Tea (rec.drink.tea) Discussion relating to tea, the world's second most consumed beverage (after water), made by infusing or boiling the leaves of the tea plant (C. sinensis or close relatives) in water.

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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
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Posts: 2
Default Looking for a Disposable Tea Cup Lids....

I was searching around the net, and found a company that produced a
disposable tea cup lid that you could pull the tea bag out of the water
once the brewing is done.

Does this ring a bell for anyone? I "think" that they may be a
montreal company... but I cannot remember or find them again for the
life of me! TIA!



  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Looking for a Disposable Tea Cup Lids....

> wrote:
>I did manage to find the company again, and for anyone who is
>interested, the company is Mighty Leaf Tea in Canada. Unfortunately it
>seems they only sell the lid wholesale, so buying a few for use around
>home does not seem likely

So ask them if they sell to any company in your area... and if they do,
go over there and ask them if they'd sell you a box.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
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Default Looking for a Disposable Tea Cup Lids....

Scott /14/06

> > wrote:
>> I did manage to find the company again, and for anyone who is
>> interested, the company is Mighty Leaf Tea in Canada. Unfortunately it
>> seems they only sell the lid wholesale, so buying a few for use around
>> home does not seem likely

> So ask them if they sell to any company in your area... and if they do,
> go over there and ask them if they'd sell you a box.
> --scott

Or, failing that, if you want to play dirty, tell them
you are considering buying seventeen gross of them,
but first you need a couple samples to show. (Think
I'm kidding?)

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
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Default Looking for a Disposable Tea Cup Lids....

Michael Plant wrote:
> > So ask them if they sell to any company in your area... and if they do,
> > go over there and ask them if they'd sell you a box.
> > --scott

> Or, failing that, if you want to play dirty, tell them
> you are considering buying seventeen gross of them,
> but first you need a couple samples to show. (Think
> I'm kidding?)
> Michael

We did talk to them to see if we could buy a limited quantity, but
their response was that they would only sell them to resellers, because
the lids were branded, and they did not want branded lids used with
(their words) "inferior teas".

Michael: that is a good suggestion, I think I will seek out a local
reseller and see if I can order through them.


  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
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Posts: 2
Default Looking for a Disposable Tea Cup Lids....

> > We did talk to them to see if we could buy a limited quantity, but
> > their response was that they would only sell them to resellers, because
> > the lids were branded, and they did not want branded lids used with
> > (their words) "inferior teas".
> >
> > Michael: that is a good suggestion, I think I will seek out a local
> > reseller and see if I can order through them.

> "Inferior teas"? Sounds like I missed a good
> part of the story.
> Michael

I dunno if good is the right description When I talked to their
wholesale rep, and mentioned that I did not want to sell their tea,
just buy the dome lids, he explained that they only sold the lids to
shops that sold their teas as well, and that they did not want to sell
the lids to shops that may use them with "inferior teas" (his exact
words!). I think he was afraid that their name, since it is stamped on
the lids, would be associated with a poor quality tea that it was being
used with.

My personal feeling is that, I have never seen a dome "to go" lid with
a resovoir for a tea bag, and if indeed it works as they say it does
(they would not even send a sample) then I think that they could do a
tonne of business with the growth of tea bars and Starbuck style tea
houses. But, I am not their marketing or sales manager so *sigh* I
guess that we will not see them in wide use anytime soon, because I
cannot find that they have a great deal of retailers of their product


  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,096
Default Looking for a Disposable Tea Cup Lids....

kermit wrote:
> My personal feeling is that, I have never seen a dome "to go" lid with
> a resovoir for a tea bag, and if indeed it works as they say it does
> (they would not even send a sample) then I think that they could do a
> tonne of business with the growth of tea bars and Starbuck style tea
> houses. But, I am not their marketing or sales manager so *sigh* I
> guess that we will not see them in wide use anytime soon, because I
> cannot find that they have a great deal of retailers of their product
> available.
> Mike

I can understand where they are coming from business-wise (to them
their product is tops, and in reality amongst teabags it may be higher
end... whatever that means) I have found though that in manufacturing
there is rarely a single owner of such designs. Now this may be a
patented product and specially made, but since they are not a huge
company I would think otherwise. And I have found some evidence:

Such as this patent: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/5657898.html

and this article (with manufacturer name)

Also, I have seen a few different travel mugs with the ability to
accept tea bags or loose tea and then with a slide they seal off the
chamber with the tea in it so it stops brewing. The only problem is
that some water is retained with the tea in the chanber and I'm sure it
gets bitter and depletes the leaves making a second infusion
impossible... however if that isn;t a problem they may be the way to
go. (I saw them at Wegman's grocery store)

Most of the places I get tea at when I'm out use T-Sac's and that's why
I use the method I talked about above.

- Dominic

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