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Kitty[_1_] 24-03-2006 07:49 PM

what does it mean when a tea discription says it is malty or very
malty?? thanks, Kitty

Lewis Perin 24-03-2006 08:07 PM

"Kitty" > writes:

> what does it mean when a tea discription says it is malty or very
> malty?? thanks, Kitty

It's hard to explain a taste description. Maybe you should just get
your hands on a good Assam whole leaf tea, brew it not too long, and
see for yourself?

Lew Perin /

Scott Dorsey 24-03-2006 08:18 PM

Lewis Perin > wrote:
>"Kitty" > writes:
>> what does it mean when a tea discription says it is malty or very
>> malty?? thanks, Kitty

>It's hard to explain a taste description. Maybe you should just get
>your hands on a good Assam whole leaf tea, brew it not too long, and
>see for yourself?

Or, order a vanilla malted at your local ice cream shop.

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

Kitty[_1_] 26-03-2006 07:11 AM

Hmmm, what's that? Icecream shop? never seen one. LOL or a
vanilla malted. Malted milk balls and ovaltine are all the experience
I've ever had with malted anything.

I'll try getting some tea, but I don't know what I'm looking for. I
might get bad assam and never know it. LOL


danube 26-03-2006 10:36 AM

On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 21:11:48 -0800, Kitty wrote:

> Hmmm, what's that? Icecream shop? never seen one. LOL or a vanilla
> malted. Malted milk balls and ovaltine are all the experience I've ever
> had with malted anything.
> I'll try getting some tea, but I don't know what I'm looking for. I might
> get bad assam and never know it. LOL
> Kitty

Oh yes, you know when you have bad Assam, it tastes shallow, bitter,
empty. Good Assam is rich with just a hint of bitterness (3 minutes
brewing max). It's like cheap milk chocolate and 85% cocoa chocolate.


Michael Plant 27-03-2006 01:56 PM

Lewis 3/24/06

> "Kitty" > writes:
>> what does it mean when a tea discription says it is malty or very
>> malty?? thanks, Kitty

> It's hard to explain a taste description. Maybe you should just get
> your hands on a good Assam whole leaf tea, brew it not too long, and
> see for yourself?

Meanwhile, while you're doing that, which is the best way to learn,
"malty" is one of the qualities in a malted milk, if you can extract
the milk from it. It's also something like the smell of a
beer brewery minus the beer. Second thought, just follow Lew's
good advice.


Michael Plant 27-03-2006 02:13 PM


> Hmmm, what's that? Icecream shop? never seen one. LOL or a
> vanilla malted. Malted milk balls and ovaltine are all the experience
> I've ever had with malted anything.
> I'll try getting some tea, but I don't know what I'm looking for. I
> might get bad assam and never know it. LOL
> Kitty

Choose a vendor with a selection of Assam teas.
Ask the vendor to recommend a maltier one of
good quality. (I cannot recommend a vendor as
most vendors I deal with sell but one Assam if
any at all.) Buy a small sample or two.


Scott Dorsey 27-03-2006 07:24 PM

Kitty > wrote:
>Hmmm, what's that? Icecream shop? never seen one. LOL or a
>vanilla malted. Malted milk balls and ovaltine are all the experience
>I've ever had with malted anything.

That will do it. Ovaltine is a malty kind of flavour. Imagine that flavour
without the sweetness, and that's what it is.

>I'll try getting some tea, but I don't know what I'm looking for. I
>might get bad assam and never know it. LOL

So get more than one kind. The stuff that comes $5/lb. and is sold as
"kalami" tea in Indian and middle eastern markets is probably a good start.
I've never had any that was amazingly wonderful, but I have never had any
that wasn't pleasant and enjoyable.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

Kitty[_1_] 06-04-2006 08:02 AM

Ok, I Might be able to form an opinion on this "malty" tea thing now.
But only based on one trial. I bought a packet of "Scottish
Hightland" tea which is discribed as "malty" and I don't particularly
care for it.

The taste to me was woody and while I like wood, I don't really want to
drink it or eat it. I like the smell of it only. LOL

I will try a few more Malty teas before I give up, but it isn't looking
good at this point.


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