewish problem
with very keen interest knowing perfectly well that this experiment
might lead the whole world. Watch Ireland, watch the increase of
fashism in England, watch the change in France that will come,
remember the American Postmaster Generals order forbidding anti-German
boycottstamps on the back of envelopes.
October 2nd 1933.
Dear Kenneth: Not until today could I find time to continue this
letter, and I must admit that since your last letter arrived which
again was full of insulting remarks about Adolf Hitler I feel little
inclined to do so. I must state that you have changed greatly. You
were much more grown-up when in May 1932 you left us. I dont know
whose influence it is and I dont care. I only know that while you were
with us you grew accustomed to argue in a serious way seeking effect
only through the sincerety of your arguement and not through a strong
language. The letter method is used only by children and hysteric
women and men. If I wanted to argue with you on the basis of your last
letter I indeed could easily come back and picture a great many
Americans who have been making an ass of themselves and still are
making an ass of themselves, and I could speak much more convincing,
since I know America, whereas you in your highhatted ignorance are
adopting nothing but what jewish reporters publish and you fall for
any line of talk as long as the lies are presented in a somewhat
plausible form. You need not boast about not having Nationalsozialism
in America. It is quite doubtful if such is an advantage, and the fact
that the American Democratic system given to the country by men who
justfully can be called great Americans has grown into a system of
rotten corruption might bring about American Nationalsozialism quicker
than you think. Any system of government stands and falls with its
leaders. Are the leaders rotten the system will turn to be rotten too.
Such was the case in Germany, and such might be the case in America
too. Moreover America some day might be happy to turn to
Nationalsozialism instead of turning to Communism. However as long as
there are many of young Americans thinking the way you do, namely from
one mooving picture to another I see great trouble ahead for the
country, trouble which will be far more serious than the Russian
revolution was. When in face of your calling us being hypnotized I
answer you that I am a great admirer of Adolf Hitler I am doing so in
order to warn you to remain as narrowminded as you now are. You never
will hear the truth about present day Germany, for America at present
is a jewish country. Jewish influence is dominating, and sooner or
later the American aryans will realize what they shall have to fight
for. Nationalsozialism would never come to America from Germany but
from the aryan population in America and such will bring about a
rebirth of Washingtons United States. Why cry about the poor little
children who are called upon to join Hitlers junior leagues, when they
themselves are crazy to do so. Little Jobi has joined and he is
tickeled to death about it. Why throw out your chest and condemn
militarism when there is no country on the face of the earth more
militaristic than the United States? Or do you deny that American boys
in their small years even are receiving military training? Is such a
sign that America intends to go to war? You say: No. Well, I answer
you, Germany wont either. A picture of Hindenburg and Hitler published
in an American paper was called: A business conference between H. and
H., whereas truly it was a picture of the celebration of the battle of
Tannenberg. Such shows how much even in matters of minor importance
American newspapers are making an ass of themselves. Even if you dont
like it, Adolf Hitler is one of the greatest and at the same time one
of the most modest men Germany has ever had. Future will show that I
am right. Goodbye now, and dont think that I am sore, I am just a
little disappointed in you.
Hearty greetings,
  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.asian.american,nyc.general,
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Posts: 92
Default Hitler's Pizza

Dude, to borrow Schopenhauer or Hegel: a man is, what he feels himself
to be.

He obviously thought he was Jewish, was very concerned about this (the
way closet homos can be very anti-homo, etc.), had his hometown records
confiscated, etc., etc.

And, come on -- the guy was a genius of a chatterbox: he's Jewish! A
would-be theater director, a vegetarian...I know a Jew when I see one!
He'd fit right in here in Jew York City!!

Topaz wrote:
> The question of Mr Hitler's ancestry is dealt with at the beginning of
> Ian Kershaw's 840+ page book entitled Hitler (Harmondsworth, Penguin:
> 1998).
> <begin quote at p. 7>>
> <SNIP>

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hitler's Pizza

"NYC XYZ" > wrote in message
> Dude, get over it, Hitler was Jewish, as were many top Nazis like
> Milch, Heydrich, etc. -- see "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers."
> As for Hitler's Cross restaurant, I wish it success. It's always nice
> to offend the rich and powerful!
> Topaz wrote:
> >
> > <SNIP>



  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.asian.american,nyc.general,
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Posts: 2
Default Hitler's Pizza

"NYC XYZ" > wrote in message
> Dude, to borrow Schopenhauer or Hegel: a man is, what he feels himself
> to be.
> He obviously thought he was Jewish, was very concerned about this (the
> way closet homos can be very anti-homo, etc.), had his hometown records
> confiscated, etc., etc.
> And, come on -- the guy was a genius of a chatterbox: he's Jewish! A
> would-be theater director, a vegetarian...I know a Jew when I see one!
> He'd fit right in here in Jew York City!!

> Topaz wrote:
> > The question of Mr Hitler's ancestry is dealt with at the beginning of
> > Ian Kershaw's 840+ page book entitled Hitler (Harmondsworth, Penguin:
> > 1998).
> >
> > <begin quote at p. 7>>
> >
> > <SNIP>


  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hitler's Pizza

On 26 Aug 2006 09:46:03 -0700, "NYC XYZ" >

>Dude, to borrow Schopenhauer or Hegel: a man is, what he feels himself
>to be.
>He obviously thought he was Jewish,

No, as a matter of fact he was anti-Jewish. He was mainly against the
Jews because they controlled the media and because they were behind
Communism. Here are some quotes from Mein Kampf:

"In my eyes the charge against Judaism became a grave one the
moment I discovered the Jewish activities in the Press, in art, in
literature and the theater. All unctuous protests were now more or
less futile. One needed only to look at the posters announcing the
hideous productions of the cinema and theatric, and study the names
of the authors who were highly lauded there in order to become
permanently adamant on Jewish questions. Here was a pestilence, a
moral pestilence, with which the public was being infected. It was
worse that the Black Plague of long ago. And in what mighty doses
this poison was manufactured and distributed. Naturally, the
lower the moral and intellectual level of such an author of artistic
products the more inexhaustible his fecundity. Sometimes it went so
far that one of these fellows, acting like a sewage pump, would shoot
his filth directly in the face of other members of the human race. In
this connection
we must remember there is no limit to the number of such people. One
ought to realize that for one Goethe, Nature may bring into existence
ten thousand such despoilers who act as the worst kind of
germ-carriers in poisoning human souls. It was a terrible thought,
and yet it could not be
avoided, that the greater number of the Jews seemed specially
destined by Nature to play this shameful part.

"And is it for this reason that they can be called the chosen
people? "I began then to investigate carefully the names of all the
fabricators of these unclean products in public cultural life. The
result of that inquiry was still more disfavourable to the attitude
which I had hitherto held in regard to the Jews. Though my feelings
might rebel a thousand times, reason now had to draw its own
conclusions. "The fact that nine-tenths of all the smutty literature,
artistic tripe and theatrical banalities, had to be charged to the
account of people who formed scarcely one per cent of the nation-
that fact could not be gainsaid. It was there, and had to be
admitted. Then I began to examine my favorite 'World Press', with
that fact before my mind. "The deeper my soundings went the lesser
grew my respect for that Press which I formerly admired. Its style
became still more repellant and I was forced to reject its ideas as
entirely shallow and superficial. To claim that in the presentation
of facts and views its attitude was impartial seemed to me to contain
more falsehood than truth. The writers were- Jews.

"Thousands of details that I had scarcely noticed before seemed
to me now to deserve attention. I began to grasp and understand
things which I had formerly looked at in a different light."

"Making an effort to overcome my natural reluctance, I tried
to read articles of this nature published in the Marxist Press; but
in doing so my aversion increased all the more. And then I set about
learning something of the people who wrote and published this
mischievous stuff. From the publisher downwards, all of them were
Jews. I recalled to mind the names of the public leaders of Marxism,
and then I realized that most of them belonged to the Chosen Race-
the Social Democratic representatives in the Imperial Cabinet as well
as the secretaries if the Trades Unions and the street agitators.
Everywhere the same sinister picture presented itself. I shall never
forget the row of names- Austerlitz, David, Adler, Ellonbogen, and
others. One fact became quite evident to me. It was that this alien
race held in its hands the leadership of that Social Democratic Party
with whose minor representatives I had been disputing for months

>was very concerned about this (the
>way closet homos can be very anti-homo, etc.), had his hometown records
>confiscated, etc., etc.

Homos say anti-homos are closet homos.

>And, come on -- the guy was a genius of a chatterbox: he's Jewish! A
>would-be theater director, a vegetarian...I know a Jew when I see one!
>He'd fit right in here in Jew York City!!

Is there a real reason you are against Hitler? Maybe his enemies
know he was right about everything and their outrageous fantasies are
the best attack they can come up with.

>Topaz wrote:
>> The question of Mr Hitler's ancestry is dealt with at the beginning of
>> Ian Kershaw's 840+ page book entitled Hitler (Harmondsworth, Penguin:
>> 1998).
>> <begin quote at p. 7>>
>> <SNIP>
  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hitler's Pizza

I reported him.
What is so hurtful and disappointing to me is that no one here stood up
and said,"Shut up"
Thanks all.
Golden California Girls wrote:
> the collary to Godwin's law always applies.
> ya all have fun now ... with this crossposted troll
> I'd suggest a ****
> NYC XYZ wasted bandwidth in arranging electrons in soc.culture.indian,
> soc.culture.asian.american, nyc.general,,
> > No, what would be offensive is if they served chicken soup!
> >
> > I mean, the guy was a vegetarian -- LOLOLOLOLOL!!!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Those objecting to the restaurant plan to ask the local government to
> > force a name change, said Daniel Zonshine, Israel's consul general in
> > Bombay.
> >
> > "Instead of Hitler's name being an example of extreme evil, this is
> > like giving legitimacy to Hitler. It's not right to advertise his name
> > in public," Zonshine said.
> >
> > ...
> >
> > "Hitler was a bad man, but what's wrong with having food here?" said
> > Ashwini Phadnis, 22, a microbiology student as she tucked away a piece
> > of chocolate cake.
> >
> > Engineering student Anand Dhillon sat with friends, sipping soft
> > drinks. "I think the name is quite interesting. Tomorrow if someone
> > keeps a name like Saddam Mutton Shop or George Bush Footwear, there's
> > nothing wrong with that, is there?" he shrugged.
> >

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Default Hitler's Pizza

On 28 Aug 2006 06:22:46 -0700, wrote:

>I reported him.
>What is so hurtful and disappointing to me is that no one here stood up
>and said,"Shut up"

Most people probably skipped the posting after seeing the title. I know I did.

-- Larry

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Hitler's Pizza

I like Hitler, and I like Jews. Everything is interesting to read

Since everything happens twice, the first as tragedy, the second as
farce, I don't think Adolf has a Nazi's chance in Hollywood if he
decides to come out of this cryogenic state under Disney World!

KOMBATT 18 wrote:

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