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missmouse[_2_] 30-04-2007 05:59 AM

tea magazine
Can someone recommend a good tea magazine? I would like some
suggestions before subscribing.

Thanks kindly!

toronto, canada

Shen[_2_] 30-04-2007 07:34 AM

tea magazine
On Apr 29, 8:59 pm, missmouse > wrote:
> Can someone recommend a good tea magazine? I would like some
> suggestions before subscribing.
> Thanks kindly!
> shan
> toronto, canada

Read the post below. The Art Of Tea is a fabulous magazine. It's
available from Houde (Guang): or from
Scott (Yunnan Sourcing): .

juliantai[_3_] 30-04-2007 09:34 AM

tea magazine

I publish a tea newsletter monthly. I do in somehow in my spare time;
it is not hugely professional or glossy, but it is intent to be free
and informative.

Each month I feature a specific tea; in April we feature the Long Jing
tea.I have just finished working on Chinese green tea - I think so
anyway - and it will come out in the May issue.

You can preview it here - let me know what you think ...


sjschen 30-04-2007 08:49 PM

tea magazine
On Apr 29, 11:59 pm, missmouse > wrote:
> Can someone recommend a good tea magazine? I would like some
> suggestions before subscribing.
> Thanks kindly!
> shan
> toronto, canada

Aha! A fellow Torontonian!

I saw a copy of The Art Of Tea at an chinese art/book store on the
floor inside Pacific mall about 2 months ago. That probably does not
help too much due to the number of these type of stores, but I can't
remember where it was. Still, you may be able to find a copy of the
magazine there and flip through it before you subscribe.

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