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SHC 15-04-2006 12:39 AM

Some 2006 1st flush teas.

I had placed order three 2006 FF teas-Gopaldhara WT-1, Arya
SFTGFOP1(DJ-?) and Arya Ruby. I tasted them yesterday.

Gopaldhara WT-1 : Abundant tips and greenish leaf. less sweet and more
astrigency with long lasted aftertaste like Rohini wonder tea.
However rounded floral aroma show me it is Gopaldhara wonder tea. I
guess 3min 30 Sec is best steeping time for it.

Arya SFTGFOP1 : It has a dark orange cup color with floral notes and
I guess 3min~3min 30 Sec is best steeping time for it.
I think it's cost-performance is good.

Arya Ruby : It's aroma is some floral and some fruity. mild and sweet
taste with long lasted aftertaste I guess 4min~4min 30 Sec is best
steeping time for it.

Tips : After do strainer oolong type tea(like Gopaldhara/Rohini wonder
tea and Arya ruby tea), fill some water and wait 2~6 hours, You can get
some good tea-beverage.


P.S. : I'm beginer in the english writing. Please correct it if you
find any mistakes.

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