Tea (rec.drink.tea) Discussion relating to tea, the world's second most consumed beverage (after water), made by infusing or boiling the leaves of the tea plant (C. sinensis or close relatives) in water.

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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
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Posts: 157
Default Oolong Enlightenment

Here is a post I presented to private groups of tea friends, I will
post it here as well in case any of you have suggestions. Most of you
know my tastes were always in the realm of puerh, since my little life
detour brought me back to tea again I have discovered a craving for
oolongs like never before. Hence the following:

I am cruising down the oolong highway at breakneck speed. I have
learned one thing, I was using far too little leaf. While I very much
doubted this when you knowledgeable folks first told me, I tried it
anyway. I am now finding that a ratio of between .8g to 1g per 10ml of
water is working well for me, ie 8-10g in a 100ml gaiwan. It seemed
awful heavy when my friend first suggested it, especially when one
looks at the cost of the better teas, but my results have been very

I would like to find a vendor who could supply an assortment of teas
that show oxidation and roasting levels. Preferably on the same tea,
or at least same genre of teas. In other words a selection of mid
grade oolongs of the same genre but at a variety of oxidation levels,
and another set of a given oxidation but at a variety of roasting
levels so that I can zero in on preference within those variables. IE,
should I be looking for a lightly roasted 20% oxidation (aka
fermentation) versus a heavily roasted 40% oxidation? Seems like this
might be a marketable idea, take the exact same raw tea and process it
at a variety of oxidation/roast levels to allow a consumer to discover
his palette.

Or am I barking up the wrong tea tree?


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
external usenet poster
Posts: 258
Default Oolong Enlightenment

Darjeeling is sold in various oxidation levels, light and medium. TGY
is sold as light,medium,heavy. Taiwan High Mountain oolongs vary in
oxidation in the light to medium category. I dont thnk you are going
to find one particular tea in various oxidation levels just the
class. I did buy a Yunnan shu,green,red from a vendor who claimed it
was from the same crop.


On Feb 4, 2:14 pm, Mike Petro > wrote:
> Here is a post I presented to private groups of tea friends, I will
> post it here as well in case any of you have suggestions. Most of you
> know my tastes were always in the realm of puerh, since my little life
> detour brought me back to tea again I have discovered a craving for
> oolongs like never before. Hence the following:
> I am cruising down the oolong highway at breakneck speed. I have
> learned one thing, I was using far too little leaf. While I very much
> doubted this when you knowledgeable folks first told me, I tried it
> anyway. I am now finding that a ratio of between .8g to 1g per 10ml of
> water is working well for me, ie 8-10g in a 100ml gaiwan. It seemed
> awful heavy when my friend first suggested it, especially when one
> looks at the cost of the better teas, but my results have been very
> positive.
> I would like to find a vendor who could supply an assortment of teas
> that show oxidation and roasting levels. Preferably on the same tea,
> or at least same genre of teas. In other words a selection of mid
> grade oolongs of the same genre but at a variety of oxidation levels,
> and another set of a given oxidation but at a variety of roasting
> levels so that I can zero in on preference within those variables. IE,
> should I be looking for a lightly roasted 20% oxidation (aka
> fermentation) versus a heavily roasted 40% oxidation? Seems like this
> might be a marketable idea, take the exact same raw tea and process it
> at a variety of oxidation/roast levels to allow a consumer to discover
> his palette.
> Or am I barking up the wrong tea tree?
> Mike
> www.pu-erh.net

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
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Posts: 1,096
Default Oolong Enlightenment

On Feb 4, 4:14*pm, Mike Petro > wrote:
> Here is a post I presented to private groups of tea friends, I will
> post it here as well in case any of you have suggestions. Most of you
> know my tastes were always in the realm of puerh, since my little life
> detour brought me back to tea again I have discovered a craving for
> oolongs like never before. Hence the following:
> I am cruising down the oolong highway at breakneck speed. I have
> learned one thing, I was using far too little leaf. While I very much
> doubted this when you knowledgeable folks first told me, I tried it
> anyway. I am now finding that a ratio of between .8g to 1g per 10ml of
> water is working well for me, ie 8-10g in a 100ml gaiwan. It seemed
> awful heavy when my friend first suggested it, especially when one
> looks at the cost of the better teas, but my results have been very
> positive.
> I would like to find a vendor who could supply an assortment of teas
> that show oxidation and roasting levels. Preferably on the same tea,
> or at least same genre of teas. In other words a selection of mid
> grade oolongs of the same genre but at a variety of oxidation levels,
> and another set of a given oxidation but at a variety of roasting
> levels so that I can zero in on preference within those variables. IE,
> should I be looking for a lightly roasted 20% oxidation (aka
> fermentation) versus a heavily roasted 40% oxidation? Seems like this
> might be a marketable idea, take the exact same raw tea and process it
> at a variety of oxidation/roast levels to allow a consumer to discover
> his palette.
> Or am I barking up the wrong tea tree?
> Mike
> www.pu-erh.net

Aha! I think the oolong bug strikes everyone eventually. I just had
never realized I was trying the wrong oolongs. I hope I can shed a
little light on some of your points because they were ones I had too.
To start with I say to split them into two categories: green/floral
and dark/chocolate/raisin/tobacco (this is not all-inclusive just a
rough split between the types). My guess would be you'd fall into the
latter category from your tastes, I do too.

TGY is generally very berry/floral in flavor which I don't like so I
have tried green, medium roasted, and heavily roasted TGY's thinking
it would make a difference... it only does for the first and second,
maybe third, brewing but then the green and floral notes pop right
back in sometimes even more pronounced. Those first brewings are
deceptive in that you are purely tasting the processing/roasting and
they can seem like a darker oolong but it will fall away.

Shui Xian was a nice bridge for me at first. It is dark, roasted, not
floral at all and can exhibit a number of characteristics from the
chocolate/raisin/tobacco/charcoal realm. I then explored the
variations in roasting within just that tea. The variation is
amazingly complex. I then had some double roasted Shui Xian which was
almost to the point of charcoal and didn't even begin to unfurl after
10+ steeps but was so ethereal and excellent I didn't realize just how
good it was until the last cups and then there was no more.

I've wandered through a bunch of different regions' oolongs now and
many end up falling short but one type that has recently caught me is
Dan Cong (chong). Again tons of variation within the classification
and some are dark but present green/floral flavors like orchid which
threw me for a loop at first.

Teaspring has some decent mid-range oolongs to try with a couple
sometimes being extra special. HouDe has been out of their heavy
roasted stock but many of their options are excellent. There are other
vendors that occasionally have a gem or two and a couple on eBay that
tuned out better than I had expected. It is a big world to explore and
I've approached it like a side hobby to my normal teas because it can
be overwhelming. Best of luck.

- Dominic
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
external usenet poster
Posts: 65
Default Oolong Enlightenment

These posts are making me want to dip back into oolongs again. Two
notes: (1) the other day I, too, put a lot more oolong into my pot
than normal and the results were great. In fact, at the end of the day
(I brew at work), the tea didn't seem done so I put cold water in the
pot and let it sit overnight. Then, the next day the tea that awaited
me tasted so good that I did several more long brews that were all
great--the greater amount of leaf seemed to let me try more things
with one particular brewing session, and none were disappointing. I
can see how brewing with more leaf might reignite interest in oolong;
(2) the breakdown of tea into two broad categories (green/floral v.
chocolate/raisin/tobacco) was very interesting. I've had TGY very
heavy roasted and it just didn't grab me the way some dancongs have. I
think I had found dark teas I liked and assumed it was because of
heavy roasting, but maybe that wasn't it at all. Maybe it was the
combination of heavy oxidation with a particular type of tea (e.g.,
the chocolate/raisin/tobacco type). It is very complex to track all of
these variables, but at the same time very enjoyable.

Thanks for the posts!

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
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Posts: 1,096
Default Oolong Enlightenment

On Feb 5, 8:28*pm, cha bing > wrote:
> I think I had found dark teas I liked and assumed it was because of
> heavy roasting, but maybe that wasn't it at all. Maybe it was the
> combination of heavy oxidation with a particular type of tea (e.g.,
> the chocolate/raisin/tobacco type). It is very complex to track all of
> these variables, but at the same time very enjoyable.
> Thanks for the posts!
> c

It can be very deceptive. I've had some heavily roasted TGY's that if
I had just had 1-2 brewings of I would have declared some of my
favorites, but then it quickly changed back to what I find
undesirable. What I have learned so far in a couple years now of
experimentation is that the core leaf is the same no matter what roast
level, and it will shine through eventually (for some this eventual
turn may be a good thing, I just don't happen to like the floral
notes), sometimes it ends up being more intense or more pronounced due
to the roasting in the later steeps. Fermentation can cause a
permanent alteration of the leaf throughout brewing so that it never
gives way to that core green/floral taste even after a full session.
It all comes down to the initial cultivar/region/leaf. I've learned
that if I don't like a particular tea in it's least processed form, no
amount of roasting will make it better. Fermentation may change it
into something new or different which may be more enjoyable but most
likely it still will not be a favorite. Oolong's, of all of the teas I
drink regularly, are the most dependent on excellent handling and
processing. Even ones I love like Shui Xian can range from dark and
muddy and acidic to some of the most amazing smooth chocolate/raisin
flavors with no real common thread between them that would even
remotely link them as the same tea... and these are among high-end
versions. In many other teas you can easily tell they are the same
even if the quality/processing is different (say like a Dragonwell or

I don't really drink many fermented or heavily processed teas, unlike
Mike with Puerh so I'm guessing this is all more interesting and
different to me than it would be to him or anyone who does drink more
red/black/oolong/puerh's. I'd be interested to see if/when Mike
manages to get a green/mid/heavy roast of the same tea if the
conclusion will be the same.

- Dominic

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
external usenet poster
Posts: 258
Default Oolong Enlightenment

I was doing the opposite making some green teas too strong based on
oolong usage. I decided to keep using the same approximate amount for
every tea. I got use to the occasional astringent grotty green taste
which I sometimes encounter making a heavy black. My Yellows and DCs
could probably use more. Ill give up the notion of a perfect cup of
tea just for putting some tea in a glass, adding boiling water and
drinking. If nothing else I dont give up aroma and recently LiuAn Gua
Pian caused intoxication.


On Feb 5, 6:28 pm, cha bing > wrote:
> These posts are making me want to dip back into oolongs again. Two
> notes: (1) the other day I, too, put a lot more oolong into my pot
> than normal and the results were great. In fact, at the end of the day
> (I brew at work), the tea didn't seem done so I put cold water in the
> pot and let it sit overnight. Then, the next day the tea that awaited
> me tasted so good that I did several more long brews that were all
> great--the greater amount of leaf seemed to let me try more things
> with one particular brewing session, and none were disappointing. I
> can see how brewing with more leaf might reignite interest in oolong;
> (2) the breakdown of tea into two broad categories (green/floral v.
> chocolate/raisin/tobacco) was very interesting. I've had TGY very
> heavy roasted and it just didn't grab me the way some dancongs have. I
> think I had found dark teas I liked and assumed it was because of
> heavy roasting, but maybe that wasn't it at all. Maybe it was the
> combination of heavy oxidation with a particular type of tea (e.g.,
> the chocolate/raisin/tobacco type). It is very complex to track all of
> these variables, but at the same time very enjoyable.
> Thanks for the posts!
> c

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,096
Default Oolong Enlightenment

On Feb 7, 10:02*am, wrote:
> I was doing the opposite making some green teas too strong based on
> oolong usage. *I decided to keep using the same approximate amount for
> every tea. I got use to the occasional astringent grotty green taste
> which I sometimes encounter making a heavy black. *My Yellows and DCs
> could probably use more. * Ill give up the notion of a perfect cup of
> tea just for putting some tea in a glass, adding boiling water and
> drinking. *If nothing else I dont give up aroma and recently LiuAn Gua
> Pian caused intoxication.
> Jim

Honestly most of the time I put some leaf in a Bodum Yo-Yo mug/infuser
add some approximately heated water (my range is either really warm,
just before boil, and rapid boil) and an approximate time based on
nothing in particular. Care and attention and detail are nice at
times, but more and more I just toss it all out and enjoy a cup of
tea. I think it takes a certain level of understanding though before
you can get to that point, and I'm glad I did spend time learning the
"correct" ways. It's like anything, an experienced individual makes it
look effortless and nonchalant. Skateboarding/surfing come to mind

I've said it before but that carefree approach sometimes results in a
change for the better. Too much leaf one time because you don't use a
scale and micrometer every time and eureka! Same for a little less by
accident. Happy accidents.

- Dominic
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
external usenet poster
Posts: 14
Default Oolong Enlightenment

On Feb 4, 4:14*pm, Mike Petro > wrote:
> Here is a post I presented to private groups of tea friends, I will
> post it here as well in case any of you have suggestions. Most of you
> know my tastes were always in the realm of puerh, since my little life
> detour brought me back to tea again I have discovered a craving for
> oolongs like never before. Hence the following:
> I am cruising down the oolong highway at breakneck speed. I have
> learned one thing, I was using far too little leaf. While I very much
> doubted this when you knowledgeable folks first told me, I tried it
> anyway. I am now finding that a ratio of between .8g to 1g per 10ml of
> water is working well for me, ie 8-10g in a 100ml gaiwan. It seemed
> awful heavy when my friend first suggested it, especially when one
> looks at the cost of the better teas, but my results have been very
> positive.
> I would like to find a vendor who could supply an assortment of teas
> that show oxidation and roasting levels. Preferably on the same tea,
> or at least same genre of teas. In other words a selection of mid
> grade oolongs of the same genre but at a variety of oxidation levels,
> and another set of a given oxidation but at a variety of roasting
> levels so that I can zero in on preference within those variables. IE,
> should I be looking for a lightly roasted 20% oxidation (aka
> fermentation) versus a heavily roasted 40% oxidation? Seems like this
> might be a marketable idea, take the exact same raw tea and process it
> at a variety of oxidation/roast levels to allow a consumer to discover
> his palette.
> Or am I barking up the wrong tea tree?
> Mike
> www.pu-erh.net

Welcome back Mike, glad to see you.
Your guidance during my pu-erh journey has been wonderful.
I am also venturing into oolongs as a palate expansion/rest.

I have tried a few nice ones and can share the sources but my
attention to detail doesn't equal yours.
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