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marika[_1_] 19-08-2006 05:26 AM

Ti Lo Han/WuYi's [was:Makaibari...]

> wrote in message
Thanks for your input Michael.

> [Michael]
> In fact, all WuYi > teas seem to like a bit of age, even if it's just a
> few
> months after arrival.

<<Strange isn´t it. A few weeks ago I discovered a long forgotten stash
of mainland Oolongs in my cellar. They´ve been kept airtight in
aluminum-foil bags but didn´t survive it. 3 years and they´re dead.
One TGY from the WuYi area [chinese marketing gag ?] I kept in a box
upstairs for around 2 years tastes as good as "fresh".
I´d really like to know if there are any special processing techniques
behind this ?!?!
Time to get back to China, sniff ...>>

that I am so tempted , but I'd never react.


"av det liv som er gitt oss til gang
Det er for rikt til å fatte,
er for stort til å skildres med sang.
Men det stiger en sol, som et mektig symbol"--circle of life, disney

Jenn 21-08-2006 11:33 PM


Dominic T. wrote:

> I just know that we can get into more detail than needed at times and
> this can be daunting for a newcomer like the OP, I was just trying to
> keep it simple :) No worries.
> - Dominic

I do appreciate it and I am reading on... The makaibari 2nd was better
than the makaibari
oolong. That was very disappointing. I am and oolong lover. Believe me
friends I always look for advice and make my own conclusions in the
end. I really loved that makai... my first..what a grand and elegant
cup it makes.
A friend gave me a sample of Sikkim Temi, Year??, but it was better
than any DJ's I had tasted before.
I better get on and get more before they run out!!!! (bothDJ and Temi..)

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