Vegan ( This newsgroup exists to share ideas and issues of concern among vegans. We are always happy to share our recipes- perhaps especially with omnivores who are simply curious- or even better, accomodating a vegan guest for a meal!

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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,,alt.religion.wicca
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default 10 good things about being vegan

This is funny. Lets all calm down a bit. You know..
1.....2.....3...breatheeeeeeee......1.....2.....3. ...

On Sat, 05 Jul 2003 02:31:35 -0400, John Mayer >

>In article >, Chive
>Mynde > wrote:
>> Jonathan Ball > wrote in message
>> >...
>> > Capybara Cobblestones wrote:
>> > > 1.) You don't have to worry about cholesterol.
>> >
>> > 100% FALSE, and even worse, dangerous. Most people
>> > with high cholesterol do not have the condition due to
>> > INGESTING large amounts of it. The human body PRODUCES
>> > cholesterol, and it is high intake of saturated fat
>> > that causes the body to produce high levels of
>> > cholesterol. Lots of plants that "vegans" might eat,
>> > and almost assuredly do eat, are high in saturated fat.
>> >
>> > You're not only a fascist, you're a ****ing idiot
>> > dispensing dangerous misinformation.

>Well, it takes one to know one. Actually, it's usually the debater
>that's hopelessly outclassed that takes to shouting (I can sense that
>you are, spraying spittle on your monitor) and spewing epithets (that
>means dirty names).
>LOTS of plants that "vegans" might eat, you say, are high in saturated
>fats? Could you name say, ten? I think not. I know of two sources,
>coconut and palm, the so-called "tropical" oils. Here's what the US
>National Library of Medicine says about saturated fats:
>"Saturated fats: These are the biggest dietary cause of high LDL levels
>("bad cholesterol"). When looking at a food label, pay very close
>attention to the % of saturated fat and avoid or limit any foods that
>are high (for example, over 20% saturated fat). Saturated fats are
>found in animal products such as butter, cheese, whole milk, ice cream,
>cream, and fatty meats. They are also found in some vegetable oils --
>coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils. (Note: most other vegetable oils
>contain unsaturated fat and are healthy.)"
>So, who am I to believe: you or the National Institute of Health? I
>reckon I'll go with NIH, which makes you a big, fat liar.
>> > > 2.) Salmonella, BSE, E. Coli etc. are no problem whatsoever.
>> >
>> > False.

>Well, you've got a point there. Somebody might have touched some
>vegetables with MEAT, contaminating them. Was that what you meant? Or
>did you really have a reason? More likely you just felt like saying,
>"Is not! Is not! Is not!"
>To be fair, swimming in water full of sewage is almost as bad as eating
>meat. And don't forget campylobacter, for you chicken eaters. I guess
>there's a certain built-in justice for flesh eaters. To see a link to
>recent news reports and thumbnail info, go to the VSET site at
> and click on the link under the heading
>"New Health Risk from Beef Reported! Oh, wait... we don't care"
>> >
>> > >
>> > > 3.) When you are out and about and suddenly get raging PMT or sugar
>> > > cravings, you don't feel tempted to pop into the nearest newsagent for a
>> > > chocolate bar, cos you know it is highly unlikely they'll have any vegan
>> > > brands.
>> >
>> > False nonetheless. You still might be tempted, and
>> > it's a certainty that lots of "vegans" succumb to the
>> > temptation.

>Well, you almost had an unassailable argument there; hard to dispute
>"still might be tempted." Who is to say what is in a vegan's heart?
>Besides less cholesterol, that is. But "a certainty that lots of
>'vegans' succumb?" I afraid I'm going to have to see your studies
>before I accept that.
>> >
>> > >
>> > > 4.) Your barbeques don't make the whole neighbourhood stink for days.
>> >
>> > No barbecue does; and most people enjoy the smell of
>> > meat on a barbecue.

>More studies are needed to support this assertion as well. But I
>confess I have been known to grill the occasional veggieburger. Corn on
>the cob is great grilled, too.
>> >
>> > >
>> > > 5.) You get to eat all sorts of exciting food from around the world like
>> > > falafels and sweet and sour tofu, that the majority of your relatives
>> > > would
>> > > never dare try. Their loss!
>> >
>> > Patently false. I eat that stuff along with meat.

>So you claim...
>> > >
>> > > 6.) Boys - you do much better farts than your friends. Girls - your skin
>> > > is
>> > > clearer and younger-looking than all your friends.
>> >
>> > Most people consider flatulence to be a bad thing.
>> > Your claim about clearer skin is unsupported, and
>> > undoubtedly false.

>Well, I've never before had occasion to brag about my, um, gas, but I
>must say I've never understood all the talk about beans and cruciferous
>vegetables causing gas. I've never found that to be a problem, even
>without Beano, and I can only assume a natural diet results in more
>efficient stomach bacteria. However, that is anecdotal so I'll not
>belabor the point. But you've given me a brand new thing to take pride
>As to the skin thing, how do you know it's unsupported and, without
>data of your own, how can you say it's "undoubtedly false?" I do
>recall from my teenage years (long since past, despite my appearance,
>thanks to a vegetarian diet) I was cautioned against oily foods to
>avoid acne. Since meat-based diets are usually much higher in fat than
>vegan ones (there's not the fat of a single Wendyburger in a whole
>boxcar load of fruits and vegetables), it is a logical assumption that
>vegan women are prettier, an assumption borne out by my own
>observations in our local vegetarian society.
>> >
>> > >
>> > > 7.) When you discover a new vegan food item in the shops, it is a really
>> > > exciting event.
>> >
>> > Uh...okay. (sheesh)
>> >
>> > >
>> > > 8.) There are whole websites dedicated to helping you cook, and a whole
>> > > support network and 'virtual community' of groups etc. out there to make
>> > > your life easier.
>> >
>> > Same for omnivores. In fact, there are even more such
>> > sites and communities for omnivores. NEXT!

>Yes, the local chapter of the Omnivore Society of East Tennessee holds
>regular Eat Everything festivals, and members have monthly meatings
>where they encourage one another to pay no attention whatsoever to what
>they eat. (<-sarcasm)
>> >
>> > >
>> > > 9.) You get all the fibre you need in your diet without even trying.
>> >
>> > So does anyone who eats a balanced meat-containing diet.

>Which, statistically, doesn't seem to be a very large part of the
>American public, if you've been watching the news.
>> >
>> > >
>> > > 10.) You don't have to deal with the awkward concience pangs when you see
>> > > a
>> > > field of frolicking baby lambs, or footage of live exports.
>> >
>> > If you're a normal omnivore, you don't have any such
>> > pangs to begin with, at least not after the age of 14.

>Now, here I don't doubt you in the slightest. I believe you're quite
>accurate when you say the average omnivore doesn't spare a moments
>thought when satisfying every craving and selfish impulse. "I eat meat
>'cause I'm used to it, I like the way it tastes and I'm a self-serving
>lout who doesn't give a damn about suffering animals or the destruction
>of the environment." Now, really, isn't that the crux of your argument?
>And it's your best one, too, for how can we argue about whether or not
>there is any humanity within you?
>> >
>> > >
>> > > ... anyone think of any more?

>Well, there are the environmental issues, Capybara, and you've only
>touched on the animal rights issues, but you've made some good points.
>And I bet you have really lovely skin.
>> >
>> > If anyone does, they'll be just as flaccid as that set.

>> Thanks for taking the time to debunk these Vegan lies.

>Well, aren't you going to thank me for sparing just a moment to debunk
>some of Ball's flesh-eating lies? But I'm sure he has more.
>Say, you wouldn't happen to be the famous Creamed Cheese Chive, would
>John Mayer

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,,alt.religion.wicca
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default 10 good things about being vegan


>> Say, you wouldn't happen to be the famous Creamed Cheese Chive, would
>> you?

I was wondering the same thing. I miss Chive.
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,,alt.religion.wicca
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default 10 good things about being vegan

Why are you crossposting a thread that has been dead for 2 years?

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,,alt.religion.wicca
external usenet poster
Posts: 206
Default 10 good things about being vegan

> wrote in message
> This is funny. Lets all calm down a bit. You know..
> Breatheeeeeeeeeee,
> 1.....2.....3...breatheeeeeeee......1.....2.....3. ...
> On Sat, 05 Jul 2003 02:31:35 -0400, John Mayer >
> wrote:
> >In article >, Chive
> >Mynde > wrote:
> >
> >> Jonathan Ball > wrote in message
> >> >...
> >> > Capybara Cobblestones wrote:
> >> > > 1.) You don't have to worry about cholesterol.
> >> >
> >> > 100% FALSE, and even worse, dangerous. Most people
> >> > with high cholesterol do not have the condition due to
> >> > INGESTING large amounts of it. The human body PRODUCES
> >> > cholesterol, and it is high intake of saturated fat
> >> > that causes the body to produce high levels of
> >> > cholesterol. Lots of plants that "vegans" might eat,
> >> > and almost assuredly do eat, are high in saturated fat.
> >> >
> >> > You're not only a fascist, you're a ****ing idiot
> >> > dispensing dangerous misinformation.

> >
> >Well, it takes one to know one. Actually, it's usually the debater
> >that's hopelessly outclassed that takes to shouting (I can sense that
> >you are, spraying spittle on your monitor) and spewing epithets (that
> >means dirty names).

I hope he is. 40kV or so can make a lovely arc up a stream of spray straight
to somebody's head!

> >
> >LOTS of plants that "vegans" might eat, you say, are high in saturated
> >fats? Could you name say, ten? I think not. I know of two sources,
> >coconut and palm, the so-called "tropical" oils. Here's what the US
> >National Library of Medicine says about saturated fats:

Avocados are high in cholesterol, but fortunately, they taste terrible!

> >"Saturated fats: These are the biggest dietary cause of high LDL levels
> >("bad cholesterol"). When looking at a food label, pay very close
> >attention to the % of saturated fat and avoid or limit any foods that
> >are high (for example, over 20% saturated fat). Saturated fats are
> >found in animal products such as butter, cheese, whole milk, ice cream,
> >cream, and fatty meats. They are also found in some vegetable oils --
> >coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils. (Note: most other vegetable oils
> >contain unsaturated fat and are healthy.)"

Olive oil is mainly MONOunsaturated and actively helps reduce LDL
cholesterol levels. That's why people in southern Italy manage to stay
relatively free of heart disease while those in the north, where the diet
owes more to Germany, don't, as don't many of those who move from the south
to the north.

Second to olive oil in healthiness is safflower oil, but it too is
expensive. Sunflower oil is a good compromise.

> >
> >So, who am I to believe: you or the National Institute of Health? I
> >reckon I'll go with NIH, which makes you a big, fat liar.
> >
> >> > > 2.) Salmonella, BSE, E. Coli etc. are no problem whatsoever.
> >> >
> >> > False.

> >
> >Well, you've got a point there. Somebody might have touched some
> >vegetables with MEAT, contaminating them. Was that what you meant? Or
> >did you really have a reason? More likely you just felt like saying,
> >"Is not! Is not! Is not!"
> >
> >To be fair, swimming in water full of sewage is almost as bad as eating
> >meat. And don't forget campylobacter, for you chicken eaters. I guess
> >there's a certain built-in justice for flesh eaters. To see a link to
> >recent news reports and thumbnail info, go to the VSET site at
> > and click on the link under the heading
> >"New Health Risk from Beef Reported! Oh, wait... we don't care"

And I got contaminated with MRSA through going to hospital for regular blood
tests. I have to shower with special stuff called HobiScrub and bung
Bactroban ointment up my nose now.

And what made the Staphylococcus Aureus bacterium resistant to Methicillin??
The most likely cause is farmers injecting such antibiotics into their
animals to make them fatten up faster. This is illegal nowadays but when
there's money to be made, anything's possible, especially by people as thick
and unscrupulous as farmers!

> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > 3.) When you are out and about and suddenly get raging PMT or sugar
> >> > > cravings, you don't feel tempted to pop into the nearest newsagent

for a
> >> > > chocolate bar, cos you know it is highly unlikely they'll have any

> >> > > brands.
> >> >
> >> > False nonetheless. You still might be tempted, and
> >> > it's a certainty that lots of "vegans" succumb to the
> >> > temptation.

> >
> >Well, you almost had an unassailable argument there; hard to dispute
> >"still might be tempted." Who is to say what is in a vegan's heart?
> >Besides less cholesterol, that is. But "a certainty that lots of
> >'vegans' succumb?" I afraid I'm going to have to see your studies
> >before I accept that.
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > 4.) Your barbeques don't make the whole neighbourhood stink for

> >> >
> >> > No barbecue does; and most people enjoy the smell of
> >> > meat on a barbecue.

> >
> >More studies are needed to support this assertion as well. But I
> >confess I have been known to grill the occasional veggieburger. Corn on
> >the cob is great grilled, too.
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > 5.) You get to eat all sorts of exciting food from around the world

> >> > > falafels and sweet and sour tofu, that the majority of your

> >> > > would
> >> > > never dare try. Their loss!
> >> >
> >> > Patently false. I eat that stuff along with meat.

> >
> >So you claim...
> >
> >> > >
> >> > > 6.) Boys - you do much better farts than your friends. Girls - your

> >> > > is
> >> > > clearer and younger-looking than all your friends.
> >> >
> >> > Most people consider flatulence to be a bad thing.
> >> > Your claim about clearer skin is unsupported, and
> >> > undoubtedly false.

> >
> >Well, I've never before had occasion to brag about my, um, gas, but I
> >must say I've never understood all the talk about beans and cruciferous
> >vegetables causing gas. I've never found that to be a problem, even
> >without Beano, and I can only assume a natural diet results in more
> >efficient stomach bacteria. However, that is anecdotal so I'll not
> >belabor the point. But you've given me a brand new thing to take pride
> >in!
> >
> >As to the skin thing, how do you know it's unsupported and, without
> >data of your own, how can you say it's "undoubtedly false?" I do
> >recall from my teenage years (long since past, despite my appearance,
> >thanks to a vegetarian diet) I was cautioned against oily foods to
> >avoid acne. Since meat-based diets are usually much higher in fat than
> >vegan ones (there's not the fat of a single Wendyburger in a whole
> >boxcar load of fruits and vegetables), it is a logical assumption that
> >vegan women are prettier, an assumption borne out by my own
> >observations in our local vegetarian society.
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > 7.) When you discover a new vegan food item in the shops, it is a

> >> > > exciting event.
> >> >
> >> > Uh...okay. (sheesh)
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > 8.) There are whole websites dedicated to helping you cook, and a

> >> > > support network and 'virtual community' of groups etc. out there to

> >> > > your life easier.
> >> >
> >> > Same for omnivores. In fact, there are even more such
> >> > sites and communities for omnivores. NEXT!

> >
> >Yes, the local chapter of the Omnivore Society of East Tennessee holds
> >regular Eat Everything festivals, and members have monthly meatings
> >where they encourage one another to pay no attention whatsoever to what
> >they eat. (<-sarcasm)
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > 9.) You get all the fibre you need in your diet without even

> >> >
> >> > So does anyone who eats a balanced meat-containing diet.

> >
> >Which, statistically, doesn't seem to be a very large part of the
> >American public, if you've been watching the news.
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > 10.) You don't have to deal with the awkward concience pangs when

you see
> >> > > a
> >> > > field of frolicking baby lambs, or footage of live exports.
> >> >
> >> > If you're a normal omnivore, you don't have any such
> >> > pangs to begin with, at least not after the age of 14.

> >
> >Now, here I don't doubt you in the slightest. I believe you're quite
> >accurate when you say the average omnivore doesn't spare a moments
> >thought when satisfying every craving and selfish impulse. "I eat meat
> >'cause I'm used to it, I like the way it tastes and I'm a self-serving
> >lout who doesn't give a damn about suffering animals or the destruction
> >of the environment." Now, really, isn't that the crux of your argument?
> >And it's your best one, too, for how can we argue about whether or not
> >there is any humanity within you?
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > ... anyone think of any more?

> >
> >Well, there are the environmental issues, Capybara, and you've only
> >touched on the animal rights issues, but you've made some good points.
> >And I bet you have really lovely skin.
> >> >
> >> > If anyone does, they'll be just as flaccid as that set.
> >>
> >> Thanks for taking the time to debunk these Vegan lies.

> >
> >Well, aren't you going to thank me for sparing just a moment to debunk
> >some of Ball's flesh-eating lies? But I'm sure he has more.
> >
> >Say, you wouldn't happen to be the famous Creamed Cheese Chive, would
> >you?
> >
> >John Mayer

Mayer? A fine name for a Vegan. Lots of Vitamin A as well ;o)

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,,alt.religion.wicca
external usenet poster
Posts: 206
Default 10 good things about being vegan

"WaterWalker" <WalksonWater_saynotospam@shaw.> wrote in message
> Why are you crossposting a thread that has been dead for 2 years?
> wrote:

Because nobody's buried it yet?

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,,alt.religion.wicca
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default 10 good things about being vegan

nemo wrote:
> > wrote in message
> > >LOTS of plants that "vegans" might eat, you say, are high in saturated
> > >fats? Could you name say, ten? I think not. I know of two sources,
> > >coconut and palm, the so-called "tropical" oils. Here's what the US
> > >National Library of Medicine says about saturated fats:

> Avocados are high in cholesterol, but fortunately, they taste terrible!

No. They have no cholesterol. They are high in unsaturated fat,

Cathy Weeks

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,,alt.religion.wicca
external usenet poster
Posts: 692
Default 10 good things about being vegan

> wrote in message
> nemo wrote:
> > > wrote in message
> > > >LOTS of plants that "vegans" might eat, you say, are high in saturated
> > > >fats? Could you name say, ten? I think not. I know of two sources,
> > > >coconut and palm, the so-called "tropical" oils. Here's what the US
> > > >National Library of Medicine says about saturated fats:

> >
> > Avocados are high in cholesterol, but fortunately, they taste terrible!

> No. They have no cholesterol. They are high in unsaturated fat,
> however.

No plant foods contain cholesterol. Dr. Bernard Jensen
writes of the avocado in his book "Foods That Heal":

"Avocado at its peak contains a high amount of fruit oil.
Fruit oil is a rare element, and it gives avocado its smooth,
mellow taste and nut-like flavor. Fruit oil also gives the
avocado its high food energy value. Unlike most fruit, it
contains very few carbohydrates.

The avocado contains fourteen minerals, all of which
regulate body functions and stimulate growth. Especially
noteworthy are its iron and copper contents, which aid in
red blood regeneration and the prevention of nutritional
anemia. It also contains sodium and potassium, which
give this fruit its high alkaline reaction.

The avocado contains no starch, little sugar, and has
some fibre or cellulose."

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,,alt.religion.wicca
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default 10 good things about being vegan

Im vegan and have never thought those things lol...what dreamer thinks
vegans actually act like that???Lol.... it's a generalization and isn't

I don't know why many meat eaters get angry at vegans, however there
definitely are arrogant vegans out there who proclaim they are holier than
thou and have a self rightesnouss attitude. So they deserve a little

However that list is a MASSIVE generlization and *most* vegans are more
educated than to believe such ludicrous myths.

> wrote in message
> This is funny. Lets all calm down a bit. You know..
> Breatheeeeeeeeeee,
> 1.....2.....3...breatheeeeeeee......1.....2.....3. ...
> On Sat, 05 Jul 2003 02:31:35 -0400, John Mayer >
> wrote:
>>In article >, Chive
>>Mynde > wrote:
>>> Jonathan Ball > wrote in message
>>> >...
>>> > Capybara Cobblestones wrote:
>>> > > 1.) You don't have to worry about cholesterol.
>>> >
>>> > 100% FALSE, and even worse, dangerous. Most people
>>> > with high cholesterol do not have the condition due to
>>> > INGESTING large amounts of it. The human body PRODUCES
>>> > cholesterol, and it is high intake of saturated fat
>>> > that causes the body to produce high levels of
>>> > cholesterol. Lots of plants that "vegans" might eat,
>>> > and almost assuredly do eat, are high in saturated fat.
>>> >
>>> > You're not only a fascist, you're a ****ing idiot
>>> > dispensing dangerous misinformation.

>>Well, it takes one to know one. Actually, it's usually the debater
>>that's hopelessly outclassed that takes to shouting (I can sense that
>>you are, spraying spittle on your monitor) and spewing epithets (that
>>means dirty names).
>>LOTS of plants that "vegans" might eat, you say, are high in saturated
>>fats? Could you name say, ten? I think not. I know of two sources,
>>coconut and palm, the so-called "tropical" oils. Here's what the US
>>National Library of Medicine says about saturated fats:
>>"Saturated fats: These are the biggest dietary cause of high LDL levels
>>("bad cholesterol"). When looking at a food label, pay very close
>>attention to the % of saturated fat and avoid or limit any foods that
>>are high (for example, over 20% saturated fat). Saturated fats are
>>found in animal products such as butter, cheese, whole milk, ice cream,
>>cream, and fatty meats. They are also found in some vegetable oils --
>>coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils. (Note: most other vegetable oils
>>contain unsaturated fat and are healthy.)"
>>So, who am I to believe: you or the National Institute of Health? I
>>reckon I'll go with NIH, which makes you a big, fat liar.
>>> > > 2.) Salmonella, BSE, E. Coli etc. are no problem whatsoever.
>>> >
>>> > False.

>>Well, you've got a point there. Somebody might have touched some
>>vegetables with MEAT, contaminating them. Was that what you meant? Or
>>did you really have a reason? More likely you just felt like saying,
>>"Is not! Is not! Is not!"
>>To be fair, swimming in water full of sewage is almost as bad as eating
>>meat. And don't forget campylobacter, for you chicken eaters. I guess
>>there's a certain built-in justice for flesh eaters. To see a link to
>>recent news reports and thumbnail info, go to the VSET site at
>> and click on the link under the heading
>>"New Health Risk from Beef Reported! Oh, wait... we don't care"
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > 3.) When you are out and about and suddenly get raging PMT or sugar
>>> > > cravings, you don't feel tempted to pop into the nearest newsagent
>>> > > for a
>>> > > chocolate bar, cos you know it is highly unlikely they'll have any
>>> > > vegan
>>> > > brands.
>>> >
>>> > False nonetheless. You still might be tempted, and
>>> > it's a certainty that lots of "vegans" succumb to the
>>> > temptation.

>>Well, you almost had an unassailable argument there; hard to dispute
>>"still might be tempted." Who is to say what is in a vegan's heart?
>>Besides less cholesterol, that is. But "a certainty that lots of
>>'vegans' succumb?" I afraid I'm going to have to see your studies
>>before I accept that.
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > 4.) Your barbeques don't make the whole neighbourhood stink for
>>> > > days.
>>> >
>>> > No barbecue does; and most people enjoy the smell of
>>> > meat on a barbecue.

>>More studies are needed to support this assertion as well. But I
>>confess I have been known to grill the occasional veggieburger. Corn on
>>the cob is great grilled, too.
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > 5.) You get to eat all sorts of exciting food from around the world
>>> > > like
>>> > > falafels and sweet and sour tofu, that the majority of your
>>> > > relatives
>>> > > would
>>> > > never dare try. Their loss!
>>> >
>>> > Patently false. I eat that stuff along with meat.

>>So you claim...
>>> > >
>>> > > 6.) Boys - you do much better farts than your friends. Girls - your
>>> > > skin
>>> > > is
>>> > > clearer and younger-looking than all your friends.
>>> >
>>> > Most people consider flatulence to be a bad thing.
>>> > Your claim about clearer skin is unsupported, and
>>> > undoubtedly false.

>>Well, I've never before had occasion to brag about my, um, gas, but I
>>must say I've never understood all the talk about beans and cruciferous
>>vegetables causing gas. I've never found that to be a problem, even
>>without Beano, and I can only assume a natural diet results in more
>>efficient stomach bacteria. However, that is anecdotal so I'll not
>>belabor the point. But you've given me a brand new thing to take pride
>>As to the skin thing, how do you know it's unsupported and, without
>>data of your own, how can you say it's "undoubtedly false?" I do
>>recall from my teenage years (long since past, despite my appearance,
>>thanks to a vegetarian diet) I was cautioned against oily foods to
>>avoid acne. Since meat-based diets are usually much higher in fat than
>>vegan ones (there's not the fat of a single Wendyburger in a whole
>>boxcar load of fruits and vegetables), it is a logical assumption that
>>vegan women are prettier, an assumption borne out by my own
>>observations in our local vegetarian society.
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > 7.) When you discover a new vegan food item in the shops, it is a
>>> > > really
>>> > > exciting event.
>>> >
>>> > Uh...okay. (sheesh)
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > 8.) There are whole websites dedicated to helping you cook, and a
>>> > > whole
>>> > > support network and 'virtual community' of groups etc. out there to
>>> > > make
>>> > > your life easier.
>>> >
>>> > Same for omnivores. In fact, there are even more such
>>> > sites and communities for omnivores. NEXT!

>>Yes, the local chapter of the Omnivore Society of East Tennessee holds
>>regular Eat Everything festivals, and members have monthly meatings
>>where they encourage one another to pay no attention whatsoever to what
>>they eat. (<-sarcasm)
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > 9.) You get all the fibre you need in your diet without even trying.
>>> >
>>> > So does anyone who eats a balanced meat-containing diet.

>>Which, statistically, doesn't seem to be a very large part of the
>>American public, if you've been watching the news.
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > 10.) You don't have to deal with the awkward concience pangs when
>>> > > you see
>>> > > a
>>> > > field of frolicking baby lambs, or footage of live exports.
>>> >
>>> > If you're a normal omnivore, you don't have any such
>>> > pangs to begin with, at least not after the age of 14.

>>Now, here I don't doubt you in the slightest. I believe you're quite
>>accurate when you say the average omnivore doesn't spare a moments
>>thought when satisfying every craving and selfish impulse. "I eat meat
>>'cause I'm used to it, I like the way it tastes and I'm a self-serving
>>lout who doesn't give a damn about suffering animals or the destruction
>>of the environment." Now, really, isn't that the crux of your argument?
>>And it's your best one, too, for how can we argue about whether or not
>>there is any humanity within you?
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > ... anyone think of any more?

>>Well, there are the environmental issues, Capybara, and you've only
>>touched on the animal rights issues, but you've made some good points.
>>And I bet you have really lovely skin.
>>> >
>>> > If anyone does, they'll be just as flaccid as that set.
>>> Thanks for taking the time to debunk these Vegan lies.

>>Well, aren't you going to thank me for sparing just a moment to debunk
>>some of Ball's flesh-eating lies? But I'm sure he has more.
>>Say, you wouldn't happen to be the famous Creamed Cheese Chive, would
>>John Mayer

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"Stephanie" > wrote in message
> Im vegan and have never thought [...]

A: Because it disturbs the logical flow of a message.
Q: Why is top posting a sloppy form of writing?

In just six words, you told us enough about yourself, Stephanie.


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Stephanie wrote:

> Im vegan and replied to a post from four years ago, retard.

>> On Sat, 05 Jul 2003...

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"chico" > wrote in message
> Stephanie wrote:
> > Im vegan and

> replied to a post from four years ago, retard.
> >> On Sat, 05 Jul 2003...

So-a what?

Chico! Wassamadder for you?

Do your-a brothers, Groucho, Gummo, Zeppo and Harpo know you're doing all-a
this shit?



I'm in the money!
The flames are funny!
The lump sum's in the bank - I couldn't care less!

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<Timmy Turnip> wrote in message
> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 09:30:09 -0600, chico > wrote:
> >Stephanie wrote:
> >
> >> Im vegan and

> >
> > replied to a post from four years ago, retard.
> >
> >>> On Sat, 05 Jul 2003...

> Be nice. It takes vegans longer to process things because they don't have
> sufficient animal proteins to run the brain.
> Vegetables: Not food, what food eats.

Don't come it! We get a full spectrum of all the necessary amino acids! )

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On Mar 16, 10:23 pm, "nemo" > wrote:
> <Timmy Turnip> wrote in message
> ...
> > On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 09:30:09 -0600, chico > wrote:

> > >Stephanie wrote:

> > >> Im vegan and

> > > replied to a post from four years ago, retard.

> > >>> On Sat, 05 Jul 2003...

> > Be nice. It takes vegans longer to process things because they don't have
> > sufficient animal proteins to run the brain.

> > Vegetables: Not food, what food eats.

> Don't come it! We get a full spectrum of all the necessary amino acids! )

Actually those who consume less animal protein are known to do better
on intelligence tests.

This doesn't necessarily say that the animal proteins are bad for
"running the brain", as you put it.. the reason is more likely to be
that people intelligent enough to think about their food are less
likely to eat that kind of stuff.

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In .com> funk420 wrote:

> Actually those who consume less animal protein are known to do better
> on intelligence tests.

Then explain raccoons.

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funk420 wrote:

> On Mar 16, 10:23 pm, "nemo" > wrote:
>> <Timmy Turnip> wrote in message
>> ...
>> > On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 09:30:09 -0600, chico > wrote:

>> > >Stephanie wrote:

>> > >> Im vegan and

>> > > replied to a post from four years ago, retard.

>> > >>> On Sat, 05 Jul 2003...

>> > Be nice. It takes vegans longer to process things because they
>> > don't have sufficient animal proteins to run the brain.

>> > Vegetables: Not food, what food eats.

>> Don't come it! We get a full spectrum of all the necessary amino
>> acids! )

> Actually those who consume less animal protein are known to do better
> on intelligence tests.

You put the cart before the horse, dummy. The study mentioned in that
article doesn't reflect what you wrote. Not one bit.

> This doesn't necessarily say that the animal proteins are bad for
> "running the brain", as you put it.. the reason is more likely to be
> that people intelligent enough to think about their food are less
> likely to eat that kind of stuff.

Which would mean that diet is wholly irrelevant to the issue of
intelligence: intelligence isn't affected via adopting certain eating
habits, but rather dietary habits can be affected by intelligence.
That's hardly newsworthy, but neither is the study itself: five points
difference, and many of the "vegetarians" consumed fish and chicken:
There was no difference in IQ score between strict vegetarians and
those who said they were vegetarian but who reported eating fish or
If there were any significant intellectual differences between
vegetarians and meat eaters, they would've distinguished these two
groups ("strict vegetarians" and "vegetarians who reported eating fish
or chicken") *statistically* rather than by SELF-IDENTIFICATION. But
there was no such difference. IOW, it's not what the people in this
study actually ate but how they came to think of and describe
themselves to the researchers. Like I wrote, it's not newsworthy.

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On Mar 18, 8:04 am, "funk420" > wrote:
> On Mar 16, 10:23 pm, "nemo" > wrote:
> > <Timmy Turnip> wrote in message

> .. .

> > > On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 09:30:09 -0600, chico > wrote:

> > > >Stephanie wrote:

> > > >> Im vegan and

> > > > replied to a post from four years ago, retard.

> > > >>> On Sat, 05 Jul 2003...

> > > Be nice. It takes vegans longer to process things because they don't have
> > > sufficient animal proteins to run the brain.

> > > Vegetables: Not food, what food eats.

> > Don't come it! We get a full spectrum of all the necessary amino acids! )

> Actually those who consume less animal protein are known to do better
> on intelligence tests.
> This doesn't necessarily say that the animal proteins are bad for
> "running the brain", as you put it.. the reason is more likely to be
> that people intelligent enough to think about their food are less
> likely to eat that kind of stuff.- Hide quoted text -

actually vegan dumb****s are more likely to buy into the IQ
MYTH ..which just goes to show you, you'd have to be pretty ****ing
stupid to be a vegan

Bitch Management

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Nevermore wrote:
> In .com> funk420 wrote:
>> Actually those who consume less animal protein are known to do better
>> on intelligence tests.

> Then explain raccoons.

Raccoons eat garbage.
  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"funk420" > wrote in message
> On Mar 16, 10:23 pm, "nemo" > wrote:
> > <Timmy Turnip> wrote in message
> >
> > ...
> >
> > > On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 09:30:09 -0600, chico > wrote:

> >
> > > >Stephanie wrote:

> >
> > > >> Im vegan and

> >
> > > > replied to a post from four years ago, retard.

> >
> > > >>> On Sat, 05 Jul 2003...

> >
> > > Be nice. It takes vegans longer to process things because they don't

> > > sufficient animal proteins to run the brain.

> >
> > > Vegetables: Not food, what food eats.

> >
> > Don't come it! We get a full spectrum of all the necessary amino acids!

> Actually those who consume less animal protein are known to do better
> on intelligence tests.

Last time I had my IQ tested it was 162 - not that I set very much store by
being able to predict which number or silly little picture comes next in a

For instance, I've been getting much more of a buzz recently from sitting
down with a pile of data books and a huge graph paper pad and designing
circuits using a few dozen CMOS chips etc. for my new security system. That
*really* exercises the old grey matter. They worked first time as well, BTW.

Might even do a Tesla Coil arrangement for the front door to *really* deter
the burglars! Hehehehehee!

Evil Nemo!

> This doesn't necessarily say that the animal proteins are bad for
> "running the brain", as you put it.. the reason is more likely to be
> that people intelligent enough to think about their food are less
> likely to eat that kind of stuff.

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In <JcjLh.36243$zU1.2975@pd7urf1no> hY wrote:
> Newsgroups:,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,soc.m en,alt.
> religion.wicca Subject: 10 good things about being vegan Date: Sun,
> 18 Mar 2007 22:39:37 GMT Organization: Shaw Residential Internet
> Nevermore wrote:
>> In .com> funk420
>> wrote:
>>> Actually those who consume less animal protein are known to do
>>> better on intelligence tests.

>> Then explain raccoons.

> Raccoons eat garbage.

And fish and Kentucky Fried Chicken. Yet they are extremely intelligent.
I hire lots of them.

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Default 10 good things about being vegan

Nevermore wrote:
> In <JcjLh.36243$zU1.2975@pd7urf1no> hY wrote:
>> Newsgroups:,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,soc.m en,alt.
>> religion.wicca Subject: 10 good things about being vegan Date: Sun,
>> 18 Mar 2007 22:39:37 GMT Organization: Shaw Residential Internet
>> Nevermore wrote:
>>> In .com> funk420
>>> wrote:
>>>> Actually those who consume less animal protein are known to do
>>>> better on intelligence tests.
>>> Then explain raccoons.

>> Raccoons eat garbage.

> And fish and Kentucky Fried Chicken. Yet they are extremely intelligent.
> I hire lots of them.

Oh, so you are the one hiring all the racoons for your dangerous games.
I can't seem to hire them no matter how much I pay them. They all want
to be with their families, exploring and setting off the bombs your
people play.

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<Idue Tooknow> wrote in message
> On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 22:57:21 GMT, "nemo" > wrote:
> >Last time I had my IQ tested it was 162 - not that I set very much store

> >being able to predict which number or silly little picture comes next in

> >sequence.

> As well you should not. I'm border-line retarded, but I get 98% of the
> next sequences because I'm psychic.
> No..... don't bother to reply. I know what you're going to say.


There! Ya didn't - did yer?!!!!!!!

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<Idue Tooknow> wrote in message
> On Mon, 19 Mar 2007 19:29:46 GMT, "nemo" > wrote:
> >
> ><Idue Tooknow> wrote in message
> >>
> >> As well you should not. I'm border-line retarded, but I get 98% of the
> >> next sequences because I'm psychic.
> >>
> >> No..... don't bother to reply. I know what you're going to say.

> >
> >Fertanggggggg!!!!!!
> >
> >There! Ya didn't - did yer?!!!!!!!

> Well, I guessed "Fertanggggg" -- I told you I get about 98%.......

I'll believe yer. Fousands wouldn't!

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