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Falky foo 07-03-2005 06:20 AM

weird mixture
I mixed chun mee and mao feng together tonight and the tea it produced and
the wet leaves afterward smelled exactly like pot.


Bluesea 07-03-2005 08:25 PM

"Falky foo" > wrote in message
> I mixed chun mee and mao feng together tonight and the tea it produced and
> the wet leaves afterward smelled exactly like pot.
> Strange

Did it make you get the munchies?

~~Bluesea~~ LOL
Spam is great in musubi but not in email.
Please take out the trash before sending a direct reply.

Falky foo 08-03-2005 12:11 AM

yes it did!
"> Did it make you get the munchies?
> --
> ~~Bluesea~~ LOL
> Spam is great in musubi but not in email.
> Please take out the trash before sending a direct reply.

Alex Chaihorsky 10-03-2005 10:48 AM

When I was in Moscow a month ago I went to a restaurant with some fancy
bankers. They did not have really good tea (usually they do, unless the
management is foreign - Lipton bags is all the Marriott Grand Hotel had and
it is considered "The Hotel" in Moscow I was told that that was because of
the Canadian management).
As usual in these circumstances I asked for a teapot of hot water, reached
into my pocket and took out a plastic bag with some green puerh that I
always carry with me. You should have seen the look on these guys faces -
they had no doubt that this was pot and they started to tell me how
dangerous it is to smoke these things in Moscow nowadays. After I was able
to convince them that this was tea they said that it does not matter - the
police would arrest me just seeing the stuff and later to justify my arrest
they would actually put real pot into the bag.The site of greenish-brown
stuff in a plastic bag just leaves no doubt in the cops minds there. After
that I started asking myself if carrying puerh with me in a plastic bag is
so safe here in the US.


"Falky foo" > wrote in message
> yes it did!
> "> Did it make you get the munchies?
>> --
>> ~~Bluesea~~ LOL
>> Spam is great in musubi but not in email.
>> Please take out the trash before sending a direct reply.


Michael Plant 10-03-2005 01:17 PM

Alex digy.com3/10/05

> When I was in Moscow a month ago I went to a restaurant with some fancy
> bankers. They did not have really good tea (usually they do, unless the
> management is foreign - Lipton bags is all the Marriott Grand Hotel had and
> it is considered "The Hotel" in Moscow I was told that that was because of
> the Canadian management).
> As usual in these circumstances I asked for a teapot of hot water, reached
> into my pocket and took out a plastic bag with some green puerh that I
> always carry with me. You should have seen the look on these guys faces -
> they had no doubt that this was pot and they started to tell me how
> dangerous it is to smoke these things in Moscow nowadays. After I was able
> to convince them that this was tea they said that it does not matter - the
> police would arrest me just seeing the stuff and later to justify my arrest
> they would actually put real pot into the bag.The site of greenish-brown
> stuff in a plastic bag just leaves no doubt in the cops minds there. After
> that I started asking myself if carrying puerh with me in a plastic bag is
> so safe here in the US.
> Anyone?
> Sasha.

Absolutely dangerous. You are lucky to be walking our streets. BTW, tell us
more about your Russian prison adventures, please, especially about Russian
prison tea.


Lewis Perin 10-03-2005 04:23 PM

"Alex Chaihorsky" > writes:

> When I was in Moscow a month ago I went to a restaurant with some fancy
> bankers. They did not have really good tea (usually they do, unless the
> management is foreign - Lipton bags is all the Marriott Grand Hotel had and
> it is considered "The Hotel" in Moscow I was told that that was because of
> the Canadian management).
> As usual in these circumstances I asked for a teapot of hot water, reached
> into my pocket and took out a plastic bag with some green puerh that I
> always carry with me. You should have seen the look on these guys faces -
> they had no doubt that this was pot and they started to tell me how
> dangerous it is to smoke these things in Moscow nowadays. After I was able
> to convince them that this was tea they said that it does not matter - the
> police would arrest me just seeing the stuff and later to justify my arrest
> they would actually put real pot into the bag.The site of greenish-brown
> stuff in a plastic bag just leaves no doubt in the cops minds there. After
> that I started asking myself if carrying puerh with me in a plastic bag is
> so safe here in the US.
> Anyone?

American cops know what pot smells like.

Lew Perin /

Space Cowboy 10-03-2005 08:12 PM

%$#@&^%(*&)ing Google. All I see are the echoes. Carry less than
ounce for personal use even if law enforcement thinks pot comes in
crack form and can be brewed. If you're a minority in the US traffic
stops are the preferred form of harassment. Oh look what I found under
the driver's seat. A couple of weeks ago I got pulled over for failing
to come to a complete stop before making a right hand turn at an allway
stop. I could tell he was shaking down motorists probably from a
report of suspicious activity in the neighborhood. He ran the plates
and let me go without even a warning. I'm glad my skin color wasn't
different than his.


Michael Plant wrote:
> Alex

> > When I was in Moscow a month ago I went to a restaurant with some

> > bankers. They did not have really good tea (usually they do, unless

> > management is foreign - Lipton bags is all the Marriott Grand Hotel

had and
> > it is considered "The Hotel" in Moscow I was told that that was

because of
> > the Canadian management).
> > As usual in these circumstances I asked for a teapot of hot water,

> > into my pocket and took out a plastic bag with some green puerh

that I
> > always carry with me. You should have seen the look on these guys

faces -
> > they had no doubt that this was pot and they started to tell me how
> > dangerous it is to smoke these things in Moscow nowadays. After I

was able
> > to convince them that this was tea they said that it does not

matter - the
> > police would arrest me just seeing the stuff and later to justify

my arrest
> > they would actually put real pot into the bag.The site of

> > stuff in a plastic bag just leaves no doubt in the cops minds

there. After
> > that I started asking myself if carrying puerh with me in a plastic

bag is
> > so safe here in the US.
> > Anyone?
> >
> > Sasha.

> Absolutely dangerous. You are lucky to be walking our streets. BTW,

tell us
> more about your Russian prison adventures, please, especially about

> prison tea.
> Michael

Alex Chaihorsky 10-03-2005 09:34 PM

> American cops know what pot smells like.
> /Lew
> ---
> Lew Perin /

I would not be so sure, especially since Michael said that it IS dangerous
(see his message). And he KNOWS police. BTW, since green puerh smells
anyting but "normal" tea...

Cowboy is right - it will all boil down to your looks and an accent. So,
with my mug I better use these things in silk teabags or something.
But how am I gonna live witht a piece of puerh in my pocket??!! I think we
need an Amedment - "The right of the people to keep and carry tea should not
be infringed".


Alex Chaihorsky 10-03-2005 09:47 PM

> Absolutely dangerous. You are lucky to be walking our streets. BTW, tell
> us
> more about your Russian prison adventures, please, especially about
> Russian
> prison tea.
> Michael

I was never imprisoned, just jailed several times, once for three days for
sending Reagan a congratulatory telegram in 1980. But when I worked as a
geologist in Siberia and Kamchatka we worked with prisoners. Russian prison
tea is called "chifir" and it is a 125 gramm "small" black tea package that
is brewed in a single cup of water. It is a very private, single man
process, where things are happening slowly, with gusto. To interrupt
someone's chifir ceremony is like interrupt a person who reads a letter from
a far away lover. You may get a blade below your ribcage for that.
The chifir brewing is different from normal process - it is usually boiled
for quite some time. Resulting liquid is very bitter, completely black and
gives you special narco-like experience. Needs to get used to. Terrible for
your heart.
I am not a specialist but my favourite Russian tea site has tonns of
materials on chifir and chifir adepts (and addicts). If you like I can
summarize it for you.

(Just a poor boy, and my story seldom told... :)

Lewis Perin 10-03-2005 11:39 PM

"Alex Chaihorsky" > writes:

> >
> > American cops know what pot smells like.
> >
> > /Lew
> > ---
> > Lew Perin /
> >

> I would not be so sure, especially since Michael said that it IS dangerous
> (see his message).

I'm not sure he was being completely serious.

> And he KNOWS police.

Right. If I get busted for sheng pu, I won't call a lawyer; I'll call
him. I just hope he'll have his cell phone turned on for once.

> BTW, since green puerh smells anyting but "normal" tea...
> Cowboy is right - it will all boil down to your looks and an
> accent.

Seriously, I think he has a point there.

> So, with my mug I better use these things in silk teabags or
> something. But how am I gonna live witht a piece of puerh in my
> pocket??!! I think we need an Amedment - "The right of the people to
> keep and carry tea should not be infringed".

If all else fails, your defense is "Look, officer, you can see I really
use green Puerh by checking Google Groups."

Lew Perin /

Eric Jorgensen 10-03-2005 11:57 PM

On 10 Mar 2005 17:39:59 -0500
Lewis Perin > wrote:

> > BTW, since green puerh smells anyting but "normal" tea...
> >
> > Cowboy is right - it will all boil down to your looks and an
> > accent.

> Seriously, I think he has a point there.

A few years ago, this state passed a law that cops have to note your
race when they give you any kind of citation or warning.

A year later, the results were tabulated, and it was heralded from the
rooftops that our cops are most certainly not racists because the numbers
were strictly in line with demographics.

I used to work with this guy, we'll just call him Blue. Blue was a black
man. A very large black man. A great guy (Some of my best friends . . . )
but had the look of a person you really wouldn't want to meet in a dark

He said, "Yeah, I get pulled over just as often as i used to, but now,
they just let me go."

Michael Plant 11-03-2005 01:13 PM

Lewis 3/10/05

> "Alex Chaihorsky" > writes:
>> When I was in Moscow a month ago I went to a restaurant with some fancy
>> bankers. They did not have really good tea (usually they do, unless the
>> management is foreign - Lipton bags is all the Marriott Grand Hotel had and
>> it is considered "The Hotel" in Moscow I was told that that was because of
>> the Canadian management).
>> As usual in these circumstances I asked for a teapot of hot water, reached
>> into my pocket and took out a plastic bag with some green puerh that I
>> always carry with me. You should have seen the look on these guys faces -
>> they had no doubt that this was pot and they started to tell me how
>> dangerous it is to smoke these things in Moscow nowadays. After I was able
>> to convince them that this was tea they said that it does not matter - the
>> police would arrest me just seeing the stuff and later to justify my arrest
>> they would actually put real pot into the bag.The site of greenish-brown
>> stuff in a plastic bag just leaves no doubt in the cops minds there. After
>> that I started asking myself if carrying puerh with me in a plastic bag is
>> so safe here in the US.
>> Anyone?

> American cops know what pot smells like.

Is that why getting yourself arrested for criminal possession of oregano was
a participatory sport in the New York City '60's? You might find this hard
to believe, but American cops, brilliant and professional as we all know
them to be, are not necessarily the brightest lights on the Christmas tree.


Michael Plant 11-03-2005 01:40 PM

Lewis 3/10/05

> "Alex Chaihorsky" > writes:
>>> American cops know what pot smells like.
>>> /Lew
>>> ---
>>> Lew Perin /


>> I would not be so sure, especially since Michael said that it IS dangerous
>> (see his message).

> I'm not sure he was being completely serious.

Nor is he. In fact....
>> And he KNOWS police.

> Right. If I get busted for sheng pu, I won't call a lawyer; I'll call
> him. I just hope he'll have his cell phone turned on for once.

You have intuited the reason why I keep it off.
>> BTW, since green puerh smells anyting but "normal" tea...
>> Cowboy is right - it will all boil down to your looks and an
>> accent.

> Seriously, I think he has a point there.

I am in full agreement with Jim, Sasha, and Lew here. When we're done
training the Iraqi police force.....but from our main purpose we digress.
>> So, with my mug I better use these things in silk teabags or
>> something. But how am I gonna live witht a piece of puerh in my
>> pocket??!! I think we need an Amedment - "The right of the people to
>> keep and carry tea should not be infringed".

Oh, good. Another right ripe for abridgement and anniliation.
> If all else fails, your defense is "Look, officer, you can see I really
> use green Puerh by checking Google Groups."

That's what I always say.


Alex Chaihorsky 13-03-2005 06:00 AM

>You might find this hard
> to believe, but American cops, brilliant and professional as we all know
> them to be, are not necessarily the brightest lights on the Christmas
> tree.
> Michael

And that is good, IMHO. When your brightest ones dream of becoming cops you
know its time to start learning another language.


Michael Plant 14-03-2005 01:45 PM

Alex igy.com3/13/05

>> You might find this hard
>> to believe, but American cops, brilliant and professional as we all know
>> them to be, are not necessarily the brightest lights on the Christmas
>> tree.
>> Michael

> And that is good, IMHO. When your brightest ones dream of becoming cops you
> know its time to start learning another language.
> Sasha

Good pernt. I concur wholeheartedly. (And for what it's worth, I *am*
learning another language.)


[email protected] 15-03-2005 06:53 PM

Well, I spent two full hours in the red channel on Sunday morning,
filling out duty form after form, and they didn't bat an eyelid at my
green puerh (for which, Michael, many thanks).

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