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Dominic T. 06-04-2006 02:38 PM

Monk's Blend Tea
On my last trip to a small coffee/tea shop in Pittsburgh I picked up
two small boxes of odd teabags, the store has hundreds of unusual and
unheard of flavored teas. One was Canadian Ice Wine, and it is really
an amazingly flavored tea that captures the exact essence of a grape
picked and pressed after enduring frost and cold temperatures. I'm now
eagerly awaiting a chance to try some real Canadian Ice Wine, something
I never even knew existed before.

The other one though was the real surprise, Mlesna brand Monk's Blend
Tea. Wow. Before reading up on it a bit I thought it had an apple-ish
flavor, but then I came to find it is actually vanilla/grenadine (heh,
I was a bit off). The flavor has captivated me, and I'm finally down to
my last teabag of it, which brings me to my question: Does anyone know
of a high-quality Monk's Blend Tea? A loose tea blend with real vanilla
and pomegranate flavoring? Some online searches on my part have only
turned up other brand's teabags of this tea. I could only imagine how
good a higher-quality version of this tea would be, and I'm really
hoping someone out there makes the real deal.

- Dominic
Drinking: (you guessed it) Mlesna Monk's Blend Tea.

Dominic T. 07-04-2006 03:49 PM

Monk's Blend Tea

BabyJane Hudson wrote:
> Dominic,
> You've helped me. I hope this helps you:
> Jane Hudson

Thanks Jane, I happened to find this: which seems to be a decent
price for a fairly decent loose tea option the other night. It seems
like either this is not a popular tea or just uncommon for some reason.

The flavor is great, and I could only imagine how good this could be
with either an organic/natural version or a high-quality option with
real vanilla and pomegranate. I actually have plans to attempt to make
my own with a Cylon tea and with a Chinese black tea as the base to see
how it goes.

- Dominic
Drinking: Lipton Green Label Darjeeling

Dominic T. 08-04-2006 12:14 AM

Monk's Blend Tea

BabyJane Hudson wrote:
> Dominic,
> Based on your recommendation and initial post re this tea, I am
> going to buy some, at the place above, and try it!
> As the English say, Dominic, you're "a good egg!"
> Jane

I'm much more used to getting flamed online, this compliment stuff is a
new thing for me :) I actually highly recommend the Mlesna Brand Monk's
Blend teabags even, they are very good and very cheap. If this loose
tea is close or better at ~$4/4oz. then it will be a deal and a half.

I can't figure out why this is such an unknown/uncommon tea, just the
smell of a cup brewing at my desk is enough to have everyone in a
twenty foot radius ask what smells so good.

- Dominic

Natarajan Krishnaswami 08-04-2006 06:56 PM

Monk's Blend Tea
On 2006-04-07, Dominic T. > wrote:
> Cylon tea

Those used to be entirely artificial, though now they are organic.

N. (pay no attention, just making a Battlestar Galactica joke)

howard 24-04-2006 01:54 PM

Monk's Blend Tea
you can visit ,

"Dominic T." > wrote in message
> On my last trip to a small coffee/tea shop in Pittsburgh I picked up
> two small boxes of odd teabags, the store has hundreds of unusual and
> unheard of flavored teas. One was Canadian Ice Wine, and it is really
> an amazingly flavored tea that captures the exact essence of a grape
> picked and pressed after enduring frost and cold temperatures. I'm now
> eagerly awaiting a chance to try some real Canadian Ice Wine, something
> I never even knew existed before.
> The other one though was the real surprise, Mlesna brand Monk's Blend
> Tea. Wow. Before reading up on it a bit I thought it had an apple-ish
> flavor, but then I came to find it is actually vanilla/grenadine (heh,
> I was a bit off). The flavor has captivated me, and I'm finally down to
> my last teabag of it, which brings me to my question: Does anyone know
> of a high-quality Monk's Blend Tea? A loose tea blend with real vanilla
> and pomegranate flavoring? Some online searches on my part have only
> turned up other brand's teabags of this tea. I could only imagine how
> good a higher-quality version of this tea would be, and I'm really
> hoping someone out there makes the real deal.
> - Dominic
> Drinking: (you guessed it) Mlesna Monk's Blend Tea.

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