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unique172 11-09-2005 06:57 PM

gold tipped assam
Last year I studied in Austria and had the privilege of having access
to a wonderful local tea shop. I fell in love with their Assam
"Goldspitzen," gold-tipped in English. I got to where I'd drink a pot
with breakfast every day. Now I'm back in Conway, Arkansas and can't
find it for the life of me. Can anyone recommend a place to order it
on the internet? I was paying about $6 for 100g, which I know is a
great price, but I'd be willing to pay a bit more in the states just to
get my hands on it. Any suggestions?


Livio Zanini 11-09-2005 09:38 PM

was it a shop in the centre of Vienna?

"unique172" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Last year I studied in Austria and had the privilege of having access
> to a wonderful local tea shop. I fell in love with their Assam
> "Goldspitzen," gold-tipped in English. I got to where I'd drink a pot
> with breakfast every day. Now I'm back in Conway, Arkansas and can't
> find it for the life of me. Can anyone recommend a place to order it
> on the internet? I was paying about $6 for 100g, which I know is a
> great price, but I'd be willing to pay a bit more in the states just to
> get my hands on it. Any suggestions?
> Thanks!

[email protected] 11-09-2005 11:46 PM

Try stash tea's golden assam, which is only $2 more than what you were
paying, and is pretty good. . They also have it in
smaller quantities if you'd rather try it before buying so much of it.

That tea is not rare online in the least, so shop around a bit and see
if you can find it cheaper.

unique172 wrote:
> Last year I studied in Austria and had the privilege of having access
> to a wonderful local tea shop. I fell in love with their Assam
> "Goldspitzen," gold-tipped in English. I got to where I'd drink a pot
> with breakfast every day. Now I'm back in Conway, Arkansas and can't
> find it for the life of me. Can anyone recommend a place to order it
> on the internet? I was paying about $6 for 100g, which I know is a
> great price, but I'd be willing to pay a bit more in the states just to
> get my hands on it. Any suggestions?
> Thanks!

ggull 12-09-2005 04:41 PM

Assam is a region of India. There are many different estates within Assam,
producing many different styles, though almost all with a similar
distinctive taste.

You might browse the Assam selections at Upton Teas,
(or browse to Black > Assam from the home page )

There are pictures of the tea leaves, so you should be able to find
something of similar appearance (though that doesn't necessarily mean all
that much about taste). As for Goldspitzen, "Gold Tipped" is a pretty
common term, just describing the appearance. Teas with letters TG or TGF
(Tippy Gold Flowery) in their designation would probably be similar. The
prices range from $4-6 up to about $15 for 100 or 125 g. You might want to
taste samples of a few to find the one that most closely matches what you
found in Austria. FWIW, I happen to like the teas from Nahorhobi estate,
which unfortunately seem to be out of stock.

"unique172" > wrote in message
> Last year I studied in Austria and had the privilege of having access
> to a wonderful local tea shop. I fell in love with their Assam
> "Goldspitzen," gold-tipped in English. I got to where I'd drink a pot
> with breakfast every day. Now I'm back in Conway, Arkansas and can't
> find it for the life of me. Can anyone recommend a place to order it
> on the internet? I was paying about $6 for 100g, which I know is a
> great price, but I'd be willing to pay a bit more in the states just to
> get my hands on it. Any suggestions?
> Thanks!

Saurav Pathak 13-09-2005 09:19 PM

unique172 ) wrote on 11 Sep 2005 09:57:20 -0700:
+ Last year I studied in Austria and had the privilege of having access
+ to a wonderful local tea shop. I fell in love with their Assam
+ "Goldspitzen," gold-tipped in English. I got to where I'd drink a pot
+ with breakfast every day. Now I'm back in Conway, Arkansas and can't
+ find it for the life of me. Can anyone recommend a place to order it
+ on the internet? I was paying about $6 for 100g, which I know is a
+ great price, but I'd be willing to pay a bit more in the states just to
+ get my hands on it. Any suggestions?

i suggest i have had very good experience
with this site. the tea is sold by the family that grows the
tea. for golden tips, go to this page:


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