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19-06-2005 04:46 AM

Inca Herbs Tea
Currently, I am selling Inca Herbs Tea from Peru to try and raise money to
go to a foreign country for a Medical treatment to save my life. The
treatment is not yet available in the U.S..
But I am not asking you to give me something for nothing. Below is a list of
the available teas and their therapeutic properties.
They are direct from Peru and very fresh. The price is; $2.50 a box of 25
teabags, $2 a box if you buy 10 or more boxes. Shipping is extra and only
available in the Continental U.S.. Don't worry, I don't try to gouge you on
the shipping. You only pay what the USPS requires!
So look them over and if you want to order send an email to;

Want to know if I'm trustworthy? Check out my 'sales history profile' in
Yahoo auctions. I haven't sold anything there since I got sick, but my
personal values haven't changed.


Inca's Herbs Teas
$2.50 per box of 25 teabags, 10 boxes or more for $2 per box

TE AMARGO - Bitter Tea - Properties/Actions Documented by Research:
analgesic (pain-reliever), anticancerous, antileukemic, antitumorous,
antiulcerous , antiviral, bitter, muscle relaxant, sedative. Cautions: It
interferes with fertility. Large amounts might cause nausea and stomach

TE C/CANELA Y MANZANA - Tea with cinnamon and apple - Properties/Actions
Documented by Research: Black Tea; Analgesic, antibacterial, antioxidant,
antitumor, astringent, decongestant, diuretic, stimulant. Cinnamon;
Astringent, stimulant, anti-infective, antifungal, digestive aid. Apple;
anticancerous, neutralizes the acid products of gout and indigestion.
Cautions: None.

TE CANELA Y CLAVO - Tea with cinnamon and cloves - Properties/Actions
Documented by Research: Black Tea; Analgesic, antibacterial, antioxidant,
antitumor, astringent, decongestant, diuretic, stimulant. Cinnamon;
Astringent, stimulant, anti-infective, antifungal, digestive aid. Cloves;
digestive aid, anti-nausea, anti-vomiting. Cautions: Not to be used when

TE DE ANIS FILTRANTE - Filtered Anisette Tea - Properties/Actions Documented
by Research: Reduces colic and flatulence, promotes digestion,
antispasmodic, diuretic, increases production of breast milk, treats
impotence and frigidity. Cautions: None

TE DE BOLDO FILTRANTE - Filtered Boldo Tea - Properties/Actions Documented
by Research: Bile and liver activity stimulant, digestive. Cautions: Not to
be used when pregnant.

TE DE MANZANILLA C/MIEL - Chamomille Tea with Honey - Properties/Actions
Documented by Research: Chamomile; tonic, achic, antispasmodic, sedative.
Honey; anti-bacterial, germicidal, anti-inflammatory, ends insomnia.
Chamomille Tea should be prepared in a covered vessel, as the medicinal
value of the flowers is to a considerable extent lost by evaporation.
Cautions: None

TE DE MANZANILLA FILTRANTE - Filtered Chamomille Tea - Properties/Actions
Documented by Research: tonic, achic, and antispasmodic, sedative.
Chamomille Tea should be prepared in a covered vessel, as the medicinal
value of the flowers is to a considerable extent lost by evaporation.
Cautions: None

TE MANZANILLA-MENTA - Mint Chamomille Tea - Properties/Actions Documented
by Research: Mint; aids indigestion, stomach cramps, menstrual cramps,
flatulence, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and colic in children.
Chamomile; tonic, achic, antispasmodic, sedative. Cautions: None. Chamomile
Tea should be prepared in a covered vessel, as the medicinal value of the
flowers is to a considerable extent lost by evaporation.

TE DE UŅA DE GATO FILTRANTE - Filtered Cat's Claw Tea - Properties/Actions
Documented by Research: anti-inflammatory, antiulcerous, anticancerous,
antidepressant, antimutagenic (cellular protector), antioxidant, antiviral,
contraceptive, immune stimulant. Cautions: Do not use before or after an
organ or bone marrow transplant

TE NEGRO - Black Tea - Properties/Actions Documented by Research:
Analgesic, antibacterial, antioxidant, antitumor, astringent, decongestant,
diaphoretic, diuretic, immune stimulant, nervine, stimulant, styptic. Helps
relieve diarrhea, lower cholesterol levels and also is used to prevent tooth
decay. Cautions: None

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