Tea (rec.drink.tea) Discussion relating to tea, the world's second most consumed beverage (after water), made by infusing or boiling the leaves of the tea plant (C. sinensis or close relatives) in water.

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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,231
Default Why is Sencha so ugly

Ive been working of my senchas recently. As dry leaf the color of the
steamed green leaf is striking. However infused it is an ugly
mascerated abomination. How do they pick these leaves with a gingsu
columbine. I can see why they invented the tea ceremony to hide the
leaves. Is there any Japanese tea that is bigger in size than crushed


PS I really like the Japanese Kona I got earlier this year in SD. A
very tasty thick cloudy brew. Its enough to make me want to try
sushi. Any tea recommendations for Lost Wages.
  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
external usenet poster
Posts: 997
Default Why is Sencha so ugly

Space Cowboy > writes:

> Ive been working of my senchas recently. As dry leaf the color of the
> steamed green leaf is striking. However infused it is an ugly
> mascerated abomination. How do they pick these leaves with a gingsu
> columbine. I can see why they invented the tea ceremony to hide the
> leaves. Is there any Japanese tea that is bigger in size than crushed
> BOP.

In my experience, tamaryokucha is, shall we say, up to Chinese green
tea standards.[1]

Lew Perin /
[1]I'm only being mildly sarcastic - Japanese broken leaves can be
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,096
Default Why is Sencha so ugly

On Jun 15, 9:04*am, Space Cowboy > wrote:
> Ive been working of my senchas recently. *As dry leaf the color of the
> steamed green leaf is striking. *However infused it is an ugly
> mascerated abomination. How do they pick these leaves with a gingsu
> columbine. *I can see why they invented the tea ceremony to hide the
> leaves. Is there any Japanese tea that is bigger in size than crushed
> BOP.
> Jim
> PS *I really like the Japanese Kona I got earlier this year in SD. *A
> very tasty thick cloudy brew. *Its enough to make me want to try
> sushi. *Any tea recommendations for Lost Wages.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have found quite a number
of senchas and gyokuros that are very nice leaves, also some variants
of sencha like the wiry "spider leg" type end as a nicer leaf. I
actually really like the slim broken blade-like look of the brewed
leaf, I find it interesting and a bit more interesting than just a
full round leaf or bud. I will say when all the liquor is gone though
and it is just a mass of flat green mush-like sludge with no
definition it loses some beauty. It is a pretty shade of green though.

Bancha and most cheaper sencha is pretty poor. There is one
inexpensive sencha that comes in a long plastic bag/tube thing and
that one often has very nice long flat pieces... but outside of the
few exceptions you need to get into the higher-end before you start
getting away from the "ginsu combine" look and even then there are no
guarantees. The taste is telling enough.

- Dominic
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