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taopants 12-01-2007 07:16 PM

By now you have had your fix of gyokuro...from Hibikk-an If I remember
right... How is it?

Dominic T. 12-01-2007 08:39 PM


taopants wrote:
> By now you have had your fix of gyokuro...from Hibikk-an If I remember
> right... How is it?

I liked the "Super Premium" and the "Superior Premium" not so much the
Karigane Superior... I think I'm over my "twig tea" love as of late.
Kukicha green or roasted has lost my favor.

My life has been beyond hectic lately so I have had very little chance
to enjoy much of anything, I'm hoping this weekend will finally allow
me a little rest and time to enjoy some more of it. If I had to pick
between the two I'd probably go for the Superior Premium since the
price is decent and it produces a nice light colored brew, their lower
grade one was a bit too dark for me to enjoy no matter the taste. I
have two or three packets of Gyokuro from other vendors as a result of
that last ordering frenzy :) that are still unopened just due to my
lack of time.

Have you had any? I thought you had said you ordered some from them as
well. I think they were very good taste-wise, just nothing ever beats
some of the stuff I have had prepared for me that I'm sure was ultra
fresh and probably quite expensive, but those friends of mine have
since moved away and it has been years. Now, I'll take what I can get
as long as it has that nice pale color and sweet taste without being
too astringent or harsh... and I can afford it :)


taopants 13-01-2007 03:43 PM

I ordered some tamoryokucha from Mellow monk Which I like very much but
doesn't hold up to more than two infusions (To me anyway) It has a
wonderful aroma And a taste reminiscent of egg drop soup (I also got
that flavor from a kabuse sencha that I tasted.) The flavor is strong.
I also just received an order from holy mountain. Organic lu'an gai pan
(my favorite daily drinker) and sample of. I was pleased with the
service of both vendors

Dominic T. wrote:
> taopants wrote:
> > By now you have had your fix of gyokuro...from Hibikk-an If I remember
> > right... How is it?

> I liked the "Super Premium" and the "Superior Premium" not so much the
> Karigane Superior... I think I'm over my "twig tea" love as of late.
> Kukicha green or roasted has lost my favor.
> My life has been beyond hectic lately so I have had very little chance
> to enjoy much of anything, I'm hoping this weekend will finally allow
> me a little rest and time to enjoy some more of it. If I had to pick
> between the two I'd probably go for the Superior Premium since the
> price is decent and it produces a nice light colored brew, their lower
> grade one was a bit too dark for me to enjoy no matter the taste. I
> have two or three packets of Gyokuro from other vendors as a result of
> that last ordering frenzy :) that are still unopened just due to my
> lack of time.
> Have you had any? I thought you had said you ordered some from them as
> well. I think they were very good taste-wise, just nothing ever beats
> some of the stuff I have had prepared for me that I'm sure was ultra
> fresh and probably quite expensive, but those friends of mine have
> since moved away and it has been years. Now, I'll take what I can get
> as long as it has that nice pale color and sweet taste without being
> too astringent or harsh... and I can afford it :)
> Dominic

Dominic T. 14-01-2007 03:39 AM


taopants wrote:
> I ordered some tamoryokucha from Mellow monk Which I like very much but
> doesn't hold up to more than two infusions (To me anyway) It has a
> wonderful aroma And a taste reminiscent of egg drop soup (I also got
> that flavor from a kabuse sencha that I tasted.) The flavor is strong.
> I also just received an order from holy mountain. Organic lu'an gai pan
> (my favorite daily drinker) and sample of. I was pleased with the
> service of both vendors
> ,
> Lyn

I never expect more than two infusions from green tea, even if I can
get more I usually don't. I know the egg drop soup reference and that
isn't my type of tea at all, I prefer mellower tastes and not the
harsher tones... mellow, sweet, pale brew is all me :)

I'll order some of that organic lu'an since its a daily drinker
favorite of yours, I tend to gravitate towards those more accessible
teas these days. Next up is Uji and O-cha for me.

I'm also still looking to sell my kidney for some more Shui Xian like
one I tasted from Singapore that had a wonderful raisiny, roasted,
smooth flavor. I'd seriously give all the rest of my tea up for just
1/2lb. of that stuff. Honestly.


Elona[_1_] 14-01-2007 06:17 AM

Dominic T. wrote:
> I'm also still looking to sell my kidney for some more Shui Xian like
> one I tasted from Singapore that had a wonderful raisiny, roasted,
> smooth flavor. I'd seriously give all the rest of my tea up for just
> 1/2lb. of that stuff. Honestly.
> Dominic

Good luck in your search.

taopants 15-01-2007 04:46 AM

I can also recommend holy mtn.'s 'Drum mountain clouds and mist' and
their '3 cups fragrance (Xia xia bang)' Which are, I think, a little
lighter than the Lu'an gai pan('Lu'an melon seed'- as it is called in
the catalog on their website)

Lewis Perin 15-01-2007 06:08 PM

"taopants" > writes:

> I can also recommend holy mtn.'s 'Drum mountain clouds and mist' and
> their '3 cups fragrance (Xia xia bang)'

Isn't that San Bei Xiang? And don't they both come from Silk Road Teas?

Lew Perin /

taopants 16-01-2007 02:09 PM

Yes it is san bei xiang. I was thinking (wrongly) of The Tao of tea's
listing of '2 cups fragrance (bei bei xiang)'. Silk Road tea carries
both of these teas as well.
Lewis Perin wrote:
> "taopants" > writes:
> > I can also recommend holy mtn.'s 'Drum mountain clouds and mist' and
> > their '3 cups fragrance (Xia xia bang)'

> Isn't that San Bei Xiang? And don't they both come from Silk Road Teas?
> /Lew
> ---
> Lew Perin /

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