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[email protected] 20-08-2006 08:47 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?
I bought some pu-erh, and, just out of curiosity, decided to crack the
cheapest cake in two halves. To my surprise, a little beetle-like
insect emerged and then retreated back to the cake.

Before contacting the vendor, I was wondering if this ever happened
with any of you, and if it is likely that the insect somehow got into
the cake in my house, since the steaming (it is a Shu cake) should have
killed anything like this.



Mydnight 21-08-2006 06:36 AM

Insects in Pu-erh?

> I bought some pu-erh, and, just out of curiosity, decided to crack the
> cheapest cake in two halves. To my surprise, a little beetle-like
> insect emerged and then retreated back to the cake.
> Before contacting the vendor, I was wondering if this ever happened
> with any of you, and if it is likely that the insect somehow got into
> the cake in my house, since the steaming (it is a Shu cake) should have
> killed anything like this.
> Thanks,
> --k

Actually, many people see this as a good thing on the mainland. They
say that the bugs get in and make the cake better and that it can
account for the pu's age. We had a thread about this a long time ago;
you should search it.

Mike Petro also has something on his site about it.

Mike Petro[_2_] 21-08-2006 12:33 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?

>Mike Petro also has something on his site about it.


As with any agricultural product, insect infestation is not uncommon.
Puerh is often warehoused for years which dramatically increases the
probability that a few critters will set up shop in there.

Quite frankly, in all likelihood the infestation occurred long before
your particular vendor acquired the Puerh. While the vendor certainly
should give you full credit for the cake if you find all of this
distasteful, it is probably not the vendors fault.

As Mydnight alluded to, in Asia the presence of insects is not seen
with the same repulsion as it is in the western world. Many Asians see
it as a good thing. A "rope" of insect droppings is sometimes found in
between the cakes and the leaf wrapping on tongs of really old cakes.
This "rope" is highly valued, the longer the rope the more it is

So take all of this into consideration before you beat up your vendor
too badly.....

Mike Petro

Space Cowboy 21-08-2006 05:48 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?
You proably could get a visit from your local agricultural inspector.
I haven't noticed anything crawling out of or around any of my bamboo
bundles yet. I do notice some flaking from my exposed cakes but no


Mike Petro wrote:
> So take all of this into consideration before you beat up your vendor
> too badly.....
> --
> Mike Petro

Konrad Scorciapino 21-08-2006 07:47 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?
Thanks for the answers!

I've checked all my cakes, and found the source of the infection: It
was a stack from the six famous montains. The wrapping of all of them
is damaged, three of them have lots of insects, and they are little
beetles, not moths like the the poopoo puerh, which makes me suspect it
is a bad infection. Or are all insects beneficial to the cakes?

If so, do you think it is a good idea to put the infected cakes aside
and wait for them to become something like Poo Poo Puer? The vendor is
really nice, and I wouldn't like to ask replacement for half of my
order :P


Scott Dorsey 21-08-2006 08:23 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?
> wrote:
>I bought some pu-erh, and, just out of curiosity, decided to crack the
>cheapest cake in two halves. To my surprise, a little beetle-like
>insect emerged and then retreated back to the cake.

I once got a box of Mumtaz black tea that had a huge and very dessicated
dead roach packed firmly in it.

>Before contacting the vendor, I was wondering if this ever happened
>with any of you, and if it is likely that the insect somehow got into
>the cake in my house, since the steaming (it is a Shu cake) should have
>killed anything like this.

They will charge you extra for the bug. It is a very rare bug, sir.

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

Dominic T. 21-08-2006 08:57 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?

Scott Dorsey wrote:
> > wrote:
> >I bought some pu-erh, and, just out of curiosity, decided to crack the
> >cheapest cake in two halves. To my surprise, a little beetle-like
> >insect emerged and then retreated back to the cake.

> I once got a box of Mumtaz black tea that had a huge and very dessicated
> dead roach packed firmly in it.
> >Before contacting the vendor, I was wondering if this ever happened
> >with any of you, and if it is likely that the insect somehow got into
> >the cake in my house, since the steaming (it is a Shu cake) should have
> >killed anything like this.

> They will charge you extra for the bug. It is a very rare bug, sir.
> --scott
> --
> "C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

Insects are certainly not part of my tea enjoyment, and the discussion
of "ropes" made me a touch ill. The worst part is to find out what
actually "passes" for inspections, how many roaches or insect parts per
pound, or feces per pound, or how many < 1inch pieces of fur/mice, or
bile, etc. It is pretty disgusting stuff, and that is what passes! So
on items like these that most likely see no inspection at all or very
limited if any it is even scarier.

I guess some may be down with the bugs, but not for me. Personally, I
would not be able to enjoy one cup of that tea without thinking of the
bugs so it would either be a refund or into the garbage.

- Dominic

Jason F in Los Angeles 21-08-2006 09:33 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?
Amen to that. Get rid of it: exchange it for something else unlikely to
be infected, and have your vendor inspect it themselves.

If indeed the bugs are good (whatever!) your vendor should be happy to
have it back...

But really...beetles...ick

Dominic T. wrote:
> Scott Dorsey wrote:
> > > wrote:
> > >I bought some pu-erh, and, just out of curiosity, decided to crack the
> > >cheapest cake in two halves. To my surprise, a little beetle-like
> > >insect emerged and then retreated back to the cake.

> >
> > I once got a box of Mumtaz black tea that had a huge and very dessicated
> > dead roach packed firmly in it.
> >
> > >Before contacting the vendor, I was wondering if this ever happened
> > >with any of you, and if it is likely that the insect somehow got into
> > >the cake in my house, since the steaming (it is a Shu cake) should have
> > >killed anything like this.

> >
> > They will charge you extra for the bug. It is a very rare bug, sir.
> > --scott
> >
> > --
> > "C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

> Insects are certainly not part of my tea enjoyment, and the discussion
> of "ropes" made me a touch ill. The worst part is to find out what
> actually "passes" for inspections, how many roaches or insect parts per
> pound, or feces per pound, or how many < 1inch pieces of fur/mice, or
> bile, etc. It is pretty disgusting stuff, and that is what passes! So
> on items like these that most likely see no inspection at all or very
> limited if any it is even scarier.
> I guess some may be down with the bugs, but not for me. Personally, I
> would not be able to enjoy one cup of that tea without thinking of the
> bugs so it would either be a refund or into the garbage.
> - Dominic

Mike Petro 21-08-2006 11:41 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?

Konrad Scorciapino wrote:
> Thanks for the answers!
> I've checked all my cakes, and found the source of the infection: It
> was a stack from the six famous montains. The wrapping of all of them
> is damaged, three of them have lots of insects, and they are little
> beetles, not moths like the the poopoo puerh, which makes me suspect it
> is a bad infection. Or are all insects beneficial to the cakes?
> If so, do you think it is a good idea to put the infected cakes aside
> and wait for them to become something like Poo Poo Puer? The vendor is
> really nice, and I wouldn't like to ask replacement for half of my
> order :P

I would get them as far from the rest of your collection as possible.
The moth thing is legit, I have multiple references on that; however
beetles sounds like some sort of undesirable infestation. Dont let them
destroy your other teas.

In any event, does it really matter what the Asians prize? If you
don't care for it then get rid of it. Your perception is the only
that really counts.

This reminds of eating shrimp in Spain and Greece. The first time I
ordered shrimp over there they brought out these humongous fantastic
looking prawns that had been cooked whole, each of them easily several
ounces at least. I was in heaven and proceeded to take the heads off
and peel them before eating them. Everybody in the restaurant looked at
me like I was an alien from Mars or something. It turns out that they
consider the shrimp heads to be a delicacy over there and I was sitting
there throwing away the BEST part! Guess what, even after finding out
all of that, I never did eat a shrimp head......


Kevin 22-08-2006 11:39 AM

Insects in Pu-erh?
wow, food bonus with your pu-erh; I'm jealous, all I ever get is nails
or straw :(


> I bought some pu-erh, and, just out of curiosity, decided to crack the
> cheapest cake in two halves. To my surprise, a little beetle-like
> insect emerged and then retreated back to the cake.
> Before contacting the vendor, I was wondering if this ever happened
> with any of you, and if it is likely that the insect somehow got into
> the cake in my house, since the steaming (it is a Shu cake) should have
> killed anything like this.
> Thanks,
> --k

Dominic T. 22-08-2006 02:37 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?

Mike Petro wrote:
> In any event, does it really matter what the Asians prize? If you
> don't care for it then get rid of it. Your perception is the only
> that really counts.
> This reminds of eating shrimp in Spain and Greece. The first time I
> ordered shrimp over there they brought out these humongous fantastic
> looking prawns that had been cooked whole, each of them easily several
> ounces at least. I was in heaven and proceeded to take the heads off
> and peel them before eating them. Everybody in the restaurant looked at
> me like I was an alien from Mars or something. It turns out that they
> consider the shrimp heads to be a delicacy over there and I was sitting
> there throwing away the BEST part! Guess what, even after finding out
> all of that, I never did eat a shrimp head......
> Mike

Word. Cow brains, Blue Crab "mustard", flattened dried salted candied
cuttlefish, live octopus, fish cheek meat/eyes, etc. All delicacies and
all unpalateable to me. It all comes down to personal taste and
tolerance, and I could kind of see how insects would be OK to some, but
I find it unsettling and would be unhappy to find a "prized rope" or a
beetle in any of my pu-erh. Just like I know some folks who find it
lucky to find a worm in their apple, and continue to eat away...
whereas it is tossed within milliseconds in my hands and then I'm an
unhappy camper for a bit.

Shrimp heads aren't in my book of prized culinary delights either, I'd
be in the same boat.

- Dominic

enid 22-08-2006 05:41 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?
"Dominic T." > wrote in message
> I find it unsettling and would be unhappy to find a "prized rope" or ...
> - Dominic

That does sound disgusting! But, aren't some common foods the result of very
small critters (bacteria) eating and excreting in the food? A few examples:
Sour Cream
Aged Beef
Apple Cider


Dominic T. 22-08-2006 09:21 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?

enid wrote:
> That does sound disgusting! But, aren't some common foods the result of very
> small critters (bacteria) eating and excreting in the food? A few examples:
> Cheese
> Yogurt
> Sour Cream
> Buttermilk
> Sauerkraut
> Aged Beef
> Vinegar
> Apple Cider
> Beer
> Wine
> Puerh

Yeah it is a give and take, and like I said about personal tolerance
and taste more than anything. But bacteria at least are invisible to
the eye, unlike a beetle or poop-rope :) And while we're at it I'll
have a medium-well black angus steak with gorgonzola on top and a nice
glass of red wine... now that is my kind of infestation and excrement.
mmm... small critter excrement done right!

I can't help get a number of good Pu-Erh advertisement ideas out of my
mind from this thread, such as: "Try our new improved thousand year old
tree Pu-Erh, now with 30% more poop-rope!" or "One lucky brick contains
a 6" poop-rope, it could be YOURS!" or "Our Pu-Erh contains 250 small
critters, gotta catch 'em all!" I could go on, but I'll spare you
all... and just take my medicine and go back to my padded cell.

- Dominic

[email protected] 22-08-2006 11:19 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?
So how much did your bug consume?
> I bought some pu-erh, and, just out of curiosity, decided to crack the
> cheapest cake in two halves. To my surprise, a little beetle-like
> insect emerged and then retreated back to the cake.
> Before contacting the vendor, I was wondering if this ever happened
> with any of you, and if it is likely that the insect somehow got into
> the cake in my house, since the steaming (it is a Shu cake) should have
> killed anything like this.
> Thanks,
> --k

Mike Petro[_2_] 23-08-2006 04:26 AM

Insects in Pu-erh?

>I can't help get a number of good Pu-Erh advertisement ideas out of my
>mind from this thread, such as: "Try our new improved thousand year old
>tree Pu-Erh, now with 30% more poop-rope!" or "One lucky brick contains
>a 6" poop-rope, it could be YOURS!" or "Our Pu-Erh contains 250 small
>critters, gotta catch 'em all!" I could go on, but I'll spare you
>all... and just take my medicine and go back to my padded cell.
>- Dominic

Oh gawd, I am laughing so hard it hurts......

Mike Petro

Michael Plant 23-08-2006 12:59 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?
Dominic 8/22/06

> enid wrote:
>> That does sound disgusting! But, aren't some common foods the result of very
>> small critters (bacteria) eating and excreting in the food? A few examples:
>> Cheese
>> Yogurt
>> Sour Cream
>> Buttermilk
>> Sauerkraut
>> Aged Beef
>> Vinegar
>> Apple Cider
>> Beer
>> Wine
>> Puerh

> Yeah it is a give and take, and like I said about personal tolerance
> and taste more than anything. But bacteria at least are invisible to
> the eye, unlike a beetle or poop-rope :) And while we're at it I'll
> have a medium-well black angus steak with gorgonzola on top and a nice
> glass of red wine... now that is my kind of infestation and excrement.
> mmm... small critter excrement done right!
> I can't help get a number of good Pu-Erh advertisement ideas out of my
> mind from this thread, such as: "Try our new improved thousand year old
> tree Pu-Erh, now with 30% more poop-rope!" or "One lucky brick contains
> a 6" poop-rope, it could be YOURS!" or "Our Pu-Erh contains 250 small
> critters, gotta catch 'em all!" I could go on, but I'll spare you
> all... and just take my medicine and go back to my padded cell.

And don't come out until called. And don't hold your breath waiting.

[email protected] 23-08-2006 02:40 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?
Dominic T. wrote:
> Word. Cow brains ...

Hooweeee, on my last trip to Sikkim I stayed with my friends family,
happily following Sikkimese customs [drinking tongba all day, no salt
or butter tea thanks] when at around 6 pm my old friend Pema turned up
with half a gigantic cowhead in my honour. The head had been sliced
exactly through the middle, Nepali style. Lying on the muddy kitchen
floor bloody side up it reminded me of a life 3D CT scan. I was already
sick as a dog from too much booze when my friend went about his
business taking that dead thing apart, cutting of the furry ear,
tongue, ... you name it. The best part came when it took him about 5
minutes to remove that huge dead eye with his fingers and a dull blade.
Guess where I went next.
Did I eat the "Soup of the day" ? I rather donīt think about that too


Space Cowboy 23-08-2006 03:59 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?
Puer favorite drink of the Orkin Man.


Michael Plant wrote:
> Dominic 8/22/06
> > I can't help get a number of good Pu-Erh advertisement ideas out of my
> > mind from this thread, such as: "Try our new improved thousand year old
> > tree Pu-Erh, now with 30% more poop-rope!" or "One lucky brick contains
> > a 6" poop-rope, it could be YOURS!" or "Our Pu-Erh contains 250 small
> > critters, gotta catch 'em all!" I could go on, but I'll spare you
> > all... and just take my medicine and go back to my padded cell.

> And don't come out until called. And don't hold your breath waiting.
> Hehehe.
> M

KM 28-08-2006 10:17 AM

Insects in Pu-erh?
If I got any tea sent to me that had a bug crawling out of it customs would
promptly impound my tea if they saw it. Makes me shudder to think it - I
have enough trouble getting this "organic" stuff through as it is with all
the funny chinese script on it nobody in customs can read..


Space Cowboy 28-08-2006 02:34 PM

Insects in Pu-erh?
Fast or slow SAL shipments from China are simply if the slow boat from
China is docked not customs.


KM wrote:
> If I got any tea sent to me that had a bug crawling out of it customs would
> promptly impound my tea if they saw it. Makes me shudder to think it - I
> have enough trouble getting this "organic" stuff through as it is with all
> the funny chinese script on it nobody in customs can read..
> Kat

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