Tea (rec.drink.tea) Discussion relating to tea, the world's second most consumed beverage (after water), made by infusing or boiling the leaves of the tea plant (C. sinensis or close relatives) in water.

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  #41 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Mike Petro
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

> No, my boy, it does not; pervs are best roasted. Pan fired
> perv might be the style in some venues, but here on rfdt
> a good roast is the rule.

Yes, I roasted a perv, one who has been FLAMING me for the past 2

> Now, let us all dredge up something truly ugly from our
> horrid pasts and post it here for the entertainment of all.

Exposing him as a sleazy pervert pales in comparison with the trollish
filth he has thrown at me over the years, I made no accusations
whatsoever, I simply quoted him directly, He has practiced character
assassination against me and several others in this group to the point
of running off damn good contributors. For the past two years I have
taken the high road the vast majority of the countless times he has
attacked me, it is about time he got a taste of his own medicine. At
least I quoted verbatim and in context rather the twisted reality,
innuendo, conjecture, and general fantasy that he continually throws at

I have no sympathy for him! If he is going to practice character
assassination, *with the vehemence that he does*, then he damn well
needs to be prepared for whatever stupid things he may have said on the
Usenet to come back and haunt him. Lord knows he himself loves to
dredge up old comments and twist them around to suite HIS purposes. He
who lives in Glass House shouldn't throw stones, and Jim's been
throwing rocks at me for quite a while.

You *WILL NOT* run me off, so just leave me alone Jim, that's all I

  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Mike Petro
Posts: n/a
Default Mud Tea, and Smoke and Mirrors [was: Buyer Beware]

Space Cowboy wrote:
> I made the first reference to the Rosetta Stone in this group with a
> specific connotation. The vary same inference appears on your website.
> Your varied replies, It is public domain, You gave that name to your
> cheat sheet Serendipity, You couldn't have read my active posts. It
> won't be the big lie that brings down the White House except if there
> is a coverup. It is the accumulation of the little ones.

Twisted fanatasy as usual....

Here is the reality as quoted from Wikipedia:
<begin quote>
Use as metaphor

Rosetta Stone is also used as a metaphor to refer to anything that is a
critical key to a process of decryption, translation, or a difficult
problem, e.g., "the Rosetta stone of immunology", "thalamocortical
rhythms, the Rosetta Stone of a subset of neurological disorders",
"Arabidopsis, the Rosetta stone of flowering time".

Today, there is a popular foreign language instructional software
package called The Rosetta Stone. Also, the ESA space probe Rosetta is
named after it, because it is hoped the mission will help unlock the
secrets of how our solar system looked before planets formed.
<end quote>

So by your logic all of these people ALL of these people stole your

> I have an outstanding offer on the table to get off your back.

I proposed a simple truce and even conceded to remove the common
metapohor you took issue with.Your offer is nothing more than you
trying to tell me how to run my website. I wont give you that power.

> Basically the
> current WWW paradigm is website,message board,journal or blogs all
> rolled into one. It's maybe a matter of time before individual blogs
> supplant Usenet groups with the Google blog search engine.

There are many solutions available on the web, and they all cost money.
For your information, not that I think I owe it to you, it would cost
me more money to upgrade my current account to accomodate a message
board. Since I am funding this out of my own pocket as a public service
I choose not to spend money on it. Besides I dont feel I need it, and I
dont give a damn what you think.

No truce will be tyed to you telling me how to run my website, period.
If you choose to continue to attack me it is simply because you are a


  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Space Cowboy
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

TinyUrl is used by sexual predators too disguise the Urls of adult
websites or key-word strings from Adult Identification Software. That
is the reason it is so popular. I deleted your targeted usenet posts
intended for adults only which were my only adult Usenet posts. I
could have deleted them at anytime in the past. They would only have
been found by interested adults using Google Groups and not accidently
stumbled across by someone underage in RFDT. I did not make the
website RAME post which is a 10 year old bogus Usenet email forgery but
there is a story about revenge from someone similar to you. Notice my
characteristic missing signature. You are not allowed to post any URLS
not specifically related to tea irregardless of a personal vendetta.
This is a prime example of improper use of URLs in Usenet. I just
added Puritanical to your expanding list of P alliterations
Plagiarizer,Proselytizer,PeepingTomPervert,Phony,P revaricator,Poltroon.
I still haven't found one for tattletale.


Mike Petro wrote:
> Exposing him as a sleazy pervert pales in comparison with the trollish
> filth he has thrown at me over the years, I made no accusations
> whatsoever, I simply quoted him directly, He has practiced character
> assassination against me and several others in this group to the point
> of running off damn good contributors. For the past two years I have
> taken the high road the vast majority of the countless times he has
> attacked me, it is about time he got a taste of his own medicine. At
> least I quoted verbatim and in context rather the twisted reality,
> innuendo, conjecture, and general fantasy that he continually throws at
> me.
> I have no sympathy for him! If he is going to practice character
> assassination, *with the vehemence that he does*, then he damn well
> needs to be prepared for whatever stupid things he may have said on the
> Usenet to come back and haunt him. Lord knows he himself loves to
> dredge up old comments and twist them around to suite HIS purposes. He
> who lives in Glass House shouldn't throw stones, and Jim's been
> throwing rocks at me for quite a while.
> You *WILL NOT* run me off, so just leave me alone Jim, that's all I
> ask.

  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Space Cowboy
Posts: n/a
Default Mud Tea, and Smoke and Mirrors [was: Buyer Beware]

I understand CGI costs more. I did it for years. I think I've seen
links to offsite limited free message boards which is just thread
management. I know I see them in free Blogs. If it were me I'd find a
message board site and put a simple link on my website. They're
distinct, not integrated unless I am missing something. I've never
followed it through.


Mike Petro wrote:
> Space Cowboy wrote:

> There are many solutions available on the web, and they all cost money.
> For your information, not that I think I owe it to you, it would cost
> me more money to upgrade my current account to accomodate a message
> board. Since I am funding this out of my own pocket as a public service
> I choose not to spend money on it. Besides I dont feel I need it, and I
> dont give a damn what you think.

  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Mike Petro
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

Space Perv wrote:
> I deleted your targeted usenet posts
> intended for adults only

Yea, I would attempt to cover my tracks too if I did something that

> You are not allowed to post any URLS
> not specifically related to tea ...

We've been through this before Jim, who died and made you a Usenet
Moderator? You have no right to tell anybody what they are or are not
*allowed* to do. You tried to tell me that about *ALL* urls once,
saying that NO urls were *allowed* here, then you hypocritically
started posting them yourself. Why just today you posted a non-tea URL,
so I guess your rules only apply to others, not yourself.

> This is a prime example of improper use of URLs in Usenet.

Actually I somewhat agree with you here, but would instead say that
this whole attack was improper. Actually I expected to be chastised by
the group for it because I was rather mean-spirited, but I suspect that
most will also agree that you deserve whatever you get. You just
don't seem to get the message any other way.

> I just
> added Puritanical to your expanding list of P alliterations
> Plagiarizer,Proselytizer,PeepingTomPervert,Phony,P revaricator,Poltroon.

You're just mad because you are on the defensive for a change and you
cant weasel your way out it. Your *substantiated* P word remains, even
if you did cover your tracks.

  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Mike Petro
Posts: n/a
Default Mud Tea, and Smoke and Mirrors [was: Buyer Beware]

Space Cowboy wrote:
> I understand CGI costs more. I did it for years. I think I've seen
> links to offsite limited free message boards which is just thread
> management. I know I see them in free Blogs. If it were me I'd find a
> message board site and put a simple link on my website. They're
> distinct, not integrated unless I am missing something. I've never
> followed it through.

When you invest the time, money, and dedication to do your own website,
feel free to do whatever you choose. Slim chance though as you do seem
to prefer to force your babble down our throats though rather than
being creative and contirbuting something worthwhile.

Regarding *my* site, once again, I dont give a damn what you think.

  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Space Cowboy
Posts: n/a
Default Mud Tea, and Smoke and Mirrors [was: Buyer Beware]

Your claim that a message board is expensive is another Prevaricator
excuse. I didn't put it on the table initially if I figured you would
weasel out by claiming additional costs. Everybody is doing it except
you. It's a no brainer. My offer stands in perpetuity. I just want
everyone to understand who is the Phony.


Mike Petro wrote:
> Space Cowboy wrote:
> > I understand CGI costs more. I did it for years. I think I've seen
> > links to offsite limited free message boards which is just thread
> > management. I know I see them in free Blogs. If it were me I'd find a
> > message board site and put a simple link on my website. They're
> > distinct, not integrated unless I am missing something. I've never
> > followed it through.

> When you invest the time, money, and dedication to do your own website,
> feel free to do whatever you choose. Slim chance though as you do seem
> to prefer to force your babble down our throats though rather than
> being creative and contirbuting something worthwhile.
> Regarding *my* site, once again, I dont give a damn what you think.

  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Posts: n/a
Default Mud Tea, and Smoke and Mirrors [was: Buyer Beware]

Mike Petro schriebt:

> > Regarding *my* site, once again, I dont give a damn what you think.

Hey, here's an idea. What if everyone simply <plonked> this
jerk? Kill-file him. No more Jim. It's easy and effective.

I did it months ago, and yet he still manages to infect my
space via quoted messages posted by others.

One thing is clear - the guy is a Troll. He only wants to
stir things up, and incidentally he is succeeding. We're
playing right into his hands.

We've all seen what he's like, right down to his disgusting sexual
proclivities. The guy is a loser. Nobody likes him,
and it is not difficult to see why.

Plonk the space cadet, and be rid of him. It's the
only solution.

  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

"Melinda" > wrote in message


I refuse to feel guilty because other people have
> hangups.
> Melinda

BTW, that wasn't directed at you Mike. Just a generally frustrated person
seeing "purity" and "morality" getting co-opted by certain...groups of
people. My god...we drape our classical statues?? OK I'm done.


  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Space Cowboy
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

I've already reserved any P word to describe you. There you go again
specifically ripping me off in this group but you can't come up with
you own literary device other than being a Plagiarist. I deleted the
target of your adult Trojan Horse Urls because children wouldn't
necessarily understand your warning for adults. I understand what your
action says about your character. Believe me others do too. They
don't want to be a subject of a Internet wide search. You did it once
you'll do it again. That's the type of person you are. If RAME was
still archiving it would be easy to set up a similar post using your
email address with no traceable routing. What's worse someone right
now could be using your email address elsewhere in Usenet without your
knowledge. Belated denials of improper ip routing wouldn't count after
the damage was done. I didn't direct anyone offsite with a specific
non Tea url. I participate in my share of OT discussions and let
anyone freely do what they want. In this case I was reminding you of
your previously stated position about tea urls. If you admit to the
most recent adjective then you admit to the rest because they have
similar Puritanical characteristics of
stealing,sermonizing,spying,doubledealing,lying,hi ding. .


Mike Petro wrote:
> Space Perv wrote:
> Yea, I would attempt to cover my tracks too if I did something that
> stupid.
> > You are not allowed to post any URLS
> > not specifically related to tea ...

> We've been through this before Jim, who died and made you a Usenet
> Moderator? You have no right to tell anybody what they are or are not
> *allowed* to do. You tried to tell me that about *ALL* urls once,
> saying that NO urls were *allowed* here, then you hypocritically
> started posting them yourself. Why just today you posted a non-tea URL,
> so I guess your rules only apply to others, not yourself.
> > This is a prime example of improper use of URLs in Usenet.

> Actually I somewhat agree with you here, but would instead say that
> this whole attack was improper. Actually I expected to be chastised by
> the group for it because I was rather mean-spirited, but I suspect that
> most will also agree that you deserve whatever you get. You just
> don't seem to get the message any other way.
> > I just
> > added Puritanical to your expanding list of P alliterations
> > Plagiarizer,Proselytizer,PeepingTomPervert,Phony,P revaricator,Poltroon.

> You're just mad because you are on the defensive for a change and you
> cant weasel your way out it. Your *substantiated* P word remains, even
> if you did cover your tracks.

  #53 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Mike Petro
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

> BTW, that wasn't directed at you Mike. Just a generally frustrated person
> seeing "purity" and "morality" getting co-opted by certain...groups of
> people. My god...we drape our classical statues?? OK I'm done.
> Melinda

No Problem Melinda, even if you were I would have deserved it. My
comments were not meant as a judgement to anyone else. Most people keep
that kind of stuff private, where it belongs, rather than posting it on
a newsgroup like he did.

This guy is just such an a*%$* that he simply deserves anything he
gets. You cant argue with him rationaly because he twists the truth so
I hit him with his very own words which he couldnt deny.


  #54 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Mike Petro
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

Space Cowboy wrote:
> I've already reserved any P word to describe you...........

Go start your own Message Board, talk about porn and stale department
store tea, and leave me alone!


Hows that for a p word.....

  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
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Default Flippin' Perv.com

On 9 Nov 2005 08:47:56 -0800, Space Cowboy wrote:

> You are not allowed to post any URLS
> not specifically related to tea irregardless of a personal vendetta.

Since when? That's stated in NEITHER the RFDT charter or FAQ. Your
desire for it to be the rule doesn't make it such.

It just makes you a control freak.


"Remember that as a teenager you are at the last stage of your life
when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you." -- Fran
Lebowitz ("Social Studies", 1981)

  #56 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

On 9 Nov 2005 13:20:03 -0800, Space Cowboy wrote:

> I understand what your action says about your character.

But do you understand what your actions say about YOUR character?

No. Probably not.


"Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive
the *******s." -- Lois McMaster Bujold ("A Civil Campaign", 1999)
  #57 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Posts: n/a
Default Buyer Beware

On Sun, 06 Nov 2005 17:17:05 -0500, Mike Petro wrote:

> I recently had an interaction with an eBay vendor that I think should
> be shared with the group.

Interesting, ebay just notified me that the auction was soon to end.
When did the "seller" change his purchase price to reflect his
previous shipping costs?


"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it
today." -- Abraham Lincoln
  #58 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Posts: n/a
Default Buyer Beware

Diane wrote:
> In article
> .com>, "Mike
> Petro" > wrote:
>> http://tinyurl.com/7nz7z

> Message not found. We're sorry, but we were unable to find the
> message you were looking for.
> Heh.

More like "heavens" -- it must have been pretty darn good. Anyone
who got a peek before it vanished off the face of the googleverse
care to let me in on the gossip? Offline is fine.


  #62 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Mike Petro
Posts: n/a
Default Buyer Beware

Derek wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Nov 2005 17:17:05 -0500, Mike Petro wrote:
> > I recently had an interaction with an eBay vendor that I think should
> > be shared with the group.

> Interesting, ebay just notified me that the auction was soon to end.
> When did the "seller" change his purchase price to reflect his
> previous shipping costs?
> --
> Derek

The Seller changed the shipping terms and several other things on
Tuesday after several rounds of email with me. In the course of the
email exchange they admitted that they were attempting to defraud aBay
with their shipping terms. They also admitted selling this item
several times for less than half of the current asking price until they
"found out what it was worth". Hehe they even threatened to report me
to eBay for harrassing them, I asked them to please do so.

BTW it was also discovered on another group that they copied their
description almost word for word from the late great "Tea Man's"
website. http://www.teatalk.com/china/puerh.htm


  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Space Cowboy
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

I withdraw my counter offer of a required message board on your website
and accept your good faith offer to remove the site's reference to a
Rosetta Stone which I assume is still on the table.

Mike Petro wrote:
> Space Cowboy wrote:

Space Cowboy wrote:
> Mike Petro wrote:


  #65 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Mike Petro
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

Michael Plant wrote:
> Jim. "assume" makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me."
> I wouldn't assume that so readily.
> Michael

Small price to pay if it will put an end to all of this.


  #66 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Mike Petro
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

Space Cowboy wrote:
> I withdraw my counter offer of a required message board on your website
> and accept your good faith offer to remove the site's reference to a
> Rosetta Stone which I assume is still on the table.


The offer that has been on the table as stated in
http://tinyurl.com/dcg9n is: "I will remove the word "Rosetta" from my
translation page if you cease and desist all attacks aimed at me."

I have already made the change in "good faith", the metaphor has been
removed and will no longer be seen after people refresh their browser
while viewing my site or otherwise flush their cache.

Mike Petro

  #67 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Space Cowboy
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

I will cease the 'attacks'. Also as a jesture of my "good faith" I
will accept your description that your website is informational only
and run at your own expense.


Mike Petro wrote:
> Space Cowboy wrote:
> > I withdraw my counter offer of a required message board on your website
> > and accept your good faith offer to remove the site's reference to a
> > Rosetta Stone which I assume is still on the table.

> The offer that has been on the table as stated in
> http://tinyurl.com/dcg9n is: "I will remove the word "Rosetta" from my
> translation page if you cease and desist all attacks aimed at me."
> I have already made the change in "good faith", the metaphor has been
> removed and will no longer be seen after people refresh their browser
> while viewing my site or otherwise flush their cache.
> Mike Petro
> www.pu-erh.net

  #69 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
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Default Flippin' Perv.com

On 10 Nov 2005 11:56:51 -0800, Space Cowboy wrote:

> I will cease the 'attacks'. Also as a jesture of my "good faith" I
> will accept your description that your website is informational only
> and run at your own expense.

That's might white of you, Jim.


For every winner, there are dozens of losers. Odds are you're one of
  #70 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to rec.food.drink.tea
Michael Plant
Posts: n/a
Default Flippin' Perv.com

>>>> Come on, guys; we're all flippin' perv's when you scratch us.
>>>> Michael

>>> THANK YOU Michael for saying what I wanted to. Geeze....yeah no-one on
>>> this list ever thinks about sex in any but a morally rigid way, I believe
>>> that....got any bridges? I refuse to feel guilty because other people
>>> have hangups.

>> So, Melinda, I'm 18, muscular, with thick blond hair, and blue eyes. I
>> hold a Ph.D. from Cambridge and did my post doctoral work at Oxford. I'm
>> independently wealthy, but it would be immodest to suggest the value of my
>> properties. And perhaps even MORE important, I'm drinking the last of my
>> Imperial Keemun Hao Ya from Imperial Tea Court. (But, don't worry; I can
>> acquire more.) Wanna hook up?

> Oh god!


Yes, I know, Melinda. But, you can just call me "Michael".

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