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icetea 18-02-2006 09:21 PM

spacecowboy and chinese
i havent been back to the group for awhile but i see you are still
having probs with chinese, pasting, i use english windows and i cut and
paste using chinese when you paste, paste as unicode, not gbwhatever or
bigfivewhater, stick with the basics and dont stray, another tip first
paste it in the explorer address space then cut it and put it in the
google box. sounds strange but the explorer address window keeps things
real simple so throw that gbcrap away.. i mean when you paste.... i
used to have a heck of a time pasting but i think i got it
now.........lets try////.... 31屆泡茶師從北京誕生


Space Cowboy 20-02-2006 03:14 PM

spacecowboy and chinese
You are free to show me a URL where Unicode would work when I used
GBcrap. I've been posting tea terms in Unicode with Google for about a
year. In the mean time I learned how to use the two Chinese and the
three Japanese multibyte character pair native sets. I don't have a
single native Asian character set loaded on my computer including
Unicode. My Rosetta Stone file of Unicode tea information is
maintained with Notepad. I don't need no blog.


PS Looking forward too the Olympics?

icetea wrote:
> i havent been back to the group for awhile but i see you are still
> having probs with chinese, pasting, i use english windows and i cut and
> paste using chinese when you paste, paste as unicode, not gbwhatever or
> bigfivewhater, stick with the basics and dont stray, another tip first
> paste it in the explorer address space then cut it and put it in the
> google box. sounds strange but the explorer address window keeps things
> real simple so throw that gbcrap away.. i mean when you paste.... i
> used to have a heck of a time pasting but i think i got it
> now.........lets try////.... 31屆泡茶師從北京誕生
> icetea

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