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taopants 09-08-2006 07:29 PM

A Heathen
sleepily dancing on the heath: I didn't introduce myself! I am Lyn. I
am 36. I am a Saggitarius that likes long walks on beaches chewing
Betel Nuts and... (Sorry, :->It is late and by the time I thought about
intro'ing myself I passed the point of sleep deprivation- Kinda fast I
might add). I have been reading this site for a couple days now and
filing away Information and methinks your humour has slapped me
PunchDrunk-Silly. It is 2:18 A.M here (So Korea). Excuses...excuses.
anyway, I hope to learn to enjoy a proper cup of tea- Right now I have
to wean myself away from the astringent, grassy, super-cooked method
(brown bitter water) I have been subjecting my green teas too. I can't
get past the ever so light color and nuanced aromas of a proper cup of
green. Everybody raves about dragonwell's flavor and aroma. and it
looked (and tasted) real pale to me. So, I have some learning to
do...Peace, L

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