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LaurenW 12-02-2004 04:39 AM

Where to by grain ...
Does anyone know where I can go on the web to buy grain 5 to 10 pounds
at a time?

I am looking for organically grown Wheat and Flax in whole grain/seed

Thanks for all responses.

DaveT 12-02-2004 05:39 AM

Where to by grain ...
On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 21:39:47 -0600, LaurenW > wrote:

>Does anyone know where I can go on the web to buy grain 5 to 10 pounds
>at a time?
>I am looking for organically grown Wheat and Flax in whole grain/seed
>Thanks for all responses.

Take a look at Bob's Red Mill <> I've not
yet bought from them, but recently received a catalog.


Ernie 12-02-2004 10:29 PM

Where to by grain ...

"LaurenW" > wrote in message
> Does anyone know where I can go on the web to buy grain 5 to 10

> at a time?
> I am looking for organically grown Wheat and Flax in whole

> form.
> Thanks for all responses.

Try your local health food store. While you are there pick up
some nine grain cereal and use it for baking nine grain bread.

peter r 17-02-2004 03:24 AM

Where to by grain ...
i have had good success with littleton grist mill, in new hampshire

Crombie 22-02-2004 05:32 AM

Where to by grain ...
"DaveT" > wrote in message

<< Does anyone know where I can go on the web to buy grain 5 to 10 pounds
at a time?
........... Take a look at Bob's Red Mill <> I've
yet bought from them, but recently received a catalog.
DaveT >>

I use Bob's Red Mill grains almost exclusively. I was ordering them off the
internet but the shipping is high due to the weight. I have now found many
of their offerings at our local Kroger grocery stores in the Natural Foods
section of the store. The manager can order any that they might not carry.
I love the 10-grain flour and their 10-grain waffle and pancake mix - plus
their oat flour. By far, though, what I buy the most of is their flaxseed
meal. You can replace up to 25% of your flour in bread recipes with
flaxseed meal which lowers the carbs (2 TBSP have 4 g of carbs - but 4 g of
fiber which negates the carbs), plus it adds more fiber to your bread and
has plenty of Omega-3 in the form of ALA. I cannot say enough good things
about Bob's Red Mill grains.

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