Tea (rec.drink.tea) Discussion relating to tea, the world's second most consumed beverage (after water), made by infusing or boiling the leaves of the tea plant (C. sinensis or close relatives) in water.

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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Alex Krupp
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

I have sadly become addicted to the delicious herba mates on
specialteas.com. I have already gone through about half a pound of
their MateChino, and was going to reorder when I noticed they now have
a tiramisu flavor so I picked up a quarter pound of that instead.
However, I'm a bit afraid of the unspecified but most likely ungodly
number of calories in these (damn lightweight rowing). Can anyone give
a good estimate of the number of calories that would come from a 6 pot
cup of either of these, assuming one teaspoon on mate per cup (not
including milk/sugar)? I know this isn't rec.food.drink.mate, but I was
hoping someone might be able to provide some insight since specialteas
doesn't seem to respond to email.

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

Alex Krupp wrote:
> I have sadly become addicted to the delicious herba mates on
> specialteas.com. I have already gone through about half a pound of
> their MateChino, and was going to reorder when I noticed they now have
> a tiramisu flavor so I picked up a quarter pound of that instead.

A tea-less pick-me-up alternative to coffee with the flavor of a cheese
and cream and cookie dessert. This degenerate concoction sets a new
record for distancing itself from all that we here hold dear. Might be
just right for Beth's coffee and tea cafe.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Alex Krupp
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

> This degenerate concoction sets a new
> record for distancing itself from all that we here hold dear.

Well my favorite real tea is dragon's well though this group is
starting to turn me on to pu-ers. However I have found that neither of
these travel very well from class to class in a thermos because they
are only drinkable in a narrow temperature range and are best enjoyed
in the comfort of my dorm room. However, since as I said I am doing the
lightweight rower thing for spring I'd like to have something to sip on
throughout the day. Masala chai (brewed in water as a tea, not the real
kind) would be a good option but I find that after a pot or so it
starts to upset my stomach. So this is why I am interested in Mate,
however if it has just as many calories as soda or hot chocolate then
obviously there isn't really any point.

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate


Google is your friend, and this url gives the regular maté profile.

The best way to find out about the flavored versions is to call the
company directly or having a friend who is diabetic call the company to
ask for the sugar and calorie contents.

BTW, the majorority of this group seem to adhere to the most restricted
definition of tea, whereas the English view of leaves infused in water
is more apt to describe my approach. Although I dislike the bergamots
and fermented teas except as trace tastes in my own blends, I do
constantly experiment with tisanes as part of the culinary, health and
herbalist hobbies.
Black currant and raspberry leaf tea

Alex Kurd wrote:
> I have sadly become addicted to the delicious herba mates on
> specialteas.com. I have already gone through about half a pound of
> their MateChino, and was going to reorder when I noticed they now have
> a tiramisu flavor so I picked up a quarter pound of that instead.
> However, I'm a bit afraid of the unspecified but most likely ungodly
> number of calories in these (damn lightweight rowing). Can anyone give
> a good estimate of the number of calories that would come from a 6 pot
> cup of either of these, assuming one teaspoon on mate per cup (not
> including milk/sugar)? I know this isn't rec.food.drink.mate, but I was
> hoping someone might be able to provide some insight since specialteas
> doesn't seem to respond to email.

s have been around for at leat 2,000 years in constant use and maybe
longer, mountain sage tea from Greece predates the Egyptian Empire as
just a couple of examples.

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

Alex Krupp wrote:
> > crymad wrote: [ Tiramisu Mate]
> > This degenerate concoction sets a new
> > record for distancing itself from all that we here hold dear.

> Well my favorite real tea is dragon's well though this group is
> starting to turn me on to pu-ers. However I have found that neither of
> these travel very well from class to class in a thermos because they
> are only drinkable in a narrow temperature range and are best enjoyed
> in the comfort of my dorm room. However, since as I said I am doing the
> lightweight rower thing for spring I'd like to have something to sip on
> throughout the day. Masala chai (brewed in water as a tea, not the real
> kind) would be a good option but I find that after a pot or so it
> starts to upset my stomach. So this is why I am interested in Mate,
> however if it has just as many calories as soda or hot chocolate then
> obviously there isn't really any point.

Look at the description of this stuff at specialteas.com:

"No. 966 Mate Tiramisu:
If you like the desert, you must try this blend. Toasted Mate with
cocoa, white chocolate chips, crocant bits, fine Madagascar vanilla and
our secret tiramisu flavor. The invigorating, caffeine bearing herbal

It contains cocoa and white chocolate chips. Add your requisite sugar
and milk, and of course it's going to be packed with calories. Your
mention of a dorm room suggests that you're a college student. Perhaps
it's time to outgrow the childish tastes that drive you to sustain
yourself throughout the day on what amounts to candy in a cup. Fill
your thermos with an unenriched infusion of some sort -- tea or herbs or
whatever -- and be done with it.


  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Alex Krupp
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

> It contains cocoa and white chocolate chips. Add your requisite sugar
> and milk, and of course it's going to be packed with calories.

Lets assume that I would drink about one 6 cup pot of this a day.
Secondly, lets assume that, as per the instructions on the package, I
would use one teaspoon per 6 ounce cup. Thirdly, lets assume a teaspoon
is about 2 grams, maybe 3 at most. If I were drinking 6 teaspoons of
pure cocoa, then at the 15 calories per tablespoon (3 tsp) it would
amount to 30 calories if I were drinking pure cocoa. Now on the other
hand if I were drinking pure white chocolate, then at 6 tsp, or 12
grams, it would be about 50 calories assuming the 420 calories per 100
grams figure I found on the net is correct. However in reality cocoa
and white chocolate make up only a very small part of this blend.
Therefore I'm not really concerned with the extra 10 or 15 calories per
pot coming from the cocoa/white chocolate, but rather am more concerned
about the nutritional content of Mate itself. Once again I've emailed 2
companies about this, neither of which have responded, and google turns
up nothing. Also, I don't take this with sugar and if I add milk then
it's only a negligible amount of skim, which is why I specifically
asked for the values without milk and sugar.

> Your mention of a dorm room suggests that you're a college student.

Cornell University

> Perhaps it's time to outgrow the childish tastes that drive you to sustain
> yourself throughout the day on what amounts to candy in a cup.

This is true if it's as high in empty calories as cola. But if it's
tasty, healthful, and as nutrient-rich as the intarweb claims, AND has
a moderate to low caloric value then it seems like a win-win situation.
You're right about my sweet tooth being a childish desire, but then
again when you work out four hours a day and eat mostly salads and
vegetables then you get strange cravings for otherwise unkosher stuff
like this.

> Fill
> your thermos with an unenriched infusion of some sort -- tea or herbs or
> whatever -- and be done with it.

I drink lots of real single estate teas and some chai throughout the
day, but more than two or so pots upsets my stomach so I was hoping
Mate with Mateine/theobromine(from the cocoa) would be a little bit
gentler on my digestive system than tea with its caffeine/theophylline.

> --crymad


  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Blues Lyne
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

Once again I've emailed 2
> companies about this, neither of which have responded, and google turns
> up nothing. Also, I don't take this with sugar and if I add milk then
> it's only a negligible amount of skim, which is why I specifically
> asked for the values without milk and sugar.

Hmm, I did a simple google search for "yerba mate calories" and found quite
a few sites with info. According to what I found a tisane of Mate has no
calories. You can find the info he



Of course I have no idea if the info included on the webpages is correct, or
how many calories are in the specific tea you mention.


"Alex Krupp" > wrote in message
> > It contains cocoa and white chocolate chips. Add your requisite sugar
> > and milk, and of course it's going to be packed with calories.

> Lets assume that I would drink about one 6 cup pot of this a day.
> Secondly, lets assume that, as per the instructions on the package, I
> would use one teaspoon per 6 ounce cup. Thirdly, lets assume a teaspoon
> is about 2 grams, maybe 3 at most. If I were drinking 6 teaspoons of
> pure cocoa, then at the 15 calories per tablespoon (3 tsp) it would
> amount to 30 calories if I were drinking pure cocoa. Now on the other
> hand if I were drinking pure white chocolate, then at 6 tsp, or 12
> grams, it would be about 50 calories assuming the 420 calories per 100
> grams figure I found on the net is correct. However in reality cocoa
> and white chocolate make up only a very small part of this blend.
> Therefore I'm not really concerned with the extra 10 or 15 calories per
> pot coming from the cocoa/white chocolate, but rather am more concerned
> about the nutritional content of Mate itself. Once again I've emailed 2
> companies about this, neither of which have responded, and google turns
> up nothing. Also, I don't take this with sugar and if I add milk then
> it's only a negligible amount of skim, which is why I specifically
> asked for the values without milk and sugar.
> > Your mention of a dorm room suggests that you're a college student.

> Cornell University
> > Perhaps it's time to outgrow the childish tastes that drive you to

> > yourself throughout the day on what amounts to candy in a cup.

> This is true if it's as high in empty calories as cola. But if it's
> tasty, healthful, and as nutrient-rich as the intarweb claims, AND has
> a moderate to low caloric value then it seems like a win-win situation.
> You're right about my sweet tooth being a childish desire, but then
> again when you work out four hours a day and eat mostly salads and
> vegetables then you get strange cravings for otherwise unkosher stuff
> like this.
> > Fill
> > your thermos with an unenriched infusion of some sort -- tea or herbs or
> > whatever -- and be done with it.

> I drink lots of real single estate teas and some chai throughout the
> day, but more than two or so pots upsets my stomach so I was hoping
> Mate with Mateine/theobromine(from the cocoa) would be a little bit
> gentler on my digestive system than tea with its caffeine/theophylline.
> > --crymad

> Alex

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

Blues Lyne wrote:
> Alex wrote:
> >Once again I've emailed 2
> > companies about this, neither of which have responded, and google turns
> > up nothing. Also, I don't take this with sugar and if I add milk then
> > it's only a negligible amount of skim, which is why I specifically
> > asked for the values without milk and sugar.

> Hmm, I did a simple google search for "yerba mate calories" and found quite
> a few sites with info. According to what I found a tisane of Mate has no
> calories.

Pure sugar itself has only 15 calories per teaspoon. So it's doubtful
Alex is endangering his trim figure by drinking 6 teaspoons of any sort
of infusion a day. If, like he says, he doesn't load it down with milk
and sugar, then there's probably nothing to worry about. Except, of
course, the embarrassment of revealing to your buddies that you're
drinking tiramisu yerba mate...


>You can find the info he
> http://www.frontiercoop.com/shop/mer..._Code=beblkthe
> http://www.google.com/search?num=50&...+mate+calories

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Leif Thorvaldson
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

I just received my first order of Yerba Mate and brewed up six cups in my
coffee maker. The company recommends that I place two oz in the basket with
a filter. I measured it a spoonful at a time and when I got to 1/2 oz, I
stopped. My word. If I continued and used 2 oz per pot that would yield 8
six cup pots or a total of 72 cups. I'd be through a pound in no time at
all! That's one complaint. The other is the smell and taste to me is
reminiscent of bedding straw in a barn. Any suggestions regarding learning
to love the taste and smell???? Would it be better if I smeared Vicks
VapoRub under my nose, like we did at crime scenes and autopsies? By the
way, the nutrition label on the 1 kg package says that there is 90 calories
in 50mg or 1.75 oz.

"Alex Krupp" > wrote in message
> I have sadly become addicted to the delicious herba mates on
> specialteas.com. I have already gone through about half a pound of
> their MateChino, and was going to reorder when I noticed they now have
> a tiramisu flavor so I picked up a quarter pound of that instead.
> However, I'm a bit afraid of the unspecified but most likely ungodly
> number of calories in these (damn lightweight rowing). Can anyone give
> a good estimate of the number of calories that would come from a 6 pot
> cup of either of these, assuming one teaspoon on mate per cup (not
> including milk/sugar)? I know this isn't rec.food.drink.mate, but I was
> hoping someone might be able to provide some insight since specialteas
> doesn't seem to respond to email.

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

>ime at
>all! That's one complaint. The other is the smell and taste to me is
>reminiscent of bedding straw in a barn. Any suggestions regarding learning
>to love the taste and smell????

i cheat...i add 1/4 oz of stirling french vanilla to my mate...just enough to
hide the smell and enhance the flavor but not enough to hide that it is in fact
mate LOL...i guess i'm just not a purist but i do like it
My soul's had enough chicken soup for my...bring on the chocolate!
stolen from kathy's license plate holder

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Leif Thorvaldson
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

Thanks. I have been experimenting with adding a Red Rose teabag, but that
doesn't quite do it. Now experimenting with cinnamon -- better. Will try
ginger next!

"Beth" > wrote in message
> >ime at
> >all! That's one complaint. The other is the smell and taste to me is
> >reminiscent of bedding straw in a barn. Any suggestions regarding

> >to love the taste and smell????

> i cheat...i add 1/4 oz of stirling french vanilla to my mate...just enough

> hide the smell and enhance the flavor but not enough to hide that it is in

> mate LOL...i guess i'm just not a purist but i do like it
> Speddie
> My soul's had enough chicken soup for my...bring on the chocolate!
> stolen from kathy's license plate holder

  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dan Stromberg
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 18:48:11 -0800, Leif Thorvaldson wrote:

> I just received my first order of Yerba Mate and brewed up six cups in
> my coffee maker. The company recommends that I place two oz in the
> basket with a filter. I measured it a spoonful at a time and when I got
> to 1/2 oz, I stopped. My word. If I continued and used 2 oz per pot
> that would yield 8 six cup pots or a total of 72 cups. I'd be through a
> pound in no time at all! That's one complaint. The other is the smell
> and taste to me is reminiscent of bedding straw in a barn. Any
> suggestions regarding learning to love the taste and smell???? Would it
> be better if I smeared Vicks VapoRub under my nose, like we did at crime
> scenes and autopsies? By the way, the nutrition label on the 1 kg
> package says that there is 90 calories in 50mg or 1.75 oz.
> Leif
> "Alex Krupp" > wrote in message
> news:2004033001484516807%alex3917@hotmailcom...
>> I have sadly become addicted to the delicious herba mates on
>> specialteas.com. I have already gone through about half a pound of
>> their MateChino, and was going to reorder when I noticed they now have
>> a tiramisu flavor so I picked up a quarter pound of that instead.
>> However, I'm a bit afraid of the unspecified but most likely ungodly
>> number of calories in these (damn lightweight rowing). Can anyone give
>> a good estimate of the number of calories that would come from a 6 pot
>> cup of either of these, assuming one teaspoon on mate per cup (not
>> including milk/sugar)? I know this isn't rec.food.drink.mate, but I was
>> hoping someone might be able to provide some insight since specialteas
>> doesn't seem to respond to email.

This URL has comments about some of the brands I liked and disliked,
before I stopped drinking mate. I never had it from a coffee machine, but
I drank it from a french press sometimes and a gourd often. It wasn't
long before I learned to enjoy the taste of a good brand very much, even
with stems.


On cancer and mate: some people claim the relationship is only due to the
temperature at which it is consumed. I have my doubts, as after a couple
of years of regular mate consumption, I cannot have one gourd without
getting a sore throat the next day that lasts about a week.

But I miss it. A lot. I often stop by a coworker's office to smell his
brew when he makes a batch of mate in his coffee machine. I miss the
taste, and I miss the way it makes being a little hungry feel so good.
And I miss the feel of a warm gourd in my hand.
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Leif Thorvaldson
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

"Dan Stromberg" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 18:48:11 -0800, Leif Thorvaldson wrote:
> > I just received my first order of Yerba Mate and brewed up six cups in
> > my coffee maker. The company recommends that I place two oz in the
> > basket with a filter. I measured it a spoonful at a time and when I got
> > to 1/2 oz, I stopped. My word. If I continued and used 2 oz per pot
> > that would yield 8 six cup pots or a total of 72 cups. I'd be through a
> > pound in no time at all! That's one complaint. The other is the smell
> > and taste to me is reminiscent of bedding straw in a barn. Any
> > suggestions regarding learning to love the taste and smell???? Would it
> > be better if I smeared Vicks VapoRub under my nose, like we did at crime
> > scenes and autopsies? By the way, the nutrition label on the 1 kg
> > package says that there is 90 calories in 50mg or 1.75 oz.
> >
> > Leif
> > "Alex Krupp" > wrote in message
> > news:2004033001484516807%alex3917@hotmailcom...
> >> I have sadly become addicted to the delicious herba mates on
> >> specialteas.com. I have already gone through about half a pound of
> >> their MateChino, and was going to reorder when I noticed they now have
> >> a tiramisu flavor so I picked up a quarter pound of that instead.
> >> However, I'm a bit afraid of the unspecified but most likely ungodly
> >> number of calories in these (damn lightweight rowing). Can anyone give
> >> a good estimate of the number of calories that would come from a 6 pot
> >> cup of either of these, assuming one teaspoon on mate per cup (not
> >> including milk/sugar)? I know this isn't rec.food.drink.mate, but I was
> >> hoping someone might be able to provide some insight since specialteas
> >> doesn't seem to respond to email.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>

> This URL has comments about some of the brands I liked and disliked,
> before I stopped drinking mate. I never had it from a coffee machine, but
> I drank it from a french press sometimes and a gourd often. It wasn't
> long before I learned to enjoy the taste of a good brand very much, even
> with stems.
> http://dcs.nac.uci.edu/~strombrg/mate.html
> On cancer and mate: some people claim the relationship is only due to the
> temperature at which it is consumed. I have my doubts, as after a couple
> of years of regular mate consumption, I cannot have one gourd without
> getting a sore throat the next day that lasts about a week.
> But I miss it. A lot. I often stop by a coworker's office to smell his
> brew when he makes a batch of mate in his coffee machine. I miss the
> taste, and I miss the way it makes being a little hungry feel so good.
> And I miss the feel of a warm gourd in my hand.

Interesting comment. I have been having a persistent sore throat due to
allergies and sinus congestion. I don't know if the mate has any function
in the persistence of this sore throat. Is there any site that discusses
this issue of sore throat/cancer from drinking mate?


  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

Umm... its probably a good idea to consult with a medical professional
about any persistant discomforts of the kind you describe.
"Dan Stromberg" > wrote in message
news | On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 18:48:11 -0800, Leif Thorvaldson wrote:
| > I just received my first order of Yerba Mate and brewed up six
cups in
| > my coffee maker. The company recommends that I place two oz in
| > basket with a filter. I measured it a spoonful at a time and when
I got
| > to 1/2 oz, I stopped. My word. If I continued and used 2 oz per
| > that would yield 8 six cup pots or a total of 72 cups. I'd be
through a
| > pound in no time at all! That's one complaint. The other is the
| > and taste to me is reminiscent of bedding straw in a barn. Any
| > suggestions regarding learning to love the taste and smell????
Would it
| > be better if I smeared Vicks VapoRub under my nose, like we did at
| > scenes and autopsies? By the way, the nutrition label on the 1 kg
| > package says that there is 90 calories in 50mg or 1.75 oz.
| >
| > Leif
| > "Alex Krupp" > wrote in message
| > news:2004033001484516807%alex3917@hotmailcom...
| >> I have sadly become addicted to the delicious herba mates on
| >> specialteas.com. I have already gone through about half a pound
| >> their MateChino, and was going to reorder when I noticed they now
| >> a tiramisu flavor so I picked up a quarter pound of that instead.
| >> However, I'm a bit afraid of the unspecified but most likely
| >> number of calories in these (damn lightweight rowing). Can anyone
| >> a good estimate of the number of calories that would come from a
6 pot
| >> cup of either of these, assuming one teaspoon on mate per cup
| >> including milk/sugar)? I know this isn't rec.food.drink.mate, but
I was
| >> hoping someone might be able to provide some insight since
| >> doesn't seem to respond to email.
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| This URL has comments about some of the brands I liked and disliked,
| before I stopped drinking mate. I never had it from a coffee
machine, but
| I drank it from a french press sometimes and a gourd often. It
| long before I learned to enjoy the taste of a good brand very much,
| with stems.
| http://dcs.nac.uci.edu/~strombrg/mate.html
| On cancer and mate: some people claim the relationship is only due
to the
| temperature at which it is consumed. I have my doubts, as after a
| of years of regular mate consumption, I cannot have one gourd
| getting a sore throat the next day that lasts about a week.
| But I miss it. A lot. I often stop by a coworker's office to smell
| brew when he makes a batch of mate in his coffee machine. I miss
| taste, and I miss the way it makes being a little hungry feel so
| And I miss the feel of a warm gourd in my hand.

  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dan Stromberg
Posts: n/a
Default Calories in herba mate

On Sat, 03 Apr 2004 18:11:27 -0800, Leif Thorvaldson wrote:

> "Dan Stromberg" > wrote in message
> news
>> On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 18:48:11 -0800, Leif Thorvaldson wrote:
>> > I just received my first order of Yerba Mate and brewed up six cups
>> > in my coffee maker. The company recommends that I place two oz in
>> > the basket with a filter. I measured it a spoonful at a time and
>> > when I got to 1/2 oz, I stopped. My word. If I continued and used 2
>> > oz per pot that would yield 8 six cup pots or a total of 72 cups. I'd
>> > be through a pound in no time at all! That's one complaint. The
>> > other is the smell and taste to me is reminiscent of bedding straw in
>> > a barn. Any suggestions regarding learning to love the taste and
>> > smell???? Would it be better if I smeared Vicks VapoRub under my
>> > nose, like we did at crime scenes and autopsies? By the way, the
>> > nutrition label on the 1 kg package says that there is 90 calories in
>> > 50mg or 1.75 oz.
>> >
>> > Leif
>> > "Alex Krupp" > wrote in message
>> > news:2004033001484516807%alex3917@hotmailcom...
>> >> I have sadly become addicted to the delicious herba mates on
>> >> specialteas.com. I have already gone through about half a pound of
>> >> their MateChino, and was going to reorder when I noticed they now
>> >> have a tiramisu flavor so I picked up a quarter pound of that
>> >> instead. However, I'm a bit afraid of the unspecified but most
>> >> likely ungodly number of calories in these (damn lightweight
>> >> rowing). Can anyone give a good estimate of the number of calories
>> >> that would come from a 6 pot cup of either of these, assuming one
>> >> teaspoon on mate per cup (not including milk/sugar)? I know this
>> >> isn't rec.food.drink.mate, but I was hoping someone might be able to
>> >> provide some insight since specialteas doesn't seem to respond to
>> >> email.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>

>> This URL has comments about some of the brands I liked and disliked,
>> before I stopped drinking mate. I never had it from a coffee machine,
>> but I drank it from a french press sometimes and a gourd often. It
>> wasn't long before I learned to enjoy the taste of a good brand very
>> much, even with stems.
>> http://dcs.nac.uci.edu/~strombrg/mate.html
>> On cancer and mate: some people claim the relationship is only due to
>> the temperature at which it is consumed. I have my doubts, as after a
>> couple of years of regular mate consumption, I cannot have one gourd
>> without getting a sore throat the next day that lasts about a week.
>> But I miss it. A lot. I often stop by a coworker's office to smell
>> his brew when he makes a batch of mate in his coffee machine. I miss
>> the taste, and I miss the way it makes being a little hungry feel so
>> good. And I miss the feel of a warm gourd in my hand.

> Interesting comment. I have been having a persistent sore throat due to
> allergies and sinus congestion. I don't know if the mate has any
> function in the persistence of this sore throat. Is there any site that
> discusses this issue of sore throat/cancer from drinking mate?
> Leif

If you think it might be the mate, you could probably stop drinking it for
around two weeks - at least that was long enough in my case.

BTW, the doctor I saw was pretty clueless about my "sore throat". I
stumbled on the solution myself in this case.

I believe I didn't suffer from congestion from mate.
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